Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Okey"
The meaning of "Okey" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy okey dokey?
It is more something a child would say. But everyone understands.
Co znaczy okey dokey?
It is an informal, silly way of saying "ok".
Co znaczy okey dokey?
Simplemente significa "Ok"
Co znaczy okey dokey?
It's just a cute way of saying "OK" to something 😊
Co znaczy okey dokey?
it means okay/alright.
1: I'm coming over in five minutes
2: okey dokey
1: I'm coming over in five minutes
2: okey dokey
Synonyms of "Okey" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między okey i okay ?
Hey 👋
Ok or Okay are natural.
Okey dokey is sometimes said but it is not common.
Ok or Okay are natural.
Okey dokey is sometimes said but it is not common.
Jaka jest różnica między okey i okay ?
I would just stick to okay cause that's the proper spelling
Jaka jest różnica między okey i okay i ok ?
No difference, OK is just an abbreviation of okay
Jaka jest różnica między okey i oki ?
The general form is "okay". You may see versions of this and "okey" or "oki" as slang for "okey dokey" or "okie dokie" which could mean alright or understand
Translations of "Okey"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? もし大丈夫なら、その部屋を見たいです
If It's okey, I'd like to see the room.
Is myEnglish correct?
If It's okey, I'd like to see the room.
Is myEnglish correct?
it sounds natural but okey is "okay"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? is it okey? it’s for an article.
okey -> okay / OK
cuando empezó X -> when X began
"rise" se aplica para una cifra o un nivel, "grow" aquí suena mejor
heladería -> ice-cream shop/store
en una mesa -> at a table
el verdadero helado italiano -> real Italian ice-cream
as = "como", nunca "cómo"
"go through here" = pasar por aquí (en el sentido de "a través de" -> "to pass by"
Labonata was formally opened in the summer of 2009 when Madrid Pride started. Since then, Labonata has only grown bigger. It began as a little ice-cream store in Plaza de Chueca and now you can enjoy your ice-cream at their small tables. If you love real Italian ice-cream, you have to pass by.
cuando empezó X -> when X began
"rise" se aplica para una cifra o un nivel, "grow" aquí suena mejor
heladería -> ice-cream shop/store
en una mesa -> at a table
el verdadero helado italiano -> real Italian ice-cream
as = "como", nunca "cómo"
"go through here" = pasar por aquí (en el sentido de "a través de" -> "to pass by"
Labonata was formally opened in the summer of 2009 when Madrid Pride started. Since then, Labonata has only grown bigger. It began as a little ice-cream store in Plaza de Chueca and now you can enjoy your ice-cream at their small tables. If you love real Italian ice-cream, you have to pass by.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? it’s okey if I say “finally home” or sounds better “finally at home” ?
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? okey
“Okay” or “fine”
Other questions about "Okey"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? " Would it be okey to make it my dream to talk to you someday?" ... This is a message I'd like to send to a famous American potter.(He is the person that I admire.) Is this phrase natural or rude (sound complex, condescending,overly.?
I think it sounds natural and a very lovely thing to say to someone! ☺️
🔥I don’t understand why is there “to” ? Because I remember that “give me an apple” is okey
If I give an item or information, I have to give it "to" someone.
Give me an apple. You are asking them to give you an apple.
Give me an apple. You are asking them to give you an apple.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Oh it's okey . never mind
I also not good english yet
I also not good english yet
It’s not okey, it’s okay. But good job
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? It's okey?
Good enough. It's understandable, though your russian accent is hearable
is it okey?
"a" doesn't have to be corrected, but you did very well on the rest!
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