Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tower"
The meaning of "Tower" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa “the yacht-watching tower”? a tower from which they were watching yachts?
“silhouettes”? I know the word but I don’t get it what exactly they were? Pictures of planes?
“take just the tip of a noise..”? I don’t get this sentence 🥺?
“silhouettes”? I know the word but I don’t get it what exactly they were? Pictures of planes?
“take just the tip of a noise..”? I don’t get this sentence 🥺?
that would be my guess.
this sort of thing:
When fighting someone, he would cut off just the tip of the person's nose.
this sort of thing:
When fighting someone, he would cut off just the tip of the person's nose.
O que significa The tower's lost contact?
This means that the people in the tower (probably an airport communications tower) lost contact with the people on the other end of the radio signal (such as a pilot in a plane).
O que significa it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.?
The "inaccessible tower of the past" is a metaphorical expression which means the past (time gone by) is like a place (tower) that cannot be reached (inaccessible).
From the past (out of the tower), longing (yearning) leans and beckons (calls to us with a gesture as if from a window).
So, we can't reach the past but we want to, it calls to us.
From the past (out of the tower), longing (yearning) leans and beckons (calls to us with a gesture as if from a window).
So, we can't reach the past but we want to, it calls to us.
Example sentences using "Tower"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com tower.
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Synonyms of "Tower" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre if the tower over there falls, I am going to escape e if the tower over there falls, I will escape ?
There is a small difference. "Going to" says that I plan to escape, that I want to escape. "Will" is more definite - "Yes, I WILL escape."
Qual é a diferença entre tower e top ?
I would say no. Top in this sentence would mean that the Chinese only built 10% of the building. Tower would mean the Chinese built 100% of the building.
Qual é a diferença entre tower e turret ?
A tower could be any building that is very tall. But a turret is more of a tall building that is smaller and has lots of windows usually. Turrets used to be used for war and had weapons in them but now the word is used to just describe the building style. "Wow, that old house even had a turret" . It's more of a section of a house that is attached instead of a stand alone tower.
Qual é a diferença entre tower block e block of flats ?
There is a lot of overlap. I would say tower block for taller buildings (more than 4 floors).
Translations of "Tower"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? パンケーキをつみかさねて食べる
tower the pancake?
tower the pancake?
I stack and eat the pancakes
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? How to you say tower in Englisch (US)
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Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? tower
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? This tower in photo
Most people might not know the right word and just call it a "tower"
Other questions about "Tower"
The leaning tower is at a lager inclination to vertical. soa natural?
Firstly, "lager" is a spelling mistake, I think you mean "larger" instead.
But then you would not use "larger" unless you were making a comparison.
Also you must put "the vertical", not just "vertical".
So perhaps this is better:
"The leaning tower is at a large inclination to the vertical."
But then you would not use "larger" unless you were making a comparison.
Also you must put "the vertical", not just "vertical".
So perhaps this is better:
"The leaning tower is at a large inclination to the vertical."
This is called 'Tower of Castle.'
This Monument was made for the exposition in 1970.
Mr. Taro Okamoto is the one who made this tower.
He is one of the most famous artist in Japan.
Inside the tower the story how the life is created is shown.
At the moment the inside is under renovation and will be open in spring 2018.
I can't wait to see it. soa natural?
This Monument was made for the exposition in 1970.
Mr. Taro Okamoto is the one who made this tower.
He is one of the most famous artist in Japan.
Inside the tower the story how the life is created is shown.
At the moment the inside is under renovation and will be open in spring 2018.
I can't wait to see it. soa natural?
This is called *the "Tower of the *Sun".
This monument [/building] was made for the *Osaka world's fair [/expo] *of 1970.
Mr. Taro Okamoto is the one who made this tower; he is one of the most famous *artists in Japan.
Inside the tower*, one can find [/there's] a depiction of life's creation.
At the moment the *interior [of the building] is under renovation and [it] will be open [to public] in spring [of] 2018.
I can't wait to see it!
This monument [/building] was made for the *Osaka world's fair [/expo] *of 1970.
Mr. Taro Okamoto is the one who made this tower; he is one of the most famous *artists in Japan.
Inside the tower*, one can find [/there's] a depiction of life's creation.
At the moment the *interior [of the building] is under renovation and [it] will be open [to public] in spring [of] 2018.
I can't wait to see it!
I decided not to go up to the tower, because I would be scared of height. soa natural?
1. I decided not to go up the tower, because I would be scared by the height.
2. I decided not to go up the tower, because I am scared of heights.
#2 is more natural, if you are always uncomfortable with heights. If it's just this one tower (for example, extremely high), then you should use #1.
2. I decided not to go up the tower, because I am scared of heights.
#2 is more natural, if you are always uncomfortable with heights. If it's just this one tower (for example, extremely high), then you should use #1.
What is a tower in the center ? soa natural?
@aki2525e: 「A tower in the centre」は何ですか。= your sentence.
「そのtower in the centre」は何ですか。 = What is the tower in the centre?
「そのtower in the centre」は何ですか。 = What is the tower in the centre?
'The tallest tower in the World' or 'the highest tower in the word'? Which one is it correct?
Thank you
Thank you
Tallest tower in the world.
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