Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bond"

Example sentences using "Bond"

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Other questions about "Bond"

Q: What does "the bond was reinstated" (4th paragraph) mean?

A Tennessee man charged with first-degree attempted murder is now on the run after he was mistakenly released from jail on bond meant for his twin brother, officials said.

Quindarius Jordan, 19, was arrested in October 2017 for allegedly shooting someone at an East Nashville convenience store and wounding a 62-year-old woman who was caught in the crossfire, police said.

His identical twin, Quintarius Jordan, was arrested and charged as an accessory to the crime for allegedly driving the getaway car, authorities said.

Though Quintarius Jordan made his $5,000 bond, he was arrested again on separate charges and his bond was supposed to be reinstated.

“But instead of reinstating it under Quintarius, it was reinstated under Quindarius,” Nashville Criminal Court Clerk Howard Getty told

On June 5, authorities realized Quintarius Jordan’s bond had not been reinstated and they did so, but did not correct the previous mistake that lowered Quindarius Jordan’s bond to $5,000.

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