Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Experience"

The meaning of "Experience" in various phrases and sentences

Synonyms of "Experience" and their differences

Translations of "Experience"

Other questions about "Experience"

Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The most challenging experience during my student years was conducting interviews with companies about environmental taxes. And I am responsible for getting appointment with companies. The survey was about how environmental taxes affect companies. The biggest problem was that even after sending out the survey details, we rarely received replies from the companies. Therefore, we analyzed that the reason for this was that the companies did not trust us, even though our survey had value. To build a relationship of trust, I worked on two things. First, I redid the survey request by adding the companies' responses to environmental taxes. Second, I find the help of our team members and made phone calls to request face-to-face meetings instead of just waiting for replies. As a result of our persistent efforts, we gained recognition from more companies, surpassing our target of 15.

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