Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Homepage"
The meaning of "Homepage" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy we have taken the homepage of my website?
It's kind of like 把我的网站什么什么
Co znaczy go past the homepage?
I think that's talking about searching the web. A homepage is the first page you get to when you go to a website, so to go past that would be to click on some links and search around the site.
Other questions about "Homepage"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I saw your company’s homepage. The atmosphere is different from that one when I worked.
Yes! Very natural.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? The homepage which visitors from search engine will see at first is installed these applications.
The homepage that visitors using search engines will see first is installed in these applications.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I looked homepage of the restlant. It is a good tasteful.
I looked at the homepage of the restaurant / I looked at the restaurant's homepage. It looks very tasteful.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? "your homepage says you are open until 1am. so... should i arrive there at the midnight or 1am if i want to be there for 1 hour??"
"your website say that you are open till 1 am. Should i arrive there at midnight or at 1 am, If I want to stay there for an hour." that sounds better but~ just to help you, If means that the place is open until 1am after that they close, so you should try arriving early (:
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? We're now making a homepage of our new company.
We're now making a home page for our new company.
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