Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Google"
The meaning of "Google" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa Google dots?
1. It sounds like she says “Google Doc”. Google Docs is an online document editor, similar to Microsoft Word. You can invite other people to a Google Doc and edit it together.
2. It’s an inside joke, so you you need to know about the history of Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon to understand it. Here’s an article about that:
3. Goodnight Moon is an American children’s book. I don’t know what “is moana” means, but she’s probably talking about the Disney movie called Moana. She’s saying that since she spent so much of her time with her kids, she won’t know any of the guests unless they write stories for children.
2. It’s an inside joke, so you you need to know about the history of Jimmy Kimmel and Matt Damon to understand it. Here’s an article about that:
3. Goodnight Moon is an American children’s book. I don’t know what “is moana” means, but she’s probably talking about the Disney movie called Moana. She’s saying that since she spent so much of her time with her kids, she won’t know any of the guests unless they write stories for children.
O que significa It's always interesting when looking at our Google Analytics to see an old post randomly come back to life and get a bunch of traffic の bunch of traffic?
O que significa I keep pushing forward.
I would like to know it. Google had not helped me.?
I would like to know it. Google had not helped me.?
Keep trying hard to make progress (for example, in your work or in your life).
I keep making efforts to make progress.
Hope this helps :)
I keep making efforts to make progress.
Hope this helps :)
O que significa "i think, then... Google" in a shirt?
It's probably based on a very famous quote by philosopher Rene Descartes, which translated to English means "I think, therefore I am." This shirt is saying any question you can think of, you can google and find out the answer.
Hope this helps!
Hope this helps!
O que significa "i think, Then... Google" in a shirt?
the person always uses google search every time he thinks of something and wants to know more about it
It's relatable, cause most of us do the same thing. We all turn to google to find out more about stuff'. It's almost like an automatic action every time we think of something and want to know more about it.
It's relatable, cause most of us do the same thing. We all turn to google to find out more about stuff'. It's almost like an automatic action every time we think of something and want to know more about it.
Example sentences using "Google"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Google.
"I have an account on Google." "Let me Google this." "Search it on Google."
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com Google.
Most British people when they see someone they know they will say you aright?
Synonyms of "Google" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre on Google e in Google ?
I am sure there are sentences which use "in Google", however we often describe things as being "on" websites.
You could describe something "in Google". This is true if you work at Google, the company.
Google does have buildings, headquarters, and offices. And so, it is possible to be "in Google" as a company.
In this case, "in" or "at" would both work.
Usually, "in" + organization describes the culture of the company. Look at the sentence which says:
"So in Google, there's a lot of autonomy."
This means, "So when you work at Google, there's a lot of autonomy."
(Also - very cool website! What is it called?)
You could describe something "in Google". This is true if you work at Google, the company.
Google does have buildings, headquarters, and offices. And so, it is possible to be "in Google" as a company.
In this case, "in" or "at" would both work.
Usually, "in" + organization describes the culture of the company. Look at the sentence which says:
"So in Google, there's a lot of autonomy."
This means, "So when you work at Google, there's a lot of autonomy."
(Also - very cool website! What is it called?)
Qual é a diferença entre I have worked at Google since 2010 e I have been working at Google since 2010 ?
There is no significant difference
Qual é a diferença entre I have been working at Google since 10 years e I work at Google since 10 years ?
Both are incorrect. "I've been working at Google for 10 years" or "I've been working at google since 2007"
Since is used when you're talking about a specific time.
You could say "I've worked" instead of "I've been working" too
Since is used when you're talking about a specific time.
You could say "I've worked" instead of "I've been working" too
Qual é a diferença entre Google e Hinative, OK please don't ask Stupid questions ?
الفرق انك هنا تسأل اوادم عن جملة يعرفون وش تقصد و يترجمون لك او يشرحون لك المعنى مترجم قوقل اغلب الاحيان يعطيك الترجمة الحرفية للجملة او لما تترجم كلمة واحده يعطيك جميع ترجمات الكلمة و احياناً يضيعك
Translations of "Google"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Google 翻訳の "○○" の発音、おかしくない?
Don't you think Google Translate's pronunciation of "○○" is weird?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 日本からアクセスすると、Google が「令和」になってる!みんなの国ではどう?
If you access Google in Japan ‘Reiwa’ is featured in the Google banner. What does everyone else see in their countries?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Google とかの検索エンジンは、記号で検索したいときに無視されて困る。
It’s troublesome when I want to look something up using symbols on search engines like Google and it gets ignored.
It’s troublesome when I want to look up something using symbols on search engines like Google and get ignored.
It’s troublesome when I want to look up something using symbols on search engines like Google and get ignored.
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? この Google 翻訳、ちゃんとあってる?
Is this google translation accurate?
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? 私はアメリカでは味噌汁を’飲む’のか、’食べる’のか、どちらが多いのかをGoogle検索で調べました。まず最初にGoogle検索の設定で言語を’English(United States)’にします。そして私は、’drink miso soup’で検索しました。すると44,600件見つかりました。次に、’eat miso soup’で検索しました。すると8,070件見つかりました。この結果、アメリカでは味噌汁を食べるのではなく飲むと言うことがわかりました。
"I looked up Google to find out which of the two phrases was used more commonly in America: 'drink miso soup' or 'eat miso soup'. First, I set the search language to English (United States). Next, I searched 'drink miso soup' and got back 44,600 results. Following that, I searched 'eat miso soup' and got back 8,070 results. Based on this finding, I concluded that 'drink miso soup' was the one more commonly used."
Alternatively, a shorter version could be
"I looked up Google to find out if 'drink miso soup' was used more commonly than 'eat miso soup' in America. First, I set the search language to English (United States). Then, I googled 'drink miso soup' and 'eat miso soup', which got me 44,600 and 8,070 results respectively. From this, I concluded that 'drink miso soup' was the winner".
Alternatively, a shorter version could be
"I looked up Google to find out if 'drink miso soup' was used more commonly than 'eat miso soup' in America. First, I set the search language to English (United States). Then, I googled 'drink miso soup' and 'eat miso soup', which got me 44,600 and 8,070 results respectively. From this, I concluded that 'drink miso soup' was the winner".
Other questions about "Google"
Google has joined to the payment market battle and competed with Venmo, PayPal provides. soa natural?
I might say instead, “Google has entered the online payment market and is competing with Venmo and PayPal.”
Which is correct?
You can search it on Google.
You can search for it on Google.
You can search it on Google.
You can search for it on Google.
they’re both correct! But it’s more common and natural to say the first one
Google says AD must be written before the number, but I've seen it after it.
So what's correct? 🤔
So what's correct? 🤔
Technically, ‘AD’ should be placed before the year, i.e. AD 2020. This is because ‘AD 2020’ is actually Latin and translates as “In the year 2020 of our Lord”.
‘2020 AD’ would technically translate as “2020 in the year of our Lord” and that doesn’t make much sense.
However, in modern English, these archaic rules are mostly forgotten and so it doesn’t really matter where you place it.
‘2020 AD’ would technically translate as “2020 in the year of our Lord” and that doesn’t make much sense.
However, in modern English, these archaic rules are mostly forgotten and so it doesn’t really matter where you place it.
『Thank you for your work』になりました。
『Thank you for your work』になりました。
決まった言い方はないのですが、"You've been working hard! No problem."とか "You must have been really busy. Don't worry about it"とかはどうですか。
Google Photo, a photo management app, released the feature which we can see our photos by a heat map, plot a point on the map where the photo was taken at. soa natural?
× Google Photo, a photo management app, released the feature which we can see our photos by a heat map, plot a point on the map where the photo was taken at.
✓ Google Photo, a photo management app, released the feature in which we can see our photos by a heat map and plot a point on the map where the photo was taken.
It’s really good! Just a couple little changes can make it more natural :)
✓ Google Photo, a photo management app, released the feature in which we can see our photos by a heat map and plot a point on the map where the photo was taken.
It’s really good! Just a couple little changes can make it more natural :)
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