Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Graph"
The meaning of "Graph" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy What do you mean by "troubling graph"? Thanks!?
Co znaczy Graph the following polynomial and rational function. You must show the necessary preparation work and the produce a neat reasonably accurate graph. Make sure that all critical points are included on your graph. 数学の問題です。和訳お願いします。?
Synonyms of "Graph" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między graph i chart ?
Jaka jest różnica między graph i diagram i chart ?
Translations of "Graph"
Other questions about "Graph"
The graph shows the increase in the aging population in Japan, Sweden and the USA.(Why is it increase here, rather than increases?)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Additionally, the provided graph compares the number of visitors in million unit between the year of 1975 and 2005, in six countries from Asian to European countries. As can be seen, the total number of travellers to Australia are tripled; the percentage of 8.8 in 1975 to 30.4 in 2005.
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