Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Answer"
The meaning of "Answer" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy I don't have this answer on lockdown. I haven't had someone explicitly say it to me.?
Example sentences using "Answer"
Synonyms of "Answer" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między answer i reply ?
Jaka jest różnica między I am waiting for your answer. i I expect your answer. ?
Translations of "Answer"
Other questions about "Answer"
The answer is A, but “ing adjectives” are also used to describe the characteristics and properties of something? How to distinguish when to use ing adjectives and regular adjectives
“Packaging “ is a noun so I was thought before noun we need adjectives ( designing)😭
“Packaging “ is a noun so I was thought before noun we need adjectives ( designing)😭
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