Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Duck"
The meaning of "Duck" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Duck into?
He hid quickly into an empty lot.
He quickly stopped and waited in an empty lot.
He quickly ran and hid in an empty lot.
He quickly stopped and waited in an empty lot.
He quickly ran and hid in an empty lot.
O que significa "Duck their body"
And could you tell me when I can use the verb "duck"?
And could you tell me when I can use the verb "duck"?
"duck down" to quickly lower yourself down to avoid being hit or to quickly hide behind something.
The baseball player ducked down to avoid being hit by the ball.
I ducked down behind the chair.
The baseball player ducked down to avoid being hit by the ball.
I ducked down behind the chair.
O que significa Duck out ?
Usually to leave without saying so quickly, but usually with intent to return. For example, “when my phone rang during the meeting, I had to duck out to answer it.” Or “I ducked out during lunch to run a personal errand.”
O que significa Duck?
duck = lower your head
Hey, duck, brother! = Hey man, move your head down!
Hey, duck, brother! = Hey man, move your head down!
O que significa What does better Duck mean? it's an expression??
Nesse contexto, duck significa mover a tua cabeça ou a parte de cima do teu corpo rapidamente para baixo, especialmente para tentares evitar que alguém te bata. Se isso for num jogo ou num filme de ação, significaria, "o melhor é baixarmo-nos" ou algo desse género. Português não tem uma palavra em concreto acho eu ahaha
Example sentences using "Duck"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Duck and dive .
I watched the duck dive into the lake to look for food.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Duck..
@kyletotheface thank you.
Synonyms of "Duck" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre Duck out e Cop-out ?
「duck out」は動詞です。 素早く、あるいは注意を引くことなく、その場を離れることを意味します。
"The party was boring, so he decided to duck out and go home."
"I need to duck out for a minute to make a phone call, but I'll be right back."
「cop-out」は名詞である。 やるべきことを十分にやらなかったり、何かの責任を回避しようとしたりする行為を指す俗語です。
"Planning the event was your responsibility. Trying to put all the blame on your assistant is just a cop-out."
"The ending to the story was a real cop-out. The author didn't even try to resolve most of the loose ends."
「duck out」は動詞です。 素早く、あるいは注意を引くことなく、その場を離れることを意味します。
"The party was boring, so he decided to duck out and go home."
"I need to duck out for a minute to make a phone call, but I'll be right back."
「cop-out」は名詞である。 やるべきことを十分にやらなかったり、何かの責任を回避しようとしたりする行為を指す俗語です。
"Planning the event was your responsibility. Trying to put all the blame on your assistant is just a cop-out."
"The ending to the story was a real cop-out. The author didn't even try to resolve most of the loose ends."
Qual é a diferença entre Duck = Agacharse e Duck = Pato ?
Well, I mean, it's the same as the difference in Spanish, but in English we use the same word for both things.
Qual é a diferença entre Duck (v) e Duck (n) ?
The noun 'duck' is an animal, a bird. Example: "There are many ducks swimming in the pond." The verb 'duck' means to bend down or bend away to avoid something coming towards you. Example: "A ball was coming toward her face so she ducked to get out of the way."
Translations of "Duck"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Duck you
Using an iPhone and it “corrected” your word for you?
Using an iPhone and it “corrected” your word for you?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Duck
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Duck
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Duck
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Other questions about "Duck"
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You usually name the main dish first and then the sides or salads after
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar Duck.
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'Duck' is generally used by people talking to those younger than or the same age as themselves. In some ways it functions like the word ‘dear'.
But it's not a phrase that all native English speakers use. When Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie used it when presenting an award to an English actor from the East Midlands, Jack O'Connoll, it confused a lot of people around the world!
I can't imagine the following situation.
"when presenting an award to an English actor from the East Midlands, Jack O'Connoll, it confused a lot of people around the world!"
Please tell me the meaning!!
'Duck' is generally used by people talking to those younger than or the same age as themselves. In some ways it functions like the word ‘dear'.
But it's not a phrase that all native English speakers use. When Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie used it when presenting an award to an English actor from the East Midlands, Jack O'Connoll, it confused a lot of people around the world!
I can't imagine the following situation.
"when presenting an award to an English actor from the East Midlands, Jack O'Connoll, it confused a lot of people around the world!"
Please tell me the meaning!!
I used to live in Nottingham (which is in the East Midlands) and "duck" is a common term of endearment.
It's similar to saying "love", "darling", "dear" etc.
It's similar to saying "love", "darling", "dear" etc.
Duck squat
What else do you say?
Catcher position?
What else do you say?
Catcher position?
Or "crouching"
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