Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Volunteer"
The meaning of "Volunteer" in various phrases and sentences
O que significa volunteers for an event pulling in a large amount of money should be compensated?
O que significa as a volunteer i helped them with arrangement for a concert.?
Example sentences using "Volunteer"
Mostra-me frases de exemplo com volunteer.
Synonyms of "Volunteer" and their differences
Qual é a diferença entre #1 volunteer work e #2 outreach ?
Translations of "Volunteer"
Como é que se diz isto em Inglês (EUA)? I was accepted as the volunteer of the torch relay in a ward of Tokyo for the 2020 Games. (Also the games volunteer). People are not excited about the Games, and I wonder if we can hold the games. Many of us think we have prioritize matter .
Other questions about "Volunteer"
🔵Q. What do you want to get out of this volunteer experience?
I am volunteering and I would like to get a relationship of trust with them. Trusting people and being trusted is a very difficult thing. But, when you trust each other and you have a bond, it will be the best treasure of life. Although it is a limited time, I am confident that I can be good friends by facing them from the front and communicating feelings. soa natural?
I am volunteering and I would like to get a relationship of trust with them. Trusting people and being trusted is a very difficult thing. But, when you trust each other and you have a bond, it will be the best treasure of life. Although it is a limited time, I am confident that I can be good friends by facing them from the front and communicating feelings. soa natural?
🔵It's my volunteer experience!!🔵
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. we sang songs together and drew pictures. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came."These words are my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience. soa natural?
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. we sang songs together and drew pictures. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came."These words are my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience. soa natural?
It's my volunteer experience!!
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. we sang songs together and drew pictures. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came."These words are my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience. soa natural?
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. we sang songs together and drew pictures. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came."These words are my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience. soa natural?
🔵Is it natural? 🔵
Volunteer experience
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. I sang songs together, and drew a picture. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came." This word is my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience.
Volunteer experience
I volunteered as a talking partner for the elderly people in the elderly home. I sang songs together, and drew a picture. When I got home, a senior citizen told me "I was glad you came." This word is my treasure. From this experience I learned the importance of connecting with people. I was shy of being able to take action to make more friends. I am applying as a volunteer now like this because I changed my experience.
🔵It's my volunteer interview's motivation.
Is it natural?🔵
I believe that all young people have the abilities to creative the future. So we can have a dream. That is why we can strive to achieve our goals. However, not everyone is in the environment where they can demonstrate ther abilities. This is not just about them, it is a problem for all of us. Young people have equal rights to act toward the future they desire. We have to protect it. I do not want one of my colleagues building a future world together to lack. If they are in trouble, I want to cuddle together as their friends and help them grab the shining future. For this reason, I volunteered as volunteer.
soa natural?
Is it natural?🔵
I believe that all young people have the abilities to creative the future. So we can have a dream. That is why we can strive to achieve our goals. However, not everyone is in the environment where they can demonstrate ther abilities. This is not just about them, it is a problem for all of us. Young people have equal rights to act toward the future they desire. We have to protect it. I do not want one of my colleagues building a future world together to lack. If they are in trouble, I want to cuddle together as their friends and help them grab the shining future. For this reason, I volunteered as volunteer.
soa natural?
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