Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Discharge"
The meaning of "Discharge" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa relieve yourself = discharge one's bowels??
you're freeing from difficulties of releasing your poop.
is this what you mean?
is this what you mean?
O que significa discharge home?
A hospital will discharge you when you no longer need to receive inpatient care and can go home. Or, a hospital will discharge you to send you to another type of facility. Many hospitals have a discharge planner. This person helps coordinate the information and care you'll need after you leave.
O que significa discharge orifice?
here, discharge refers to a liquid that comes out of something. And orifice is a hole, but usually refers to a hole as part of the human body. so "discharge orifice" could mean something quite disgusting, but I'm glad it refers to something mechanical lol.
I think it's a strange way to say it, I think in English it would normally be called something like "discharge outlet" or even just "outlet".
I think it's a strange way to say it, I think in English it would normally be called something like "discharge outlet" or even just "outlet".
O que significa is it natural to say "discharge comfirmed"
when I got permission to leave from the hospitalization?
when I got permission to leave from the hospitalization?
My discharge was confirmed. I have been discharged. I was discharged at 5am. Yes. Though I think my final example is the most natural.
O que significa discharge ?
dischsrge: to get rid of something. to throw it away.
Example sentences using "Discharge"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com discharge.
He was given an honorable discharge from the military.
There was a clear discharge from the infected wound.
He was shocked by the electrical discharge from the wires.
There was evidence that he had discharged his gun at the scene.
He was given an honorable discharge from the military.
There was a clear discharge from the infected wound.
He was shocked by the electrical discharge from the wires.
There was evidence that he had discharged his gun at the scene.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com discharge.
Feeling better than she had in months, she nagged the doctor to discharge her from the hospital.
He was discharged from the army.
Because of a shortage of work, half the staff was discharged.
I was discharged without notice.
He was discharged from the army.
Because of a shortage of work, half the staff was discharged.
I was discharged without notice.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com discharge.
After the doctor's appointment, the lady was discharged.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com discharge
He is getting discharged from his position.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com discharge.
The chimney discharges smoke.
Из трубы валит дым.
Из трубы валит дым.
Synonyms of "Discharge" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre discharge e dismiss e relieve ?
I answered "relieve"on your previous question, so you can refer to the answer over there but discharge and dismiss...
Discharge means someone's removal from an official position within an organization, or the leaking of substances. I don't think it has to be an official position within an organization to use the word discharge though.
Dismiss is someone's removal but I see it in a more general sense. It can also be a dismissal of ideas, if I told you I have decent arguments for agnosticism but you say no, you'd be "dismissing" my ideas by not being there to hear them.
"The soldier was discharged from the army due to behavioral problems with his commanding officers."
"The water treatment plant discharges the treated water into the river."
"Don't dismiss his idea without considering it first."
"The judge decided to dismiss the case due to lack of evidence."
Discharge means someone's removal from an official position within an organization, or the leaking of substances. I don't think it has to be an official position within an organization to use the word discharge though.
Dismiss is someone's removal but I see it in a more general sense. It can also be a dismissal of ideas, if I told you I have decent arguments for agnosticism but you say no, you'd be "dismissing" my ideas by not being there to hear them.
"The soldier was discharged from the army due to behavioral problems with his commanding officers."
"The water treatment plant discharges the treated water into the river."
"Don't dismiss his idea without considering it first."
"The judge decided to dismiss the case due to lack of evidence."
Qual é a diferença entre discharged e discard ?
Qual é a diferença entre discharges from eyes e eye mucus ?
it's the same thing, discharge from the eye is just what eye mucus is.
Qual é a diferença entre discharge a function e exercise a function e fulfill a function e perform a function e serve a function ?
Couldn't have put it better myself. You beat me to the punch line. :)
Qual é a diferença entre discharge e emission ?
"Emission" has a more active connotation, like something is being pushed out while "discharge" is more passive like something is coming out (like the pus example).
Translations of "Discharge"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? discharge
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? what is “long discharge range”?
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Other questions about "Discharge"
You have discharge in your eye. Let me take it off. Stay still. soa natural?
× You have discharge in your eye.
✓ You have pinguecula/eye boogers in your eye.
Aはめやにですか? それならdischargeよりはpingueculaがもっと自然です.
✓ You have pinguecula/eye boogers in your eye.
Aはめやにですか? それならdischargeよりはpingueculaがもっと自然です.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar discharge.
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"are designed for the discharge of flue gases" or "are designed to discharge of flue gases"????
i think the first one is correct. but it's also depend on the subject you use
"are designed for the discharge of flue gases" or "are designed to discharge of flue gases"????
They both make sense and they are both correct, the first one is more formal
When are you getting discharge or when are you being discharge soa natural?
thank you
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