Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Endangered"
Other questions about "Endangered"
1 Endangered scientists try to revive extinct animals like the woolly mammoths?
In my opinion, rather, they should be more focus on surviving endangered animals.
According to one specialist, there are more than 13000 endangered species all over the world.
So, they have a lot of things to do to help them .
2 Do you think it’s possible to revive all endangered species?
I think it’s impossible to revive all endangered species because more and more endangered animals have been extinct. According to a survey, 40000 species are extinct in a year.
They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species,
3 Should everyone know and care about endangered animals?
Yes, they should, because all living things are precious gift from God for us even if we don’t know about each of them at all. Human being can never make a creature even if they can revive some species. We should think that lost gifts may not come back, so we all have to learn how to care about endangered animals.
soa natural?
In my opinion, rather, they should be more focus on surviving endangered animals.
According to one specialist, there are more than 13000 endangered species all over the world.
So, they have a lot of things to do to help them .
2 Do you think it’s possible to revive all endangered species?
I think it’s impossible to revive all endangered species because more and more endangered animals have been extinct. According to a survey, 40000 species are extinct in a year.
They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species,
3 Should everyone know and care about endangered animals?
Yes, they should, because all living things are precious gift from God for us even if we don’t know about each of them at all. Human being can never make a creature even if they can revive some species. We should think that lost gifts may not come back, so we all have to learn how to care about endangered animals.
soa natural?
× In my opinion, rather, they should be more focus on surviving endangered animals.
✓ In my opinion, they should rather be more focused on preserving endangered animals.
× So, they have a lot of things to do to help them .
✓ So, they need to do a lot of things to help them .
× According to a survey, 40000 species are extinct in a year.
✓ According to a survey, 40000 species go extinct in the span of a year.
× They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species,
✓ They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species.
× Yes, they should, because all living things are precious gift from God for us even if we don’t know about each of them at all.
✓ Yes, they should, because all living things are a precious gift from God to us, even if we don’t know about each and every one of them.
× Human being can never make a creature even if they can revive some species.
✓ Human beings can never make a creature even if they can revive some species.
✓ In my opinion, they should rather be more focused on preserving endangered animals.
× So, they have a lot of things to do to help them .
✓ So, they need to do a lot of things to help them .
× According to a survey, 40000 species are extinct in a year.
✓ According to a survey, 40000 species go extinct in the span of a year.
× They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species,
✓ They can’t keep up with the speed of extinction even if they can revive some species.
× Yes, they should, because all living things are precious gift from God for us even if we don’t know about each of them at all.
✓ Yes, they should, because all living things are a precious gift from God to us, even if we don’t know about each and every one of them.
× Human being can never make a creature even if they can revive some species.
✓ Human beings can never make a creature even if they can revive some species.
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Endangered species
Endangered soa natural?
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Endangered soa natural?
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