Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tooks"
The meaning of "Tooks" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa tooks (noun)?
do you have any context? 어디에서 들었어요?
O que significa He tooks his own life.?
O que significa it tooks everything out of me?
It exhausted you/made you tired/ wore you out. You are very tired mentally and physically.
Other questions about "Tooks"
It tooks us 30 years to change the system
And it's time to know was it because of the reprisive
regime or is it in the genes .
is this sentence right?
And it's time to know was it because of the reprisive
regime or is it in the genes .
is this sentence right?
And it's time to know [if it was] because of the [reppresive] regime or [because it is] in the genes
If it only was in the genes back then, then go for [because it WAS].
Else if it's a universal truth, keep [because it IS]
If it only was in the genes back then, then go for [because it WAS].
Else if it's a universal truth, keep [because it IS]
1. i just get it done, it tooks about an hour as i think. it was really really awesome and helped to me a lot of.
(방금 끝냈어요, 한 시간정도 걸렸어요 제 생각에는, 그것은 정말 정말 졌고 나에게 많은 도움이 됬어요)
2. I think we were changed the bag /each the bag at the cafe.
(우리 가방이 카페에서 바뀐건 같아요)
is the correct?
(방금 끝냈어요, 한 시간정도 걸렸어요 제 생각에는, 그것은 정말 정말 졌고 나에게 많은 도움이 됬어요)
2. I think we were changed the bag /each the bag at the cafe.
(우리 가방이 카페에서 바뀐건 같아요)
is the correct?
1) “just got it done. It took me about an hour. it was really awesome and helped me greatly.”
2) “I think we switched each other’s bags at the cafe.”
These sounds more natural, but great start
2) “I think we switched each other’s bags at the cafe.”
These sounds more natural, but great start
i'm done with shower, it tooks about half hour
(샤워 끝났어요, 30정도 걸렸네요)
is this correct?
(샤워 끝났어요, 30정도 걸렸네요)
is this correct?
I’m done showering, it took about 30 minuets
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