Carregador de Bateria BC6DXII
Carregador de Bateria BC6DXII
Carregador de Bateria BC6DXII
] © sensivty
0EC 0ec
v wor 4 avec
sian Noe Nom
USER SET Enter LiPolLiloiLiFe NiMH D. Peak
Lxxv. Type [<> <>
PROGRAM = |— >> Pe PSA Love time Z| sensitivityInitial parameter set up (Users set up)
BCE will be operated with the default value of the essential user settings when it is connected to a
12V battery or a AC wall socket for the first time. The screen displays the following information in
sequence and the user can change the value of parameter on each screen
When you are willing to alter the parameter value in the program, press $12 key to make it blink then
change the value with ince or <0Ec key. The value will be stored by pressing S'att key once.
Vv. Type 3.3V
woec } or DEC Nop
CHK Time 10min
= +
ensit Yy
-Peal Default
= +
soee } ice DEC INCR
NiCd Sensitivity
D.Peak Default
— +
woec } wor DEC INCh
USB/Temp_ Select
Temp Cut-Off 80C
+ = +
USB/Temp_ Select
USB Enabled
The screen displays the nominal voltage of Lithium
battery. There are three kinds of Lithium battery;
LiFe(3.3V), Lilo(3.6V) or LiPo(3.7V). This is very
portant so you have to check the battery carefully
and set it up correctly. If it is different from correct
value the battery can explode during charge process.
BC6 recognise the cell count of Lithium battery
automatically at the beginning of charge or discharge
process to avoid from erroneous setting by user. But
deeply discharged battery can be perceived incorrectly.
To prevent the error, you can set the time term to verify
the cell count by the processor. Normally, 10 minutes
are enough to perceive the cell count correctly. For the
battery of larger capacity, you may extend the time
term. But if you set the time term too long for the
battery of smaller capacity, the charge or discharge
process can be finished within the time term with the
erroneous cell count. This may cause the fatal result. If
the processor recognises the cell count incorrectly at
the beginning of charge or discharge process, you may
extend the time. Otherwise, you had better use with the
default value.
This shows the trigger voltage for automatic charge
termination of NiMH and NiCd battery. The effective value
ranges from 5 to 20mV per cell. If the trigger voltage is set
higher, there is a danger of overcharging the battery; if it is
set lower, there is a possibility of premature termination.
Please refer the technical specification of the battery.
(NiCd default: 12mV, NiMH default: 7mV)
You can select the function of 3-pin port at left side of the
unit. It can be used temperature sensor port or USB port,
selected at this screen. If the port is assigned as a temp.
port, an optional temperature probe contacting the surface
of battery can be used. When it is selected as an USB port,
you can link the charger to your PC via an optional USB
cable. This can utilize the optional software that can show
you the charge process at PC.
You can set the maximum temperature at which the charger
should allow battery to reach during charge. Once a battery
reaches this temperature during charge, the process will be
terminated to protect the battery.woo f
DEC INce <0ec Ince
of INCe
0EC Noe
0ec Nor DEC
ot INCy
> EC Ne
«ect INCI
40e0 Nor
The battery is on the cyclic process of charge and
discharge can often become warm after charge or
discharge period. The program can insert a time delay to
occur after each charge and discharge process to allow
the battery adequate time to cool down before being
subjected to the next process. The value ranges from 1 to
60 minutes.
When you start a charge process, the integral safety timer
automatically starts running at the same time. This is
programmed to prevent overcharge the battery if it proves
to be faulty, or if the termination circuit cannot detect the
battery full. Please refer the statement in below to
calculate the time setting.
This program sets the maximum charge capacity that will
be supplied to the battery during charge. If the delta-peak
voltage is not detected nor the safety timer expired by any
reason, this feature will automatically stop the process at
the selected capacity value
‘The beep sounds at every time pressing the buttons to
confirm your action, The beep or melody sounded at
various times during operation to alert different mode
changes. These audible sounds can be on or off.
This program monitors the voltage of input DC battery. If
the voltage drops below the value you set the operation
forcibly terminated to protect the input battery,
Safety Timer Calculations
When charging NiCd or NiMH batteries, divide the battery's rated capacity (mAh) by the charge
current (A). And divide the result by 11.9, Set this number of minutes in the safety timer setting, If the
charger stops charging at this time limit by any reason, approximately 140% of the battery's capacity
will have been delivered to the battery. For example:
Capacity Current Safety timer setting
2000mAh 2.08 (2000 / 2.0 = 1000), divided by 11
3300mAh 3.04 (3300 / 3.0 = 1100), divided by 11
1000mAh 1.28 (1000 / 1.2 = 833), divided by 11.9
-8-‘e) program
These programs are only suitable for charging and discharging Lithium batteries with a nominal
voltage of 3.3V, 3.6V and 3.7V per cell. These batteries need to adopt different charge technique is
termed a constant voltage(CV) and constant current(CC) method. The charge current varies
according to the battery capacity and performance. The final voltage of charge process is also very
important; it should be precisely matched with the charade voltage of the battery. They are 4.2V for
LiPo, 4.1V for Lilo, and 3.6V for LiFe. The charge current and nominal voltage as for cell count set
on the charge program must always be correct for the battery to be charged.
When you are willing to alter the parameter value in the program, press St key to make it blink
then change the value with inc» or <0eC key. The value will be stored by pressing Sit key once.
The left side of the first line shows the type of battery
you select at the users setting, The value on the left
side of second line sets a charge current and the value
on the right side of second line sets the voltage of the
battery pack.
a ~ Alter setting the current and voltage press §'@f! key for
DEC INCh DEC INCh more than 3 seconds to start the process.
(Charge current: 0.1~5.0A, Voltage: 1~6 series)
Batype | Stat 9 seconds!
This shows the number of cells you set up and the
processor detects. 'R:' shows the number of cells found
by the charger and 'S:' is the number of cells selected
by you at the previous screen. If both numbers are
identical you can start charging by press §'2"t button. If
ot, press 52l\'yPe button to go back to previous screen,
| start Then carefully check the number of cells of the battery
Enter pack to charge again.
‘The screen shows the present situation during charge
process. To stop charging press ®%49° key once.
umber charging charged
of time capacity
coltsCharging Lithium battery at balance mode
This is for balancing the voltages of Lithium batteries of the battery pack to be charged. To do this,
the battery pack being charged should have the individual cell connector. And connect it to the
individual port at the right side of charger with a suitable connection cable that fits with your battery
pack. And also, you need to connect the battery output plug to the output of charger.
In this mode, the charging process will be different from ordinary charging mode. The internal
processor of the charger will monitor the voltages of each cell of the battery pack and controls the
charging current that is feeding to each cell to normalise the voltage.
The value on the left side of second line sets a charge
current and the value on the right side of second line
sets the voltage of the battery pack
‘After setting the current and voltage press Sia key for
more than 3 seconds to start the process,
4 oe
Batt type | Start
Stop Enter '* 3 seconds’
This shows the number of cells you set up and the
processor detects. 'R:’ shows the number of cells found
by the charger and 'S:' is the number of cells selected
by you at the previous screen. If both numbers are
identical you can start charging by press §'2% button.
Ifnot, press®4t.4¥Pebutton to go back to previous screen.
Then carefully check the number of cells of the battery
pack to charge again
The screen shows the present situation during charge
process, To stop charging press 82 '¢ key once.
number charging
‘of time
* pots
LiPo 28
LiPo 3s
* Lipoas
bal. port
F poss bal. port
LiPo 6s
-10-ee cee
The charging current is getting smaller as the process goes to the near end term of Lithium
battery charging. To finish charging process earlier, this program eliminate certain term of CV
process. Actually, the charging current will goes to 1/5 from the initial value to end the process
while the normal charging goes to 1/10 during CV term. The charging capacity may be a bit
smaller than normal charging but the process time will be reduced.
You can set up the charging current and the voltage
of the battery pack being charged. As you press Sat
button the voltage confirmation will be displayed. And
then, if you confirm the voltage and current, press Sia
button again to start charging.
ec Ny 40e0 No
Bat, rf Start
Enter 3 seconds’
This shows the present state of 'FAST' charging. To
stop charging arbitrary, press ®3,yP* key once
‘umber elapsed charge supplied Current
time current capacity voltage of
cas battery
‘STORAGE’ contri Tria
This is for charging or discharging Lithium battery not to be used for the time being. The program
will determine to charge or discharge the battery to the certain voltage depending on the voltage of
the battery at its initial stage. They are different from the type of the battery, 3.75V for Lilo, 3.85V
for LiPo and 3.3V for LiFe per cell. If the voltage of battery at its initial stage is over the voltage
level to storage, the program will start to discharge
You can set up the current and the voltage of the
battery pack to be charged. The current will be used for
charge or discharge the battery to reach the ‘storage’
level of voltage.
'>3 seconds’
The screen shows the present situation during charge
process. To stop charging press ®2l\\Pe key once.
umber elapsed charge supplied Current
time or capacity voltage of
Ss discharge battery
Pree eiat)
The value of discharge current on the left side of screen
may not exceed 1C for a maximum safety and the final
voltage on the right should not be under the voltage
level that is recommended by the battery manufacturer
to avoid deep discharging.
aa, + To start to discharge press S!#% key for more than 3
DEC NCP Occ INCb seconds.
Batttype “]* staty
Sop Ener 53 seconds!
This shows the present state of discharge. To stop
discharging press 844.9" key once
number elapsed battery discharged
of ime voltage eapat
cells discharge Hage capacity
* Voltage balancing and monitoring during the discharge
The processor monitors the voltage of individual cells during 'storage-mode' and ‘discharge!
of Lithium battery pack. It tries to normalise the voltages to be equal. For this feature, the
individual plug of the battery pack should be connected to the individual port of the charger.
If the voltage of any one or more cells varies abnormally during the procedure, BC6
terminates the process forcibly with the error message. If this happens, the battery pack
contains the bad cell, or the bad connection of the cable or plug. You can easily know which
one cell is bad by pressing incp button at time of showing the error message.
The processor found that the voltage of one of the
cell in the Lithium battery pack is too low.
In this case, the 4th cell is bad. If there happens
the connection-break of the cable or plug, the
voltage value may show zero,
-12-H/NiCd battery program
These programs are for charging or discharging NiMH (Nickel-Metal-Hydride) or NiCd (Nickel-
Cadmium) battery commonly used for R/C model applications. To alter the value at the display,
press S'! key to make it blink then change the value using ic» or «pec key. The value will be
stored by pressing $'#" key once.
To start the process, press §'2"' button for more than 3 seconds.
This program simply charges the battery using the current
you set. In ‘Aut’ mode, you need to set the upper limit of
charge current to avoid from higher feeding current that
may damage the battery. Because some batteries of low
impedance and small capacity can lead to the higher
- +\' charge current by the processor at automatic charge
DEC INC mode. But in ‘Man' mode, it will charge the battery with the
Batt ype PY start charge current you set at the display. Each mode can be
‘> 3 seconds’
Stop | Ener switched by pressing nceand «pec button simultaneously
when the current field is blinking,
The screen displays the current state of charging. To
stop the process, press ®4i4P* key once.
The audible sound indicates you the end of process.
battery elapsed battery charged
pe time y5 vllage capacity
Discharging NiCd/NiMH battery
Set discharge current on the left and final voltage on the
right. The discharge current ranges from 0.1 to 1.0A and
the final voltage ranges from 0.1 to 25.0V). To start the
process, press si key for more than 3 seconds.
Ls +
Batype [Star 3 seconds
The screen displays the current state of discharge. You
can alter the discharge current by pressing Si"! key during
the process. Once you change the current value, store it
by pressing $ button again
To stop discharging press ®&.¥P* key once. The audible
batty elapsed battery discharged sound indicates you at the end of process.
‘ype, timo vollage “capacily
-13-- # a
Batt ty Start .
Stop” | Enter > 9 Seconds
battery discharged
voltage or charged
battery lapsed
‘ype time.
discharge car
or charge pects
ee E Rcue ues
harge cycle NiMHINICd battery
Set the sequence on the left and the number of cycle on
the right. You can use this function for balancing,
refreshing and break-in the battery. To avoid rising
temperature of the battery, there will a brief cool-off
period that already fixed at ‘User setting’ after each
charge and discharge process. The cycling number
ranges from 1 to 5.
To stop the process, press "4,4? key once.
You can change the discharge or charge current by
pressing '@'key once during the process. The audible
sound indicates you the end of process
At the end of the process, you can see charged or
discharged electric capacities of the battery at each
cyclic process.
By pressing Ince or «pec button, the screen shows the
result of each cycle in order.
-14-Pb (lead-sulphuric acid) battery program
This is programmed for charging Pb (lead-acid) battery with nominal voltage from 2 to 20V. Pb
batteries are totally different from NiCd or NiMH batteries. They can only deliver relatively lower
current compare to their capacity, and similar restrictions definitely apply to charge. So the optimal
charge current will be 1/10 of the capacity. Pb batteries must not be charged rapidly. Always follow
the instruction is supplied by the manufacturer of battery.
When you are willing to alter the parameter value in the program, press St key to make it blink
then change the value with iNce or <0Ec key. The value will be stored by pressing sta key
CP het ea
Set up the charge current on the left and the nominal
voltage of the battery on the right. The charge current
ranges from 0.1 to 5.0A and the voltage should be
matched with the battery being charged.
Start the charge process by pressing §'%" key for more
than 3 seconds.
- H oH
Batt Start .
Bare ENer > 3 seconds’
The screen displays the state of charging process. To
stop charging forcibly, press ®%.P* key once.
The audible sound indicates you at the end of process.
battery elapsed battery charged
time voltage r
‘yp charge "Ua9® apacky
Paha a ae
Set discharge current on the left and final voltage on the
right. The discharge current ranges from 0.1 to 1.0A,
To start the process, press Ste key for more than 3
~ oH - +H
Batt type [> Start .
auitype | Sletl > 3 seconds’
The screen displays the current state of discharge. You
can alter the discharge current by pressing S'%t key during
the process. Once you change the current value, store it
by pressing $' button again
To stop discharging press Bak.ype key once. The audible
battery elapsed battery discharged Sound indicates you at the end of process
‘ype time voltage capacity
-15-Save Data program
BC6 has a data storage and load program for your convenience. This feature can store up to 5
battery data by number that represent the individual specification of batteries you are using. They
can be called back for the process of charging or discharging without setting up the program again.
To set up the parameter value in the program, press St key to make it blink then change the
value with INC or