Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Dense"
The meaning of "Dense" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy dense?
There is the technical definition, and there is the figurative definition. The technical is something that is heavy for its size. If lift up a small rock and it feels very heavy, that is because it is dense.
As a "figure of speeck," we mean it to say either "stupid" or "does not understand."
"Joe is so dense, he cannot figure anything out."
"Joe is a genius at math, but he is really dense about girls."
As a "figure of speeck," we mean it to say either "stupid" or "does not understand."
"Joe is so dense, he cannot figure anything out."
"Joe is a genius at math, but he is really dense about girls."
Co znaczy "I'm dense about this"?
Dense = плотный
Когда мозг плотный, трудно мыслить. Поэтому «I’m dense» = я тупил, не понял, не способен, плохо сделать что-то
Когда мозг плотный, трудно мыслить. Поэтому «I’m dense» = я тупил, не понял, не способен, плохо сделать что-то
Co znaczy dense?
Dense has two meanings, one in science and one related to feelings. In feelings, if someone if dense then they can’t read others’ emotions well.
Co znaczy dense?
thick/concentrated (volume)
or stupid.
or stupid.
Example sentences using "Dense"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z dense.
Dense = stupid (slang)
E.g. I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but I just don't understand.
Dense = closely packed
E.g. They lost their way in the dense forest.
E.g. A dense fog descended on the path.
E.g. I'm sorry if I'm being dense, but I just don't understand.
Dense = closely packed
E.g. They lost their way in the dense forest.
E.g. A dense fog descended on the path.
Synonyms of "Dense" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między dense i stupid ?
Dense has a variety of meanings but it can be used instead of stupid. However, a stupid person is generally a person who acts recklessly without thinking things through and/or is incapable of considering options properly. On the other hand, dense tends to suggest the person is ill-educated , unintelligent and incapable of lucid thought and analysis towards decision-making.
Overall, often you can use either - especially in jest or putting oneself down in front of others. Both words are, of course, offensive if directed with intent against others, so be careful!
Overall, often you can use either - especially in jest or putting oneself down in front of others. Both words are, of course, offensive if directed with intent against others, so be careful!
Jaka jest różnica między dense i packed i crouded ?
They mean the same however not totally interchangeable
Crowded would be used to describe lots of people,
ie: they streets were crowded /packed with Christmas shoppers
But you wouldn’t use dense here, but would use it to describe a highly populated area
ie: areas of London are densely populated
Crowded would be used to describe lots of people,
ie: they streets were crowded /packed with Christmas shoppers
But you wouldn’t use dense here, but would use it to describe a highly populated area
ie: areas of London are densely populated
Jaka jest różnica między You're dense. i You're dull. ?
When describing a person, "dense" means "stupid" or, more specifically, "slow at thinking." The word literally means "thick" or "heavy," so you're saying somebody's mind is too thick for them to understand something.
"Dull" means "boring." It literally means "without light" or "not shiny," so if a person is dull, they are not interesting!
"Dull" means "boring." It literally means "without light" or "not shiny," so if a person is dull, they are not interesting!
Jaka jest różnica między dense i uptight ?
Dense is more like stubborn, while uptight is similar to strict, or morally sound to a point of annoyingness.
Example: "I can't stand how dense he is! Even after we proved that tomatoes are a fruit, he refused to admit it, and still insisted they were vegetables."
Example: "Not only does she refuse alcohol, but she's so uptight that she lectures her friends for drinking it, too."
Example: "I can't stand how dense he is! Even after we proved that tomatoes are a fruit, he refused to admit it, and still insisted they were vegetables."
Example: "Not only does she refuse alcohol, but she's so uptight that she lectures her friends for drinking it, too."
Jaka jest różnica między dense i thick i sticky ?
A liquid is dense - it has a higher number of particles compared to another liquid. Example: Mercury is denser than water, that's why it sinks.
A liquid is thick - This describes the consistency of a liquid, such that, something else can be added to it to make it thinner or runny. One example is wall paint.
Example: This wall paint is too thick to be used right now. Let's add some water before we start painting the wall.
A liquid is sticky - This means that the liquid stays on your hand, makes other things stick to it and is difficult to wash away without soap.
Example: Honey or liquid glue (before the glue dries off)
Hope it helps!
A liquid is thick - This describes the consistency of a liquid, such that, something else can be added to it to make it thinner or runny. One example is wall paint.
Example: This wall paint is too thick to be used right now. Let's add some water before we start painting the wall.
A liquid is sticky - This means that the liquid stays on your hand, makes other things stick to it and is difficult to wash away without soap.
Example: Honey or liquid glue (before the glue dries off)
Hope it helps!
Translations of "Dense"
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Other questions about "Dense"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? These stitches are very dense.
바늘땀이 촘촘하다
바늘땀이 촘촘하다
× These stitches are very dense.
✓ These stitches are very tight.
I think what you mean to say is tight? but if you could describe in more detail what 촘촘하다 means in this case that would be helpful 💖
✓ These stitches are very tight.
I think what you mean to say is tight? but if you could describe in more detail what 촘촘하다 means in this case that would be helpful 💖
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