Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pokemon"
The meaning of "Pokemon" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy “mad Pokemon drip”?
It's slang for
A bunch of Pokemon clothes and accessories
"Mad" <- A lot, very, crazy
"Drip" <- Clothes, outfit, style
A bunch of Pokemon clothes and accessories
"Mad" <- A lot, very, crazy
"Drip" <- Clothes, outfit, style
Co znaczy She's after my Pokemon!?
She's out to get ur Pokemon.
She's out to get ur Pokemon.
Co znaczy Pokemon Go!?
Pokemon Go is the new Pokemon game for smart phones. It doesn't seem to be out in Japan, though.
Translations of "Pokemon"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? What does ‘know’ means? “I’m the Pokemon in the know around these parts!
"In the know" is a phrase that means "with knowledge". The meaning is kind of like "in the group of people who have knowledge"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? Apparently, Pokemon Go is never going to be released in China and Korea.
@canaca: Apparently, Pokemon Go is never going to be released in China and Korea.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? アメリカではどのくらいの人がPokemon go をやっていますか?
「How many people in America are playing Pokemon Go?」と思います
Other questions about "Pokemon"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Pokemon is the biggest character market by the following image. It is surprising for me because I think that the biggest one is mickey mouse.
× Pokemon is the biggest character market by the following image.
✓ Pokemon is the biggest cartoon market as shown in the following image.
× It is surprising for me because I think that the biggest one is mickey mouse.
✓ It’s surprising to me because I thought the biggest one was Mickey Mouse/Disney.
Mickey Mouse is okay! But if you’re talking about the industry, it’s Disney. The same goes for if we said pikachu instead of Pokémon!
✓ Pokemon is the biggest cartoon market as shown in the following image.
× It is surprising for me because I think that the biggest one is mickey mouse.
✓ It’s surprising to me because I thought the biggest one was Mickey Mouse/Disney.
Mickey Mouse is okay! But if you’re talking about the industry, it’s Disney. The same goes for if we said pikachu instead of Pokémon!
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Pokemon is in fashion jn Japan.
"Pokémon is fashionable in Japan." Would sound better :p
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? What I like best about Pokemon is that you can choose English even though you bought the Japanese version.
"What I like best about..." sounds perfectly natural!
It's how I would say it, myself.
It's how I would say it, myself.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Pokemon Go causes the increasing numbers
of cycling accidents in Tokyo.
of cycling accidents in Tokyo.
When looking at statistics of increased cycling accidents (graph or something) "Pokemon go is the cause of the increase in cycling accidents"
What I think you are trying to say is "Pokemon go has caused an increase in the number of cycling accidents."
What I think you are trying to say is "Pokemon go has caused an increase in the number of cycling accidents."
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? It's shocking that I might be unable to play Pokemon Go because of my old smartphone. The version is 4.3 and it require over 4.4 for the download. Unfortunately, it isn't allowance to do version up. Sucks.
I would say...
It's shocking that I might be unable to play Pokemon Go because of my old smartphone. The phone OS is 4.3 and Pokemon Go requires 4.4 or higher for the download. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow a version upgrade. Sucks.
It's shocking that I might be unable to play Pokemon Go because of my old smartphone. The phone OS is 4.3 and Pokemon Go requires 4.4 or higher for the download. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow a version upgrade. Sucks.
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