Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Grandpa"
The meaning of "Grandpa" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy to honor grandpa's legacy. legacy??
It can be one of two things.
1- It can mean the estate that his heirs receive upon his death.
2- It can mean that your grandfather did something great that affects people even after his death. For example: Your grandfather built a shelter where women who are beaten by their husbands can go in order to hide from those husbands. The battered-women's shelter continues to help such women long after your grandfather's death. The good work that continues after his death is his legacy.
1- It can mean the estate that his heirs receive upon his death.
2- It can mean that your grandfather did something great that affects people even after his death. For example: Your grandfather built a shelter where women who are beaten by their husbands can go in order to hide from those husbands. The battered-women's shelter continues to help such women long after your grandfather's death. The good work that continues after his death is his legacy.
Co znaczy grandpa' story means grandpa was talking ? or does it mean someone was talking about grandpa??
it means grandpa was telling a story!
Co znaczy Where do your grandpa live? Why is “do”? I thought “does”?
If the sentence is correct as you heard it, it could be that the actor is trying to imitate an ignorant person. Sometimes, a writer or actor will deliberately use poor grammar to indicate an uneducated or stupid person.
Synonyms of "Grandpa" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między I visited my grandpa yesterday. i I visited to my grandpa yesterday. ?
2nd one is more suitable, in my opinion.
Jaka jest różnica między Me and grandpa i Grandpa and I ?
It is more polite to say the other person first ("Grandpa and I" or "Grandpa and me").
Both "Grandpa and I" and "Grandpa and me" can be correct, it depends on the context.
Take out "Grandpa and" and then go with which ever of the two ("I" or "me") is correct.
"Do you want Grandpa and me to go get that for you?" is correct because "Do you want I to go get that for you?" is not correct and "Do you want me to go get that for you?" is correct.
"Grandpa and I just got back from the zoo" is correct because "me just got back from the zoo" is not correct and "I just got back from the zoo" is correct.
I hope this helps :)
Both "Grandpa and I" and "Grandpa and me" can be correct, it depends on the context.
Take out "Grandpa and" and then go with which ever of the two ("I" or "me") is correct.
"Do you want Grandpa and me to go get that for you?" is correct because "Do you want I to go get that for you?" is not correct and "Do you want me to go get that for you?" is correct.
"Grandpa and I just got back from the zoo" is correct because "me just got back from the zoo" is not correct and "I just got back from the zoo" is correct.
I hope this helps :)
Jaka jest różnica między I loved my grandpa very much. we played football, looked at the stars, and most of all we went fishing. i I used to love my grandpa very much. we used to play football, look at the stars, ,and most of all we used to go fishing. ?
There's different tenses, and both are not grammatically correct. In the first part, you wrote it in present tense. The last one was in past tense.
Translations of "Grandpa"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? grandpa's brother
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? my grandpa has or have bought a restaurant yesterday?
which one is correct has or have
which one is correct has or have
Has. "My grandpa has bought a restaurant yesterday." The word "grandpa" is a third-person singular, so it is "has."
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? I love my grandpa
This is also correct in English US
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? grandpa
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? because his grandpa was passed away or because his grandpa passed away?
the latter
Other questions about "Grandpa"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? if you told grandpa the truth, he would have a heart attack.
Hart = heart
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I had met my grandpa and grandma after long time and we ate a Japanese foods which was seafood. I was moved by those foods.
I would understand what you were talking about if you spoke or messaged that to me, but the natural way to say it would be:
I met with my grandpa and grandma because I haven't seen them in a while. We ate Japanese seafood. I loved the food.
I met with my grandpa and grandma because I haven't seen them in a while. We ate Japanese seafood. I loved the food.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "It's what I can do for you to the least for your grandpa."
"its the least i can do for your grandpa" sounds better. is that what you're trying to say?
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? My grandpa's made me a will.
Your pronunciation is really good.
We usually say, "My grandpa (put me in his) will. " Is this what you mean?
We usually say, "My grandpa (put me in his) will. " Is this what you mean?
How do you address your grandpa's mother?
There is no fixed term in conversation. Most families have a pet name. In our family it is "great granny".
In general, that generation (parents-parents-parents) are the Great-Grandparents.
In general, that generation (parents-parents-parents) are the Great-Grandparents.
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