Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Bubble"
The meaning of "Bubble" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa "bubble in"?
In the dialogue it stated that in a exam he would fill in the "bubble sheet" or answer sheet. He would fill in letter B as the answer in the answer sheet.
O que significa "we are in (the) bubble"?
In the above case it means limiting oneself to certain kinds of experiences or to certain kinds of relationships. The effect being, that in the end you've constructed a kind of artificial world for yourself (like a bubble). If a person lives in a bubble like this the implication is that they are ignorant about much of the outside world.
Maybe that's more the use that you meant?
Maybe that's more the use that you meant?
O que significa you take one bubble bath,you get labeled?
People are deciding what type of person the speaker is based upon them having taken one bubble bath.
Usually this is hyperbole.
Usually this is hyperbole.
O que significa bubble sheet?
It's something you take a test on, you fill in the circles for the answer you want to select with a pencil
O que significa "We have our bubble."?
Also it could mean that your "bubble" is your comfort zone. This is just how I translate it but it could vary depending on who you ask.
Example sentences using "Bubble"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com to bubble up.
It depends on the context or full sentence.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com bubble up.
All my feelings towards her suddenly bubbled up to the surface when I saw her face.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com bubble.
That kid just blew a bubble
That bubble was made of soap
Dont make bubbles in your drink
Speech bubble
That bubble was made of soap
Dont make bubbles in your drink
Speech bubble
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com bubble (verb) .
I will bubble in the answer on the test.
I am not sure of other examples because bubble is not commonly used as a verb.
I am not sure of other examples because bubble is not commonly used as a verb.
Synonyms of "Bubble" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre bubble e froth ?
When referring to liquids "bubble" can be used as a verb, for example "it's bubbling", or as a noun "i can see bubbles". "Bubble" as a noun refers to a single instance of a gas or vapour surrounded by liquid, and tends to refer to something larger and discreetly visible. It can be used as a plural noun to refer to more than one instance.
"Froth" refers more to a layer of tiny, almost invisible bubbles, such as on top of a cappuccino coffee. It can be used as a verb or a noun. As a noun, it would normally be used in the singular, as it refers to the effect created by ALL of the tiny bubbles. The use of froth in plural would be uncommon, such as "using different types of milk can create froths that vary in character".
"Froth" refers more to a layer of tiny, almost invisible bubbles, such as on top of a cappuccino coffee. It can be used as a verb or a noun. As a noun, it would normally be used in the singular, as it refers to the effect created by ALL of the tiny bubbles. The use of froth in plural would be uncommon, such as "using different types of milk can create froths that vary in character".
Qual é a diferença entre bubble e comfort zone ?
A “bubble” is usually referred to when you’re talking about wanting your own personal space.
“Get out of my bubble.” (uncomfortably close.)
Comfort zone is a psychological state, staying within their “comfort zone” is staying in a controlled environment, a place they feel at ease.
“i don’t want to go skydiving, that’s out of my comfort zone.”
“Get out of my bubble.” (uncomfortably close.)
Comfort zone is a psychological state, staying within their “comfort zone” is staying in a controlled environment, a place they feel at ease.
“i don’t want to go skydiving, that’s out of my comfort zone.”
Qual é a diferença entre bubble e froth e foam ?
A bubble is a single sphere of air encased in liquid. Froth is liquid that has turned opaque and white with small bubbles. Foam is a mass of bubbles that acts like a solid - it has shape and thickness.
Qual é a diferença entre bubble e bubble up ?
'Bubble' -- it is already bubbling
'Bubble up' -- it is rising and bubbling
"The pot is bubbling."
"The lava is bubbling up from the rock."
'Bubble up' -- it is rising and bubbling
"The pot is bubbling."
"The lava is bubbling up from the rock."
Translations of "Bubble"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 아무도 없는 곳에서 bubble gun을 갖고 놀았다.
maybe it’s “I played with bubble guns alone”
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I want it to be too sweet. (at a bubble tea shop) does this sound natural?
I want it to be very/really sweetと言っています
"too" makes sense, but that word sounds negative and it is not good to use it in this context.
"too" makes sense, but that word sounds negative and it is not good to use it in this context.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? そこのお店のchocolate bubble tea飲んだんだけどめっちゃ美味しかった!
I’ve had that shop’s chocolate bubble tea. It was ridiculously good.
I’ve had that shop’s chocolate bubble tea, and it’s ridiculously good.
I’ve had that shop’s chocolate bubble tea, and it’s ridiculously good.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? bubble area
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Other questions about "Bubble"
This is good? "I there was blown the bubbles"
I see! “The bubbles that were blown yesterday were big.”
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar bubble.
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So are you happy with that bubble jacket? how much is it? soa natural?
I would remove the "so", and replace "is" with "was".
best bubble tea i've ever drunk soa natural?
"drunk" is grammatically correct, but most people prefer to say "drank"
What does " bubble up" in 34 mean?
…before court challenges begin/start up/come up.
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