Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Frail"
The meaning of "Frail" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy frail?
Weak/brittle/easily broken/fragile.
Co znaczy frail?
Weak, fragile, easily exhausted, easily broken
Co znaczy frail?
Weak, or vulnerable to attack :)
Co znaczy frail?
Example sentences using "Frail"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z frail.
I understand well.
Much appreciated :)
Much appreciated :)
Napisz przykładowe zdania z "frail".
"My grandma is to frail to travel"
"I'm traveling with my frail younger brother"
"My mother has been very frail since she caught the flu"
"I look across the street and see a very frail looking building"
"Frail, weak, delicate, feeble" can be used when talking about a person
If you are talking about an object synonyms to frail are fragile, breakable, delicate, flimsy, unstable.
"I'm traveling with my frail younger brother"
"My mother has been very frail since she caught the flu"
"I look across the street and see a very frail looking building"
"Frail, weak, delicate, feeble" can be used when talking about a person
If you are talking about an object synonyms to frail are fragile, breakable, delicate, flimsy, unstable.
Synonyms of "Frail" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między frail i fragile ?
They are very similar in meaning and can be used interchangeably when talking about a person. Fragile can also be used to describe other objects, or refer to someone’s emotional state.
Fragile means that something can easily break (like pottery or a bone) or be hurt (like someone’s feelings).
Frail means that a person is very weak or delicate.
Example: My grandmother is 93 years old and has to use a walking frame because she is very frail.
Example: Please be careful with this package, it’s contents are very fragile.
Fragile means that something can easily break (like pottery or a bone) or be hurt (like someone’s feelings).
Frail means that a person is very weak or delicate.
Example: My grandmother is 93 years old and has to use a walking frame because she is very frail.
Example: Please be careful with this package, it’s contents are very fragile.
Jaka jest różnica między frail i fragile ?
a vase can be fragile but not frail. Frail is for a person
Jaka jest różnica między frail i fragile ?
Frail tends to be used for people and their health.
Fragile tends to be used for things.
Fragile tends to be used for things.
Jaka jest różnica między frail i fragile ?
Frail is usually applied to people - for example, a "frail old man". Fragile is usually applied to objects - "this package contains fragile goods".
Jaka jest różnica między frail i indifferent ?
"Frail" means weak. Often the elderly are described as frail. "Indifferent" is another way of saying "uncaring" or "unconcerned"
Translations of "Frail"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? frail
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