Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Building"
The meaning of "Building" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa "I’ve been working on building up to the 90-minute mark at least 2 – 3 days a week."?
Example sentences using "Building"
Synonyms of "Building" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre A) Empty buildings e B) Empty properties ?
Qual é a diferença entre buildings e premises ?
Qual é a diferença entre i entered into the building e i entered the building ?
Translations of "Building"
Other questions about "Building"
With the building of Friendship and political mutual trust, China and CEE countries view each other as the important cooperation partners. Both of them enjoy a good momentum in economic growth, and have edges in market, resource, technology, industry and capital, respectively. Now, China-CEEC trade volume takes up only 11% of China-Europe, and the investment stock only a 2%. Much potential remains to be explored. Particularly with the facilitation in the building of “Belt and Road Initiative”, “16+1” cooperation brings unseen opportunities. soa natural?
This building was built at the Osaka world expo year, 1970. Its face looks like a bird. It means “future”. And its stomach has face and it means “now”. Suita is known for this building. soa natural?
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