Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Individual"
The meaning of "Individual" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa The out-of-work individual is more vulnerable to it, ?
An unemployed person is prone to “it”.
An unemployed person is likely to become a victim of _______.
An unemployed person is likely to become a victim of _______.
O que significa "What would make you a unique individual?"?
unique means one of a kind so that phrase means like “what would make you a “one of a kind” person?”
i hope this helps, tried to explain it best as possible.
i hope this helps, tried to explain it best as possible.
O que significa well rounded individuals?
A “well-rounded individual/person” is someone who is knowledgeable, capable or experienced in a variety of areas of knowledge or practice.
Meaning that they can do at least the basics of most anything required of them and maybe a lot more in certain areas
Meaning that they can do at least the basics of most anything required of them and maybe a lot more in certain areas
O que significa Healthy individuals sleeping less than five hours or even as little as two hours in every 24 hours are rare, but represent a sizeable minority.?
It means that there is a smaller number of people who can sleep less than five hours and be healthy. Sizable minority means a moderate number, but it is still NOT the majority of people.
O que significa individual?
A single person
Example sentences using "Individual"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com individual.
"Every individual has the opportunity to enter the raffle once."
"There's only a few individual trees that have red leaves it looks like."
"Individuals value widely different things."
"Each individual strand is coated by the product."
"You can either order individual portions, or have the family portions."
"There's only a few individual trees that have red leaves it looks like."
"Individuals value widely different things."
"Each individual strand is coated by the product."
"You can either order individual portions, or have the family portions."
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com "individual".
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com individual.
'The menu shows individual portions.'
'Each item is sold individually. '
It can also be used in reference to a person for example;
I am an individual!
'Each item is sold individually. '
It can also be used in reference to a person for example;
I am an individual!
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com individual's.
individual's is the possessive form of individual
I don't think either word is that common in everyday use. In many cases people would use person and person's instead. But below are a couple examples.
An individual's race should not matter when hiring.
To determine the maximum capacity, you must measure each individual's weight.
I don't think either word is that common in everyday use. In many cases people would use person and person's instead. But below are a couple examples.
An individual's race should not matter when hiring.
To determine the maximum capacity, you must measure each individual's weight.
Synonyms of "Individual" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre 1) "What will make you a unique individual?" e 2) "What would make you a unique individual?" ?
Your guess is correct. The meaning is the same in both cases, but 1 implies more certainty than 2.
Qual é a diferença entre individual e personal ?
Individual is more of an open term. Anyone can have something that is individual. But personal belongs to one person. For example, “personal information”. You wouldn’t say “individual information”. Hope this helps
Qual é a diferença entre 1. Many individuals are deficient of this vitamin. e 2. Many individuals are deficient in this vitamin. ?
The correct sentence means that a lot of people do not have enough of the vitamin in their bodies. Is this clear?
Qual é a diferença entre a individual e individuals ?
An individual is just one person. Individuals is plural so it means a group of people.
She's an individual who is very smart.
They are a very odd group of individuals.
She's an individual who is very smart.
They are a very odd group of individuals.
Qual é a diferença entre individual e discrete ?
"Individual" means single
"Discrete" means secretly, separate, or distinct.
"Discrete" means secretly, separate, or distinct.
Translations of "Individual"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? individual
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? individual
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? individual
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? individual
Check the question to view the answer
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? individual
Check the question to view the answer
Other questions about "Individual"
individual soa natural?
You replaced the "v" sound with a "w" like sound.
Literally this is how individuals who looked at me growing up describe my childhood. soa natural?
You can also say "Literally, this is how individuals, who watched me grow up, describe my childhood." This is a bit more natural as well.
It all goes down to individuals to learn and practice the language on your own accord.
In this situation, what does "goes down to" mean?
In this situation, what does "goes down to" mean?
It all goes down to で、結局は、つまるところ、最終的には、根本的にはのような意味になり、
「go down to」は根っこまで降りていくようなイメージ= rootを見てみれば、という感じです。
「go down to」は根っこまで降りていくようなイメージ= rootを見てみれば、という感じです。
Nowadays, increasingly individuals and organisations have voiced concerns on aid or charity. soa natural?
Nowadays, individuals and organisations have been increasingly voicing their concerns about aid and charity.
For me, two individuals in particular were once important heroes.
In this sentence, what's the exact meaning of in particular ? Does it mean "especially","person who is in particular field"or "refer the exact someones"?
In this sentence, what's the exact meaning of in particular ? Does it mean "especially","person who is in particular field"or "refer the exact someones"?
It means those two stand out above everyone else. So there may be others but these two are the ones that come to mind.
So you would go with especially.
So you would go with especially.
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