Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Itinerary"
The meaning of "Itinerary" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa itinerary?
A planned journey, for example, you have a list of places to visit, hotels to stay at, etc, all planned before you go on the journey
O que significa itinerary?
a plan/schedule/a set of tasks.
a plan/schedule/a set of tasks.
O que significa I will send you an updated itinerary.
itinerary -- 旅程
itinerary -- 旅程
O que significa itinerary?
a plan.
a set of tasks.
a set of tasks.
Example sentences using "Itinerary"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com itinerary.
A: What’s on the itinerary for our trip today?
B: Well, we have a tour at ten, then lunch at noon, and around 4 we’re scheduled to see a show.
B: Well, we have a tour at ten, then lunch at noon, and around 4 we’re scheduled to see a show.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com itinerary .
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com itinerary.
I came up with an itinerary for your birthday; first we'll have cake, then we will open gifts.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com itinerary.
It's a little confusing because it can mean a planned route. You can say 'are we going to the mall before we get dinner?' And you can answer 'yes it's on the itinerary', but only if it was in the original plan.
So if someone said 'can we stop at the mall before we get dinner?' You wouldn't say 'yes, it's on the itinerary', you could say 'yes, it's on the way to the restaurant' instead.
So if someone said 'can we stop at the mall before we get dinner?' You wouldn't say 'yes, it's on the itinerary', you could say 'yes, it's on the way to the restaurant' instead.
Synonyms of "Itinerary" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre itinerary e schedule ?
An itinerary in general is more detailed than a schedule.
A schedule simply states events and timings that occur within a period.
E.g. A game schedule simply tells you what game is going on at each timing.
However, an itinerary is a detailed planned that would tell you where each event is, how to get there, what to do etc.
E.g. A trip itinerary would instruct you where to go, what to do there, how to get there, how much time to spend etc.
A schedule simply states events and timings that occur within a period.
E.g. A game schedule simply tells you what game is going on at each timing.
However, an itinerary is a detailed planned that would tell you where each event is, how to get there, what to do etc.
E.g. A trip itinerary would instruct you where to go, what to do there, how to get there, how much time to spend etc.
Qual é a diferença entre itinerary e agenda ,schedule ?
Itinerary, by its definition, is a planned route or journey. So an itinerary is referring to going somewhere. An itinerary isn’t what you have planned for the day, it’s like planning where you are going to walk to.
An agenda is like a little calendar in book form, it has the days of every month printed on the pages and you fill it out with things you have to do.
A schedule can be the same thing. Some companies make schedule planner books that are like agendas that you can fill out. Schedules can also just refer to what you have planned for the day.
For itinerary I can say something like, “My itinerary included going to the market before going home.”
For agenda I can say something like, “I wrote down what I have to do tomorrow in my agenda.”
For schedule I can say something like, “My schedule is packed full tomorrow!” Or “I wrote down my schedule for tomorrow so I do not forget what I have planned.”
I hope this helps and that it was not confusing!
An agenda is like a little calendar in book form, it has the days of every month printed on the pages and you fill it out with things you have to do.
A schedule can be the same thing. Some companies make schedule planner books that are like agendas that you can fill out. Schedules can also just refer to what you have planned for the day.
For itinerary I can say something like, “My itinerary included going to the market before going home.”
For agenda I can say something like, “I wrote down what I have to do tomorrow in my agenda.”
For schedule I can say something like, “My schedule is packed full tomorrow!” Or “I wrote down my schedule for tomorrow so I do not forget what I have planned.”
I hope this helps and that it was not confusing!
Qual é a diferença entre itinerary e travel plan ?
Itinerary can refer to the exact path you take, and travel plans usually refer to key points you want to see.
They can usually be used interchangeably.
They can usually be used interchangeably.
Translations of "Itinerary"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? how to ask to change itinerary? I want to send email to travel agency.
How do I ask to change my itinerary? I want to send an email to the travel agency
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? itinerary
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? itinerary
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (RU)? itinerary
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? itinerary
Itinerary is a list of things to do (in a holiday context). Like attractions or sights to see when on a holiday.
(i'm not sure if itinerary is used in any other context apart from this but i haven't heard it used in any other context)
Hope this helps :)
(i'm not sure if itinerary is used in any other context apart from this but i haven't heard it used in any other context)
Hope this helps :)
Other questions about "Itinerary"
Customized itinerary, Tailor made itinerary, Custom itinerary. Which one sounds more natural?
I think customized itinerary sounds best out of the 3 to me, but it would depend on the context
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar itinerary.
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Here is your itinerary.
I will email you your e-ticket as soon as I receive it. soa natural?
I will email you your e-ticket as soon as I receive it. soa natural?
Sounds fine :)
I'd be pleased if you inform me of your itinerary in Japan in brief. soa natural?
This is good, but very formal!
Here is a more natural way to say it:
"If you could briefly inform me of your itinerary in Japan, I'd be pleased"
Here is a more natural way to say it:
"If you could briefly inform me of your itinerary in Japan, I'd be pleased"
I've just completed the itinerary for upcoming journey to Brasilia. soa natural?
You need something before "upcoming". Like "my upcoming journey" or "the upcoming journey". We would also probably just say "trip" instead of "journey".
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