Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Pre"
The meaning of "Pre" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa pre churros?
A churro is a fried pastry. "Pre-churros" in this sentence means "before eating churros."
O que significa pre calc?
Pre = before. Like said, it is a math class that prepares you for calculus classes.
O que significa pre term?
"Pre-term labor" means that a pregnant woman is going into labor earlier than normal.
O que significa what does pre order mean ?
Like ordering it before it starts selling. So theres one for you and you dont have to worry about it finishing when they start selling it
O que significa pre existing condition?
I don't know the context, but I think a pre-existing condition could be a condition that existed before realizing it (continues to) exist. If this is a medical term, I am not to be trusted, haha.
Example sentences using "Pre"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com How to use "sorry" with pre such as sorry for, sorry about, etc.
Sorry that I couldn’t make it. I’m sorry for what I did. Sorry about not coming to your game. Sorry for your loss. I’m so sorry for making you late.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com pre populate .
Once you have entered your badic data you do not need to do it again. Any new form will pre-populate the basic info parts automatically.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com pre,pres,prepping,prepped..
so pre and pres doesn't exist
Synonyms of "Pre" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre pre school e Kindergarten in the US? Thanks for explaining in advance 😊 ?
A kindergarten is for children about 5 years old, at least in New York City. It is required to put children in school at that age. Preschool is for children earlier than 5 years old. It is not required to put your child in preschool, however some cities (NYC included) offer it to children for free. Hope this helps.
Qual é a diferença entre pre workout e post workout ?
pre-workout is BEFORE a workout
Post-workout is AFER the workout
Example sentence: pre-workout I stretch, then I do my exercise at the gym. Then post-workout I drink a lot of water and rest
Post-workout is AFER the workout
Example sentence: pre-workout I stretch, then I do my exercise at the gym. Then post-workout I drink a lot of water and rest
Qual é a diferença entre pre e prepare ?
@Gomawoyo@kylahlee OK I don't get it with your answers. I think is better if you show me an example sentence with both
Qual é a diferença entre pre school e kindergarten ?
preschool is for children who are just starting to get into school. for example, kids from the age of 4 to 6 go to preschool. then, once they get used to education, they go to kindergarten.
Translations of "Pre"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? no pre preocupes amigo tenemos diferentes horarios (?) pero hablando de que la otra persona vive en otro país.
"Don't worry, friend. We have different schedules."
You might be looking for "Don't worry, friend. We are in different time zones."
You might be looking for "Don't worry, friend. We are in different time zones."
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? Did you pre album?
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? pre and per
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? pre history stuff
Oh, like prehistoric or ancient.
"My mom's TV is prehistoric. I bet she bought it from the dinosaurs."
"My phone is ancient. It's so old that I can only text in Sumerian!"
"My mom's TV is prehistoric. I bet she bought it from the dinosaurs."
"My phone is ancient. It's so old that I can only text in Sumerian!"
Other questions about "Pre"
I did it! I passed pre 1st grade of Eiken!
I’m so glad!
I wanted to pass it this time.
There is no limit how many time you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam it would give him some luck.
I wasn’t confident and felt it was fifty-fifty whether I passed or not, but I’m so relieved! soa natural?
I’m so glad!
I wanted to pass it this time.
There is no limit how many time you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam it would give him some luck.
I wasn’t confident and felt it was fifty-fifty whether I passed or not, but I’m so relieved! soa natural?
× I passed pre 1st grade of Eiken!
✓ I passed pre-1st grade of EIKEN!
× There is no limit how many time you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
✓ There's no limit to how many times you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
× Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam it would give him some luck.
✓ Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam, it would give him some luck.
✓ I passed pre-1st grade of EIKEN!
× There is no limit how many time you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
✓ There's no limit to how many times you take the same grade, but I didn’t want to take it again.
× Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam it would give him some luck.
✓ Besides, my husband is going to take a very important exam soon, and I felt like if I passed the exam, it would give him some luck.
I'm going to do a pre vote. We have 'pre-vote' system for those who are not able to vote on the vote day. soa natural?
I'm going to vote early. We have a 'early voting' system for those who are not able to vote on election day.
I just pre -ordered my new airpods this is the new wave. What does wave means in this context?
“The new wave” means like the new trend, something that everyone is doing (everyone is getting airpods)
what does pre mission and rm mean ?
Not gonna lie, I didn't know, and used google to figure it out.
Long story short, that's a Mormon religion inspired meme.
RM = Returned Missionary
"A returned missionary (often abbreviated "RM") is a term used by members of the LDS Church to refer to men and women who have previously served as Mormon missionaries. Once they return home, RMs are generally encouraged to begin dating seriously and to seek marriage."
Long story short, that's a Mormon religion inspired meme.
RM = Returned Missionary
"A returned missionary (often abbreviated "RM") is a term used by members of the LDS Church to refer to men and women who have previously served as Mormon missionaries. Once they return home, RMs are generally encouraged to begin dating seriously and to seek marriage."
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