Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Motorcycle"
The meaning of "Motorcycle" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy He rode in on a motorcycle you could hear for miles,
Why 'in' are used with on? I can not understand this sentence's structure.?
Why 'in' are used with on? I can not understand this sentence's structure.?
You can and yeah.
Co znaczy there is a motorcycle I have been told to give one million and two hundred?
Maybe they are saying the price of the motorcycle??
Co znaczy They (flashed past on )a motorcycle.?
It means they "sped" past on a motorcycle.
The motorcycle was going fast.
The motorcycle was going fast.
Synonyms of "Motorcycle" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między motorcycle i motorbike i bike ?
Bicycle often gets shortened to bike. A motorcycle/motorbike is essentially a bicycle with a motor. When you use bike it's not necessarily clear if you mean bicycle or motorcycle. Often the context is established earlier in the conversation and that allows the speaker to use bike and be understood. When clarity is important, use the full word.
Jaka jest różnica między motorcycle, motorbike i scooter ?
I’m pretty sure a motorcycle and a motorbike are the same thing. But I think when most people hear scooter they probably think of this:
Jaka jest różnica między motorcycle i motorbike i bike ?
"motorcycle" and "motorbike" are essentially the same. "motorbike" is a more casual term. "bike" is short for "bicycle" and also short for "motorbike." So, all of these can be called "bikes" but not all bikes can be called "motorcycles" or "motorbikes"
Jaka jest różnica między I am fixing my motorcycle every morning. i I am repairing my motorcycle every morning. ?
there is no difference repairing is just a better word to use.
Jaka jest różnica między she has bought a motorcycle for three weeks ago i she has been buying a motorcycle for three weeks ago ?
Both are incorrect.
"She bought a motorcycle three weeks ago" is correct.
"She has been buying a motorcycle three weeks ago" is incorrect, because you can only "buy" a single motorcycle once.
"She bought a motorcycle three weeks ago" is correct.
"She has been buying a motorcycle three weeks ago" is incorrect, because you can only "buy" a single motorcycle once.
Translations of "Motorcycle"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? "バイクで"、はon the motorcycleですか、by motorcycleですか?
いつもon the motorcycleをおすすめされるんですが、どうでしょうか
I'm going to travel around Australia "on the motorcycle"!!
いつもon the motorcycleをおすすめされるんですが、どうでしょうか
I'm going to travel around Australia "on the motorcycle"!!
by motorcycle でもいいですが、byだと 手段というニュアンスが強いです。
I go to school by bus.のような、、
on a motorcycle だと、「に乗って」という感じで、旅行をしてまわるって感じに合いますよね。そして、その方がよく使われる言い方です。
I go to school by bus.のような、、
on a motorcycle だと、「に乗って」という感じで、旅行をしてまわるって感じに合いますよね。そして、その方がよく使われる言い方です。
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? I go to work by motorcycle.
Mai motorcycle se bazar jata hu
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? if my motorcycle suddently stopped because "there is no petrol"?
I ran out of petrol
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? motorcycle
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? motorcycle
"Motorbike" or "motorcycle"
Other questions about "Motorcycle"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I was riding my motorcycle and all of a sudden a dog crossed in front of me and then I had to brake abruptly
I can understand you clearly! Here’s my recording so you could correct some mispronounced words. Also it should be “WHEN all of a sudden”.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? I work at motorcycle maker for 10 years. I'm in charge of engineer for manufacturing line.
I’m not sure what you meant. Here are two options with different meanings:
I have worked at a motorcycle manufacturer for 10 years. I'm in charge of the engineers on the manufacturing line.
I have worked at a motorcycle manufacturer for 10 years. I'm the head engineer on the manufacturing line.
I have worked at a motorcycle manufacturer for 10 years. I'm in charge of the engineers on the manufacturing line.
I have worked at a motorcycle manufacturer for 10 years. I'm the head engineer on the manufacturing line.
"After some motorcycles left the parking lot, the number of motorcycles left became half of the number of cars."
Do the first "left" and the second "left" have an ambiguity?
Do the first "left" and the second "left" have an ambiguity?
No, not for a native English speaker. When I first read the sentence I didn't notice that the word "left" was used twice. It sounds natural and normal to me.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? His motorcycle riding style is way too great, so I should pretend his technique.
He rides the motorcycle so well that I want to follow his technique
(More natural way to say)
(More natural way to say)
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? riding my motorcycle with my son behind me
You don't really need to say "behind me" but that's just a suggestion. You still sound natural.
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