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Exame Final Nacional de Inglês

Prova 550 | 2.ª Fase | Ensino Secundário | 2022

11.º Ano de Escolaridade – Continuação – bienal
Decreto-Lei n.º 55/2018, de 6 de julho | Decreto-Lei n.º 27-B/2022, de 23 de março

Duração da Componente Escrita da Prova: 105 minutos. | Tolerância: 30 minutos. 16 Páginas

A componente escrita da prova inclui 10 itens, devidamente identificados no enunciado, cujas respostas
contribuem obrigatoriamente para a classificação final. Dos restantes 8 itens da componente escrita
da prova, apenas contribuem para a classificação final os 6 itens cujas respostas obtenham melhor

Para cada resposta, identifique a parte e o item.

Utilize apenas caneta ou esferográfica de tinta azul ou preta.

Não é permitido o uso de corretor. Risque aquilo que pretende que não seja classificado.

Não é permitida a consulta de dicionários.

Apresente apenas uma resposta para cada item.

As cotações dos itens encontram-se no final do enunciado da prova.

A componente escrita da prova é constituída por três partes (A, B e C) e inicia-se com a compreensão do oral.

Nas respostas aos itens, não forneça elementos da sua identificação pessoal, como o seu nome.

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Part A – Listening

Text 1

You will hear three teenagers talking about their shopping habits.

1.  For item 1., match the names (Leah, Brad or Susan) in column A with the ideas they express in
column B.

All the ideas apply once.

On your answer sheet, write only the names and the numbers.


1.  Advertisements influence my shopping choices.

2.  I prefer shopping centres to online stores.

Leah 3.  I spend my pocket money mainly on technology.

Brad 4.  Shopping online may result in wrong choices.

Susan 5.  I ignore fashion trends.

6.  I occasionally buy items in a shopping centre.

7.  I’d feel embarrassed to wear something unfashionable.

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Text 2

You will hear a debate about advertising and young people.

2.  For items 2.1. to 2.6., choose the correct option (A, B or C).

On your answer sheet, write only the numbers and the letters.

2.1.  From 2016 to 2021, we witnessed an increase in the

 (A) number of young consumers purchasing online.

 (B) quantity of technological gadgets purchased.

 (C) amount of money invested in online advertising.

2.2.  In most European countries, laws have already been passed to

 (A) protect young consumers from aggressive marketing.

 (B) put a limit on the time used to broadcast advertisements.

 (C) reduce the number of potential cases of consumer addiction.

2.3.  For Dr Lewis, constant contact with advertising

 (A) contributes to economic growth.

 (B) influences teenagers’ relationships.

 (C) determines consumers’ choice of brands.

2.4.  Dr Garcia and Dr Lewis disagree on the extent to which

 (A) advertising influences our society.

 (B) technology impacts on people’s values.

 (C) legislation can solve the problem.

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2.5.  The interviewer finds Dr Lewis’s idea of banning advertising

 (A) complex.

 (B) exaggerated.

 (C) serious.

2.6.  For Dr Garcia, advertising promotes

 (A) an increase in production.

 (B) informed consumerism.

 (C) better job opportunities.

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Part B – Use of English and Reading

1.  Read the text below and decide which answer (1, 2, 3 or 4) fits each gap.

Write only the letters and the numbers.

Ethical marketing is defined as a type of marketing that focuses more on ethics and principles. Companies
a)____  and social or
market their goods and services based on how their products benefit both  ______
environmental ______
c)____,  ethical marketing isn’t a strategy; it’s a philosophy. It includes everything
To put this   ______

from ensuring advertisements are honest and trustworthy, to building strong relationships with
d)____  a set of shared values. Companies with a focus on ethical marketing evaluate
consumers ______
their decisions from a business perspective (i.e. whether a particular marketing initiative will  ______
f)____  from a moral perspective (i.e. whether a decision is “right” or morally
the desired return) and  ______

sound). (accessed 21.09.2021). (Abridged and adapted)

a) 1 – policies b) 1 – corporations c) 1 – completely aside

a) 2 – transactions a) 2 – causes a) 2 – behind

a) 3 – customers a) 3 – proposals a) 3 – off

4 – entrepreneurs 4 – sites 4 – another way

d) 1 – through e) 1 – deliver f) 1 – apart

a) 2 – without a) 2 – find a) 2 – far

a) 3 – like a) 3 – conquer a) 3 – free

) 4 – for ) 4 – demand ) 4 – also

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You are going to read a text about advertising.

In the 1980s, advertisements showed up in predictable ways: as 30-second video spots

during TV shows, audio ads on the radio, or print ads in newspapers or magazines. Nowadays,
the advertising we see is very different.
Since the advent of the Internet and mobile technology, we can find ads anytime, anywhere,
5 and they can target us based on what our online behavior reveals. This includes whether your
phone’s GPS regularly goes to church or whether you comment with emojis when your friends
post about difficult experiences. What we do online says a lot about us, whether we are aware
of it or not. In fact, acknowledging the extent to which we are exposed is a necessary step if we
want to be safe. This is, however, something we will have to work on.
10 Traditional marketing tries to tap into human psychology to find creative ways to convince us
we need to buy things. Sometimes marketing is quite entertaining, and sometimes it crosses
a line into deception or manipulation—particularly with children, who don’t process messages
in advertising the way adults do. In a new study in the field of pediatrics, for example, experts
found that fast food commercials were trying to channel viewers’ attention to the free toys in
15 kids’ meals, hoping that kids may find them irresistible and then nag their parents for fast food.
While I agree that advertisers shouldn’t be seducing children with free toys in TV ads, as
a media student I think we need to look much farther than TV. Kids are being raised in the
Internet age, and marketing now goes far beyond predictable video spots. Parents mustn’t
run away from their responsibilities. They need to wrap their heads around the complicated
20 ways that advertising shows up in apps and on video platforms and social media—particularly
the aspects that aren’t visible to them, like data collection. As I see it, once they understand
modern advertising, they can explain it to their kids, raise their awareness of its dangers, and
mentor them to build critical thinking skills about the messages they are fed.
Most popular kids’ apps contain some form of marketing. App developers prosper when
25 more ads are viewed or clicked, and children are a prime target. Their approaches can be
very manipulative, like showing a sparkling present, which takes the child to ads when clicked.
It’s also common for kids to earn rewards for watching ads. There are no laws restricting how
many ads can pop up in their apps. These strategies are bound to become more common if no
specific regulations are defined.
30 Free video streaming platforms are incredibly popular among kids. These platforms have
user-generated content that can be really funny and creative, but can also try to grab our
attention with outrageous or entertaining content videos that keep kids coming back, which
translates into more ad dollars.
The specific part of modern marketing that can raise some doubts is data collection and
35 targeted marketing (also called “behavioral advertising”). This isn’t supposed to happen with
kids under 13 years old, but lots of private data is collected by their apps. Advertisers can reach
teens through social media, and on some of the platforms they run, they can target kids aged
13 to 17 based on their interests.
Kids need to be free to explore and learn online without being pushed in different directions
40 for profit. Parents have a lot on their plates, and they should put pressure on candidates who
run for office so that regulation becomes the government’s main target. Only then can we help
kids navigate in an advertising-heavy digital world. Raising kids in the Internet age means
teaching them to recognize when someone is trying to sell them new things or new ideas. Let’s
help raise the next generation to be critical digital thinkers. (accessed 09.09.2021). (Abridged and adapted)

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2.  Match the ideas in column A with the corresponding paragraph in column B.
Two of the paragraphs do not apply.

Write only the letters and the paragraph numbers.


Paragraph 1

(a)  Understanding to better educate Paragraph 2

(b)  What research uncovers Paragraph 3

(c)  Tracking our every move Paragraph 4

Paragraph 6

3.  Choose the correct option (A, B, C or D) to complete the sentences according to the text.
Write only the numbers and the letters.

3.1.  In this text, the author’s main purpose is to

 (A) compare the strategies used by traditional and modern marketing.

 (B) highlight the need to prepare children to be advertising-savvy consumers.

 (C) criticise companies for their devious and manipulative advertising approaches.

 (D) suggest strategies parents should adopt to help kids develop digital skills.

3.2.  In the 80s, people knew

 (A) exactly where ads would appear.

 (B) what they would find in an ad.

 (C) ads would pop up every 30 seconds.

 (D) TV ads were the most predictable.

3.3.  In paragraph 7, the author suggests that private data is used to

 (A) develop apps to promote “behavioral advertising”.

 (B) disclose information illegally on platforms.

 (C) create appealing social media platforms.

 (D) understand how young people behave online.

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3.4.  In paragraph 8, it is stated that children should

 (A) have close supervision when exposed to advertising online.

 (B) surf the web knowing how to handle the risks of advertising.

 (C) be aware of the new regulations on advertising.

 (D) use the Internet as much as they like.

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4.  Match each word in column A with the expression it refers to in column B.
Two of the options do not apply.

Write only the letters and the numbers.


(1)  data collection and targeted marketing

(a)  This (l. 5) (2)  online behavior

(b)  This (l. 9) (3)  acknowledging our exposure

(c)  This (l. 35) (4)  modern marketing

(5)  post about experiences

5.  Match each word in column A with the word in column B that can replace it in the text.
Two of the options do not apply.

Write only the letters and the numbers.


(1) conduct

(a)  run (l. 19) (2) go

(b)  run (l. 37) (3) turn

(c)  run (l. 41) (4) compete

(5) manage

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6.  Read the following paragraph about advertising. Three sentences have been removed from it.

From sentences 1) to 5), choose the one which fits each gap a) to c).
Two of the sentences do not apply.

Write only the letters and the numbers.

There is no doubt that the advertising industry is extremely important in today’s world. What I love

most about working in this field is talking to people and making them feel positive about a specific
a)____  I would go as far as to say I learn something new from them every day. Besides, by
product. ______
b)____  This means it
working with advertisers from all walks of life, I also come up with great ideas. ______
c)____  So, it’s up to us advertisers to decide how
can change the world—indeed, it already does.  ______

we want to use that power. (accessed 22.10.2021). (Abridged and adapted)

1)  It expands people’s perspectives and influences millions of them.

2)  What I’m most interested in now is making a career with great advertising concepts.

3)  For this reason, I feel that advertising can help develop creativity and have a positive social impact.

4)  I have met many different people throughout my career as an advertiser, which I find very rewarding.

5)  When sales increase, the satisfaction I get is overwhelming.

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Part C – Written Interaction and Production

1.  You have just received a product you bought online, but you are not satisfied with it.

Write a formal e-mail to the shop, complaining about the product, and mention:

•  the product you bought

•  the reason why you are not satisfied

•  what action the shop should take.

Write your text in 60–80 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Yours faithfully,
Liam Brown

Do not sign your e-mail.

2.  Your school newspaper has asked students to write a text about the advantages and disadvantages of
shopping online.

Write an argumentative text for your school newspaper on the topic.

Provide two arguments for and two arguments against and back them up with examples.

Write a minimum of 160 words.

Do not sign your text.


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Parte A

As pontuações obtidas nas respostas 1. 2.1. 2.4. Parte C Parte D

a estes itens da prova contribuem
obrigatoriamente para a classificação Parte B
final. Produção
2. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 6. 1. 2. e Interação
Cotação (em pontos) 8 x 8 pontos 8 40 40 152

Parte A
Destes 8 itens, contribuem para
a classificação final da prova os 2.2. 2.3. 2.5. 2.6.
6 itens cujas respostas obtenham
Parte B
melhor pontuação.
1. 3.1. 3.4. 5.
Cotação (em pontos) 6 x 8 pontos 48

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