Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pathogen"
The meaning of "Pathogen" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa the pathogen, it's airborne.?
A pathogen is an organism that can produce disease (a virus/an infectious agent). So, the infectious agent is transported/spread by/through air.
O que significa ・Non sterile
・Filters out pathogens?
・Filters out pathogens?
It means that it has not been purified and sealed from contamination. For example, with cotton swabs, it is a "sterile" swab if they are individually wrapped (like doctor's use) and "non-sterile" if you buy a box of cotton swabs for your home. A sterile filter removes most, if not all, pathogens, while a non-sterile filter will let some pathogens through.
O que significa reduce pathogen?
يقلل من البكتريا المرضية
Synonyms of "Pathogen" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre pathogen e bacterium e germ e virus ?
A pathogen is a harmful microorganism, bacteria and viruses are also pathogens😀
Translations of "Pathogen"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? pathogen
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Other questions about "Pathogen"
Covid-19 is not an air-borne pathogen soa natural?
covid-19 is a disease, not a kind of pathogen. Its complete term is coronavirus disease 2019
the pathogen is designed to infects all life forms.
all animals...
the meat, if you will.
what does "if you will" mean exactly?
all animals...
the meat, if you will.
what does "if you will" mean exactly?
can you complete with the following sentence or the paragraph just ended here?
The binding of pathogens by the receptors of cells is blah blah soa natural?
It means that receptors of cells bind to pathogens.
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