Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Uncanny"

Synonyms of "Uncanny" and their differences

Q: Qual é a diferença entre uncanny e rare ?
A: 'uncanny' means that something is 'strange', 'odd', 'unsettling'. Sometimes in a supernatural or magical way, like a psychic who seems to just know things about you. But other times it just means that something is unnerving, unsettling, strange, eerie, like a creepy atmosphere in an old abandoned house. Or that something is odd, unusual, mysterious, strange in a way that is hard to understand or put a finger on it, so it is difficult to explain why it seems strange. It just doesn't seem quite natural.

'rare' just means it is uncommon, it is hard to find (sometimes that makes something valuable), it is unusual or it doesn't happen often. It is mostly used to say that something is hard to find or doesn't happen often. That it would be unusual to see or find it or have it happen. It is not common, so it is rare. It's rare, it hardly ever happens. You don't see those often around here, they're rare. Collector's items are rare and valuable because they're so hard to find. But it doesn't mean that it is odd or mysterious or unsettling, like 'uncanny' does. Using 'rare' only means it's not very common, so it's a little unusual to see it.

Their meanings overlap just a little bit, because they can both be used to say that something is unusual or strange or uncommon. But when they are used that way, they are saying it for different reasons:

- Rare can be used to mean unusual.... but because it doesn't happen often, there aren't many of those around here, it's hard to find those, etc.
- Uncanny can be used to mean unusual... but because it seems strange, not natural, unsettling, mysterious, and maybe even a bit creepy.

So they mean that for different reasons, and the rest of their meanings aren't really the same.

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