Fraseologia ING FSP

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Este manual serve de exemplo para as comunicaes entre ATC e Piloto, em sesses Multiplayer do FSP.

Sempre que possivel os pilotos devem comunicar em Ingls e respeitar as decises do ATC.


Posio: Clearence/Delivery Funo desta posio dar autorizao para um determinado Plano de voo. Esse plano de voo contm pormenores da rota que se pretende fazer. Est sempre associada Delivery o ATIS (Automatic Terminal Information Service). Primeiras Comunicaes: Avio #FlightSimxxx#, radio check ATC - #FlightSimxxx#, good evening. Radio check Perfectly readable (depende da qualidade de recepo das comunicaes)
Ateno: a escala do 5 por 5 que temos usado, no vem mencionada em nenhum Documento ICAO, isso usado pelo militares em comunicaes entre eles e nunca na aviao, assim a adoptar temos a seguinte escala: Escala da legibilidade: 1 Ilegvel (Unreadable) 2 Legvel por instantes (Readable now and then) 3 Legvel mas com dificuldade (Readable but with difficulty) 4 Legvel (Readable) 5 - Perfeitamente legvel (Perfectly readable)

mesma transmio se quer falar para duas aeronaves diferentes, a separao das mensagens deve ser feita com Break Break, exemplo: FlightSim208 turn left heading 150, break break FlightSim433 turn left 100)

Aviao #FlightSimxxx#, at stand ____ with information <letra do ATIS>, request clearance to ______.(destino) ATC #FlightSimxxx# information <letra do ATIS> is current, QNH ____ runway in use ___ Break, Cleared to destination _____ via Flight plan route, departure ___ (SID) initial level ____, squawk _____.(a expresso Break utilizada para separar contedos diferentes de uma mensagem. Quando na Avio faz o readback> Caso esteja correcto: ATC #FlightSimxxx# , readback was correct. Contact Lisboa Ground 121.75, for pushback and start. Avio - Lisboa Ground on 121.75, #FlightSimxxx# Caso no esteja correcto: ATC #FlightSimxxx# , <corrigir o que estava incorrecto> Avio <faz o readback da correco> ATC #FlightSimxxx# , readback was correct. Contact Lisboa Ground 121.75, for pushback and start. Avio - Lisboa Ground on 121.75, #FlightSimxxx#


Posio: Ground

a posio responsavel pelas reas de Movimento nos Aerodromos. Controla todo o tipo de movimentos e de todos os veculos e pessoas nas reas de Movimento. OUTBOUND - Sada Avio - Lisboa ground, #FlightSimxxx#, Request push and start.

ATC - Push and startup aproved facing north / south / east / west, call for taxi. Avio - Push and startup aproved facing north / south / east / west, i'll call for taxi, #FlightSimxxx# (depois do PB and S) Avio Lisboa ground, #FlightSimxxx#, ready for taxi. ATC - #FlightSimxxx#, taxi to holding point (runway ___ ou taxiway ____) via __. Avio- <faz o readback> #FlightSimxxx#. Avio - Lisboa ground, #FlightSimxxx# Reaching holding point RWY ___ ATC- Contact Tower on 118.10. Have a nice flight! Avio - Tower on 118.10. #FlightSimxxx# INBOUND - Chegada Aviao - Runway vacated on TWY ____ ATC - Taxy to stand ___ via ___, Flight plan closed, bye. Avio - Taxi to___ via___, #FlightSimxxx#, bye
Ateno: No caso do avio ter que cruzar uma pista nas manobras de taxy, mesmo que o ATC tenha dado instrues para cruzar, o piloto deve SEMPRE parar antes da pista e pedir autorizao para cruzar a mesma)


Posio: Torre

a posio responsavel pelas autorizaes de descolagem e aterragem, tendo a obrigatoriedade de manter as separaes necessrias. OUTBOUND - Sada Avio Lisboa Tower, #FlightSimxxx#, at holding point RWY ____ ready for departure. ATC - #FlightSimxxx#, when airborne contact Approach on 119.10, BREAK, wind _____ degrees, with ____ knots, cleared for takeoff RWY ___. Have a nice flight, bye. Aviao when airborne approach on 119.10, cleared to takeoff RWY ___ #FlightSimxxx# thank you, bye. (reparem que o piloto s aqui usa a palavra Takeoff, apenas no
readback da autorizao)

Sem trafego

INBOUND - Chegada Avio - Lisboa Tower, #FlightSimxxx#, on (ILS ou Visual) RWY ___.
distncia ao aerodromo)

(se possivel reportar a posio,

ATC #FlightSimxxx# wind _____ degrees __knots, cleared to land RWY ___. Avio Cleared to land RWY ___ #FlightSimxxx# No taxi, logo aps ter sado da pista Avio - RWY vacated ATC - #FlightSimxxx# contact Lisboa Ground on 121.75, bye. Avio - Lisboa Ground on 121.75 #FlightSimxxx#, bye.

Com trafego

OUTBOUND - Sada Avio Lisboa Tower, #FlightSimxxx#, at holding point RWY ____ ready for departure. ATC - #FlightSimxxx# holdshort RWY ___ . Avio - Holdshort #FlightSimxxx# Assim que o avio aterra ATC - #FlightSimxxx# behind landing traffic on final, line up and wait behind.

Avio - Line up and wait behind, #FlightSimxxx# Com confirmao de pista vazia ATC - #FlightSimxxx#, when airborne contact Approach on 119.10, BREAK, wind _____ degrees with ____ knots, cleared for takeoff. Have a nice flight, bye. Aviao when airborne approach on 119.10, cleared to takeoff RWY __ #FlightSimxxx# thank you, bye. INBOUND - Chegada Avio - Lisboa Tower, #FlightSimxxx#, on (ILS ou Visual) RWY ___.
distncia ao aerodromo)

(se possivel reportar posio,

ATC #FlightSimxxx#, continue the approach, number _ to land Avio continue the approach, number _ to land, #FlightSimxxx#. Com confirmao de pista vazia ATC #FlightSimxxx# wind _____ degrees __knots, cleared to land RWY ___. Avio Cleared to land RWY ___ #FlightSimxxx# Se por alguma razo, uma aterragem segura no for garantida ATC - #FlightSimxxx# Go around! Climb ____ feet, rwy heading, contact Approach. Avio - Going around, rwy heading, to ___ feet, approach on 119.10 #FlightSimxxx#


Posio: Aproximao

Esta posio apenas existe em aerodromos com radar de aproximao. Podendo no entanto apenas uma estao radar servir vrios Aerdromos. responsavel por colocar as aeronaves na posio certa de passagem para a Posio seguinte, consoante a rota, seja ela a Torre ou Centro. OUTBOUND - Sada Avio: Lisboa Approach #FlightSimxxx#, airborne on ______ (SID) departure route proceeding as cleared. ATC: #FlightSimxxx#, identified on takeoff passing ___ feet , continue climb to FL___, QNH_____. Avio: climb _____FT, QNH____ #FlightSimxxx# ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ____ (left or right) direct ___ (ponto especifico)! Avio: Turn____ direct____, #FlightSimxxx# Se o piloto desejar vectores ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ___(left or right) heading___! Avio: turn ___ heading___#FlightSimxxx#. Antes de sair do espao aereo ou chegar ao FL240 (o que vier primeiro) ATC: #FlightSimxxx# contact Lisboa Control on 125.55. Have a nice flight! Avio: 125.55 #FlightSimxxx#. thank you goodbye. Ou se no houver mais ATC ATC: #FlightSimxxx# leaving my airspace no more ATC available, resume own nav, change frequency UNICOM on 122.80. Have a nice flight! Avio: 122.80 #FlightSimxxx#. thank you goodbye. INBOUND - Chegada Aviao: Lisboa Approach, #FlightSimxxx#, at FL___ descending FL___. ATC: #FlightSimxxx# radar contact continue descent FL____ expect ILS approach runway___ ! Avio: descent FL___ expect ILS approach runway___ #FlightSimxxx#. ATC: #FlightSimxxx# descent _____FT, QNH____ Avio: descent _____FT, QNH____ #FlightSimxxx#

ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ____ (left or right) direct ___ (ponto especifico)! Avio: Turn____ direct____, #FlightSimxxx# Se o piloto desejar vectores ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ___(left or right) heading___! Avio: turn ___ heading___#FlightSimxxx#.


Posio: Center Responsavel pelo controlo em rota, e responsavel tambm por fazer o ATC em aerodromos mais pequenos sem qualquer servio ATC. Nota: A expresso Center apenas utilizada no EUA, na Europa usa-se a expresso Control.
Aviao: Lisboa Control, #FlightSimxxx# reportar a posio ,with you. ATC: #FlightSimxxx# Squawk ____. ou Squawk Ident. Avio: Squawk ____ #FlightSimxxx#., ou Responder Squawk Ident. (quando se tem equipamento Transponder a funcionar o piloto deve clicar onde diz Ident, desta forma o ATC consegue identificar o avio no ecran do radar) ATC: #FlightSimxxx# Radar contact, descent FL____ expect ILS approach runway___ ! Avio: descent FL____ expect ILS approach runway___ ! ATC: #FlightSimxxx# descent _____FT, QNH____ Avio: descent _____FT, QNH____ #FlightSimxxx# ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ____ (left or right) direct ___ (ponto especifico)! Avio: Turn____ direct____, #FlightSimxxx# Se o piloto desejar vectores ATC: #FlightSimxxx# turn ___(left or right) heading___! Contact Lisboa Approach on 119.10. Avio: turn ___ heading___, contact Approach on 119.10 #FlightSimxxx#.
Aproximao ILS:

Neste momento o Center passa o Avio para a Aproximao:

Avio: Lisboa Approach, #FlightSimxxx#, at ______ FT, heading_____ inbound Lisboa. ATC: #FlightSimxxx# cleared ILS approach runway__, report when established. Avio: cleared ILS approach runway___, will report when established. Avio: Lisboa Approach, #FlightSimxxx# established on the Localizer. ATC: #FlightSimxxx# contact Lisboa Tower on 118.10, goodbye. Avio: Tower on 118.10 #FlightSimxxx# thank you goodbye.
Aproximao visual...(s possivel com visibilidade acima dos 4 Km)

ATC: #FlightSimxxx# descent 2800FT, QNH____ Avio: descent 2800FT, QNH____ #FlightSimxxx# ATC: #FlightSimxxx# cleared visual approach, report final. ( necessrio garantir que o piloto j tem a pista vista) Avio: clear visual will report final. Avio: Lisboa Approach, #FlightSimxxx#> final RWY ___. (ou RWY insight) ATC: #FlightSimxxx# contact Lisboa Tower on 118.10, godbye. Avio: Lisboa Tower on 118.10 #FlightSimxxx# thank you godbye.
Este Tutorial foi baseado no Manual de Fraseologia da VATSIM, tendo sido editado e modificado de acordo com a realidade do FSP.

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