Atividade Recuoperação 9 Ano

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Colégio Salesiano São Gonçalo

Escola de Educação Básica


Professora: Camila K. do Amaral


Usamos o Zero Conditional em inglê s quando estamos nos referindo a fatos que sã o sempre verdadeiros.
Esses fatos podem ser verdades científicas ou naturais como “if you heat ice, it melts“. Pois, trata-se de uma
lei universal da física que se esquentarmos o gelo, ele derrete.
Na oraçõ es condicionais tipo 0 ("zero conditional"), o tempo verbal em ambas as partes é o "simple present".

(if + present simple, ... present simple)

If you heat water to 100 degrees, it boils.
Oil floats if you pour it on water.
People die if they don’t eat

A condicional tipo zero também é frequentemente utilizada para fornecer instruçõ es. Nesses casos, o verbo da
oraçã o principal deve estar no imperativo.
If Bill phones, tell him to meet me at the cinema.
Ask Pete if you're not sure what to do.
1. Reescreva as frases formando a Zero condicional.

For example: (not / rain / the flowers / die)

If it doesn’t rain, the flowers die.

1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work)

2.(my husband / cook / he / burn the food)
3.(Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke)
4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy)
5.(you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock)
6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat)
7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers)
8.(children / play outside / they / not get overweight)
9.(you / heat ice / it / melt)
10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed)


A first conditional em inglês (primeira condicional) sã o oraçõ es condicionais (if clauses) que indicam
possibilidades ou prová veis açõ es futuras.
As sentenças condicionais sã o acompanhadas pelo termo if (se).
Exemplo: If you buy one of these carpets now, I can get a good price for you. (Se você comprar um desses
tapetes agora, eu posso conseguir um bom preço para você).
A first conditional é formada por duas sentenças. A if clause com verbos no simple present(presente simples) e
a main clause com verbos no simple future (futuro simples).
If + simple present + simple future + infinitivo
Note que a first conditional também pode aparecer invertida:
If Clause + Main Clause: If you want, I’ll ask. (Se você quer, eu vou perguntar)
Main Clause + If Clause: I’ll ask if you want. (Eu vou perguntar se você quer)
No tempo futuro, geralmente sã o usados os verbos modais: will, can e might.

Caderno de Revisã o Semestral de Inglê s/ 9ºAno – Pá gina 1

• Will: usado quando o falante pensa que é prová vel que a situaçã o irá acontecer.
• Might: usado quando o falante nã o tem certeza da ocorrência da situaçã o.
• Can: usado quando o falante nã o tem certeza se a situaçã o irá acontecer ou nã o.

• If I go to Paris, I will buy an French guidebook. (Se eu for a Paris, eu vou comprar um guia de francê s)
• If I go to Paris, I might buy an French guidebook. (Se eu for a Paris, eu poderia comprar um guia de francê s)
• If I go to Paris, I can buy an French guidebook. (Se eu for a Paris, eu posso comprar um guia de francê s)

Obs: Nas sentenças negativas, os verbos modais podem surgir na forma contraída:
• Will: will not – won't
• Might: might not – mightn’t
• Can: cannot – can’t

2. Reescreva as frases na First conditional.

1. If I (go) out tonight, I (go) to the cinema.

2. If you (get) back late, I (be) angry.
3. If we (not / see) each other tomorrow, we (see) each other next week.
4. If he (come), I (be) surprised.
5. If we (wait) here, we (be) late.
6. If we (go) on holiday this summer, we (go) to Spain.
7. If the weather (not / improve), we (not / have) a picnic.
8. If I (not / go) to bed early, I (be) tired tomorrow.
9. If we (eat) all this cake, we (feel) sick.
10. If you (not / want) to go out, I (cook) dinner at home.

3. Complete as frases com a First Conditional.

1. We................................................dinner if we arrive so late. (not have)

2. I'll sell the piano in case I................................................some money. (need)
3. Sue will be unhappy if she.............................................any present. (not get)
4. I can lend you some money on condition that back soon. (give)
5. know if you don't take you mobile phone with you. (not let)
6. Even if talk to him, he won't listen. (try)
7. It won't be possible unless (support)
8. If you...............................................a bath, there will be no hot water left. (have)

4. Escolha a forma correta para completar as frases.

1. Give it to him if you................................................him.

□ meet □ will meet

2. Unless she...................................................a rest, she'll have a headache.

□ has □ doesn't have

3. Even if I I drive fast, we............................................................................on time, I'm afraid.

□ don't come □ won't come

4. What will you do if Bob........................................................?

□ will refuse □ refuses

5. If we........................................a car, we can visit a lot of places.

□ rent □ will rent

6. He'll join us on Monday as long as he..............................................a day off.

□ 'll have □ has

Caderno de Revisã o Semestral de Inglê s/ 9ºAno – Pá gina 2


Relative Clauses nada mais sã o do que sentenças (frases) que informam algo relacionado a algué m ou algo.

Relative Pronouns Tradução Função

Who quem, que, o qual utilizado para pessoas
Whom quem, de quem, para quem utilizado para pessoas
utilizado para pessoas, coisas
Whose cujo, cuja, cujos, cujas
e indica posse
utilizado para coisas ou
Which que, o qual, o que
That que utilizado para pessoas e coisas
onde, em que, no que, no qual, na qual,
Where faz referência a lugares
nos quais, nas quais
quando, em que, no qual, na qual, nos
When faz referência ao tempo
quais, nas quais
What o que, qual utilizado para pessoas e coisas

The person who told you that is a liar.

The person who told you that is a liar.

Defining Relative Clauses - Orações Restritivas

Essas oraçõ es definem ou diferenciam o antecedente, ou seja, elas servem para definir sobre quem ou sobre o
que estamos falando. Observe suas características:
- Não são antecedidas de vírgula.
Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom?

Non-defining Relative Clauses - Orações Explicativas

Fornecem informaçõ es adicionais, mas nã o essenciais sobre o antecedente. Observe suas características:
- As orações explicativas (non-defining) são usadas entre vírgulas. Pode haver apenas uma vírgula
quando a oração relativa for a segunda.
John's mother, who lives in Scotland, has six grandchildren.

- Os pronomes relativos nunca podem ser omitidos na orações explicativas, mesmo quando exercem
função de objeto do verbo:
He gave me the letter, which was in a blue envelope.

5. Na frase “The woman who he fell in love with left him after a few weeks” podemos substituir o
pronome“who” por:

a) whose
b) which
c) that
d) where

6. (UFSCar) Go and find the driver arrived here yesterday.

a) he
b) who
c) whose
d) what
e) whom

Caderno de Revisã o Semestral de Inglê s/ 9ºAno – Pá gina 3

7. Complete as frases com Who ou Which.

(A) The man bought the car complained about the gearbox.

(B) The horse won the race was very fast.

(C) Richard Kelly, works at Siemens, has a company car.

(D) Our dog Rover, is a labrador, goes for a walk twice a day.

(E) My grandma, broke her hip last year, can’t walk very well.

(F) The house we have bought needs to be repaired and decorated.

(G) The clothes he was wearing were very nice.

(H) The curtains you damaged are still being repaired.

(I) Jenny, will be ten next year, is getting much taller.

(J) Snow White, is a children’s film, was animated by Disney.

8. Complete as frases com Who, Which ou Whose.

(A) A boy sister is in my class was in the bank at that time.

(B) The man robbed the bank had two bags.

(C) He wore a mask made him look scary.

(D) He came with a friend _waited outside in the car.

(E) The cashier gave him the money was very pretty.

(F) The bag they brought for the money was blue.

(G) The people were in the bank were very frightened.

(H) A man mobile was ringing did not know what to do.

(I) A woman daughter was crying tried to calm her.

Caderno de Revisã o Semestral de Inglê s/ 9ºAno – Pá gina 4


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