Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Negotiation"

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Q: Czy to brzmi naturalnie? It seems to me that the negotiations in 1964 over the sale of the Japanese animated television series Eighth Man to the American Broadcasting Corporation overlapped with the negotiations between the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire in 1842. Each side was subject to a completely different legal system. Issues of commercial etiquette on the one hand are treated with advanced legal theories on the other. This meant that one side was inevitably at a disadvantage compared to the other. The former finds it difficult to understand the meaning of the terms proposed by the latter, so they try to understand the other side's story by applying their own customary practices, which in turn creates an opportunity for the latter to exploit.

As a result, the Qing Dynasty lost several important ports, including Hong Kong, to the British Empire, which eventually allowed them to interfere in the affairs of state in China. Then, with the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, mainland China entered a long period of turmoil. Likely, Japan's TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) lost the intellectual properties of their animation program called "Eighth Man" to ABC in the U.S.. However, TBS ultimately seemed to fail to recognize the true implications of their mistake on this issue. While this trouble gave TBS the opportunity to learn about the differences in legal theories and contractual practices in comics and animation between Japan and the United States, it did not ultimately lead them to the idea to study the historical context of those differences. Briefly, it was too alien for the Japanese of that era.
A: × It seems to me that the negotiations in 1964 over the sale of the Japanese animated television series Eighth Man to the American Broadcasting Corporation overlapped with the negotiations between the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire in 1842.
✓ It seems to me that the negotiations in 1964 over the sale of the Japanese animated television series Eighth Man to the American Broadcasting Corporation are analogous to the negotiations between the Qing Dynasty and the British Empire in 1842.

× The former finds it difficult to understand the meaning of the terms proposed by the latter, so they try to understand the other side's story by applying their own customary practices, which in turn creates an opportunity for the latter to exploit.
✓ Each side finds it difficult to understand the meaning of the terms proposed by the other, so they try to understand the other side's story by applying their own customary practices, which in turn creates an opportunity for the other to exploit.

× Likely, Japan's TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) lost the intellectual properties of their animation program called "Eighth Man" to ABC in the U.S..
✓ Likewise, Japan's TBS (Tokyo Broadcasting System) lost the intellectual properties of their animation program called "Eighth Man" to ABC in the U.S..

This is pretty good. I only changed some words where I thought your word choice didn't accurately express what you were trying to say.

To me "overlapped" sounds like they occurred within the same time period. You could maybe say "overlapped in regards to how the negotiations were conducted," but this seems a bit wordy.
I think it's more concise to just say something like, "... American Broadcasting Corporation are analogous to the Qing... ," or, "... American Broadcasting Corporation paralleled the negotiations between the Qing..."

Your use of "former" and "latter" sounds good, but it doesn't really make sense in this context. Usually we don't use these terms to describe unspecific groups like, "one side or the other". Former and latter are specifically used to refer back to two things that were previously mentioned.
For example, "Spiderman and Superman are both superheroes that can travel long distances through air. The former shoots webs to swing from building to building, while the latter probably uses psychokinesis or alters his gravity in order to fly."

Overall, your writing is really good! Keep it up!

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