Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Captivate"
The meaning of "Captivate" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy remained captivate?
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Example sentences using "Captivate"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z captivate.
I am captivated by your beauty
Synonyms of "Captivate" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między captivate i charm ?
same meaning.
Jaka jest różnica między captivate i fascinate ?
to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive.
With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.
Many will be captivating and valuable teaching aids.
These fascinating musical profiles of burlesques reinforce the notion that the works were designed to captivate a diverse audience.
All of us are captivated by media representations of scenes we would never look at twice in real life.
They certainly made their responses captivating and illuminating.
to interest someone a lot:
Science has always fascinated me.
Anything to do with planes and flying fascinates him.
The small qualitative studies in this book provide fascinating insights concerning how fathers see negotiations over access and child-support.
The most plausible explanation for our -ic and -ical pickle is that we are witnessing language change at work: a messy but fascinating business.
to hold the attention of someone by being extremely interesting, exciting, pleasant, or attractive.
With her beauty and charm, she captivated film audiences everywhere.
Many will be captivating and valuable teaching aids.
These fascinating musical profiles of burlesques reinforce the notion that the works were designed to captivate a diverse audience.
All of us are captivated by media representations of scenes we would never look at twice in real life.
They certainly made their responses captivating and illuminating.
to interest someone a lot:
Science has always fascinated me.
Anything to do with planes and flying fascinates him.
The small qualitative studies in this book provide fascinating insights concerning how fathers see negotiations over access and child-support.
The most plausible explanation for our -ic and -ical pickle is that we are witnessing language change at work: a messy but fascinating business.
Jaka jest różnica między captivate i infatuate ?
Something captivating catches your attention and is very interesting. Being infatuated is being in love or obsessed with something.
Translations of "Captivate"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? Can "captivate" and "fascinate" be used interchangeably in an article?
Yes, almost always.
They feel slightly different to me, but I can't think of an example where you couldn't use either one!
They feel slightly different to me, but I can't think of an example where you couldn't use either one!
Other questions about "Captivate"
I'm already captivated you
Is this correct?
Is this correct?
I'm already captivated *by* you.
I'm already captivated *with* you.
Both mean the same thing; the first one might be a little more common.
I'm already captivated *with* you.
Both mean the same thing; the first one might be a little more common.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I captivated by her.
I was captivated by her (past 昔 tense)
I am captivated by her (present 今 tense)
I am captivated by her (present 今 tense)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? What makes you captivate so much this film?
Why are you so captivated by this film?
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