Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Zebra"
The meaning of "Zebra" in various phrases and sentences
Co znaczy a zebra was captured after having 'roamed at large' in the street.
roamed at large means roamed a large area? or roamed freely??
roamed at large means roamed a large area? or roamed freely??
roamed freely..... "at large" means no one could find it.
such as... "the gunman is still AT LARGE". meaning, they don't know where he is.
such as... "the gunman is still AT LARGE". meaning, they don't know where he is.
Co znaczy zebra crossing?
a place where Zebras cross the path or road.
Co znaczy zebra crossing?
A zebra crossing is a pedestrian crossing.
This is what it looks like:
This is what it looks like:
Example sentences using "Zebra"
Napisz przykładowe zdania z zebra.
Are zebras white horses with black stripes or black horses with white stripes?
Synonyms of "Zebra" and their differences
Jaka jest różnica między 'zebra crossing' i 'pedestrian crossing' ?
A pedestrian crossing is anywhere for pedestrians to cross the road. A zebra crossing is a type of pedestrian crossing with white stripes on the road. At a zebra crossing cars must stop and let people walk first, while usually at other crossings the people walking have to wait.
Jaka jest różnica między a zebra crossing i a pelican crossing ?
@sahil20798 Thanks for your answer.
17 pedestrians killed at pelican crossings in on year? That makes British drivers sound like monsters. haha Thanks for the information.
17 pedestrians killed at pelican crossings in on year? That makes British drivers sound like monsters. haha Thanks for the information.
Jaka jest różnica między zebra crossing i pedestrian crossing ?
A zebra crossing has black and white stripes (like a zebra) and a pedestrian crossing is just a normal street crossing, also called "side walk" in America (but they can be with black and white stripes too!). However pedestrians usually have priority on zebra crossings.
- They are really the same though!!! If you see them you couldn't distinguish a difference.
~Hope I didn't confuse you!
- They are really the same though!!! If you see them you couldn't distinguish a difference.
~Hope I didn't confuse you!
Translations of "Zebra"
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? zebra
Check the question to view the answer
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? zebra
hope this helps
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? zebra crossing, pedestrian crossing, which one is commonly used? or any other common expressions?
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (brytyjski)? zebra
"zee-bra" - pronunciation
Jak to przetłumaczyć na angielski (amerykański)? zebra
Other questions about "Zebra"
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? They got injured crossing the zebra crossing at abbey road.
We say "crosswalk" in the US, so most Americans probably will not understand "Zebra Crossing". I only know from answering questions on here.
Edit: On second thought fwoggie is right about the preposition as well. "On" sounds better than "at".
Edit: On second thought fwoggie is right about the preposition as well. "On" sounds better than "at".
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? Zebra tall with such ellegance.
Ballerina stance with just a glance.
It's beauty is scveue more so supreme.
Can how would i love to be a zebra.
Hellas my only relations is to be a libra
Ballerina stance with just a glance.
It's beauty is scveue more so supreme.
Can how would i love to be a zebra.
Hellas my only relations is to be a libra
Maybe like this..
Zebra tall with such elegance
Ballerina stance with just a glance
It's beauty is serene, more so supreme
Oh how I would love to be a Zebra
But hell, my only relation is to be a Libra
If you want to be poetic the last line would be better as.
But alas, my only relation is to be a Libra
(I see the one word was 'serene' which makes sense).
Hella - means a lot of, very
That's hella nice of him to say. (it's very nice of him to say).
That's a hella lot of cash you have. (you have a LOT of money).
Maybe like this..
Zebra tall with such elegance
Ballerina stance with just a glance
It's beauty is serene, more so supreme
Oh how I would love to be a Zebra
But hell, my only relation is to be a Libra
If you want to be poetic the last line would be better as.
But alas, my only relation is to be a Libra
(I see the one word was 'serene' which makes sense).
Hella - means a lot of, very
That's hella nice of him to say. (it's very nice of him to say).
That's a hella lot of cash you have. (you have a LOT of money).
Czy to brzmi naturalnie? These collective zebras attacked humans who feeded .
I believe collected would work.
Jak to poprawnie wypowiedzieć zebra?
Check the question to view the answer
How do you say "zebra crossing" in American English?
pedestrian crossing
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