Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Hunch"

Synonyms of "Hunch" and their differences

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Q: What is the different between hunch,intuition
and gut?
A: "Hunch" is when you have a guess about a question or situation based off of minimum information, but you cannot say the information says your answer is correct. "Gut" is when you decide an answer is correct but you have no information to say your answer is correct. "Intuition" is when you have experience or knowledge from the past and you decide your answer based on the information or knowledge from the past.

You may use "gut" if you feel your body say something is true too. When you "listen to your gut," the phrase means you are listening to your emotions for the right answers.

For example,

"I have intuition that a ball will fall to the floor because I have seen a ball fall to the floor before."
"I have intuition that a pot of water will boil because I have seen a pot of water boil before."

"I have a hunch the thief went down this grassy road because I see that a branch on a tree has been broken." <- This person has a hunch because the person does not know if the branch breaker was a person or an animal exactly. However, an animal or a person can break a branch.

"My gut told me something was wrong with that street. The street was silent, but my body wanted to move away and run. I could feel fear in my body." <- This person's gut could be wrong. A silent street does not mean danger is in the street. However, the body, or "gut" told the person something was wrong.
"I listened to my gut and applied for the job I saw on the internet. I did not know if I would get the job, but I applied. Something felt good about applying to the job in my gut." <- There is no evidence the job will be good if the person has not been to the job. However, the person thought the job would be good because of their gut.

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