Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Matias"
Translations of "Matias"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? Matias estaba desesperado por conocer nuevos amigos.
Matias was desperate to meet/make new friends.
you can use either meet or make
you can use either meet or make
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Matias se entromete en todo, hay veces que hasta usa mi cuenta de instagram para espiar a los demás.
Matias meddles with everthing. Sometimes, he even uses mi instagram profile to spy other peolpe
Other questions about "Matias"
Matias' pen turned up in a box. soa natural?
Matia's pen turned out to be in a box.
Matias is my friend, althought. he's acting as a false friend. soa natural?
× Matias is my friend, althought.
✓ Matias is my friend, although
× he's acting as a false friend.
✓ he's acting fake.
(for example)
✓ Matias is my friend, although
× he's acting as a false friend.
✓ he's acting fake.
(for example)
Matias knows how to make a meet-up soa natural?
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