Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Legitimacy"
The meaning of "Legitimacy" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy legitimacy?
being able to be defend an action or an idea with logic or justification; valid.
Example sentences using "Legitimacy"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z legitimacy.
"The parents weren't married when the child was born, so they weren't sure about the fathers legitimacy."
"I'm not sure about the legitimacy of that law, it doesn't sound right."
"I'm not sure about the legitimacy of that law, it doesn't sound right."
Synonyms of "Legitimacy" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między legitimacy i validity ?
Legitimacy: 正統性 (in 政治)
Validity: 妥当性 (in 工学)
can also mean 有効期限 (like "Period of Validity")
Validity: 妥当性 (in 工学)
can also mean 有効期限 (like "Period of Validity")
Jaka jest różnica między legitimacy i legality ?
thanks!!! well understood!
Other questions about "Legitimacy"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? This, however, does not mean that legitimacy is automatically given to the ruling.
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