Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Peut"
The meaning of "Peut" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy it going on peut l’utiliser a qu’elle moment ??
'Going on' means 'to happen/occur'
For example,
-'Mum opened my bedroom door and said 'What's going on in here? Why all the noise??'
-I walked up to my friend and asked him what's going on. He said that there had been a riot and that I'd just missed it
-'What's going on tonight?' (Meaning: what are the plans/what do we have planned for tonight?)
For example,
-'Mum opened my bedroom door and said 'What's going on in here? Why all the noise??'
-I walked up to my friend and asked him what's going on. He said that there had been a riot and that I'd just missed it
-'What's going on tonight?' (Meaning: what are the plans/what do we have planned for tonight?)
Translations of "Peut"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? On peut se voir à 16h00 si ça te va / si ça te convient.
We can meet at 4pm if that’s convenient for you/if that suits you.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? peut importe
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? " grow weary " peut on dire juste i m weary of you? si oui Pk ajoute on grow s'il vous plaît ??
Yes, it is understood.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? l'expérience peut rendre ta vie macabre, la couleur de cendre envahit le monde.
the experience can make your life macabre, the colour of ash invades the world.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? On peut voir deux oiseaux qui se battent de manière comparable au films 300. Les oiseaux se battent sur une souche d’arbre et l’un pousse l’autre dans le vide. On peut voir que les oiseaux sont personnifiés et ils ressemblent à des guerriers
Quelque chose comme ça:
“We can see two birds fighting in a similar way to the movie ‘300.’ The birds are fighting on a tree stump and one pushes the other into the void. We can see that the two birds are personified and they look like warriors.”
“We can see two birds fighting in a similar way to the movie ‘300.’ The birds are fighting on a tree stump and one pushes the other into the void. We can see that the two birds are personified and they look like warriors.”
Other questions about "Peut"
est-ce qu'on peut dire "she has left with the dawn" ?
Oui, vous pouvez le dire. C'est un peu poétique. "She left at dawn.” est probablement une façon plus naturelle de le dire en anglais courant.
quelqu'un peut m'aider traduire mon Cv en anglais svpl
Je peux le faire mais je ne peux pas garantir que ce sera parfait.
Quelqu'un peut m'aider à corriger mes fautes en anglais ? C'est pour ma lettre de motivation.
Merci d'avance 😘☺️♥️
Merci d'avance 😘☺️♥️
Ohhh d’accord : ma traduction n’est pas de tout exacte mais quelque chose comme ceci est ordinaire en anglais :
I look forward to speaking with you soon to further discuss my application.
I look forward to speaking with you soon to further discuss my application.
Quelqu'un peut mai clair cire sur tout ce qui est did ,make,do,ect....
Je voudrais savoir quand on les emplois.
Je voudrais savoir quand on les emplois.
"Make" is used in situations where you create something manually, an object.
e.g. "I will make a cake."
"I will make an essay."
"Do" is used in situations where you perform a specific action.
"I will do my homework."
"I will do some exercises."
As for "did", it's the past tense of "do", and "made" is the past tense of "make".
You can also use "do" in interrogative sentences, and their answer.
e.g. "Do you like cats?"
"Yes, I do." (Present)
"Did you do your homework?"
"Yes, I did./No, I didn't."
e.g. "I will make a cake."
"I will make an essay."
"Do" is used in situations where you perform a specific action.
"I will do my homework."
"I will do some exercises."
As for "did", it's the past tense of "do", and "made" is the past tense of "make".
You can also use "do" in interrogative sentences, and their answer.
e.g. "Do you like cats?"
"Yes, I do." (Present)
"Did you do your homework?"
"Yes, I did./No, I didn't."
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