Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Swole"
The meaning of "Swole" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa swole daddy?
big muscles
O que significa swole?
it could mean that you are very buff mostly males like to use it
O que significa You're looking swole man?
You're looking: "extremely muscular or buff" man. Sort of like you worked out a lot.
O que significa swole?
if used as a verb, it is a form from swollen or swelled. but informally, if you're a man, it means you're muscular.
Example sentences using "Swole"
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Synonyms of "Swole" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre swole e bulky ?
swole is slang for very muscular while bulky can also mean muscular but tends to have a slightly more negative connotation, husky, thick, heavy
Qual é a diferença entre I'm feeling swole e I'm feeling strong ?
No difference at all, swole is just a funny slang word meaning strong so depending on the context you may want to use “swole” with friends but use “strong” for a more formal approach
Other questions about "Swole"
Por favor, mostra-me como pronunciar swole.
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You got swole so quick! What's your friends response like? soa natural?
it makes sense but "what do your friends think" seems more natural to me.
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