Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Glower"
The meaning of "Glower" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa glowering ?
Glowering means to have an angry look on one's face.
O que significa He glowered at her, defying her to mock him.?
A simpler way of saying the same thing is: “He looked at her angrily, daring her to make fun of him.”
Synonyms of "Glower" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre glower e frown ?
"Glower" is far more intense and likely to be focused on the person or thing that is upsetting the subject. A friend is an extremely general facial expression of displeasure or discomfort (which is rarely the main emotion connected to glowering).
Qual é a diferença entre glower e scowl e gawp e squint ?
glower = stare at someone with an angry or annoyed face
scowl = move your eyebrows down and frown very sharply
gawp = stare with an open mouth
squint = almost close your eyes
scowl = move your eyebrows down and frown very sharply
gawp = stare with an open mouth
squint = almost close your eyes
Other questions about "Glower"
I wonder why we can say “clouds glower in the sky”, doesn’t glower refer to “look sth angrily “?
I think this is personification (figurative language in poetry). They want to say that the clouds are threatening to storm.
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar glower.
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