Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Smother"
The meaning of "Smother" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa smothering?
Literally, extinguishing a fire by covering it with something solid like sand. As a metaphor, caring for someone too much or in a way they see as oppressive.
O que significa smother ?
To cover and suffocate
O que significa smother?
It means to stifle or to suffocate (make you go airless,incapable of breathing)
O que significa smother ?
When you suffocate someone, whether that's emotionally or physically.
O que significa smother?
It has 3 meanings:
1) to kill someone by covering their nose and mouth
2) to cover someone or something
3) to be overly protective of someone someone and make them feel trapped or uncomfortable
1) to kill someone by covering their nose and mouth
2) to cover someone or something
3) to be overly protective of someone someone and make them feel trapped or uncomfortable
Example sentences using "Smother"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com to smother.
He smothered his girlfriend In love.
The man was smothered in mud.
The man was smothered in mud.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com smother.
He tried to smother her with a pillow
She smothered the fire with a blanket
The mother often smothers her baby with kisses
Smother-love when a mother or father is over protective of their child
He tried to smother her with a pillow
She smothered the fire with a blanket
The mother often smothers her baby with kisses
Smother-love when a mother or father is over protective of their child
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com smother.
His mother smothered him with love.
The dog smothered itself in mud.
The boy smothered peanut butter on the wall.
The dog smothered itself in mud.
The boy smothered peanut butter on the wall.
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com smother.
his mom smothers her child
Synonyms of "Smother" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre smother e strangle ?
They are both ways to suffocate someone.
To smother someone is to block their mouth with an object (such as a pillow).
To strangle someone is to squeeze their neck hard enough that air cannot pass through their throat.
To smother someone is to block their mouth with an object (such as a pillow).
To strangle someone is to squeeze their neck hard enough that air cannot pass through their throat.
Qual é a diferença entre smother e suffocate e stifle ?
The three have very similar meanings. I'll try and break them down.
1. To smother someone (literally) means to kill them by covering their nose and mouth, not letting them breathe, causing them to suffocate.
2. Expression - To overwhelm someone (could also be with good intentions) so that they feel annoyed and want to be free from you for a while. Example, if your boyfriend keeps talking to you all the time and not giving you personal space, even though they want to be nice to you and help you, you could say they are smothering you.
1. Literal - to die due to lack of oxygen.
2. Literal - to cause someone else to die due to lack of oxygen.
3. Expression - similar to above, but usually without the positive intentions.
1. Literal - make someone unable to breathe properly
2. Literal - to stop a laugh/cough/giggle halfway or before it starts. E.g. She stifled a giggle.
3. Expression - based on meaning 2, i.e. To stop something halfway or before it starts. E.g. The government stifled protests against the lockdown.
Hope this helped!
1. To smother someone (literally) means to kill them by covering their nose and mouth, not letting them breathe, causing them to suffocate.
2. Expression - To overwhelm someone (could also be with good intentions) so that they feel annoyed and want to be free from you for a while. Example, if your boyfriend keeps talking to you all the time and not giving you personal space, even though they want to be nice to you and help you, you could say they are smothering you.
1. Literal - to die due to lack of oxygen.
2. Literal - to cause someone else to die due to lack of oxygen.
3. Expression - similar to above, but usually without the positive intentions.
1. Literal - make someone unable to breathe properly
2. Literal - to stop a laugh/cough/giggle halfway or before it starts. E.g. She stifled a giggle.
3. Expression - based on meaning 2, i.e. To stop something halfway or before it starts. E.g. The government stifled protests against the lockdown.
Hope this helped!
Qual é a diferença entre smother e suffocate e stifle ?
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Qual é a diferença entre smother e stifle ?
We use them with different expressions: he smothered me with kisses. (Covered with kisses) He smothered the man with a pillow. ( he covered his face with a pillow so couldn't breathe and killed him) she stifled a yawn (suppress a yawn) she tried to stifle her laughter (control her laughing)..
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