Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Aoyama"
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Czy to brzmi naturalnie? If Aoyama university’s students end their classes, they can go everywhere they want to go.
If Aoyama university’s students end their classes, they can go ANYWHERE they want to go.
or, more natural,
WHEN Aoyama university’s students end their classes, they can go ANYWHERE they want to go.
I think a native English speaker would say it one of these ways.
Good job. 👍
or, more natural,
WHEN Aoyama university’s students end their classes, they can go ANYWHERE they want to go.
I think a native English speaker would say it one of these ways.
Good job. 👍
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Aoyama Gakuin University won the first marathon race today. Congratulations! We are looking forward to watching the second half race tomorrow.
I don't see anything wrong with it. (:
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