Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Sounds"
The meaning of "Sounds" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy Sounds uplifting.?
The sound of it puts one in a good mood, it lifts their spirits.
Co znaczy Sounds recorded directly by you and you alone.?
You recorded sounds with no other person or sounds (like music) on the recording.
A better way to say it is recording with no background sounds or music
A better way to say it is recording with no background sounds or music
Co znaczy Sounds good?
It means that something is fine or you agree to it.
Want to study with me tomorrow night?
Sure, sounds good!
I’ll cook dinner and you do the dishes, does that sound good?
Want to see a movie with me this weekend?
Sounds good!
Want to study with me tomorrow night?
Sure, sounds good!
I’ll cook dinner and you do the dishes, does that sound good?
Want to see a movie with me this weekend?
Sounds good!
Co znaczy I like that. Sounds tough.?
Just an expression(guys like to "sound tough"), sort of means it sounds fine. Seems like he said it to make boy 2 feel better about what he said as boy 1 made boy 2 feel insecure about what he said.
Co znaczy Sounds amazing!?
そうそう、 "sounds yummy" も言えますよ。
Pretty much any 形容詞+そう = "sounds 形容詞"
sounds hard, sounds expensive, sounds delicious などなど。
でも 「sounds」=「~に聞こえる」なので、自分で何かを見て「sounds ~~」とは言わない。
相手の話によって (sounds) ~~そうの場合だけですね。
A: First I had to dismantle the phase unit, remove the AC coupling adapter, and then rebuilt the johnston rod. Only then was I able to replace the wizbar.
B: Wow, sounds complicated! (あなたの話によって複雑そうですね)
Pretty much any 形容詞+そう = "sounds 形容詞"
sounds hard, sounds expensive, sounds delicious などなど。
でも 「sounds」=「~に聞こえる」なので、自分で何かを見て「sounds ~~」とは言わない。
相手の話によって (sounds) ~~そうの場合だけですね。
A: First I had to dismantle the phase unit, remove the AC coupling adapter, and then rebuilt the johnston rod. Only then was I able to replace the wizbar.
B: Wow, sounds complicated! (あなたの話によって複雑そうですね)
Example sentences using "Sounds"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z Sounds good..
Sounds good, as an expression, is basically… I like what I’m hearing, I agree.
A: Do you want to go to a movie?
B: Sounds good.
A: Do you want to meet tomorrow?
B: I’m busy tomorrow, what about next week?
A: Sound good.
A: I’m hungry
B: Me too, what sounds good to you?
(What would you like to hear that you will agree to?)
A: Do you want to go to a movie?
B: Sounds good.
A: Do you want to meet tomorrow?
B: I’m busy tomorrow, what about next week?
A: Sound good.
A: I’m hungry
B: Me too, what sounds good to you?
(What would you like to hear that you will agree to?)
Napisz przykładowe zdania z Sounds Good!.
a: let's buy a cake for y's birthday.
b: sounds good!
a: if you finish your homework in an hour, you can play videogames.
b: sounds good!
a: we will have a meeting on monday
b: sounds good!
"sounds good" can mean "cool!" "deal!" "it's okay for me!" "count me in!" etc.
b: sounds good!
a: if you finish your homework in an hour, you can play videogames.
b: sounds good!
a: we will have a meeting on monday
b: sounds good!
"sounds good" can mean "cool!" "deal!" "it's okay for me!" "count me in!" etc.
Synonyms of "Sounds" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między Sounds good i Alright i Okey ?
I believe that these can be used interchangeably, particularly “sounds good” and “alright”. It depends on the tone of the word (which I would imagine to be a positive and happy tone).
Using “okay” would also work, but I feel as if it is more informal than the other terms (but this might be more based on personal preference).
Using “okay” would also work, but I feel as if it is more informal than the other terms (but this might be more based on personal preference).
Jaka jest różnica między Sounds~ i Looks~ i Seems~ ?
I listen to the music, it sounds very good.
I look at my hair, it looks very good.
My friend tells me about her party, it seems like fun.
I look at my hair, it looks very good.
My friend tells me about her party, it seems like fun.
Jaka jest różnica między Sounds i Seems ?
“Seems” means more to give an impression to anything or more of a visual description. You would use “seems” when you see or feel something.
For example:
That forest seems dangerous - implies that you visually see that the forest looks dangerous.
“Sounds” can be used to give an impression to a spoken or written subject. You would use “sounds” when you hear something or see words.
For example:
Her voice message sounds suspicious - implies that you listened to hear that the message was suspicious.
For example:
That forest seems dangerous - implies that you visually see that the forest looks dangerous.
“Sounds” can be used to give an impression to a spoken or written subject. You would use “sounds” when you hear something or see words.
For example:
Her voice message sounds suspicious - implies that you listened to hear that the message was suspicious.
Jaka jest różnica między Sounds interesting i That's interesting ?
The first one is not suitable for formal writing. Only speaking and informal web chats.
The second one is standard.
They both mean the same thing.
The second one is standard.
They both mean the same thing.
Jaka jest różnica między Sounds nice. i Sounds good. ?
"Sounds good" = your plan/idea is acceptable/logical
"Sounds nice" = compliment
"Sounds good" = your plan/idea is acceptable/logical
"Sounds nice" = compliment
Translations of "Sounds"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? Sounds is good!
Você precisa de remover uma palavra, a maneira correta é "Sounds good":
A: "I'll be there at 5PM."
B: "Sure, sounds good!"
Espero que isso ajude!
A: "I'll be there at 5PM."
B: "Sure, sounds good!"
Espero que isso ajude!
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? Sounds that natural?
But I wish you all the best, you are really nice.
But I wish you all the best, you are really nice.
Does it sound natural?
Yes, it sounds totally fine.
Does it sound natural?
Yes, it sounds totally fine.
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? ついでみたいに言わないでよ。
Sounds like sloppy は不自然ですか?
Sounds like sloppy は不自然ですか?
はい、ちょっと不自然です、でも「It sounds sloppy」はオーケーです。^v^
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? What's this?
''It's like a roly-poly toy.''
Sounds natural?
''It's like a roly-poly toy.''
Sounds natural?
yes that sounds natural
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? Sounds natural?.
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Sounds"
Sounds like you do not get along with them
doesn't it?
or do you?
Which one's correct?
doesn't it?
or do you?
Which one's correct?
Sounds like you do not get along with them, or do you?
The question tag is usually the opposite form of the auxiliary (do)
You are happy, aren't you?
You aren't Chinese, are you?
You don't like chocolate, do you?
The question tag is usually the opposite form of the auxiliary (do)
You are happy, aren't you?
You aren't Chinese, are you?
You don't like chocolate, do you?
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Sounds good?
The sentence itself is fine, but try to pronounce the T in ‘Can’t’ and ‘Meet’
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? This Sounds well?
I had a great weekend. On Friday afternoon, I finished work at 5 pm, then went home and took a shower.
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Sounds natural?
This a more natural way
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Sounds good?
In America, we pronounce "breakfast" like "breakfest". Hope that helps!
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