Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Eye"
The meaning of "Eye" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa eye on the ball?
The expression is to keep your eye on the ball.
In sports, it means to watch where the ball goes so you can kick/hit/catch it.
In other instances, it means to always remember the purpose or goal so you don’t lose focus.
Example: It’s going to be a battle to finish this project on time. Just keep your eye on the ball and you’ll get it done!
The expression is to keep your eye on the ball.
In sports, it means to watch where the ball goes so you can kick/hit/catch it.
In other instances, it means to always remember the purpose or goal so you don’t lose focus.
Example: It’s going to be a battle to finish this project on time. Just keep your eye on the ball and you’ll get it done!
O que significa ran an interested eye through the political news in The Times.?
@Haru_Shi close! It means he was interested in what the political news might contain. “Ran an eye through” suggests that he didn’t read it entirely, just scanned over the news for something that might be interesting.
O que significa "Catching some well needed shut eye atop his money pile."?
@firtree “well needed shut eye” basically means “a very needed sleep”—> sleep that he really needs. Overall, it means that he was getting some (much needed) rest/sleep on top of his money pile.
O que significa let's eye to eye on this?
You might mean “Let’s go head to head” which means “Let’s go 1v1”
“Let’s see eye to eye” which means “Let’s see each other’s point of view”
“Let’s see eye to eye” which means “Let’s see each other’s point of view”
O que significa eye opener
"this illness was an eye opener that teaches me to place value en my health "
I suggest that it was an event that make me take consciousness of the problem"
"this illness was an eye opener that teaches me to place value en my health "
I suggest that it was an event that make me take consciousness of the problem"
Yes I think you understood the meaning - an eye opener is some that educates you or makes you aware of something that you didn’t understand previously
Example sentences using "Eye"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com see eye to eye .
-There is often shouting heard next door as the roommates can't see eye to eye.
-I can't see how their marriage will work out when they don't see eye to eye on almost everything.
-I can't see how their marriage will work out when they don't see eye to eye on almost everything.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com to turn a blind eye.
We're not going to turn a blind eye to his actions.
You can't just turn a blind eye to everything that is happening.
I'm not gonna turn a blind eye to everything you have done.
The police aren't going to turn a blind eye if they catch you.
I might turn a blind eye.
If it's his first time doing something wrong, you could turn a blind eye.
It's not right to turn a blind eye when people are suffering.
You can't just turn a blind eye to everything that is happening.
I'm not gonna turn a blind eye to everything you have done.
The police aren't going to turn a blind eye if they catch you.
I might turn a blind eye.
If it's his first time doing something wrong, you could turn a blind eye.
It's not right to turn a blind eye when people are suffering.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com eye candy.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com eye drops .
Eye drops and ointments can be broken down into two categories: over-the-counter (OTC) eye drops and prescription (Rx) eye drops.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com have an eye for.
"Wow, you have a good eye for that sort of thing!"
"Ah, I see you have an eye for fine art."
"She has a real eye for fashion!"
"You have a good ear for music." (in this case, it usually means you can play an instrument or sing well)
"Ah, I see you have an eye for fine art."
"She has a real eye for fashion!"
"You have a good ear for music." (in this case, it usually means you can play an instrument or sing well)
Synonyms of "Eye" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre eye dentist e ophthalmologist ?
I think I can answer better now. Eye dentist is just what other doctors call opthalmologists because opthalmologists don't have to work as much.
Qual é a diferença entre I've got my eye on you. e I have my eye on you. ?
They mean the same thing, but I've got my eye on you sounds a little bit more natural.
Qual é a diferença entre Keep on eye out for e Keep an eye on ?
@kat70102 "Keep an eye out for..." is looking for something or noticing when something happens.
"Keep an eye on..." is watching something to make sure it is alright.
"I'll keep an eye out for your picture in the paper."
"I'll keep an eye on the dog to make sure he stays indoors."
"Keep an eye on..." is watching something to make sure it is alright.
"I'll keep an eye out for your picture in the paper."
"I'll keep an eye on the dog to make sure he stays indoors."
Qual é a diferença entre keep an eye on e look at e watch ?
Keep an eye on = make sure that someone isn't misbehaving "I'm keeping an eye on him"
Also, check that something isn't doing something it shouldn't or you don't want it to "I'm keeping an eye on the stock markets, to check the shares don't fall"
look at = "I'm looking at the painting" "I'm looking at old photos"
watch = look at carefully, generally something that moves "I'm watching TV" "I'm watching the birds in my garden".
Also, check that something isn't doing something it shouldn't or you don't want it to "I'm keeping an eye on the stock markets, to check the shares don't fall"
look at = "I'm looking at the painting" "I'm looking at old photos"
watch = look at carefully, generally something that moves "I'm watching TV" "I'm watching the birds in my garden".
Qual é a diferença entre as far as the eye can see e as far as I can see ?
Usually, "as far as the eye can see" refers to visibility, but "as far as I can see" is a metaphor meaning "as I understand the situation."
Translations of "Eye"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? I didn’t exactly see eye to eye with her!
Does it sound natural ?
Does it sound natural ?
i didn't see eye to eye with her - is an english expression.
meaning that you disagree with each other. not me with her, or her with me, but with each other.
it has nothing to do with eye contact. Rulebreaker did not give a formal sentence. it has nothing to do with 'formal/informal'. it is a commonly used expression.
it would be nice if people who are clearly not native speakers stop pretending that they are. :). it makes this website look incapable of giving good advice. cheers
meaning that you disagree with each other. not me with her, or her with me, but with each other.
it has nothing to do with eye contact. Rulebreaker did not give a formal sentence. it has nothing to do with 'formal/informal'. it is a commonly used expression.
it would be nice if people who are clearly not native speakers stop pretending that they are. :). it makes this website look incapable of giving good advice. cheers
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? taking a red eye is so exciting. 이 표현 맞나요?
A red eye flight is a type of flight that leaves late at night and arrives early in the morning. So “a red eye” would be accurate here
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? we never made eye contact with me in reality
is it natural?
is it natural?
We never made eye contact in reality.
Is more natural
Is more natural
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 彼の どちらの目 which eye of his? or which of his eye?
Which one of his eyes?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? There's an eye cream, and the volume is 15 ml, I know "ml" means "milli litre", but how do the US or British nstive speaker usually say? Is it "em el"? Thank you!
We would say "fifteen milliliters" or sometimes "fifteen mils" (more common in the U.K.)
Hope this helps :)
Hope this helps :)
Other questions about "Eye"
How are your eye and knee? I hope they get better soon. soa natural?
I want to know more about how they injured their eye and knee! Fine and comprehensible English.
I couldn’t see him in the eye because I lied to him and he didn’t noticed my lies.
Does this sound natural?
Does this sound natural?
I couldn’t *look* him in the eye because I lied to him, but he didn’t notice (my lies)
I think you can drop ‘my lies’ because it’s obvious what you are referring to
I think you can drop ‘my lies’ because it’s obvious what you are referring to
hello. can we switch "on" with "over" in "keep an eye over the kids. " please?
“keep an eye on the kids” sounds most natural to me. If you were going to use “over”, I would say “watch over the kids”.
I think they see eye to eye. soa natural?
Great ✅ You should say this in a situation in which two people get along/agree with each other, especially if there is a contradiction and you think the people may not get along.
She and I see eye to eye. soa natural?
you could also say:
We are on the same page.
We are on the same page.
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