Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Milf"
The meaning of "Milf" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy milf?
Mom i'd like to f*ck
Mãe que eu gostaria de f**er
Mãe que eu gostaria de f**er
Co znaczy milf?
it means "mom I'd like to fuck (fuck as in have sex with)
like an older woman or say a boy has a friend and he finds that friends mom attractive; she is then labeled as a milf
like an older woman or say a boy has a friend and he finds that friends mom attractive; she is then labeled as a milf
Co znaczy if she was married, called milf or cougar. what does those mean??
I'm not sure where the term cougar came from. But it also means an attractive older lady.
I would avoid using the term milf. I feel it's a bit vulgar.
I would avoid using the term milf. I feel it's a bit vulgar.
Co znaczy milf?
@hsuanchi25: um... It actually stands for Mother I'd Like to F*** 😳
Co znaczy "milf"?
Haha. It stand for "Mother I'd like to fuck", it's used to refer to a woman in her 30s / 40s / 50s who is attractive.
Translations of "Milf"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? milf
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? milf
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Other questions about "Milf"
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć milf ?
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Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I had knew that milf is called as a married woman but after knowing its abbreviation, i was so embarrassed.
I knew that MILF refers to married woman, I was so embarrassed after knowing the true meaning of it's abbreviation.
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