Dimensionamento de Servomotores

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WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Dimensionamento de Servomotores – Parte I

Agenda •Teoria do Servomotor
•Conceitos Mecânicos
•Equação e Curva do Servomotor
•Sistemas de Movimento:
•Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas
•Pinhão e Cremalheira
•Módulo Linear - Correia
Alexandre Wittwer
DCBR/SFS-SFP-SVF – Linhas de Montagem; Solar/Semicondutores; Impressão, Embalagem e Service.
E-mail: alexandre.wittwer@boschrexroth.com.br
Cel. 11 9 8533 5328

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
1 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Teoria do Servomotor

•O que é um servomotor?
• É um motor com capacidade de suportar sobrecargas de corrente
maiores que os motores convencionais e realizar funções de controle
não disponíveis nos motores convencionais.

• Devido a isso, permite acelerações e desacelerações em tempos

muito pequenos, proporcionando uma alta dinâmica ao movimento.

•Como este servomotor é controlado?

•Através de um controlador/acionamento que recebe informações

da posição do rotor, e controla a corrente elétrica que circula nas fases
deste motor.

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
2 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Eixo do rotor
Lado B

Lado A

Rotor com
imã permanente Estator com Freio (opcional)

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
3 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Funcionamento do Servomotor Trifásico Síncrono


Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
4 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Existe uma grandeza física associada à INÉRCIA de rotação. Ela é
denominada momento de inércia. Assim como um corpo massivo
I = m.R²
apresenta sua tendência de permanecer em seu estado inicial de
movimento com uma velocidade constante, que inclusive pode ser zero,
Para um corpo de massa m, cujo
no caso em que o somatório das forças atuantes é nulo, também existe centro de massa está posicionado a
uma resistência à mudança no movimento rotacional. Esta resistência à uma distância fixa R de um ponto fixo
mudança em sua velocidade angular é conhecida como momento de em torno do qual este objeto pode
executar um movimento circular,
inércia do respectivo corpo. conforme mostra a figura 01.
Referências bibliográficas
HALLIDAY, David, RESNIK Robert, KRANE, Denneth S.
Física 1, volume 1, 4. Ed. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 1996. 326 p.
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
5 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Relação de Momento de Inércia

•Casamento de massa na mecânica, é o equivalente ao
casamento de Impedância na Eletrônica.
• Lembra da saída dos Alto-Falantes dos aparelhos
“RoadStar” ou “Pioneer”, que tinham saída em 4Ω ou
8Ω ?!?

•Relação de Inércia : Carga ^ Servomotor => Jcarga / Jmot

•Máquinas-Ferramentas Jcarga / Jmot = 1….3

•Automação Geral Jcarga / Jmot = 2….6

•Sistemas de Handling Jcarga / Jmot = 3….10

•Máquinas de Impressão Jcarga / Jmot = 10….50…100

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
6 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Equação e Curva do Servomotor

A equação da vida de um Servomotor:

P= n

P = Potência (KW)
M = Torque (N.m)
n = Rotação (rpm)

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
7 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Curva do Motor Principal

Em máquinas Ferramenta, o chamado Motor Principal, é o Motor que
aciona a ‘Ferramenta’ da máquina. Geralmente, é o de maior Potência!
•Numa Fresadora, é a Ferramenta de desbaste, a Fresa, que
rotacionada pelo motor principal, vai arrancar cavaco da peça a ser
•Num Torno, é o Eixo Cabeçote da máquina, o que prende a peça.
•Num Centro de Usinagem, é a Ferramenta principal, normalmente que
faz a furação na peça.
Veja que até o valor de nN, ou seja, até
a chamada Rotação Nominal do motor,
a curva é idêntica ao ‘Servo’!
A partir daí, acontece o
“Enfraquecimento de Campo”, e o
Torque é reduzido, mantendo a
Potência Constante PN até nMáx.

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
8 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Curva de Torque real do Servomotor MdN = Torque Nominal.

É o limite de torque efetivo do
ciclo de movimento do
Mmáx. = Torque Máximo.
Usado na aceleração e
frenagem do Servomotor.
M Mmax Mkb = Torque Temporário.
É o torque disponível em parte
do ciclo, para alguma função
MKB específica e dimensionada no


nmax n
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
9 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

n Ciclo de movimento - Avanço

Aceleração Velocidade Ciclo desaceleração

M max = Torque (N.m)
M max
n = Rotação (rpm)
M ciclo= Torque
Mciclo vel. constante (N.m)

-M max Mdesac

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
10 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Torque efetivo do ciclo de movimento



|M| M1 M2 M3 M4
Meff = Mi2 t i

t1 t2 t3 t4 t
M12 t1 + M22 t 2 + M32 t 3 + M24 t 4
T Meff =

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
11 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Sistemas de Movimento:
•Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas


O ‘trabalho’ realizado por
uma força F1 numa distancia
τ =F1 . 2.π.r F1 τ =F . L
r, é igual ao ‘trabalho’
realizado por uma força F F1 . 2.π.r = F. L
M = F. L/ 2.π
para mover um curso L. (r é
um raio imaginário, e L é o
passo do fuso!).
F1.r = M
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
12 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Sistemas de Movimento: M = Torque (N.m)

•Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas F = Força (N)
L = Passo (m)
F.L η = Rendimento
Torque devido: m . g . µr . L
Força do Atrito;
da Usinagem e MAT =
do Peso 2.π.η
FU . L m . g . L . senα
MU = MP =
α 2.π.η 2.π.η
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
13 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Sistemas de Movimento:
•Pinhão e Cremalheira

F.r m
F r

M = Torque (N.m)
F = Força (N)
r = raio (m)
η = Rendimento
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
14 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Sistemas de Movimento: F m

•Módulo Linear - Correia

R = raio da polia

M = Torque (N.m)
F = Força (N)
r = raio (m)
η = Rendimento
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
15 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Exemplo Clássico – Fuso de Esferas

300 kg M

2.0 s
2.5 s
Curso útil = 1500mm
10 mm
Torque é: µ =0.1
η= 90%
M= 300.9,81.0,1.0,01
2.π.η M= = 0,52N.m
Força é: 2 . π . 0,9
F = m . G . µr (G=9,81m/s2) Parece pouco, mas esse é o torque pra manter o
m.G. µr . L movimento em velocidade constante, vencendo o
M= atrito estático.
2.π.η Para acelerar de v=0, com 1G, teriamos M=5,2N.m

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
16 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

n Ciclo de movimento - Avanço

Tacc = 0,5seg
Tciclo= 1,0 seg
Tdesac.= 0,5seg
Tparado = 0,5seg
Aceleração Velocidade Ciclo desaceleração

M max

Mciclo vel.

-M max M acc = 5,2 N.m Mdesac

M ciclo = 0,52 N.m

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
17 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Torque Efetivo do Ciclo

M12 t1 + M22 t 2 + M32 t 3 + M24 t 4

Meff =
∑ Mi2 t i Meff =

Vamos facilitar com t1 acc = t3frenagem = 0,50seg e t2 constante=1seg.

t4 pausa = 0,5seg e T ciclo = 2,5seg.

5,2 2 .0,5 + 0,522 .1 + 5,2 2 .0,5 + 0 2

M eff

M eff = 3,3 N.m

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
18 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

•Do InDraSize –

Observem os dados do ciclo Aceleração-velocidade constante, Frenagem e


Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
19 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Observamos que o torque máximo, e por consequência o torque efetivo do

ciclo, serão resultados da aceleração que se imprimir ao conjunto.

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
20 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
Dimensionamento de Servomotores

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
21 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Dimensionamento de Servomotores – Parte II

•Software IndraSize
•Exemplos de Sistemas de Movimento:
•Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas
•Pinhão e Cremalheira
•Softwares comparativos do mercado (WEG)
•Preparação para visita técnica: requisitos, dicas
para orientação ao cliente, ganho de confiança!

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
1 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Software IndraSize

•Exemplos de Sistemas de Movimento:

•Exemplo 1) Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas
•Dados da Parte I, com variações de Aceleração
•Exemplo 2) Pinhão e Cremalheira
•Com dados do exemplo 1) para comparação

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
2 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Software IndraSize

•Exemplos de Sistemas de Movimento:

•Exemplo 1) Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas
•Dados da Parte I, com variações de Aceleração
•Exemplo 2) Pinhão e Cremalheira
•Com dados do exemplo 1) para comparação

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
3 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Software IndraSize
em 5 passos!

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
4 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Tipos de Servomotores e Motores Principais

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
5 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

•Exemplo 1) Servomotor - Fuso de Esferas

•Dados da Parte I, com variações de Aceleração

300 kg M

2.0 s
2.5 s
Curso útil = 1500mm
10 mm µ =0.1
η= 90%
Vamos aos 5 passos no Software IndraSize! Exemplo2

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
6 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
7 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
8 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Comparativo softw. concorrente – DSW WEG



Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
9 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Comparativo softwares de concorrentes - WEG

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
10 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Comparativo softwares de concorrentes - WEG

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
11 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Comparativo softwares de concorrentes - WEG

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
12 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Exemplo do Sistema Vertical

Alterando Axis Slope : 90 graus (Vertical)


Exemplo com Pinhão e Cremalheira

Dpinhão=48mm Redutor i=15 => Passo (giro do servo= ~10mm)


Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
13 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Preparação para visitas técnicas

Um Vendedor preparado, vale por dois!
•Tópicos para questionar/verificar quando na visita em campo:

•Qual a mecânica existente? Já está tudo dimensionado?

•Onde o motor será alojado? Há restrições de acessos?
•Quais as condições ambientais? Altitude, clima, vegetação..
•Ponto de fixação da flange; Polia
•Direção e sentido de saída dos cabos;

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
14 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Condições mecânicas de
fixação/alojamento e Ambientais

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
15 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Ponto de fixação de Polia

Cuidado! Ponta de Eixo de

Servomotor também
Exemplo de curva de Força radial
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
16 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Grau de Proteção – Standart : IP65

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
17 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Grau de Proteção – Standart : IP65

Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
18 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
WebEx Training Distribuidores 2015

Resumo de requisitos
1. Dimensionamento Mecânico realizado?
2. Alojamento do Servo, fixação, acessos, cabos, condições
3. Servo dimensionado?
4. Dados de Torque Nominal, Rotação Máxima, Aceleração
desejada / Ciclo desejado / Dinâmica do Movimento
5. Sucesso na Oferta e no Pedido!!!
Demais cuidados para a parte do Acionamento, tais
como: Interfaces de comando, fontes de alimentação e
acessórios, serão alvo de outros treinamentos.
Internal | 4/20/2015 | A.Wittwer SFS/SFP | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2015. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing,
19 distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
GerarRelatorio Página 1 de 3

Relatório de Dimensionamento de Servoacionamento

Dados do Cliente

Dados da Aplicação: Treinamento Distribuidores

Nome da Empresa: Comparativo
Pessoa de Contato:
E-mail: Telefone:
Cidade: UF:

Treinamento Distribuidores

Sistema Mecânico: Fuso de Esferas & Carga

Sistemas de Redução: Polias & Correias
Representação do Sistema:

Especificações das Reduções

Polias & Correia:

Rendimento: 90 %
Estágio 1
Diâmetro da polia motora: 0,045 m
Diâmetro da polia movida: 0,045 m
Largura da Polia: 0,02 m
Material da polia: 7750
Massa da Correia: 0,1 kg

Sistema Mecânico: Fuso de Esferas & Carga

Dados de Entrada Resultados

Dados do Fuso de Esferas a) Cálculo das Inércias:

Modelo: Fuso pré-carga de aço Carga: 0,00063 kg.m²
Diâmetro: 0,032 m Mesa: 0,00013 kg.m²
Comprimento: 1,5 m Fuso: 0,00120 kg.m²
Passo: 0,01 m Polias & Correias: 0,00018 kg.m²
Massa da mesa: 50 kg Redutor: 0,00000 kg.m²
Inclinação: 0 º Total Refletida ao Servomotor: 0,00213 kg.m²
Rendimento: 90 % b) Relação Sistemas de Redução: 1,00000
Atrito: 0,01 c) Torque Estático Aceleração: 0,06650
Dados da Carga
Massa: 250 kg
Massa de Contra Peso: 0 kg
Força de Oposição: 0 N

http://dsw.weg.net/GerarRelatorio.aspx 09/05/2015
GerarRelatorio Página 2 de 3

Curva de Deslocamento da Carga

Movimento Linear
Perfil: Velocidade inicial: 0 m/s
Velocidade final: 0,5 m/s
Deslocamento: 0,014 m
Aceleração: 8,929 m/s²
Tempo de deslocamento: 0,056 s

Definição de Hardware

Resistor de frenagem: RF-200

Tensão de alimentação do servoconversor: 220 v
Temperatura ambiente: 35 ºC
Distância entre o servomotor e o servoconversor: 03 m
Tipo de cabo: Standard
Tipo de conector: 180
Cabo resolver: CR - 03
Cabo potência: CP-03m-4x4.0
Servomotor com freio eletromagnético: Não


Motor: SWA 71-9,3-30

Velocidade máx. da carga refletida ao motor: 3000 rpm Torque máx. requerido no motor: 23,96 Nm
Velocidade nominal do motor: 3000 rpm Torque máx. disponibilizado pelo motor: 24,26 Nm
Velocidade média no motor: 1965 rpm Torque RMS requerido no motor: 6,53 Nm
Razão entre inércia da carga/motor: 1,31 Torque RMS disponibilizado pelo motor: 8,11 Nm

Curva de Performance

Dados do Servomotor

Modelo: SWA 71-9,3-30

Rotação nominal: 3000 rpm

Potência nominal: 2,05 kW
Torque de rotor bloqueado: 9,3 Nm
Corrente de rotor bloqueado: 12 A
Grau de proteção: IP65

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GerarRelatorio Página 3 de 3

Dados mecânicos:

Comprimento (a): 270,5 mm

Largura (b): 142 mm
Diâmetro do eixo (c): 24j6 mm
Altura (d): 166 mm
Massa: 12 Kg


Dados do Servoconversor

Modelo: SCA050024T2223PSZ
Alimentação de entrada: 3 x 220/230 Vca
Corrente nominal: 24 Arms
Corrente dinâmica: 48 Arms
Temperatura ambiente 0 a 45 °C
Grau de proteção: IP20
Massa: 5,9 Kg


Altura (b): 328 mm

Largura (a): 92 mm
Profundidade (c): 276 mm

Atenção: Os catálogos e manuais dos servoacionamentos WEG estão disponíveis no site www.weg.net

http://dsw.weg.net/GerarRelatorio.aspx 09/05/2015
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 17:40 Version 5.13.20130527

Project data
Project name: Unnamed Axis name: Exemplo1 300kg

User adress Ordering adress

Phone number:
Fax number:
EMail adress:

Additional text:


Mechanism Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Motion profile Standard (linear motion)

Selected drive (Characteristic: Servo rotative)

Drive series INDRADRIVE C (HCS02) Motor type MSK040C-0450-NN-__-__0-____

Drive type HCS02.1E-W0012-_-03-____
Additional components
Main voltage 3xAC400V (-5%)
PWM-frequency 4 [kHz] Cooling mode of motor Without blower
Maximum NC usable speed 4100 [1/min] Cont. torque at standstill 2.7 [Nm]
Maximum torque 8.1 [Nm] Intermittend torque 3.6 [Nm]
Motor inertia 0.0001400 [kgm^2] Brake inertia 0.0000000 [kgm^2]
Brake holding torque 0.00 [Nm] Motor overtemperature 60K
SB 400 [%]

Input data for mechanism - Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Moving weight 300.000 kg Additional force 0.000 N

Ballscrew lead 10.000 mm Additional torque 0.00 Nm
Moment of inertia (spindle) 0.0012140 kgm^2 Axis slope 0.000 °
Efficiency 1.000 - Counterbalance (relative) 0.000 -
Coefficient of friction 0.100 - Counterforce (hyd./pneum.) 0.000 -

-1 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 17:40 Version 5.13.20130527

Connection elements

Input data for belt pulley reducer 1

Name/type Moment of inertia 0.0001220 [kgm^2]
Translation ratio 1.00 Efficiency 0.900

Computed values

Utilization factor UF_Md 57.84 [%] Utilization factor UF_Mmax 25.47 [%]
Maximum value of moving weight 300.000 kg Maximum acceleration 1.000 m/s^2
Resulting moments of inertia 0.0020959 kgm^2 Average speed 1800.00 U/min
Ratio J ext / J motor 14.971 Effective torque 1.04 Nm
Maximum velocity 0.500 m/s Maximum torque value ( general ) 2.06 Nm
Maximum speed 3000.00 U/min
Detailed torque values
Maximum torque acceleration 1.54 Nm Maximum torque brake 1.28 Nm
Maximum torque weight 0.00 Nm Maximum torque friction 0.52 Nm
Maximum torque processing 0.00 Nm
Values on DC-bus
Continuous power 0.182 kW Maximum power 0.810 kW
Continuous braking power 0.019 kW Maximum braking power 0.191 kW
Maximum braking energy 47.778 Ws

Drive characteristics with working points

[Nm] 8.00 Mmax: Maximum torque

Mkb: Intermittend torque
Md: Continuous torque
3.00 Point (average rpm / effective torque)
1.00 Working points
0.00 800.00 2400.00 4000.00 6400.00

Motion profile - Standard (linear motion)

Total time 2.500 s Effective travel 750.000 mm

-2 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 17:40 Version 5.13.20130527

Limitation of jerk Not active

0.80 0.56 1.00


0.64 0.80 Distance

0.48 0.37 0.60
0.32 0.19 0.40
0.16 0.20
0.00 0.00 0.00
-0.16 -0.200.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50
-0.32 -0.19 -0.40
-0.48 -0.60 Acceleration
-0.64 -0.80
-0.80 -0.56 -1.00

Phase type / Distance Time Accel. Start speed End speed Total mass Proc. force
direction [m] [s] [m/s^2] [m/s] [m/s] [kg] [N]
0.125 0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.125 0.500 -1.000 0.500 0.000 300.000 0.000

0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 0.000

-3 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 18:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Project data
Project name: Exemplo1 300Kg MSK40B Axis name: Exemplo1 300kg

User adress Ordering adress

Name: Rede de Distribuidores
Contact: Todos
Country: Brasil
Phone number:
Fax number:
EMail adress:

Additional text:
Treinamento Dimensionamento de Servomotores. 4 e 11 de Maio 2015.


Mechanism Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Motion profile Standard (linear motion)

Selected drive (Characteristic: Servo rotative)

Drive series INDRADRIVE C (HCS02) Motor type MSK060C-0600-NN-__-__0-____

Drive type HCS02.1E-W0028-_-03-____
Additional components
Main voltage 3xAC400V (-5%)
PWM-frequency 4 [kHz] Cooling mode of motor Without blower
Maximum NC usable speed 5200 [1/min] Cont. torque at standstill 6.1 [Nm]
Maximum torque 19.9 [Nm] Intermittend torque 6.1 [Nm]
Motor inertia 0.0008000 [kgm^2] Brake inertia 0.0000000 [kgm^2]
Brake holding torque 0.00 [Nm] Motor overtemperature 60K
SB 298 [%]

Input data for mechanism - Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Moving weight 300.000 kg Additional force 0.000 N

Ballscrew lead 10.000 mm Additional torque 0.00 Nm
Moment of inertia (spindle) 0.0012140 kgm^2 Axis slope 0.000 °
Efficiency 1.000 - Counterbalance (relative) 0.000 -
Coefficient of friction 0.100 - Counterforce (hyd./pneum.) 0.000 -

-1 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 18:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Connection elements

Input data for belt pulley reducer 1

Name/type Moment of inertia 0.0001220 [kgm^2]
Translation ratio 1.00 Efficiency 0.900

Computed values

Utilization factor UF_Md 86.40 [%] Utilization factor UF_Mmax 91.96 [%]
Maximum value of moving weight 300.000 kg Maximum acceleration 9.091 m/s^2
Resulting moments of inertia 0.0020959 kgm^2 Average speed 1967.29 U/min
Ratio J ext / J motor 2.620 Effective torque 4.48 Nm
Maximum velocity 0.500 m/s Maximum torque value ( general ) 18.31 Nm
Maximum speed 3000.00 U/min
Detailed torque values
Maximum torque acceleration 17.79 Nm Maximum torque brake 15.41 Nm
Maximum torque weight 0.00 Nm Maximum torque friction 0.52 Nm
Maximum torque processing 0.00 Nm
Values on DC-bus
Continuous power 0.315 kW Maximum power 7.192 kW
Continuous braking power 0.064 kW Maximum braking power 4.131 kW
Maximum braking energy 103.264 Ws

Drive characteristics with working points

[Nm] 18.00 Mmax: Maximum torque
14.00 Mkb: Intermittend torque
10.00 Md: Continuous torque
6.00 Point (average rpm / effective torque)
2.00 Working points
0.00 800.00 2400.00 4000.00 6400.00

Motion profile - Standard (linear motion)

Total time 1.605 s Effective travel 526.250 mm

-2 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 09-05-2015 18:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Limitation of jerk Not active

0.56 0.56 10.00


8.00 Distance
0.37 0.37 6.00
0.19 0.19 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
-2.000.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80
-0.19 -0.19 -4.00
-6.00 Acceleration
-0.37 -0.37
-0.56 -0.56 -10.00

Phase type / Distance Time Accel. Start speed End speed Total mass Proc. force
direction [m] [s] [m/s^2] [m/s] [m/s] [kg] [N]
0.014 0.055 9.091 0.000 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.013 0.050 -10.000 0.500 0.000 300.000 0.000

0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 0.000

-3 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Project data
Project name: Exemplo1 Acc1G Vertical Axis name: Exemplo1 300kg

User adress Ordering adress

Name: Rede de Distribuidores
Contact: Todos
Country: Brasil
Phone number:
Fax number:
EMail adress:

Additional text:
Treinamento Dimensionamento de Servomotores. 4 e 11 de Maio 2015.


Mechanism Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Motion profile Standard (linear motion)

Selected drive (Characteristic: Servo rotative)

Drive series INDRADRIVE C (HCS02) Motor type MSK071D-0450-NN-__-__0-____

Drive type HCS02.1E-W0028-_-03-____
Additional components
Main voltage 3xAC400V (-5%)
PWM-frequency 4 [kHz] Cooling mode of motor Without blower
Maximum NC usable speed 4422 [1/min] Cont. torque at standstill 8.3 [Nm]
Maximum torque 32.2 [Nm] Intermittend torque 8.3 [Nm]
Motor inertia 0.0023000 [kgm^2] Brake inertia 0.0000000 [kgm^2]
Brake holding torque 0.00 [Nm] Motor overtemperature 60K
SB 184 [%]

Input data for mechanism - Ballscrew (rotating ballscrew)

Moving weight 300.000 kg Additional force 0.000 N

Ballscrew lead 10.000 mm Additional torque 0.00 Nm
Moment of inertia (spindle) 0.0012140 kgm^2 Axis slope 90.000 °
Efficiency 1.000 - Counterbalance (relative) 0.000 -
Coefficient of friction 0.100 - Counterforce (hyd./pneum.) 0.000 -

-1 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Connection elements

Input data for belt pulley reducer 1

Name/type Moment of inertia 0.0001220 [kgm^2]
Translation ratio 1.00 Efficiency 0.900

Computed values

Utilization factor UF_Md 96.67 [%] Utilization factor UF_Mmax 98.16 [%]
Maximum value of moving weight 300.000 kg Maximum acceleration 9.091 m/s^2
Resulting moments of inertia 0.0020959 kgm^2 Average speed 1966.56 U/min
Ratio J ext / J motor 0.911 Effective torque 7.94 Nm
Maximum velocity 0.500 m/s Maximum torque value ( general ) 31.57 Nm
Maximum speed 3000.00 U/min
Detailed torque values
Maximum torque acceleration 26.36 Nm Maximum torque brake 23.98 Nm
Maximum torque weight 5.20 Nm Maximum torque friction 0.00 Nm
Maximum torque processing 0.00 Nm
Values on DC-bus
Continuous power 1.301 kW Maximum power 12.396 kW
Continuous braking power 0.489 kW Maximum braking power 5.322 kW
Maximum braking energy 1570.842 Ws

Drive characteristics with working points

[Nm] 32.00 Mmax: Maximum torque

Mkb: Intermittend torque
Md: Continuous torque
12.00 Point (average rpm / effective torque)
4.00 Working points
0.00 800.00 2400.00 4000.00 6400.00

Motion profile - Standard (linear motion)

Total time 3.215 s Effective travel 526.250 mm

-2 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:01 Version 5.13.20130527

Limitation of jerk Not active

0.56 0.56 10.00


8.00 Distance
0.37 0.37 6.00
0.19 0.19 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
-2.000.00 0.40 0.80 1.20 1.60 2.00 2.40 2.80 3.20 3.60
-0.19 -0.19 -4.00
-6.00 Acceleration
-0.37 -0.37
-0.56 -0.56 -10.00

Phase type / Distance Time Accel. Start speed End speed Total mass Proc. force
direction [m] [s] [m/s^2] [m/s] [m/s] [kg] [N]
0.014 0.055 9.091 0.000 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.013 0.050 -10.000 0.500 0.000 300.000 0.000

0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 0.000

0.014 0.055 9.091 0.000 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 300.000 0.000

0.014 0.055 -9.091 0.500 0.000 300.000 0.000

0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 0.000

-3 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:30 Version 5.13.20130527

Project data
Project name: Exemplo Pinhao Acc1G Axis name: Unnamed

User adress Ordering adress

Name: Rede de Distribuidores
Contact: Todos
Country: Brasil
Phone number:
Fax number:
EMail adress:

Additional text:


Mechanism Rack and pinion

Motion profile Standard (linear motion)

Selected drive (Characteristic: Servo rotative)

Drive series INDRADRIVE C (HCS02) Motor type MSK050C-0450-NN-__-__0-____

Drive type HCS02.1E-W0012-_-03-____
Additional components
Main voltage 3xAC400V (-5%)
PWM-frequency 4 [kHz] Cooling mode of motor Without blower
Maximum NC usable speed 4200 [1/min] Cont. torque at standstill 2.9 [Nm]
Maximum torque 11.1 [Nm] Intermittend torque 2.9 [Nm]
Motor inertia 0.0003300 [kgm^2] Brake inertia 0.0000000 [kgm^2]
Brake holding torque 0.00 [Nm] Motor overtemperature 60K
SB 245 [%]

Input data for mechanism - Rack and pinion

Moving weight 300.000 kg Additional force 0.000 N

Diameter of pinion(s) 48.000 mm Additional torque 0.00 Nm
Moment of inertia (pinion) 0.0001590 kgm^2 Axis slope 0.000 °
Efficiency 1.000 - Counterbalance (relative) 0.000 -
Coefficient of friction 0.100 - Counterforce (hyd./pneum.) 0.000 -

-1 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:30 Version 5.13.20130527

Connection elements

Input data for gear 1

Name/type Moment of inertia 0.0005470 [kgm^2]
Translation ratio 15.00 Efficiency 1.000

Computed values

Utilization factor UF_Md 86.17 [%] Utilization factor UF_Mmax 88.35 [%]
Maximum value of moving weight 300.000 kg Maximum acceleration 9.091 m/s^2
Resulting moments of inertia 0.0013157 kgm^2 Average speed 1955.46 U/min
Ratio J ext / J motor 3.987 Effective torque 2.48 Nm
Maximum velocity 0.500 m/s Maximum torque value ( general ) 9.82 Nm
Maximum speed 2984.16 U/min
Detailed torque values
Maximum torque acceleration 9.35 Nm Maximum torque brake 9.35 Nm
Maximum torque weight 0.00 Nm Maximum torque friction 0.47 Nm
Maximum torque processing 0.00 Nm
Values on DC-bus
Continuous power 0.218 kW Maximum power 3.836 kW
Continuous braking power 0.038 kW Maximum braking power 2.220 kW
Maximum braking energy 61.049 Ws

Drive characteristics with working points

[Nm] Mmax: Maximum torque
9.00 Mkb: Intermittend torque
6.00 Md: Continuous torque

Point (average rpm / effective torque)
1.50 Working points
0.00 800.00 2400.00 4000.00 6400.00

Motion profile - Standard (linear motion)

Total time 1.610 s Effective travel 527.500 mm

-2 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.
IndraSize Software for Sizing Drives
Output Report 10-05-2015 16:30 Version 5.13.20130527

Limitation of jerk Not active

0.56 0.56 10.00


8.00 Distance
0.37 0.37 6.00
0.19 0.19 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
-2.000.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80
-0.19 -0.19 -4.00
-6.00 Acceleration
-0.37 -0.37
-0.56 -0.56 -10.00

Phase type / Distance Time Accel. Start speed End speed Total mass Proc. force
direction [m] [s] [m/s^2] [m/s] [m/s] [kg] [N]
Acceleration/Forward 0.014 0.055 9.091 0.000 0.500 300.000 0.000

Constant/Forward 0.500 1.000 0.000 0.500 0.500 300.000 0.000

Deceleration/Forward 0.014 0.055 -9.091 0.500 0.000 300.000 0.000

Dwell/Forward 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 300.000 0.000

-3 -

The Software IndraSize is a license free version. Use it at your own risk.
IndraSize has been developped and tested with the highest possible diligence, but nonetheless, the occurrence of defects cannot be completely eliminated.
Rexroth will not be liable for any defects that occur by the usage of this software.

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