Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Nato"
The meaning of "Nato" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa NATO?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
It's a military alliance between 29 countries, including the U.S., Canada, and many European countries.
It's a military alliance between 29 countries, including the U.S., Canada, and many European countries.
Translations of "Nato"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? NATO please close the sky over Ukraine
This is correct.
слава україні!
слава україні!
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? NATO
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? NATO
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? NATOフォネティックコードでスペルを案内しますね。
I will teach the spelling with phonetic code.
Other questions about "Nato"
Why NATO, but the UN?
NATO is pronounced as a word, but UN as distinct letters, so the former uses no article and the latter does. Same for UNESCO vs the WHO.
I wonder why the NATO and the US don't send their troops to Ukraine.
Ukrainian President desperately said that they are being isolated and helpless.
The sanctions imposed Russia by the West and the US seem light.
Could someone please correct my sentences ?
Ukrainian President desperately said that they are being isolated and helpless.
The sanctions imposed Russia by the West and the US seem light.
Could someone please correct my sentences ?
I wonder why NATO and the US haven't sent their troops to Ukraine.
Ukrainian President desperately said that they are being isolated and are helpless.
The sanctions imposed on Russia by the West and the US seem light.
NATO and the US are probably backing down because if they join in, a nuclear or an even bigger war is highly possible ☹️
I believe the US or the UK, I don't quite remember, have sent troops in Poland though. There are a lot of Ukrainian refugees in Poland right now. If Russia decides to also invade Poland, then NATO will attack Russia.
The sanctions aren't light at all! 80% of Russia's banking assets are targeted by them, which is a big big problem for its economy.
I wonder why NATO and the US haven't sent their troops to Ukraine.
Ukrainian President desperately said that they are being isolated and are helpless.
The sanctions imposed on Russia by the West and the US seem light.
NATO and the US are probably backing down because if they join in, a nuclear or an even bigger war is highly possible ☹️
I believe the US or the UK, I don't quite remember, have sent troops in Poland though. There are a lot of Ukrainian refugees in Poland right now. If Russia decides to also invade Poland, then NATO will attack Russia.
The sanctions aren't light at all! 80% of Russia's banking assets are targeted by them, which is a big big problem for its economy.
is it the same?
The NATO alliance was in danger of falling apart.
The NATO alliance was in danger of breaking away.
The NATO alliance was in danger of falling apart.
The NATO alliance was in danger of breaking away.
No, it’s somewhat similar, but it isn’t the same. The first one makes sense, and is the best. The second one is pretty unnatural, although a native speaker could probably guess what you mean. “Falling apart” means that the alliance is ending, and makes sense as it is now a complete sentence. “Breaking away” would need you to add what it is breaking away FROM, and so this sentence seems a little incomplete. I hope that helped :)
What’s the difference in pronunciation?
What’s the difference in pronunciation?
thank you. Still very similar to me. Haha. Maybe it’s because there’s no such sounds in my native language. I’m wondering if you can discriminate the two sounds in your daily life. (Of course you can)
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