História Da Arte Portuguesa I - NIVEL 3
História Da Arte Portuguesa I - NIVEL 3
História Da Arte Portuguesa I - NIVEL 3
Nível III*
1 — Objetivos de Aprendizagem
Intended learning outcomes
a) Understand the long term of artistic transformations occurring in Portuguese territory since
prehistoric times to about 1800, distributing them through a rigorous analytical and compre-
hensive periodization;
b) Relate the changes in architecture and art with the changes operated in the social, cultural
and political life of Portugal in the European and global context, over the period considered;
c) Identify and characterize the great artistic producers and major projects over the period, also
distinguishing the major stylistic changes, incoming external influences and the way they
were originally interpreted, as well as the emergence of artistic genres or changes in the
figurative space-time and visual narrative.
2 — Conteúdos Programáticos
Exposição dos conteúdos e das metodologias de trabalho com recurso permanente a apresenta-
ções em power-point e com análise de casos concretos de obras de arte.
Dispensam de comparência à avaliação final os alunos com classificação média
igual ou superior a 10 valores obtida em avaliação periódica.
Só são admitidos à avaliação final os estudantes com classificação média igual ou
superior a 8 valores obtida em avaliação periódica.
The final grade (0 - 20) is obtained from the combined scores of:
1) Periodic Assessment (90%)
Coursework to be graded:
— Individual written test (45%) – to be submitted mid-semester;
— Individual written test (45%) – to be submitted by the end of the module.
Students with an average grade of 10 (out of 20) or higher obtained from periodic
evaluations are exempt from the final assessment.
Admission to final assessment requires students to average a minimum grade of 8
(out of 20) obtained in periodic assessment.