Papers by Alfonso Torres Carrillo
Este articulo presenta los conceptos expresados por el autor en su conferencia ante estudiantes y... more Este articulo presenta los conceptos expresados por el autor en su conferencia ante estudiantes y profesores de la Facultad de Educacion de la Universidad Minuto de Dios el 26 de abril de 2002. En ella argumento la vigencia de lo comunitario como nocion que permite describir, analizar y encausar ciertas relaciones y dinamicas sociales contemporaneas. En un contexto de fragmentacion de la vida social, de levedad en las relaciones personales, de individualizacion y homogeneizacion cultural, aparece como legitimo restablecer el vinculo social y reivindicar valores como la solidaridad y lo colectivo.
Acta Materialia, 2019
In the search of new materials for the solar-to-fuel technology, we turn to the material class of... more In the search of new materials for the solar-to-fuel technology, we turn to the material class of perovskites that offer wide possibilities in manipulation of its chemistry and catalytic activity. Here, we access the role of Cr in the La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Mn 1-y Cr y O 3-δ perovskite solid solution hitherto unexplored for two-step solar thermochemical fuel production. A multicomponent Calphad defect model for the system La-Sr-Cr-Mn-O is therefore optimized and used for computations of oxygen nonstoichiometries and redox thermodynamics of the La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Mn 1-y Cr y O 3-δ solution series in the temperature range of 1073 to 1873 K as a potential operation window for solar-to-fuel conversion. Modeling results reveal two advantages of substituting manganese by chromium. Firstly, it is possible to reduce the heat capacity with up to 10%, to a value of 132 J mol-1 K-1. Secondly, the thermodynamic driving force for solar-to-fuel conversion increases and the Cr-doped materials provide higher yield and efficiency at isothermal operation. The proposed model allows for continuous simulative scanning of redox thermodynamics from zero Cr-doping to a fully substituted chromite perovskite. For isothermal water splitting, the composition La 0.6 Sr 0.4 Mn 0.2 Cr 0.8 O 3-δ displays the highest fuel yield and efficiency of 2.7% due to a high thermodynamic driving force at elevated temperature for this composition. These predictive insights give prospects for engineering the thermodynamics of the oxygen release reaction in perovskites towards higher fuel production and efficiency in solar-to-fuel reactors with isothermal operation.
management revue. Socio-economic Studies, 2010
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use.
Revista Colombiana de Educación, Apr 24, 2002
El presente artículo quiere mostrar como, dentro de los desarrollos, límites y consecuencias de l... more El presente artículo quiere mostrar como, dentro de los desarrollos, límites y consecuencias de la modernidad capitalista mundializada, han venido cobrando fuerza relaciones, modos de existencia y sentidos de pertenencia que podríamos considerar comunitarios; así mismo destacar la emergencia de discursos y proyectos intencionales que reivindican y generan valores, vínculos de solidaridad, sentidos de pertenencia y visiones de futuro de carácter comunitario. Es decir, busca reivindicar la "comunidad" como una categoría analítica y propositiva capaz de describir, comprender y encauzar estos lazos sociales, esquemas de vida, referentes de identidad y alternativas sociales.
Folios de literatura e idiomas, May 7, 2017
Pedagogía y Saberes, 2004
Pedagogía y Saberes, 1993
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2014
El artículo presenta la experiencia del autor en la producción de conocimientos desde una perspec... more El artículo presenta la experiencia del autor en la producción de conocimientos desde una perspectiva crítica. A partir de una reconstrucción de su itinerario formativo e investigativo, se analizan los sentidos y características de este enfoque de investigación, así como las específicas operaciones metodológicas que se llevan a cabo en los estudios particulares. Este modo de generación de conocimiento se propone comprender el potencial instituyente de los procesos organizativos populares y reforzar su capacidad para interpretar y actuar frente a los contextos de injusticia contra los cuales luchan. Palabras clave: investigación social crítica, producción de conocimiento, educación popular, investigación participativa, recuperación colectiva de la historia, sistematización de experiencias. O artigo apresenta a experiência do autor na produção de conhecimentos desde uma perspectiva crítica. A partir de uma reconstrução de seu itinerário formativo e investigativo, são analisados os sentidos e características deste enfoque de pesquisa, assim como as específicas operações metodológicas que se realizam nos estudos particulares. Este modo de geração de conhecimento se propõe compreender o potencial instituinte dos processos organizativos populares e reforçar sua capacidade para interpretar e agir frente aos contextos de injustiça contra os quais lutam. Palavras-chave: pesquisa social crítica, produção de conhecimento, educação popular, pesquisa participativa, recuperação coletiva da história, sistematização de experiências. The paper presents the author's experience in the production of knowledge from a critical perspective. Reconstructing his own training and investigative itinerary the author analyses the senses and properties of this research approach, as well as the specific methodological procedures carried out in each case study. This mode of knowledge generation aims to understand the instituting potential of popular organizational processes, and to enhance their ability to interpret and to act in front of the contexts of injustice against which they are struggling.
Folios, Dec 1, 2009
Social movements have contributed to shape societies and contemporary Social Sciences, so much th... more Social movements have contributed to shape societies and contemporary Social Sciences, so much that this topic constitutes one of the more prolific fields of research in Social Studies. This article provides a critical review of the place that the dimensions of collective action have had within the different theoretical perspectives about social movements. In addition, this paper presents and documents the emergence of subjectivity as a problematic field of interpretation in contemporary social studies. From this balance, an analytical model is proposed to address organizational processes and social mobilization in urban settings, emphasizing the relevance of subjective aspects in them.
Folios de literatura e idiomas, May 28, 2017
Este artículo presenta una nueva perspectiva para comprender el reciente proceso de reestructurac... more Este artículo presenta una nueva perspectiva para comprender el reciente proceso de reestructuración del campo de los estudios sociales, en particular la emergencia de prácticas investigativas por fuera y en los bordes de las disciplinas sociales. En América Latina, propuestas como la investigación acción participativa y la sistematización de experiencias ponen en evidencia que desde otros lugares sociales diferentes del mundo académico, como los movimientos sociales, se producen prácticas investigativas. Dichas modalidades de producción de conocimiento no solo subvierten los presupuestos epistemológicos de la ciencia clásica, sino que, dado su carácter liminal, abren la posibilidad para avanzar hacia lo inédito, hacia la construcción instituyente de realidades.
Revista Colombiana de Educación, Feb 1, 2006
This research addresses the articulation between the processes of construction of historical memo... more This research addresses the articulation between the processes of construction of historical memory about the internal armed conflict and the configuration of the political subjectivities of boys and girls from a socio-constructionist perspective. The investigative work was developed with three girls and two boys between ten and thirteen years old, victims of the internal armed conflict and belonging to families of social leaders. It is an investigation that is located in the hermeneutical paradigm, with a qualitative approach and from the narrative biographical method, which allowed addressing and understanding from a co-creation workshop, the agency narratives of children. In this workshop, creativity and aesthetics were incorporated as a fundamental part of the language of children. These narratives were collected using in-depth interviews, geographic mapping, body mapping, and participant observation; they were analyzed from grounded theory. As a result of the research, the potential to elaborate memory works with boys and girls from a socio-constructionist perspective is presented, identifying the expressions of political subjectivity that emerge in these spaces, as well as the complex readings, interpretations and analyzes that they make of the armed conflict Colombian and the recognition of its capacity to influence the transformation of reality. On the other hand, the potential of working on historical memory processes with boys and girls is addressed from qualitative, biographical-narrative and performative research as a methodological proposal that is desirable to apply in new settings and populations in order to broaden understanding of the configuration of infantile political subjectivity in processes of construction of historical memory.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), May 1, 2020
Palabras clave. Producción de conocimiento; universidad; movimientos sociales; investigación part... more Palabras clave. Producción de conocimiento; universidad; movimientos sociales; investigación participativa; sistematización. Summary. This article introduces an overview of the relationships among universities, researchers, and social movements in Colombia. Based on a periodization of the different modes of articulation or estrangement among these 3 social actors, the study reflects on two significant experiences of collaborative research between researchers and social movements. One of them was led by Orlando Fals Bordad from the La Rosca Foundation in the 1970s with peasant movements from the Atlantic Coast, which gave rise to Participatory Action Research, and the other was carried out by the Subjects and new narratives in research and teaching of the social sciences of the National Pedagogical University research group. The latter was based on the systematization of practices with popular organizations. Finally, there are some challenges about joint research between social and collective movements of researchers linked to universities.
Pedagogía y Saberes, Oct 16, 2017
* El artículo sintetiza los resultados del Proyecto de investigación "Organizaciones populares, i... more * El artículo sintetiza los resultados del Proyecto de investigación "Organizaciones populares, identidad local y ciudadanía en Bogotá" adelantado por el equipo de la línea de investigación Memoria, identidad y constitución de sujetos del Grupo Sujetos y nuevas narrativas en ciencias sociales de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional y que fue cofinanciado por COLCIENCIAS entre febrero de 2001 y octubre de 2002 (Contrato # 097-2000).
Papers by Alfonso Torres Carrillo