Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Homerun"
The meaning of "Homerun" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy homerun fielder
Not a phrase.
Homerun is when you hit the ball out of the park in baseball
Fielder should be combined with in- or out- to designate a part of the baseball field, for example outfielder
There is a player with the last name Fielder so it may mean he scored a homerun if you heard it in a game with him
Homerun is when you hit the ball out of the park in baseball
Fielder should be combined with in- or out- to designate a part of the baseball field, for example outfielder
There is a player with the last name Fielder so it may mean he scored a homerun if you heard it in a game with him
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Czy to brzmi naturalnie? If there's a homerun, they can revert the game.
"If there's a homerun, they can turn the game around." or "If there's a homerun, they can make a comeback."
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