Aula 04
Aula 04
Aula 04
Identificar em uma frase, os advérbios e os adjetivos, é algo considerado tricky, ou seja,
algo melindroso, arriscado. Isso porque, em Inglês, como também em outras línguas, essas
palavras nos enganam bastante pela maneira como se apresentam nos textos.
Mas, você verá, nessa aula, como é simples a distinção desses dois termos.
Vamos, então, à nossa aula sobre adjetivos e advérbios, para que você possa aprender as
regras de uso de cada um deles para encontrá-los inseridos em sua prova, levando você a acertar
o que for perguntado acerca desse assunto.
Os adjectives – adjetivos, são palavras que têm o propósito de qualificar ou modificar os
substantivos. Às vezes, modificam pronomes também, como veremos nas explicações. Adjetivos
têm como meta proporcionar detalhes e descrever melhor pessoas, lugares, objetos etc.
E, com o acréscimo dos adjetivos nas frases, as ideias apresentadas se tornam mais
interessantes e os textos ficam mais interativos e atrativos na hora da leitura.
Os adverbs – advérbios, são palavras que também acrescentam informações importantes
ao texto, porém, geralmente, modificam os verbos ou os próprios adjetivos. O advérbio é um
elemento que indica a circunstância em que se encontra o verbo e assim, vai ressaltar as
circunstâncias, ou seja, o modo, a intensidade, o lugar, uma negação, uma afirmação, uma dúvida,
entre outras situações diversas nos textos.
Tanto adjetivos quanto advérbios são importantes elementos e, devemos sempre nos
lembrar de que, uma determinada palavra em sua prova, pode fazer com que o termo analisado
mude, de uma classe gramatical para outra, a depender do contexto em que está inserida.
Por isso, esse material está dividido em detalhadas etapas, com os tópicos explicitados,
para que você estude cada item, separadamente e com muitos exemplos.
Assim, no momento da prática de exercícios, você perceberá que estão envolvidos, em
uma só questão, diferentes assuntos, que abrangem todo o conteúdo a ser estudado por você –
da mesma forma que são elaboradas as provas.
Vou orientar você, mostrando as normas que precisam ser seguidas em relação aos
adjetivos e aos advérbios, para que você os encontre nos textos e saiba como reconhecê-los nas
alternativas de cada questão.
Vamos lá! Você consegue e será o melhor candidato. Conte comigo!
Os adjectives (adjetivos) caracterizam os substantivos e expressam qualidades ou
características em relação a pessoas, objetos ou animais. Essas qualidades podem ser duradouras
ou permanentes, características que expressam estados passageiros e condições e, além de
qualidades, as características das ações de pessoas, objetos ou animais.
A classe de adjetivos está entre as maiores classes gramaticais de palavras, ou seja, possui
um número ilimitado de palavras, que aumenta gradativamente, de acordo com a evolução da
língua. Dessa forma, não conseguimos fazer uma lista com todos os adjetivos da língua inglesa,
principalmente porque, essa lista se tornaria desatualizada daqui em tempo.
A posição do adjetivo em uma frase pode variar, assim como sua terminação. E veremos
cada caso em particular adiante. Antes de relatar outros detalhes sobre os adjetivos, vou citar
algumas das terminações mais comuns para os adjetivos em geral, com 5 exemplos cada, certo?
Adjectives TALL (alto) Nouns • BOY (garoto)
(adjetivos) SHORT (baixo) •
(sibstantivos) GIRL (garota)
Estudar frases comparativas em Inglês, que são muitas, fica simples se você pensar qual é
o real objetivo de uma comparação: estabelecer um paralelo entre uma coisa e outra.
Exatamente isso: usamos o grau comparativo para equiparar uma pessoa ou uma coisa
com outra, para comparar as diferenças entre os dois elementos que se modificam.
A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o comparativo de superioridade é essa: substantivo
1 (sujeito) + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than (do que) + substantivo 2 (objeto).
Mas, depende do número de letras que cada adjetivo tem. Isso mesmo, se o adjetivo é
curto ou longo, interfere na formação das frases.
E existem outras regras a serem seguidas. Vamos estudar cada uma delas.
Para adjetivos de uma sílaba, ou seja, até 5 letras, com o som de uma só sílaba,
considerados “curtos”, como tall – alto/a, short – baixo/a e outros, acrescentamos a terminação
-er para fazer a frase comparativa:
Se o adjetivo terminar em CVC: consoante + vogal + consoante, como hot, big, sad e wet,
entre outros, a consoante final deve ser duplicada antes da incluir -er + than no final do adjetivo:
Os adjetivos que possuem cinco ou mais letras, geralmente com duas sílabas, tais como
simple, clever, common e quiet (simples, inteligente, comum e quieto), formam o comparativo
com a adição de -er ou pelo uso da palavra more antes do adjetivo + than. Vale lembrar que ambas
as formas são utilizadas e estão corretas:
No caso de outros adjetivos, com mais de 6 letras e considerados longos, tais como
intelligent, interesting, beautiful, comfortable etc (inteligente, interessante, bonito/a, confortável
etc), apenas se faz a comparação acrescentando more antes do adjetivo + than:
Bethy is more intelligent than Jane. (Bethy é mais inteligente do que Jane.)
Por sua vez, adjetivos terminados em y, com até 5 letras, tais como pretty, busy, noisy,
happy etc – lindo/a, ocupado/a, barulhento/a, feliz, e etc, seguem a regra dos outros adjetivos
considerados “curtos”.
Porém, elimina-se a letra y, que é automaticamente substituída pela letra i e, assim, faz-se
o acréscimo de -ier + than:
O grau comparativo de igualdade é usado para comparar dois elementos equivalentes
entre si. Geralmente, a comparação é feita com apenas dois elementos, dois sujeitos em uma
A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o comparativo de igualdade é essa: substantivo 1
(sujeito) + verbo + as + adjetivo + as + substantivo 2 (objeto).
Essa estrutura é igual para todos os adjetivos da língua inglesa, não depende do número
de letras ou sílabas que cada adjetivo possui. Vejamos exemplos:
Por sua vez, o grau comparativo de inferioridade é usado para comparar dois elementos,
evidenciando que o primeiro é inferior ao segundo.
A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o comparativo de inferioridade é essa: substantivo
1 (sujeito) + verbo + less + adjetivo + substantivo 2 (objeto).
Essa estrutura também é igual para todos os adjetivos da língua inglesa, não depende do
número de letras ou sílabas que cada adjetivo possui.
Vejamos exemplos:
Bethy is less tall than Jane. (Bethy é menos alta do que Jane.)
Bethy is less intelligent than Jane. (Bethy é menos inteligente do que Jane.)
Bethy is less pretty than Jane. (Bethy é menos linda do que Jane.)
Bethy is less good than Jane. (Bethy é menos bondosa do que Jane.)
Bethy is not as tall as Jane. (Bethy não é tão alta quanto Jane.)
Beth and Jane are not as tall as Susan. (Bethy e Jane não são tão altas quanto Susan.)
Elizabeth is less tall than John. (Anne é menos alta do que John.)
A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o superlativo de superioridade é essa: substantivo
+ verbo + artigo THE + adjetivo no superlativo (veremos as regras).
Assim como no modo comparativo, analisando o número de letras/sílabas dos adjetivos, o
superlativo é mais simples, mas a formação de frases é diferente para o adjetivo curto ou longo.
Para os adjetivos curtos – de uma sílaba, até 5 letras – como tall – alto/a, short – baixo/a e
outros considerados “curtos”, acrescenta-se a terminação -est no final:
Bethy is the tallest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais alta da sala.
Note que o artigo the é muito importante no superlativo, pois proporcionam ênfase de que
algo/alguém é o mais/a mais sobre o assunto tratado na frase.
Nos adjetivos longos, com mais de 5 letras e mais sílabas, tais como beautiful, interesting,
important etc, acrescentamos o termo the most antes do adjetivo.
Bethy is the most beautiful girl in the class. – O verão é a garota mais bonita da sala.
Por sua vez, adjetivos terminados em y, com até 5 letras, tais como pretty, busy, noisy,
happy etc – lindo/a, ocupado/a, barulhento/a, feliz, e etc, seguem a regra dos outros adjetivos
considerados “curtos”, mas elimina-se a letra y, que é substituída pela letra i e, assim, faz-se o
acréscimo de -iest:
Bethy is the prettiest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais linda da sala.
Bethy is the thinnest girl in the class. – Bethy é a garota mais magra da sala.
Por último, os adjetivos irregulares que vimos no comparativo, tais como good, bad e far –
bom, mau e longe, também não seguem regras e cada um tem uma grafia diferente quando a
comparação é feita – the best, the worst e the furthest, veja:
GOOD: Bethy is the best student. – Bethy é a melhor aluna. (de todas)
BAD: Bethy is the worst student. – Bethy é a pior aluna. (de todas)
FAR: Bethy’s house is the furthest in this city. – A casa de Bethy é a mais longe nessa cidade.
A estrutura usada nas frases em que há o superlativo de superioridade é essa: substantivo
+ verbo + artigo THE LEAST + adjetivo – todos os adjetivos são usados com the least antes. A regra
é uma só para todos. Para adjetivos longos, curtos, com CVC ou com final y.
Bethy is the least thin student. – Bethy é a aluna menos magra. (de todas)
Bethy is the least intelligent student. – Bethy é a aluna menos inteligente. (de todas)
Bethy is the least funny student. – Bethy é a aluna menos engraçada. (de todas)
need to make a lot of money so you don’t miss out on success. And for you to make money, you
need everyone else to spend their money. And so it goes.
So I said goodbye to a lot of things, many of which I’d had for years. And yet now I live each day
with a happier spirit. I feel more content now than I ever did in the past.
I wasn’t always a minimalist. I used to buy a lot of things, believing that all those possessions
would ITA (2.o dia) — dezembro/2017 increase my self-worth and lead to a happier life. I loved
collecting a lot of useless stuff, and I couldn’t throw anything away. I was a natural hoarder of
knick-knacks that I thought made me an interesting person.
At the same time, though, I was always comparing myself with other people who had more or
better things, which often made me miserable. I couldn’t focus on anything, and I was always
wasting time. Alcohol was my escape, and I didn’t treat women fairly. I didn’t try to change; I
thought this was all just part of who I was, and I deserved to be unhappy.
My apartment wasn’t horribly messy; if my girlfriend was coming over for the weekend, I could
do enough tidying up to make it look presentable. On a usual day, however, there were books
stacked everywhere because there wasn’t enough room on my bookshelves. Most I had thumbed
through once or twice, thinking that I would read them when I had the time.
The closet was crammed with what used to be my favourite clothes, most of which I’d only worn
a few times. The room was filled with all the things I’d taken up as hobbies and then gotten tired
of. A guitar and amplifier, covered with dust. Conversational English workbooks I’d planned to
study once I had more free time. Even a fabulous antique camera, which of course I had never
once put a roll of film in.
It may sound as if I’m exaggerating when I say I started to become a new person. Someone said
to me: “All you did is throw things away,” which is true. But by having fewer things around, I’ve
started feeling happier each day. I’m slowly beginning to understand what happiness is.
If you are anything like I used to be – miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or
just believing your life sucks – I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things. [...]
Everyone wants to be happy. But trying to buy happiness only makes us happy for a little while.
Fonte: adaptado de adaptado de <>. Acesso em: 21 maio 2017.
Mesmo assim, vale lembrar que, apesar de quase nunca precisar de ler o texto completo nem
traduzir palavra por palavra (e sim usar técnicas aprendidas), conhecer muitos vocábulos é sinal
de que você está preparado, está à frente de outros candidatos, pois possui vocabulário e
conhecimento mais amplo.
Além disso, você já sabe que terá acesso às traduções dos textos no fim do material – um bônus
para aprimorar e conhecer novos termos enquanto estiver estudando.
Veja que, no enunciado dessa questão, já estão as frases que você deve analisar para responder
qual delas não possui forma comparativa. Vamos lá.
Na letra A, o adjetivo cheap está na forma comparativa, pois tem o acréscimo de -er no final por
ser um adjetivo curto, como vimos na teoria acima.
Na letra B, o termo the least possible não está na forma comparativa e é a resposta correta da
questão, pois, é uma estrutura de superlativo de inferioridade, como vimos na teoria está, com o
acréscimo do artigo the least antes do adjetivo possible. E, também porque a terminação -est é
outra característica do grau superlativo.
Na letra C, o adjetivo happy está na forma comparativa, pois tem o acréscimo de -ier no final por
ser um adjetivo curto e terminado com a letra y.
Na letra D, o adjetivo content está na forma comparativa, pois tem o acréscimo de more antes do
adjetivo longo – more content.
Na letra E, o adjetivo few está na forma comparativa, pois tem o acréscimo de -er no final por ser
um adjetivo curto, assim como nas letras A e C.
Agora, que você sabe tudo sobre adjetivos – e espero que saiba mesmo – estudaremos a
classe de advérbios detalhadamente. Vamos lá! Come on!
Os advérbios têm quase a mesma função dos adjetivos, contudo, ao invés de agregar
características a substantivos, os advérbios viabilizam qualidades de modo, tempo e lugar aos
verbos e, algumas vezes, aos próprios adjetivos!
Portanto, os advérbios funcionam como modificador de verbos, de adjetivos e, muitas
vezes, de outros advérbios, usados para dizer quando, como ou onde alguma coisa aconteceu e,
geralmente, aparece depois de verbos principais, como veremos.
Vejamos como se dá a formação dos advérbios para ficar mais fácil falar das classificações
deles adiante.
Você deve compreender muito bem para não confundir, já que os advérbios são derivados
de adjetivos e, algumas vezes, possuem a mesma forma do adjetivo.
A maioria dos advérbios são formados pelo acréscimo da terminação -ly, que significa -
mente. Este acréscimo ocorre nos advérbios que indicam modo, que indicam frequência ou
intensidade, entre muitos outros.
Exemplo: Bethy is slow and she drives slowly. (Bethy é lenta e ela dirige lentamente.)
Para advérbios de qualquer classificação, acrescenta-se -ly no final dos adjetivos. Para
adjetivos terminados pelo próprio y, trocamos o y por i e acrescentamos normalmente -ly. Veja
alguns exemplos:
crazy (louco) - crazily (loucamente)
easy (fácil) - easily (facilmente)
happy (feliz, alegre) - happily (felizmente, alegremente)
heavy (pesado) - heavily (pesadamente)
lucky (sortudo) - luckily (afortunadamente)
Para os adjetivos terminados em -le, trocando-se o -le por -ly, forma-se o advérbio:
horrible (horrível) - horribly (horrivelmente)
incredible (inacreditável) – incredibly (inacreditavelmente)
probable (provável) - probably (provavelmente)
simple (simples) - simply (simplesmente)
subtle (sutil) - subtly (sutilmente)
Com alguns adjetivos terminados em -e (sem a letra L antes da letra E), mantemos o -e,
acrescentando, normalmente -ly; com a exceção de dois adjetivos especiais nesse caso: true e
brave (bravo) - bravely (bravamente)
immediate (imediato) - immediately (imediatamente)
Exceções: true (verdadeiro) - truly (verdadeiramente)
due (que se deve, adequado) - duly (pontualmente, a tempo)
Quando os adjetivos terminam em -ic acrescentam -ally e não somente -ly, veja:
automatic (automático) - automatically (automaticamente)
romantic (romântico) - romantically (romanticamente)
specific (específico) - specifically (especificamente)
tragic (trágico) - tragically (tragicamente)
De forma simples e direta, caso o adjetivo já termine em -ly, nada se acrescenta na formação do
Bethy is tired of her daily routine. (Justine está cansada da sua rotina diária.)
Bethy helps her sister friendly. (Bethy ajuda sua irmã amigavelmente.)
Alguns advérbios são usados com a grafia igual aos adjetivos, ou seja, não acrescentamos
nenhuma terminação nem modificamos quaisquer letras. Mas lembre-se de que o sentido muda.
Enquanto o adjetivo bonito – beautiful qualifica o sujeito, o advérbio beautiful indica o modo que
o sujeito executou alguma ação, veja:
Bethy is beautiful. She sings beautiful. (Bethy é bonita. Ela canta bonito – de forma bonita)
Além de beautiful, outros exemplos em que adjetivos e advérbios ficam iguais nas frases
em ambas funções são fast, hard, right e late. Vejamos frases:
Bethy é uma nadadora rápida.
Bethy is a fast swimmer. Bethy swims fast.
Bethy nada rápido.
Bethy é uma trabalhadora esforçada.
Bethy is a hard worker. Bethy works hard.
Bethy trabalha duro/com esforço.
Bethy é/está sempre certa.
Bethy is always right. Bethy thinks right.
Bethy pensa certo.
Bethy é/está atrasada.
Bethy is late. Bethy wakes up late sometimes.
Bethy acorda atrasada às vezes.
Alguns desses advérbios, que coincidem com os adjetivos, quando se coloca a terminação -ly,
muda-se o sentido da palavra e também o significado, como por exemplo hardly e lately:
Outra importante observação é que nem todas as palavras terminadas em -ly são advérbios.
Algumas são adjetivos, acredita? Apesar da terminação -ly ser comumente usada em advérbios e
ser uma característica particular deles, lonely, por exemplo, é o adjetivo solitário. Vejamos outros:
Adjetivo lovely: adorável – Bethy is a lovely person. (Bethy é uma pessoa adorável).
Adjetivo friendly: amigável – Bethy is friendly with everybody. (Bethy é amigável com todos).
Adjetivo elderly: velho/idoso – Bethy’s mom is elderly. (A mãe de Bethy é uma idosa).
Um advérbio especial e diferente, que não usa -ly em sua grafia, é well, referente ao
adjetivo good. Uma pessoa pode ser boa/bondosa (como uma qualidade) ou pode ser boa em
alguma coisa que faz com dedicação, demonstrar uma habilidade.
Em Português, usamos apenas uma palavra para representar ambos, “bom de bondoso” e
“bom em algo que faça”. Mas em Inglês, veja:
Já vimos como formar os advérbios e, a maior parte deles sofre o acréscimo de -ly. Para
colocar os advérbios em uma frase, o que é necessário? Quando são usados? Vejamos.
Um advérbio pode ser usado para descrever um verbo, descrevendo quando, por que,
onde ou como uma ação ocorreu. Por exemplo, uma pessoa pode agir rapidamente, calmamente
ou silenciosamente. Na seguinte frase: Bethy falou ao telefone – Bethy talked on the phone, o
verbo falar pode ser modificado por um advérbio como lentamente. Ou, cuidadosamente:
Os advérbios são inúmeros. Eles podem ser de modo, de lugar, de tempo, de frequência,
de intensidade, de certeza ou dúvida e, ainda existem as famosas locuções adverbiais. Eles
aparecem em diversas situações e enriquecem frases em geral.
Vamos, agora, analisar os tipos de advérbios que existem para que as explicações
anteriores sejam melhor compreendidas com exemplos de cada um com detalhes.
Como o próprio nome já nos diz, os adverbs of manner (advérbios de modo), indicam a
maneira em que uma ação ocorreu.
Os advérbios são formados a partir de adjetivos, em que se acrescenta o sufixo -ly e assim
deixam de ser adjetivos, passando a ser advérbios, como já vimos anteriormente.
Veja as comparações para que os advérbios de modo fiquem claros:
Bethy is bad (Bethy é má). Bethy sings badly (Bethy canta mal)
Beth is slow (Bethy é lenta/devagar). Bethy sings slowly. (Bethy canta vagarosamente).
Os adverbs of frequency (advérbios de frequência) são, de fato, os mais conhecidos do
Eles são apenas palavras utilizadas para descrever com que frequência alguma atividade é
realizada, como sempre, às vezes, nuca, entre outros.
Essa frequência pode ser demonstrada pelos advérbios: daily (diariamente), weekly
(semanalmente), monthly (mensalmente), yearly (anualmente).
Como você percebeu, os advérbios de frequência estão antes de um verbo principal. Mas,
eles podem variar a posição em que se encontram e não prejudicar o significado nem o sentido
das frases. Vejamos as frases acima, com troca de posições.
Os adverbs of time (advérbios de tempo) indicam quando uma ação ocorreu e não
precisam da terminação -ly.
Geralmente, demonstram e caracterizam algo que aconteceu no tempo passado ou no
tempo futuro, enfatizando frases tanto no Past Simple como do tempo Future Simple.
Os advérbios de tempo, na maioria das vezes, aparecem no final das frases. Alguns deles
last week / last month / last year = semana passada / mês passado / ano passado.
next week / next month / next year = semana que vem / mês que vem / ano que vem.
próxima semana, próximo mês, próximo ano.
Os adverbs of place (advérbios de lugar) indicam, como o nome diz, a localização onde uma
ação aconteceu e eles não precisam da terminação -ly.
Podem aparecer após o verbo, na frente das orações, antes do sujeito, entre outras
posições. Vejamos exemplos pois há muitos casos e vou explicando a você, um a um.
Bethy walks everywhere – Bethy anda por todos os lugares/por toda parte.
Os advérbios here e there (aqui e lá) são muito comuns em frases para indicar lugar.
Hurry! You are getting behind. Let's hide behind the door.
Depressa! Você está ficando para trás. Vamos nos esconder atrás da porta.
Bethy fell down. Bethy made her way down the hill.
Bethy caiu. (para baixo) Bethy fez o caminho morro abaixo.
Let's get off at the next stop. She put the flowers off the vase.
Vamos descer na próxima parada. Ela colocou as flores fora do vaso.
She rode on for two more hours. Put the books on the table.
Ela rodou por mais duas horas. Coloque os livros na mesa.
She turned over and went back to sleep. I think I will hang the picture over my table.
Ela se virou e voltou a dormir. Acho que vou colocar o quadro acima da mesa.
Há advérbios de lugar que terminam em -where, para indicar um lugar específico, como:
Cats don't usually walk backwards. (Gatos geralmente não andam para trás.)
The ship sailed westwards. (O navio foi para o oeste/direção ocidental.)
The balloon drifted upwards. (O balão foi levado para cima.)
Let’s walk homewards until we arrive. (Vamos andar de volta para casa.)
Bethy will clearly dance tonight – Bethy vai, sem dúvida, dançar essa noite.
Entre os advérbios de dúvida e certeza, estão os que demonstram um ponto de vista. São
os advérbios que expressam a opinião do sujeito, o que ele pensa sobre a situação da frase. Esses
advérbios, por sua vez, também aparecem com a terminação -ly, comum na classe adverbial.
Bethy unluckily lost the game – Bethy por azar perdeu o jogo.
O sujeito da frase está expressando, através do advérbio unluckly, a ideia da falta de sorte de
Bethy em relação ao jogo. E, assim, a tradução do advérbio é “por azar”.
Já que esses advérbios exibem pontos de vista, a característica principal deles é que seja
um comentário com caráter opinativo.
De uma forma geral, os adjetivos e advérbios possuem funções parecidas. Mas, enquanto
os adjetivos tratam de substantivos (como pessoas e coisas são), os advérbios tratam, quase
sempre, dos verbos (como as ações são feitas).
No entanto, é possível utilizar os advérbios para modificar os adjetivos. São os chamados
modifiers (modificadores) e são utilizados antes dos adjetivos para enfatizar a intensidade em
relação àquela qualidade:
absolutely [absolutamente]
extremely [extremamente]
really [realmente]
so [tão]
such [tão]
too/very [muito, demais]
Os advérbios intensificadores, além de permitir que o sujeito se expresse com mais clareza,
também proporciona às frases uma sensação mais natural. Esses advérbios são uma ferramenta
importante, já que são uma forma essencial de mostrar emoção ou alcance de uma emoção.
O que é uma locução adverbial? Locução adverbial é um conjunto de duas ou mais palavras
que desempenham a função de advérbio.
Essas locuções adverbiais se formam com uma preposição, às vezes uma preposição +
substantivo ou preposição + adjetivo ou ainda preposição + advérbio.
As locuções adverbiais são expressões em que, quando o conjunto de duas ou mais
palavras são agrupadas, desempenham a função de um advérbio e pode alterar o sentido desse
verbo, ou de um adjetivo ou até mesmo de outro advérbio.
Vejamos exemplos:
She gazed saucer-eyed at her image, thinking: Oh, is this what I look like? No, that‘s not me.
Who‘s that in my mirror?
This was in late 2012. She was 69, in her early months getting familiar with retirement. For some
time she had experienced the sensation of clouds coming over her, mantling thought. There had
been a few hiccups at her job. She had been a nurse who climbed the rungs to health care
executive. Once, she was leading a staff meeting when she had no idea what she was talking
about, her mind like a stalled engine that wouldn‘t turn over.
"Fortunately I was the boss and I just said, Enough of that; Sally, tell me what you‘re up to," she
would say of the episode.
Certain mundane tasks stumped her. She told her husband, Jim Taylor, that the blind in the
bedroom was broken. He showed her she was pulling the wrong cord. Kept happening. Finally,
nothing else working, he scribbled on the adjacent wall which cord was which.
Then there was the day she got off the subway at 14th Street and Seventh Avenue unable to figure
out why she was there.
So, yes, she had had inklings that something was going wrong with her mind. She held tight to
these thoughts. She even hid her suspicions from Mr. Taylor, who chalked up her thinning
memory to the infirmities of age.
"I thought she was getting like me," he said. "I had been forgetful for 10 years".
But to not recognize her own face! To Ms. Taylor, this was the "drop-dead moment" when she
had to accept a terrible truth. She wasn‘t just seeing the twitches of aging but the early fumes of
the disease.
She had no further issues with mirrors, but there was no ignoring that something important had
happened. She confided her fears to her husband and made an appointment with a neurologist.
"Before then I thought I could fake it,' she would explain. "This convinced me I had to come
clean." In November 2012, she saw the neurologist who was treating her migraines. He listened
to her symptoms, took blood, gave her the Mini Mental State Examination, a standard cognitive
test made up of a set of unremarkable questions and commands. (For instance, she was asked to
count backward from 100 in intervals of seven; she had to say the phrase: "No ifs, ands or buts";
she was told to pick up a piece of paper, fold it in half and place it on the floor beside her.)
He told her three common words, said he was going to ask her them in a little bit. He emphasized
this by pointing a finger at his head — remember those words. That simple. Yet when he called
for them, she knew only one: Beach. In her mind, she would go on to associate it with the doctor,
thinking of him as Dr. Beach.
He gave a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, a common precursor to Alzheimer‘s disease.
The first label put on what she had. Even then, she understood it was the footfall of what would
come. Alzheimer‘s had struck her father, a paternal aunt and a cousin. She long suspected it would
eventually find her.
Fonte: Trending&version=Full®ion= Marginalia&pgtype=article. (acesso em 1/05/2016).
O comparative of equality – comparativo de igualdade nos advérbios tem a estrutura
seguinte: as + advérbio + as, significando: tanto/tão...quanto/como. Veja:
Bethy drives as carefully as Tom. – Bethy dirige tão cuidadosamente quanto Tom.
Does Bethy study as frequently as Tom? – A Bethy estuda tão frequentemente quanto Tom?
Na forma negativa, apenas acrescenta-se not, ficando: not as/not so + advérbio + as,
significando – não tão...como/quanto:
Bethy is not as carefully as Tom. – Bethy não é tão cuidadosamente quanto Tom.
E, para frases em outros tempos verbais, sem utilizar o verbo to be, conjuga-se a forma
negativa normalmente – como você aprendeu na aula de verbos – e a estrutura as/as:
Bethy doesn’t drive as carefully as Tom. – Bethy não dirige tão cuidadosamente quanto
O comparative of superiority – comparativo de superioridade tem diferentes estruturas
quando elaborado com advérbios considerados curtos ou longos de acordo com as letras/sílabas,
Eles têm esse formato: more + advérbio + than, significando: mais/do que. Veja:
Bethy travels more frequently than Tom. – Bethy viaja mais frequentemente do que Tom.
Does Bethy study more frequently than Tom? - Bethy estuda mais frequentemente do que Tom?
Bethy doesn’t swim more easily than Tom. – Bethy não nada mais facilmente do que Tom.
Se o advérbio for um daqueles que fica igual, idêntico ao adjetivo em sua estrutura, como
vimos o adjetivo e o advérbio alto – high, por exemplo, segue a regra do adjetivo: -er no final do
advérbio + than:
Peter talks higher than Tom. – Peter fala mais alto do que Tom.
O comparative of inferiority – também tem diferentes estruturas quando elaborado com
advérbios considerados curtos ou longos de acordo com as letras/sílabas, lembra?
Eles têm esse formato: less + advérbio + than, significando: mais/do que. Veja:
Bethy travels less frequently than Tom. – Bethy viaja menos frequentemente do que Tom.
Does Bethy study less frequently than Tom? - Bethy estuda menos frequentemente do que Tom?
Bethy doesn’t swim less easily than Tom. – Bethy não nada menos facilmente do que Tom.
As traduções ficam “estranhas”, não ficam? Por esse motivo, prefere-se usar o comparativo
de igualdade na forma negativa para, ao invés de “desmerecer” algo ou alguém, se diz que
algo/alguém não pratica uma ação tão bem quanto outro.
Assim, fica mais “educado” e mais adequado. Veja a última comparação acima, usada com
comparativo de igualdade no lugar de inferioridade:
Bethy doesn’t swim as easily as Jane. – Bethy não nada tão facilmente quanto Jane.
Para o superlativo de superioridade, usamos the most + advérbio ou -est para advérbios
curtos, que coincidem com os adjetivos, aqueles em que se usa a mesma palavra para ambas
classes gramaticais como vimos antes, lembra?
Vejamos exemplos de ambos casos:
Bethy does her homework the most quickly. – Bethy é a faz a tarefa de casa mais rapidamente. (que todos).
Bethy talks the loudest in her classroom. – Bethy é a que fala mais alto em sua sala.
Em ambas frases, percebemos que poderíamos traduzir assim: “mais (...) de todos”, porque
o superlativo é justamente isso: mostrar que algo/alguém é mais, o máximo em alguma coisa,
incomparável a outros.
She talks the loudest in her classroom. – Ela é a que fala mais alto em sua sala.
Para o superlativo de inferioridade dos advérbios, no lugar de the most, usa-se the least
antes do advérbio da frase.
Bethy drives the least carefully. – Bethy é a que dirige menos cuidadosamente.
No superlativo de advérbios, há algumas formas comparativas e superlativas irregulares,
cujos advérbios não seguem as regras apresentadas. Os exemplos que aparecem nas provas são
the best, the worst e, o que usamos, the furthest (o melhor, o pior e o mais longe) – sempre com
o sentido de ser “o mais alguma coisa de todos.”
Vimos no comparativo. Agora, vejamos no superlativo:
I walked seven blocks, my friends walked two, some of them four but I walked the furthest.
Eu caminhei sete quarteirões, meus amigos caminharam dois, alguns quatro quarteirões,
mas eu (fui o que) caminhei mais longe. (significando mais longe de todos).
She runs the furthest on the competition. – Ela é a que corre mais longe na competição.
Você vai, agora, responder questões selecionadas de provas já realizadas em anos
anteriores. Depois, como em todas as nossas aulas, haverá o gabarito e as questões comentadas.
Vamos começar com questões ESA, de acordo coma sua instituição escolhida e depois,
vamos treinar de outras Carreiras Militares, para adquirir experiência e treinar vocabulário.
COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading Rapidly—and They're a Public Health Risk All
Their Own
Public health crises have spawned conspiracy theories as far back as when the Black Death
ravaged Europe in the 1300s, as people desperately try to make sense of the chaotic forces
disrupting their lives. While modern science offers a better understanding of how diseases infect
people and how to contain them, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading rapidly via social
media, unreliable news outlets and from our own political leaders, including U.S. President Donald
Trump. The result: many Americans now believe pandemic -related conspiracy theories—and,
alarmingly, those same people are less likely to take steps to prevent the virus from spreading.
In a University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center study published Monday in Social
Science &
Medicine, researchers surveyed a group of 840 U.S. adults—first in late March, and then again in
mid-July—to determine how Americans’ beliefs and actions regarding the pandemic changed over
time. Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy theories are not only commonplace, they’re
gaining traction. Back in March, 28% of people believed a debunked rumor that the Chinese
government created the coronavirus as a bioweapon; that number rose to 37% by July. About
24% believed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the virus’
danger to hurt Trump politically despi te a lack of evidence; by July, that figure rose to 32%. And
in March, about 15% of respondents said they believed that the pharmaceutical industry created
the virus to boost drug and vaccine sales—another unfounded theory—compared to 17% in July.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (ESA/INÉDITA) – Concerning the information in the text, is correct to state that
(A) Adherence to conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 pandemic has declined over time
in the USA
(B) Social networks are not a potential disseminator of misinformation that collaborates with
conspiracy theories
(C) The artificial creation of the coronavirus is scientifically proven
(D) Modern science does not affect the understanding of diseases
(E) Conspiracy theories may affect the adherence of security measures by part of the population
Questão 02 (ESA/INÉDITA) – Which option has a correct relation of the underlined terms and
their substitutes?
(A) A government spokesman says… – Her
(B) Prisoners are considered a COVID-19 risk group. – They
(C) Me and the girls were at the party and ... – They
(D) The US has thousands of cases of COVID-19. – He
(E) Feminist groups still fight for women's rights – Them
Questão 03 (ESA/INÉDITA) – “__________ the US still have the __________ number of COVID-
19 cases?”. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective
(A) Does / worst
(B) Does / better
(C) Is / best
(D) Is / worse
(E) Do / worst
Questão 05 (ESA/2019) – “__________ American?” Complete the space with the correct form of
the verb and the pronoun.
(A) You is
(B) You are
(C) Are you
(D) Is you
(E) Am you
Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 15 according to it.
How to cope with parent guilt, during the pandemic and beyond
As a mother, I’m vulnerable to the influence of our cultural messaging, and I have fallen prey to the
“We can never give enough, do enough or be enough” narrative. As a psychologist, though, I know
how risky this constant thread of guilt is for our well-being. Guilt can be helpful as an uncomfortable
emotion that motivates us to make amends and change hurtful behaviors, but in the case of parent
guilt, much of the time we are only hurting ourselves.
Enter a global pandemic that has shattered our already precarious parenting lives and provided ample
evidence of our systems’ failures. Employers are expecting our remote-learning children to behave
during our work day, and women are leaving jobs in record numbers for their suddenly homebound
children, because they “just can’t do it all anymore.” Ilyse DiMarco, a clinical psychologist and the
author of the upcoming book “Mom Brain,” sums up the problem: “The issue with guilt right now is
there is potential guilt with anything you do.”
Stress levels have risen, with parents outpacing nonparents in surveys, creating fertile ground for
mental health problems. “We’re feeling like we’re not measuring up in some area or maybe we’re not
making the right choices,” DiMarco says. “Not surprisingly, if we feel like we’re failing, we feel
depressed; if we’re worried about not making the right decision, we feel anxious.”
Daily life in a pandemic has given us a host of new reasons to feel guilty. In addition to the impossibility
of simultaneously working, parenting and, in some cases, teaching our children, we face daily
decisions around health and safety.
Do we allow play dates? What if all of my child’s friends are playing basketball and I say no? What if
we choose inperson school and our child gets covid-19, or we choose remote school and our child
becomes depressed?
Working moms are not okay. No good choices and no good answers, but guaranteed guilt, with a
sprinkling of judgment caused by social pressures.
“Guilt is a useful emotion when it tells us we’ve done something wrong,” says clinical psychologist Jill
Stoddard, author of “Be Mighty.” “What’s happening now is we feel like we’ve done something wrong
even when we’re doing the very best we can.”
So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks? Experts suggest a
combination of mindfulness, meaningful self-care and shifting our perspective.
Do not ignore the guilt; acknowledging it means you can do something about it. Even if our pandemic-
related guilt may be misplaced, Stoddard says we can still use the feeling for its positive function and
make amends. She has told her children, “I really wish I could spend more time with you guys, and it’s
been so hard on all of us. Things will be different someday. I’m sorry I can’t be there for you more.”
She adds: “You’re not saying, ‘I screwed up.’ You’re saying, ‘It hurts my heart I can’t do this the way I
wish I could right now.’ ”
Remember you are not alone. Feelings of failure are a universal experience of parents during the
coronavirus pandemic. Seeking social support is critical for mental health in times of stress. It can be
as simple as texting a friend to share “Mom fails” from your day. Even this brief connection offers
support and solidarity, and it can decrease our sense of self-blame and inadequacy when we hear
others’ similar feelings and experiences.
Practice self-kindness. Talk to yourself as you would to your friend: “You are doing your very best in
this moment.” This practice helps shift thinking patterns from self-criticism to self-compassion, which
is known to increase positive emotions and decrease negative ones, including guilt.
Real self-care
Prioritize the daily demands on your time and energy. DiMarco advises doing this by asking, “What’s
most important here, on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis?” Focus on what is highest on the priority
list, and allow yourself to let go of the other potential tasks instead of feeling guilty for, inevitably,
not getting everything done.
Prioritize yourself. “An important piece, and counterintuitive piece, to manage guilt about not being
there for everybody else, is to also be there for yourself, and make sure you’re on the list somewhere,”
DiMarco says. Plan ahead to ensure time for you in the daily routine, even if it’s just 15 to 30 minutes.
This may require an agreement with your partner and/or kids about when you will not be available
the next day. Be realistic about the amount of time you need and how you will spend it (e.g., 15
minutes on a meditation app). Then, stay committed to making it happen.
Remember the basics. We make sure our kids are fed, but are we sleeping, drinking enough water,
and eating well enough to meet our own basic needs? These stress management essentials
strengthen us, which will help us ward off the guilt.
Shift focus
Adjust expectations. “If you expect yourself to stay calm and never lose it, you’re setting yourself up
for failure,” says child and adolescent psychologist Emily W. King. “Own it that you’re more
emotionally fragile right now, notice it and walk outside for 10 minutes, or whatever you need, instead
of getting in a negative feedback loop, and then you’re emotionally exhausted.”
Consider your successes. Flip the script so you’re not focusing only on the negative. What do you feel
proud of? What can your children do now they couldn’t do a year ago? Redefine success for you and
your children dur ing a global pandemic. “Success is not about grades but about independence or
chores,” says King. For parents, success can be getting through each day with everyone sheltered, fed
and in bed safely.
Invent new narratives. Instead of looking at yourself as being never enough, how about
acknowledging that you have been — and continue to be — enough to endure a global pandemic
while parenting? What recent generation of parents has accomplished this? In fact, we are not just
enough, we are so much greater. Remind yourself of this when parent guilt attempts to tread that
familiar path, both now and after the pandemic.
(Adapted from
Questão 03 (AFA/INÉDITA) – In the fragment “because they ‘just can’t do it all anymore.’”
(paragraph 02), the highlighted word refers to
a) children
b) jobs
c) women
d) numbers
Questão 05 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the best answer for the question
“So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks?” (paragraph 8)
a) nothing more than mindfulness.
b) a merging of different strategies.
c) ignoring the guilt.
d) only meaningful self-care.
Questão 06 (AFA/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “She has told her children, ‘I really wish I could
spend more time with you guys, and it’s been so hard on all of us.’” (paragraph 09), the
contraction refers to
a) It is.
b) It has.
c) It was.
d) It will.
Questão 07 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the appropriate question tag for the
sentence “I’m vulnerable to the influence of our cultural messaging” (paragraph 01).
a) I’m not?
b) Am I?
c) Aren’t I?
d) Am I not?
Questão 08 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that shows a synonym for the underlined
expression in “These stress management essentials strengthen us, which will help us ward off
the guilt.” (paragraph 14).
a) repel
b) contradict
c) forbid
d) accept
Questão 09 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Choose the best option to change the sentence “we are … hurting
ourselves.” (paragraph 01), into the passive form. Ourselves _______________ by us.
a) are being hurt
b) are hurting
c) have been hurt
d) is been hurt
Questão 11 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the alternative in which the problems described in paragraph
2 are correctly summarized.
a) employers are expecting remote-learning children to behave during work day.
b) right now, there is potential guilt with anything moms do.
c) women are leaving jobs in record numbers.
d) parenting lives were not precarious before the pandemic.
Questão 12 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that contains the correct negative form for the
sentence “Stress levels have risen” (paragraph 3).
a) Stress levels not have risen.
b) Stress levels do not have risen.
c) Stress levels have not risen.
d) Stress levels have risen not.
Questão 14 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the appropriate plural form for the
word “child” (paragraph 5).
a) childs.
b) childrens.
c) childen.
d) children.
The gadget, which links to a mobile phone app and web interface, has two buttons, one yellow
and one blue. The idea is that you press the yellow one if you are feeling happy, and the blue one
if you are sad.
Aimed at companies who wish to monitor the wellbeing of staff who are working from home, the
idea is that employees are encouraged to wear the wristband (they can say no), and press the
relevant button as they see fit throughout the working week.
Managers can then view an online dashboard to see how workers are feeling and coping. With
bosses no longer able to check in physically with their team, Moodbeam hopes to bridge the gap.
"Businesses are trying to get on top of staying connected with staff working from home. Here they
can ask 500 members: 'You ok?' without picking up the phone," says Moodbeam co-founder
Christina Colmer McHugh.
She originally came up with the idea for the product after she discovered that her daughter was
struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let her know how she was feeling. The
wristband was launched commercially in 2016.
(Adapted from
Questão 02 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – About the initial purpose of the wristband, it’s correct
to affirm that
(A) Fulfilled the final results
(B) Had a personal character
(C) Aimed at analyzing the mental health of the entire population
(D) Criticized the current teaching method of schools
(E) Had no purpose, considering it was a sudden discovery
Questão 04 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – What can we infer from the text? Mark the correct
(A) The final use of the gadget was for the parents’ emotional control over their children
(B) The gadget enabled remote team control
(C) The gadget system is very complex
(D) Companies tend not to care about the emotional health of employees
(E) The wristband is a gadget that does not adapt to the context of a pandemic
Last fall, its seven-course menu featured dishes with intriguing combinations of fir, boletus
mushroom and sake, or dulse seaweed, lemongrass and galangal, a relative of ginger. The
restaurant is currently closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Michelin Guide, in a statement this week, said Ms. Vallée had given vegan cuisine its “letters
of nobility.”
Gwendal Poullenec, the international head of the Michelin Guides, noted that the move away
from meat was not entirely new.
Alain Passard, the owner and chef at L’Arpège in Paris, removed meat from his menu two decades
ago, and Alain Ducasse, perhaps France’s biggest culinary superstar, also decided to drastically
reduce the amount of meat used at his flagship Parisian restaurant.
But awarding a star to a restaurant that is not just meatless but avowedly vegan has the potential
to shake things up even further, Mr. Poullenec said.
“The general public might not associate pure veganism with a gastronomical experience,” he said.
A Michelin star might “liberate” chefs who are still reluctant to explore plant-based cooking, he
(Adapted from
Questão 05 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option
(A) Lemongrass is an example of ingredient that normally does not predominantly compose
Michelin-starred restaurant dishes
(B) There is an entirely vegan restaurant, starring with the Michelin award, in France
(C) The majority of the French population is adept at the vegan movement
(D) There are chefs who have a meatless menu
(E) France isn’t the only country with Michelin-starred vegan restaurants
Questão 10 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – The word “bestowal” (paragraph 2), can be replaced
by the word __________ without changing its meaning
(A) Withdrawal
(B) Grant
(C) Break
(D) Disagreement
(E) Give
Read text I and answer questions 01 and 02
Why you’re more creative in coffee shops
If we’re already working in isolation at home, why do we miss working with our heads
similarly down in a public setting?
Some of the most successful people in history have done their best work in coffee shops.
Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Bob Dylan – whether they’re
painters, singersongwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and centuries have
tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café.
Of course, Covid-19 has put the kibosh on lingering for hours in cozy rooms packed with people
sipping lattes. As we begin another year living amid a pandemic, many of us continue to work
remotely on our own. And if remote work becomes permanent for some – as many experts predict
– we might ask ourselves why, when things settle down, we should bother going back out to work
in public, only to ostensibly isolate ourselves with our heads down – something we’re already
doing at home.
But putting on your noise-cancelling headphones to toil away at your desk is actually different
than doing the same surrounded by other people buzzing over your shoulder. There are many
ways coffee shops trigger our creativity in a way offices and homes don’t. Research shows that
the stimuli in these places make them effective environments to work; the combination of noise,
casual crowds and visual variety can give us just the right amount of distraction to help us be our
sharpest and most creative. (So, no, it’s not just that double espresso.)
A sweet spot of noise and crowds
Some of us stick in our earbuds as soon as we sit down to work in a public setting. But scientists
have known for years that background noise can benefit our creative thinking.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research showed that a low-to-moderate level
of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that
if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract
thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (EAM/INÉDITA) – Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false) about
coffee shops and the current world context. Then, mark the correct option, from top to bottom.
( ) Coffee shops are a good place to work
( ) Cafeterias are suitable workplaces for a certain type of profession
( ) Covid-19 did not change the work routine of most workers
( ) Remote work is a reality for many people, considering the current context
( ) It is possible that there is a general post-pandemic doubt among workers regarding the
(A) T – F – F – T – F
(B) T – F – F – F – F
(C) F – F – F – T – T
(D) F – F – F – F – T
(E) T – F – F – T – T
Questão 02 (EAM/INÉDITA) – About the benefits resulting from the cafeteria as a workplace, it
is correct to say that
(A) The place with a lot of noise ends up affecting the creative process of the worker
(B) Background noise pollution contributes to the development of work
(C) According to studies, noise pollution is one of the main reasons for the creative block
(D) The ability of abstract thinking is not affected by noise pollution
(E) The double espresso is the main reason why the coffee shop is a good place to work
Questão 03 (EAM/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “But it does not begin to solve the other problems
associated with the volume of traffic on the roads” (paragraph 1), the pronoun “it” refers to
(A) Advance in battery technology
(B) Electric cars
(C) Costs associated with electric cars
(D) Volume of traffic on the roads
(E) Tax relief
Questão 05 (EAM/INÉDITA) –) Complete the paragraph below, about Britain’s class system, with
the missing prepositions Britain’s class system determines who is wealthy, who has power,
_______ even who lives. Before Covid-19 arrived, _______ you were a man in one of England’s
poorest communities, you could expect _______ live nine years fewer than someone in one of
its most affluent areas.
(Adapted from
(A) And / if / to
(B) With / if / for
(C) And / if / for
(D) And / and / for
(E) And / X / to
Read the text and answer questions 01, 02, 03 and 04
Sinovac: Brazil results show Chinese vaccine 50.4% effective
A coronavirus vaccine developed by China's Sinovac has been found to be 50.4% effective in
Brazilian clinical trials, according to the latest results released by researchers.
It shows the vaccine is significantly less effective than previous data suggested - barely over the
50% needed for regulatory approval.
The Chinese vaccine is one of two that the Brazilian government has lined up. Brazil has been one
of the countries worst affected by Covid-19.
Sinovac, a Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company, is behind CoronaVac, an inactivated
vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus
without risking a serious disease response.
Several countries, including Indonesia, Turkey and Singapore, have placed orders for the vaccine.
Last week researchers at the Butantan Institute, which has been conducting the trials in Brazil,
announced that the vaccine had a 78% efficacy against "mild-to-severe" Covid-19 cases.
But on Tuesday they revealed that calculations for this figure did not include data from a group of
"very mild infections" among those who received the vaccine that did not require clinical
With the inclusion of this data, the efficacy rate is now 50.4%, said researchers.
But Butantan stressed that the vaccine is 78% effective in preventing mild cases that needed
treatment and 100% effective in staving off moderate to serious cases.
The Sinovac trials have yielded different results across different countries.
Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25% effective, while Indonesia,
which rolled out its mass vaccination programme on Wednesday, said it was 65.3% effective. Both
were interim results from late-stage trials.
(Adapted from
Questão 04 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – According to the text, the effectiveness of the Sinovac vaccine
(A) Is the same in all countries that adopted this vaccine
(B) Is not very reliable
(C) Is the best among all the other vaccines
(D) Is variable according to the research
Questão 06 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – Choose the best alternative according to the comic strip
(A) The man’s snores did not bother the woman
(B) The woman prefers to continue listening to snoring than having more work in the morning
(C) The man does not consider sleeping in separate beds, an option
(D) The woman was so irritated by snoring that she prefers to sleep in separate beds
Questão 10 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – The underlined expression “the sweetest thing”, in the text,
means that the action
(A) Was sensitive and selfless
(B) Was actually sweet
(C) Was rude and selfish
(D) Was indifferent
Based on the text below, answer questions 01 and 02.
Why some people like wearing masks
Some people welcome face coverings for reasons ranging from the convenient and expedient
to the more complex and psychological. But is this a helpful coping mechanism?
Sheltering in place hasn’t been too hard for Jay Lee; watching a film at home and ordering a takeaway
has always been his idea of a good night. Lee, a 32-year-old small business owner in Leicester,
identifies as an introvert. And although 2020 had its hardships – in the spring, he was made redundant
from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the widespread adoption of face masks.
Lee has always dreaded run-ins with old friends and acquaintances around town, finding these
spontaneous interactions “extremely awkward”. He used to time his shopping trips to minimise the
possibility of bumping into someone he knew, waiting until almost closing time before heading out.
“Since I've been wearing the mask, my awkward interactions with friends and family have significantly
reduced,” he says. Now, he goes to the shops whenever he wants, without worrying about whom he
might see. He hopes that, even after the pandemic ends, it will still be socially acceptable to wear a
Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile sacrifice: it’s one of the most effective
ways to slow the spread of Covid-19. Still, most of us look forward to the day when we can bare our
faces in public again. Face-coverings fog our glasses and clog our pores; they make it harder to smile
at strangers and recognise friends.
Yet some are secretly relishing the new mask-wearing mandates, for reasons ranging from the
convenient and expedient to the more complex and psychological. Some welcome the way face
coverings reduce or change interactions that might otherwise spark social anxiety.
‘Anonymity carries power’
At the lighter end of the scale, some people have found that masking offers a welcome relief from the
pressures to uphold strict standards of grooming and appearance. They have ditched their old makeup
and shaving routines and are saving money, time and stress. Others have discovered that hiding their
mouths affords them unexpected freedoms. Some restaurant servers and retail workers say they no
longer feel obliged to fake-smile at customers, potentially lifting the burden of emotional labour.
(Adapted from
Questão 02 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – In the excerpt “And although 2020 had its hardships – in the
spring, he was made redundant from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the
widespread adoption of face masks.”, the word in bold means
(A) Advice
(B) Hardship
(C) Happiness
(D) Loss
(E) Advantage
racial and ethnic minorities have demanded justice after centuries of structural discrimination.
Woven through it all, the earth’s climate is increasingly unstable, posing an existential threat to
human society as we know it. In the next decade, societies will be forced to either confront this
snarl of challenges, or be overwhelmed by them. Our response will define the future for decades
to come.
The recognition that these challenges are fundamentally linked isn’t new. Activists and academics
have for many years pointed to the cascading effects of various social ills. Whether it’s the way
racism contributes to poor health outcomes or gender discrimination harms economic growth,
the examples are seemingly endless. But this understanding has made its way into the
conversation about solutions too.
Notably, for the past five years, the U.N. has touted 17 interrelated sustainable development
goals, objectives for building a more viable world, and called for a push to achieve them by 2030.
The goals, which cover environmental, social and economic progress, are nonbinding but have
become key benchmarks for commitments at a national and corporate level. Countries from China
to the Maldives, as well as companies like Amazon, Microsoft and PwC, have committed to rolling
out policies over the next decade that will set them on a path to eliminate their carbon footprints.
The understanding that these problems require holistic solutions has only grown amid the
pandemic and its fallout. President Joe Biden has referred to four urgent crises—the pandemic,
the economic crisis, racial injustice and climate change—and promised a push to tackle them all
together. The European Union’s program to propel the bloc out of the COVID-19 crisis targets
climate change, while incorporating equity concerns. As stock markets soared last year,
institutions with trillions of dollars in assets demanded that their investments deliver not only a
good return for their wallets but also a good return for society.
(Adapted from
Questão 03 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Read the statements about the text and decide whether they
are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Mark the correct option
I. The turn of the millennium brought high expectations for the development of the world
II. Covid-19 plays an important role in explaining the interconnection between global problems
III. Despite having played a watershed role, the Covid-19 pandemic mainly affected developing
IV. The intensely discriminatory past has no reflection today
V. Our current actions will affect the future of world society
(A) I – (T) / II – (F) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(B) I – (T) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (F)
(C) I – (T) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(D) I – (F) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(E) I – (F) / II – (T) / III – (T) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
Questão 04 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – In the excerpt “Woven through it all, the earth’s climate is
increasingly unstable, posing an existential threat to human society as we know it”, the word in
bold means
(A) Unwoven
(B) Separate
(C) In contrast
(D) Sewn
(E) Although
Questão 05 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – According to the text, the current problems in the world
(A) Are actually a conspiracy theory that opposes the high expectations of the turn of the
(B) Must be resolved for the whole society, after their total exposure during the pandemic
(C) Did not worsen during the Covid-19 pandemic
(D) Have a relatively new interconnection
(E) Are not so serious, considering the high development of society
Questão 06 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
I remember the last time I had _______ choose between optimism and fear, between hope and
the urge to run away. It was right after 9/11. I had babies—one so tiny she was still curled up like
a fern, _______ other toddling around gumming everything she could get her little starfish hands
on. And as their brand-new lungs took _______ the smoke that blew over to Brooklyn _______
the burning towers, I wanted to pack them up and flee to some safer place.
(Adapted from
(A) To / the / in / from
(B) The / the / on / into
(C) To / the / on / from
(D) To / the / in / into
(E) The / to / on / from
Questão 07 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?
For the European Union, the rapid rollout of Covid-19 vaccines __________ critical to save lives
and prevent health services from ____________ stretched beyond their limits, not to mention
minimising the massive economic damage from lockdowns. Unfortunately, however, though
vaccinations are under way, a rapid near-term increase in infections is likely as the British variant
of the virus __________ across the continent.
(Adapted from
Questão 09 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
The U.S. has tragically surpassed 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, and case numbers and hospitalizations
are likewise spiking to record levels around the world. __________ vaccines now rolling out, there is
reason to hope that there is an end in sight. __________ , by most estimates, widespread vaccinations
will not be in place until the middle of the year at the earliest. __________ , we have some ways to
go yet with social distancing, mask wearing and other pandemic mitigation behaviors.
(Adapted from
(A) And / however / and
(B) With / however / so
(C) So / however / even if
(D) With / in agreement / and
(E) With / in contrast / so
Directions: Answer questions 01 to 10 according to TEXT I
Facebook building a version of Instagram for children under 13
Social media giant says it’s exploring introducing a parent-controlled experience that allows
kids to ‘safely’ use the photo sharing platform
Facebook is considering launching a version of its popular photo social media platform, Instagram,
for children under the age of 13.
BuzzFeed News first reported Facebook announced in an internal company post that the company
would begin building a version of Instagram for people under the age of 13 years to allow them
to “safely” use Instagram for the first time. Currently the company does not allow people who are
under this age to create an account on the platform.
A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was exploring a parent-controlled
version of Instagram, similar to the Messenger Kids app that is for kids between six and 12.
“Increasingly kids are asking their parents if they can join apps that help them keep up with their
friends. Right now there aren’t many options for parents, so we’re working on building additional
products … that are suitable for kids, managed by parents,” the spokesperson said.
“We’re exploring bringing a parent-controlled experience to Instagram to help kids keep up with
their friends, discover new hobbies and interests, and more.”
In a blog post earlier this week, which did not mention the proposed new Instagram service, the
company noted that although people were asked to enter their age when signing up for
Instagram, there was nothing to prevent people from lying about it at registration.
Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in combination with the
registration age to determine people’s ages on the platform.
The company also announced plans to roll out new safety features, including preventing adults
from messaging people under the age of 18 who do not follow them, safety notices for teens
when messaged by an adult sending a large amount of friend requests or messages to people
under 18, and make it more difficult for adults to find and follow teens using the search function
in Instagram.
Teens will also be encouraged to put their profiles on private at the point of registration.
A study of Australian teens’ internet usage published by the Australian eSafety commissioner in
February found 57% of Australian teenagers use Instagram, while 30% reported being contacted
by a stranger, and 20% reported being sent inappropriate unwanted content on the social media
sites they used.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that can replace the word “allows” in the title
without changing its meaning
(A) Grants
(B) Prevents
(C) Prohibits
(D) Disapproves
Questão 03 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option with the suitable question to answer the
underlined fragment below “Facebook is considering launching a version of its popular photo
social media platform, Instagram, for children under the age of 13”
(A) What were the latest Facebook launches?
(B) What will be the changes in the current Facebook photo social media platform?
(C) How was the launch of the new Facebook photo social media platform?
(D) What is the next possible Facebook launch?
Questão 04 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that can replace the underlined word keeping
the same meaning “A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was exploring
a parent-controlled version of Instagram…”
(A) Neglecting
(B) Analyzing
(C) Overlooking
(D) Finding.
Questão 05 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – What can be said about the new version of Instagram?
(A) The platform will be for children between 6 and 12 years old
(B) It will be for children under 13 years of age to use the platform without the help of adults
(C) It’s a platform that, in some aspects, resembles another one that already exists
(D) Nothing is known at all about the new Facebook platform
Questão 08 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Considering the use of verb tenses, mark the alternative that
completes the sentence below correctly Facebook
(A) fights false ages in the system using technology
(B) is fighting false ages in the system using technology
(C) will fight false ages in the system using technology
(D) has been fighting false ages in the system using technology.
Questão 02 (ESCOLA NAVAL/INÉDITA) – What’s the meaning of the word “toddler” in paragraph
(A) Population
(B) Children
(C) Babies
(D) Adults
(E) Teens
Questão 04 (ESCOLA NAVAL/INÉDITA) – According to the text, which option completes the
sentence below, correctly?
The pandemic __________ an entire generation.
(A) Affects
(B) Affected
(C) Was affecting
(D) Had affected
(E) Is affecting
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 01, 02 e 03.
Bill Gates: ‘Carbon neutrality in a decade is a fairytale. Why peddle fantasies?’
Bill Gates appears via video conference – Microsoft Teams, not Zoom, obviously – from his office
in Seattle, a large space with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Lake Washington. It’s a gloomy
day outside and Gates is, somewhat eccentrically, positioned a long way from the camera, behind
a large, kidney-shaped desk; his communications manager sits off to one side. “As a way to start,”
says Gates’ aide, “would it be helpful for Bill to make a couple of comments about why he wrote
his new book?”
Unlike the Elon Musks or Larry Ellisons of this world, however, Gates is perceived to be sensible,
uxorious, modest, vowing not to ruin his children with boundless inheritance or to waste energy
trying to send things to Mars. Gates’ new book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, grew out of two
things: his interest in the sciences and what struck him as an irresistible challenge – the fiendishly
difficult problem of how to further global development while reducing emissions.
There’s another, greater obstacle to reaching zero emissions, which is the political challenge – part
of which involves climate activists limiting their exposure to accusations of hypocrisy. Gates loves
private jets; he calls them his “guilty pleasure”.
The depressing part of the book is its account of the challenge ahead, which Gates presents as
extremely urgent – He points to a headline figure: 51bn. This is the amount of greenhouses gas,
in tons, emitted globally each year, which we have to get down to net zero by 2050. The first step
towards this is understanding what we’re dealing with.
Adapted from
Questão 03 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “… positioned a long way from the camera,
behind a large, kidney-shaped desk … (paragraph 1), the expression kidney-shaped refers to
(A) the size of the desk.
(B) the outline of the desk.
(C) the weight of the desk.
(D) the height of the desk.
(E) the color of the desk.
Questão 04 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – Choose the statement in which the verb to boil has been used in
a figurative way just like in paragraph 1.
(A) Could you boil some water up for me?
(B) I've boiled some potatoes for lunch.
(C) I can hardly boil an egg.
(D) He was boiling with rage.
(E) Liquid nitrogen boils at a very low temperature.
Questão 05 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In “Its exaggerated features bore little resemblance to the sweet
facial characteristics that she loved about her daughter …” (paragraph 1), its refers to
(A) Kelle Hampton
(B) her daughter
(C) Down’s syndrome
(D) anger
(E) a doll
Questão 06 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – Choose the alternative that has the same meaning as the word
spotlight in the sentence “More than a century later the spotlight is again on the Valencian town
of Onil…” (paragraph 3).
(A) polemic
(B) anger
(C) attention
(D) mistake
(E) force
Questão 07 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – About the underlined words her, she and herself, it is correct to
say that
(A) they are adjectives.
(B) they are verbs.
(C) they are pronouns.
(D) they are nouns.
(E) they are adverbs.
understood his mic was off has gone viral on the Internet. It has received more than 653,000 views. After
realizing what happened, professor Wang appeared shocked and stressed. He said he was upset at the
thought of wasting two hours of his students' time. He has offered to redo the lecture at a different time
so his students do not miss that class. One of his students posted on social media about the professor's
mishap. She wrote: “I took a class under him before and he teaches well. I feel bad for him.”
Adapted from
Questão 09 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “...One of his students posted on social media
about the professor's mishap....” (paragraph 2), the prefix mis means
(A) wrongly
(B) against
(C) without
(D) self
(E) beyond
Questão 10 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In “His lecture started well but then it froze.” (paragraph 1), the
word then
(A) introduces a conclusion.
(B) indicates a sequence of facts.
(C) makes a comparison.
(D) indicates a place.
(E) reinforces irony.
01 – E 02 – B 03 – A 04 – C 05 – C
01 – D 02 – A 03 – C 04 – D 05 – B
06 – B 07 – C 08 – A 09 – A 10 – D
11 – B 12 – C 13 – C 14 – D 15 – A
01 – E 02 – B 03 – A 04 – C 05 – A
01 – D 02 – A 03 – B 04 – D 05 – C
06 – B 07 – A 08 – C 09 – B 10 – A
01 – A 02 – E 03 – C 04 – D 05 – B
06 – A 07 – A 08 – D 09 – B 10 – C
01 – A 02 – B 03 – D 04 – B 05 – E
06 – A 07 – D 08 – C 09 – B 10 – A
01 – E 02 – A 03 – B 04 – D 05 – E
06 – C 07 – C 08 – B 09 – A 10 – B
COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading Rapidly—and They're a Public Health Risk All
Their Own
Public health crises have spawned conspiracy theories as far back as when the Black Death
ravaged Europe in the 1300s, as people desperately try to make sense of the chaotic forces
disrupting their lives. While modern science offers a better understanding of how diseases infect
people and how to contain them, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading rapidly via social
media, unreliable news outlets and from our own political leaders, including U.S. President Donald
Trump. The result: many Americans now believe pandemic -related conspiracy theories—and,
alarmingly, those same people are less likely to take steps to prevent the virus from spreading.
In a University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center study published Monday in Social
Science &
Medicine, researchers surveyed a group of 840 U.S. adults—first in late March, and then again in
mid-July—to determine how Americans’ beliefs and actions regarding the pandemic changed over
time. Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy theories are not only commonplace, they’re
gaining traction. Back in March, 28% of people believed a debunked rumor that the Chinese
government created the coronavirus as a bioweapon; that number rose to 37% by July. About
24% believed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the virus’
danger to hurt Trump politically despi te a lack of evidence; by July, that figure rose to 32%. And
in March, about 15% of respondents said they believed that the pharmaceutical industry created
the virus to boost drug and vaccine sales—another unfounded theory—compared to 17% in July.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (ESA/INÉDITA) – Concerning the information in the text, is correct to state that
(A) Adherence to conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 pandemic has declined over time
in the USA
(B) Social networks are not a potential disseminator of misinformation that collaborates with
conspiracy theories
(C) The artificial creation of the coronavirus is scientifically proven
(D) Modern science does not affect the understanding of diseases
(E) Conspiracy theories may affect the adherence of security measures by part of the population
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com as informações do texto, não é
correto afirmar que a adesão a teorias da conspiração em relação à pandemia COVID-19
diminuiu ao longo do tempo nos EUA, mas sim, que aumentou com o tempo. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy theories are not only
commonplace, they’re gaining traction”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com as informações do texto, não é correto afirmar
que as redes sociais não são um potencial disseminador de desinformação que colabora com as
teorias da conspiração, mas sim, que são um disseminador de fake News. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “...OVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading rapidly via social
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com as informações do texto, não é correto afirmar
que a criação artificial do coronavírus é comprovada cientificamente, mas sim, que isso é uma
teoria da conspiração. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...28% of people believed a
debunked rumor that the Chinese government created the coronavirus as a bioweapon; that
number rose to 37% by July”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com as informações do texto, não é correto afirmar
que a ciência moderna não afeta a compreensão das doenças, mas sim, que a ciência colabora
com esses compreendimentos. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “While modern science
offers a better understanding of how diseases infect people and how to contain them…”.
A alternativa E está correta. De acordo com as informações do texto, é correto afirmar que
teorias de conspiração podem afetar a adesão de medidas de segurança por parte da
população, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The result:
many Americans now believe pandemic-related conspiracy theories—and, alarmingly, those
same people are less likely to take steps to prevent the virus from spreading”.
Questão 02 (ESA/INÉDITA) – Which option has a correct relation of the underlined terms and
their substitutes?
(A) A government spokesman says… – Her
(B) Prisoners are considered a COVID-19 risk group. – They
(C) Me and the girls were at the party and ... – They
(D) The US has thousands of cases of COVID-19. – He
(E) Feminist groups still fight for women's rights – Them
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. O substituto correto para “a government
spokesman” (um porta-voz do governo) não é “her” (dela), mas sim, “he” (ele).
A alternativa B está correta. O substituto correto para “prisioners” (prisioneiros) é “they” (eles),
assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. O substituto correto para “me and the girls” (eu e as meninas)
não é “they” (elas), mas sim, “we” (nós).
A alternativa D está incorreta. O substituto correto para “the US” (os EUA) não é “he” (ele), mas
sim, “it”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. O substituto correto para “feminist groups” (grupos feministas)
não é “them” (deles), mas sim, “they” (eles).
Questão 03 (ESA/INÉDITA) – “__________ the US still have the __________ number of COVID-
19 cases?”. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb and the adjective
(A) Does / worst
(B) Does / better
(C) Is / best
(D) Is / worse
(E) Do / worst
Comentários: A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “Does” pois esta forma verbal se
encaixa em uma pergunta funcionando como um auxiliar, onde as ações principais permanecem
no infinitivo.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “worst” (pior) pois é o melhor adjetivo que se refere
ao número de casos da COVID-19.
Questão 05 (ESA/2019) – “__________ American?” Complete the space with the correct form of
the verb and the pronoun.
(A) You is
(B) You are
(C) Are you
(D) Is you
(E) Am you
Comentários: Questão que necessita apenas de conhecimento sobre o verbo to be.
A alternativa A está incorreta. “You” nunca deve ser seguido de “is”, e sim “are”. O verbo deve
estar antes do pronome “you”, pois trata-se de uma pergunta.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A ordem de pronome (you) e verbo (are) deveria estar invertida
por se tratar de uma pergunta.
A alternativa C está correta. Numa frase interrogativa, deve-se inverter a ordem de pronome e
verbo. Portanto, “Are you American?” é gramaticalmente correto.
A alternativa D está incorreta. “You” nunca é acompanhado de “is”, sempre de “are”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. “You” nunca é acompanhado de “am”, sempre de “are”.
Directions: Read the text below and answer questions 01 to 15 according to it.
How to cope with parent guilt, during the pandemic and beyond
As a mother, I’m vulnerable to the influence of our cultural messaging, and I have fallen prey to
the “We can never give enough, do enough or be enough” narrative. As a psychologist, though, I
know how risky this constant thread of guilt is for our well-being. Guilt can be helpful as an
uncomfortable emotion that motivates us to make amends and change hurtful behaviors, but in
the case of parent guilt, much of the time we are only hurting ourselves.
Enter a global pandemic that has shattered our already precarious parenting lives and provided
ample evidence of our systems’ failures. Employers are expecting our remote-learning children to
behave during our work day, and women are leaving jobs in record numbers for their suddenly
homebound children, because they “just can’t do it all anymore.” Ilyse DiMarco, a clinical
psychologist and the author of the upcoming book “Mom Brain,” sums up the problem: “The issue
with guilt right now is there is potential guilt with anything you do.”
Stress levels have risen, with parents outpacing nonparents in surveys, creating fertile ground for
mental health problems. “We’re feeling like we’re not measuring up in some area or maybe we’re
not making the right choices,” DiMarco says. “Not surprisingly, if we feel like we’re failing, we feel
depressed; if we’re worried about not making the right decision, we feel anxious.”
Daily life in a pandemic has given us a host of new reasons to feel guilty. In addition to the
impossibility of simultaneously working, parenting and, in some cases, teaching our children, we
face daily decisions around health and safety.
Do we allow play dates? What if all of my child’s friends are playing basketball and I say no? What
if we choose inperson school and our child gets covid-19, or we choose remote school and our
child becomes depressed?
Working moms are not okay. No good choices and no good answers, but guaranteed guilt, with a
sprinkling of judgment caused by social pressures.
“Guilt is a useful emotion when it tells us we’ve done something wrong,” says clinical psychologist
Jill Stoddard, author of “Be Mighty.” “What’s happening now is we feel like we’ve done something
wrong even when we’re doing the very best we can.”
So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks? Experts suggest a
combination of mindfulness, meaningful self-care and shifting our perspective.
Do not ignore the guilt; acknowledging it means you can do something about it. Even if our
pandemic-related guilt may be misplaced, Stoddard says we can still use the feeling for its positive
function and make amends. She has told her children, “I really wish I could spend more time with
you guys, and it’s been so hard on all of us. Things will be different someday. I’m sorry I can’t be
there for you more.” She adds: “You’re not saying, ‘I screwed up.’ You’re saying, ‘It hurts my heart
I can’t do this the way I wish I could right now.’ ”
Remember you are not alone. Feelings of failure are a universal experience of parents during the
coronavirus pandemic. Seeking social support is critical for mental health in times of stress. It can
be as simple as texting a friend to share “Mom fails” from your day. Even this brief connection
offers support and solidarity, and it can decrease our sense of self-blame and inadequacy when
we hear others’ similar feelings and experiences.
Practice self-kindness. Talk to yourself as you would to your friend: “You are doing your very best
in this moment.” This practice helps shift thinking patterns from self-criticism to self-compassion,
which is known to increase positive emotions and decrease negative ones, including guilt.
Real self-care
Prioritize the daily demands on your time and energy. DiMarco advises doing this by asking,
“What’s most important here, on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis?” Focus on what is highest
on the priority list, and allow yourself to let go of the other potential tasks instead of feeling guilty
for, inevitably, not getting everything done.
Prioritize yourself. “An important piece, and counterintuitive piece, to manage guilt about not
being there for everybody else, is to also be there for yourself, and make sure you’re on the list
somewhere,” DiMarco says. Plan ahead to ensure time for you in the daily routine, even if it’s just
15 to 30 minutes. This may require an agreement with your partner and/or kids about when you
will not be available the next day. Be realistic about the amount of time you need and how you
will spend it (e.g., 15 minutes on a meditation app). Then, stay committed to making it happen.
Remember the basics. We make sure our kids are fed, but are we sleeping, drinking enough water,
and eating well enough to meet our own basic needs? These stress management essentials
strengthen us, which will help us ward off the guilt.
Shift focus
Adjust expectations. “If you expect yourself to stay calm and never lose it, you’re setting yourself
up for failure,” says child and adolescent psychologist Emily W. King. “Own it that you’re more
emotionally fragile right now, notice it and walk outside for 10 minutes, or whatever you need,
instead of getting in a negative feedback loop, and then you’re emotionally exhausted.”
Consider your successes. Flip the script so you’re not focusing only on the negative. What do you
feel proud of? What can your children do now they couldn’t do a year ago? Redefine success for
you and your children dur ing a global pandemic. “Success is not about grades but about
independence or chores,” says King. For parents, success can be getting through each day with
everyone sheltered, fed and in bed safely.
Invent new narratives. Instead of looking at yourself as being never enough, how about
acknowledging that you have been — and continue to be — enough to endure a global pandemic
while parenting? What recent generation of parents has accomplished this? In fact, we are not
just enough, we are so much greater. Remind yourself of this when parent guilt attempts to tread
that familiar path, both now and after the pandemic.
(Adapted from
fallen prey to the ‘We can never give enough, do enough or be enough’ narrative.” = Como lidar
com a culpa dos pais, durante a pandemia e depois / Como mãe, sou vulnerável à influência de
nossa mensagem cultural e sou vítima da narrativa “Nunca podemos dar o suficiente, fazer o
suficiente ou ser o suficiente”.
Questão 05 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the best answer for the question
“So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks?” (paragraph 8)
a) nothing more than mindfulness.
b) a merging of different strategies.
c) ignoring the guilt.
d) only meaningful self-care.
Comentários: Marque a opção que mostra a melhor resposta para a pergunta “Então, o que
podemos fazer com a culpa que pesa sobre nossos pescoços coletivos?” (parágrafo 8)
a) nada mais do que atenção plena.
b) uma combinação de diferentes estratégias.
c) ignorar a culpa.
d) somente autocuidado significativo.
“So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks? Experts suggest
a combination of mindfulness, meaningful self-care and shifting our perspective.” = Então, o que
podemos fazer sobre a culpa pesando em torno de nossos pescoços coletivos? Os especialistas
sugerem uma combinação de atenção plena, autocuidado significativo e mudança de
Questão 06 (AFA/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “She has told her children, ‘I really wish I could
spend more time with you guys, and it’s been so hard on all of us.’” (paragraph 09), the
contraction refers to
a) It is.
b) It has.
c) It was.
d) It will.
Comentários: Na frase trazida pela questão, a contração ’s se refere ao auxiliar do Present
Perfect, has = it has been so hard... → tem sido tão difícil ...
Questão 07 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the appropriate question tag for the
sentence “I’m vulnerable to the influence of our cultural messaging” (paragraph 01).
a) I’m not?
b) Am I?
c) Aren’t I?
d) Am I not?
Comentários: A opção que mostra a tag question apropriada para a frase é a letra C. A tag
question para a afirmativa do presente do verbo to be com sujeito I é um pouco atípica, pois o
verbo am não é mantido. Usamos obrigatoriamente aren’t.
Questão 08 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that shows a synonym for the underlined
expression in “These stress management essentials strengthen us, which will help us ward off
the guilt.” (paragraph 14).
a) repel
b) contradict
c) forbid
d) accept
Comentários: Marque a opção que mostra um sinônimo para a expressão sublinhada (ward off).
Ward off significa repelir, afastar. Assim,
a) repelir
b) contradizer
c) proibir
d) aceitar
Questão 09 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Choose the best option to change the sentence “we are … hurting
ourselves.” (paragraph 01), into the passive form. Ourselves _______________ by us.
a) are being hurt
b) are hurting
c) have been hurt
d) is been hurt
Comentários: Escolha a melhor opção para passar a frase para a voz passiva. Ourselves
_______________ by us.
• Devemos manter o tempo verbal (Present Continuous).
• O objeto da frase original vira o sujeito na voz passiva (ourselves).
• Além disso, o sujeito da frase original vira o que equivale ao agente da passiva (we = by us). we
are … hurting ourselves → ourselves are being hurt by us.
Questão 11 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the alternative in which the problems described in paragraph
2 are correctly summarized.
a) employers are expecting remote-learning children to behave during work day.
b) right now, there is potential guilt with anything moms do.
c) women are leaving jobs in record numbers.
d) parenting lives were not precarious before the pandemic.
Questão 12 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that contains the correct negative form for the
sentence “Stress levels have risen” (paragraph 3).
a) Stress levels not have risen.
b) Stress levels do not have risen.
c) Stress levels have not risen.
d) Stress levels have risen not.
Comentários: A forma correta de fazer a negativa da frase, que está no Present Perfect, é
acrescentando not após o auxiliar have = have not risen (poderia ser feita a contração também =
haven’t risen).
Questão 14 (AFA/INÉDITA) – Mark the option which shows the appropriate plural form for the
word “child” (paragraph 5).
a) childs.
b) childrens.
c) childen.
d) children.
Comentários: A opção que mostra a forma plural apropriada para a palavra child (criança ou
filho) é a letra D, children. O plural de child é irregular, não sendo formado com o mero
acréscimo de -s.
Gabarito: D
Aimed at companies who wish to monitor the wellbeing of staff who are working from home, the
idea is that employees are encouraged to wear the wristband (they can say no), and press the
relevant button as they see fit throughout the working week.
Managers can then view an online dashboard to see how workers are feeling and coping. With
bosses no longer able to check in physically with their team, Moodbeam hopes to bridge the gap.
"Businesses are trying to get on top of staying connected with staff working from home. Here they
can ask 500 members: 'You ok?' without picking up the phone," says Moodbeam co-founder
Christina Colmer McHugh.
She originally came up with the idea for the product after she discovered that her daughter was
struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let her know how she was feeling. The
wristband was launched commercially in 2016.
(Adapted from
Questão 02 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – About the initial purpose of the wristband, it’s correct
to affirm that
(A) Fulfilled the final results
(B) Had a personal character
(C) Aimed at analyzing the mental health of the entire population
(D) Criticized the current teaching method of schools
(E) Had no purpose, considering it was a sudden discovery
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. Sobre o objetivo inicial da pulseira, não é correto
afirmar que cumpriu com os resultados finais pois acabou tendo um desfecho diferente do
esperado. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “She originally came up with the idea for the
product after she discovered that her daughter was struggling at school…”.
A alternativa B está correta. Sobre o objetivo inicial da pulseira, é correto afirmar que tinha um
caráter pessoal, considerando que a criadora confeccionou a pulseira para saber como sua filha
estava indo na escola, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“She originally came up with the idea for the product after she discovered that her daughter was
struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let her know how she was feeling”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Sobre o objetivo inicial da pulseira, não é correto afirmar que
visava analisar a saúde mental de toda a população, mas sim, que o objetivo original era
descobrir os sentimentos da filha e porque ela estava indo mal na escola. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “She originally came up with the idea for the product after she
discovered that her daughter was struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let
her know how she was feeling”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Sobre o objetivo inicial da pulseira, não é correto afirmar que
criticava o método de ensino atual das escolas, mas sim, que o objetivo original era descobrir os
sentimentos da filha e porque ela estava indo mal na escola. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “She originally came up with the idea for the product after she discovered that her
daughter was struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let her know how she
was feeling”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Sobre o objetivo inicial da pulseira, não é correto afirmar que não
possuía objetivo, considerando a descoberta repentina, mas sim, que o objetivo original era
descobrir os sentimentos da filha e porque ela estava indo mal na escola. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “She originally came up with the idea for the product after she
discovered that her daughter was struggling at school, and she wanted a way for her child to let
her know how she was feeling”.
Questão 04 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – What can we infer from the text? Mark the correct
(A) The final use of the gadget was for the parents’ emotional control over their children
(B) The gadget enabled remote team control
(C) The gadget system is very complex
(D) Companies tend not to care about the emotional health of employees
(E) The wristband is a gadget that does not adapt to the context of a pandemic
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que o uso final do dispositivo
foi para o controle emocional dos pais sobre seus filhos, mas sim, que o uso final foi por
empresas para controlarem os sentimentos de seus empregados. Isso pode ser confirmado com
o trecho “Aimed at companies who wish to monitor the wellbeing of staff who are working from
home, the idea is that employees are encouraged to wear the wristband (they can say no), and
press the relevant button as they see fit throughout the working week”.
Last fall, its seven-course menu featured dishes with intriguing combinations of fir, boletus
mushroom and sake, or dulse seaweed, lemongrass and galangal, a relative of ginger. The
restaurant is currently closed because of the coronavirus pandemic.
The Michelin Guide, in a statement this week, said Ms. Vallée had given vegan cuisine its “letters
of nobility.”
Gwendal Poullenec, the international head of the Michelin Guides, noted that the move away
from meat was not entirely new.
Alain Passard, the owner and chef at L’Arpège in Paris, removed meat from his menu two decades
ago, and Alain Ducasse, perhaps France’s biggest culinary superstar, also decided to drastically
reduce the amount of meat used at his flagship Parisian restaurant.
But awarding a star to a restaurant that is not just meatless but avowedly vegan has the potential
to shake things up even further, Mr. Poullenec said.
“The general public might not associate pure veganism with a gastronomical experience,” he said.
A Michelin star might “liberate” chefs who are still reluctant to explore plant-based cooking, he
(Adapted from
Questão 05 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – According to the text, mark the INCORRECT option
(A) Lemongrass is an example of ingredient that normally does not predominantly compose
Michelin-starred restaurant dishes
(B) There is an entirely vegan restaurant, starring with the Michelin award, in France
(C) The majority of the French population is adept at the vegan movement
(D) There are chefs who have a meatless menu
(E) France isn’t the only country with Michelin-starred vegan restaurants
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. É correto afirmar que o capim-limão é um exemplo
de ingrediente que normalmente não compõe predominantemente um prato de restaurante
com estrela Michelin, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Lemongrass, seaweed and fir — yes, the tree — are not the
sorts of ingredients that once earned French chefs plaudits in the Michelin Guide…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. É correto afirmar que existe um restaurante totalmente vegano,
estrelado pelo prêmio Michelin, na França, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com
informações corretas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...but on Monday the thick red
bible of gastronomy announced that it was giving its first star to a fully vegan restaurant in
A alternativa C está correta. Não é correto afirmar que a maioria da população francesa é adepta
ao movimento vegano, mas sim, que esse é um país de carnívoros, o que faz com que esta seja
uma opção com informações incorretas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It’s a new
movement in France, where diets are still very meat-based”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. É correto afirmar que existem chefs que possuem cardápios sem
carne, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “ONA shuns all animal-based products, Ms. Vallée said, even in its
decorations and furnishings. It does not, for instance, use wool or leather”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. É correto afirmar que a França não é o único país com restaurantes
veganos que são premaiados com estrelas Michelin, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com
informações corretas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Vegan establishments have
already received Michelin stars in the United States, Spain and Germany. But this is a first for
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que Claire Vallée não se
identifica com o veganismo, mas sim, que se identifica e tem um restaurante vegano. Isso pode
ser confirmado com o trecho “ONA shuns all animal-based products, Ms. Vallée said”.
A alternativa B está correta. É correto afirmar que Claire Vallée pensa que o movimento vegano
se opõe a realidade da alimentação francesa, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “It’s a new movement in France, where diets are still very meat-
A alternativa C está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que Claire Vallée não quer diversificar
alimentos na França, mas sim, que quer. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “We want to
show that you can eat differently”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que Claire Vallée possui um cardápio livre
de animais, apenas, mas sim, que todo o restaurante é vegano. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “ONA shuns all animal-based products, Ms. Vallée said, even in its decorations and
furnishings. It does not, for instance, use wool or leather”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Não é correto afirmar que Claire Vallée não tem decoração em seu
restaurante, mas sim, que ela tem um decoração vegana. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“ONA shuns all animal-based products, Ms. Vallée said, even in its decorations and furnishings. It
does not, for instance, use wool or leather”.
Questão 10 (COLÉGIO NAVAL/INÉDITA) – The word “bestowal” (paragraph 2), can be replaced
by the word __________ without changing its meaning
(A) Withdrawal
(B) Grant
(C) Break
(D) Disagreement
(E) Give
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “bestowal” significa concessão e não pode
ser substituída pela palavra “withdrawal”, que significa retirada.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “bestowal” significa concessão e pode ser substituída pela
palavra “grant”, que significa concessão.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “bestowal” significa concessão e não pode ser
substituída pela palavra “break”, que significa quebra.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “bestowal” significa concessão e não pode ser
substituída pela palavra “disagreement”, que significa desacordo.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “bestowal” significa concessão e não pode ser
substituída pela palavra “give”, que significa dar.
Read text I and answer questions 01 and 02
Why you’re more creative in coffee shops
If we’re already working in isolation at home, why do we miss working with our heads
similarly down in a public setting?
Some of the most successful people in history have done their best work in coffee shops.
Pablo Picasso, JK Rowling, Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre, Bob Dylan – whether they’re
painters, singersongwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and centuries have
tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café.
Of course, Covid-19 has put the kibosh on lingering for hours in cozy rooms packed with people
sipping lattes. As we begin another year living amid a pandemic, many of us continue to work
remotely on our own. And if remote work becomes permanent for some – as many experts predict
– we might ask ourselves why, when things settle down, we should bother going back out to work
in public, only to ostensibly isolate ourselves with our heads down – something we’re already
doing at home.
But putting on your noise-cancelling headphones to toil away at your desk is actually different
than doing the same surrounded by other people buzzing over your shoulder. There are many
ways coffee shops trigger our creativity in a way offices and homes don’t. Research shows that
the stimuli in these places make them effective environments to work; the combination of noise,
casual crowds and visual variety can give us just the right amount of distraction to help us be our
sharpest and most creative. (So, no, it’s not just that double espresso.)
A sweet spot of noise and crowds
Some of us stick in our earbuds as soon as we sit down to work in a public setting. But scientists
have known for years that background noise can benefit our creative thinking.
A 2012 study published in the Journal of Consumer Research showed that a low-to-moderate level
of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can actually boost your creative output. The idea is that
if you’re very slightly distracted from the task at hand by ambient stimuli, it boosts your abstract
thinking ability, which can lead to more creative idea generation.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (EAM/INÉDITA) – Say if the following statements are T (true) or F (false) about
coffee shops and the current world context. Then, mark the correct option, from top to bottom.
( ) Coffee shops are a good place to work
( ) Cafeterias are suitable workplaces for a certain type of profession
( ) Covid-19 did not change the work routine of most workers
( ) Remote work is a reality for many people, considering the current context
( ) It is possible that there is a general post-pandemic doubt among workers regarding the
(A) T – F – F – T – F
(B) T – F – F – F – F
(C) F – F – F – T – T
(D) F – F – F – F – T
(E) T – F – F – T – T
Comentários: A primeira afirmativa é verdadeira (T – true). É correto afirmar que cafeterias são
um bom lugar pra trabalhar. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...people across nations
and centuries have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café”.
A segunda afirmativa é falsa (F – false). Não é correto afirmar que as cafeterias são um bom
local de trabalho para um certo tipo de profissão, mas sim, que diversos tipos de pessoas se
tornaram mais criativas em uma cafeterias. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…whether
they’re painters, singer-songwriters, philosophers or writers, people across nations and
centuries have tapped into their creativity working away at a table in a café”.
A terceira afirmativa é falsa (F – false). Não é correto afirmar que a Covid-19 não mudou a rotina
de trabalho da maioria dos trabalhadores, mas sim, que mudou. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “...Covid-19 has put the kibosh on lingering for hours in cozy rooms packed with people
sipping lattes”.
A quarta afirmativa é verdadeira (T – true). É correto afirmar que o trabalho remoto é a
realidade para muitas pessoas, considerando o contexto atual. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “And if remote work becomes permanent for some – as many experts predict – we might
ask ourselves why, when things settle down…”.
A quinta afirmativa é verdadeira (T – true). É correto afirmar que é possível que haja uma dúvida
pós-pandêmica geral entre os trabalhadores em relação ao local de trabalho. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “...we should bother going back out to work in public, only to
ostensibly isolate ourselves with our heads down – something we’re already doing at home”.
Questão 02 (EAM/INÉDITA) – About the benefits resulting from the cafeteria as a workplace, it
is correct to say that
(A) The place with a lot of noise ends up affecting the creative process of the worker
(B) Background noise pollution contributes to the development of work
(C) According to studies, noise pollution is one of the main reasons for the creative block
(D) The ability of abstract thinking is not affected by noise pollution
(E) The double espresso is the main reason why the coffee shop is a good place to work
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. Sobre os benefícios resultantes da cafeteria como
um bom local de trabalho, não é correto afirmar que um lugar com muito barulho acaba
afetando o processo criativo do trabalhador, mas sim, que ajuda no processo criativo. Isso pode
ser confirmado com o trecho “But scientists have known for years that background noise can
benefit our creative thinking”.
A alternativa B está correta. Sobre os benefícios resultantes da cafeteria como um bom local de
trabalho, é correto afirmar que a poluição sonora de fundo contribui para o desenvolvimento do
trabalho, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “But scientists
have known for years that background noise can benefit our creative thinking”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. Sobre os benefícios resultantes da cafeteria como um bom local
de trabalho, não é correto afirmar que segundo estudos, a poluição sonora é um dos principais
motivos do bloqueio criativo, mas sim, que a criatividade pode ser acelerada por esses locais.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A 2012 study published in the Journal of Consumer
Research showed that a low-to-moderate level of ambient noise in a place like a cafeteria can
actually boost your creative output”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Sobre os benefícios resultantes da cafeteria como um bom local
de trabalho, não é correto afirmar que a capacidade de pensamento abstrato não é afetada pela
poluição sonora, mas sim, que é positivamente afetada.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “ boosts your abstract thinking ability, which can lead
to more creative idea generation”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. Sobre os benefícios resultantes da cafeteria como um bom local
de trabalho, não é correto afirmar que o expresso duplo é o principal motivo pelo qual a
cafeteria é um bom lugar para se trabalhar, mas sim, que não é. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “So, no, it’s not just that double espresso”.
Questão 03 (EAM/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “But it does not begin to solve the other problems
associated with the volume of traffic on the roads” (paragraph 1), the pronoun “it” refers to
(A) Advance in battery technology
(B) Electric cars
(C) Costs associated with electric cars
(D) Volume of traffic on the roads
(E) Tax relief
Comentários: A alternativa A está correta. O pronome “it”, neste caso, se refere ao avanço em
tecnologia de bateria, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It
is indeed good news that the advance in battery technology brings down the costs and
inconveniences associated with electric cars. But it does not begin to solve the other problems
associated with the volume of traffic on the roads” (Na verdade, é uma boa notícia que o avanço
na tecnologia de baterias reduza os custos e os inconvenientes associados aos carros elétricos.
Mas não começa a resolver os outros problemas associados ao volume de tráfego nas estradas).
A alternativa B está incorreta. O pronome “it”, neste caso, não se refere aos carros elétricos,
mas sim, ao avanço em tecnologia de bateria. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “It is
indeed good news that the advance in battery technology brings down the costs and
inconveniences associated with electric cars. But it does not begin to solve the other problems
associated with the volume of traffic on the roads” (Na verdade, é uma boa notícia que o avanço
corretas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “In fact, if electric cars become cheaper and
continue to benefit from tax relief, the total number of cars may well rise”.
A alternativa C está correta. Não é correto afirmar que os carros elétricos não possuem
benefícios, de acordo com os argumentos do texto, mas sim, que possui alguns benefícios mas
muitos malefícios, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações incorretas. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Electric cars produce no toxic emissions at the point of use
but, as with all cars, embodied carbon in the production of vehicles and batteries generate
greenhouse gas emissions”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. É correto afirmar que o modo mais efetivo de diminuir a emissão
de gases é diminuindo o tráfego, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações
corretas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “For a better life and to counteract the climate
emergency it is necessary to reduce traffic”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. É correto afirmar que outros modos de locomoção devem ser
motivados, o que faz com que esta seja uma opção com informações corretas. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “It needs the promotion of walking, cycling and public transport, and
of measures to reduce the need to travel”.
Questão 05 (EAM/INÉDITA) –) Complete the paragraph below, about Britain’s class system, with
the missing prepositions Britain’s class system determines who is wealthy, who has power,
_______ even who lives. Before Covid-19 arrived, _______ you were a man in one of England’s
poorest communities, you could expect _______ live nine years fewer than someone in one of
its most affluent areas.
(Adapted from
(A) And / if / to
(B) With / if / for
(C) And / if / for
(D) And / and / for
(E) And / X / to
Comentários: A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “and”, pois a frase nos indica uma
adição a ser feita à frase anterior, ou seja, “Britain’s class system determines who is wealthy,
who has power, and even who lives” (O sistema de classes da Grã-Bretanha determina quem é
rico, quem tem poder e até quem vive).
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “if”, pois a frase nos infere uma possibilidade, ou
seja, “Before Covid-19 arrived, if you were a man in one of England’s poorest communities...”
(Antes da chegada de Covid-19, se você fosse um homem em uma das comunidades mais
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “to”, pois a frase nos indica que você poderia esperar
viver muito menos do que um rico, se fosse pobre na Inglaterra; ou seja, “ could expect to
live nine years fewer than someone in one of its most affluent areas” (...poderia esperar viver
nove anos a menos do que alguém em uma de suas áreas mais ricas).
Read the text and answer questions 01, 02, 03 and 04
Sinovac: Brazil results show Chinese vaccine 50.4% effective
A coronavirus vaccine developed by China's Sinovac has been found to be 50.4% effective in
Brazilian clinical trials, according to the latest results released by researchers.
It shows the vaccine is significantly less effective than previous data suggested - barely over the
50% needed for regulatory approval.
The Chinese vaccine is one of two that the Brazilian government has lined up. Brazil has been one
of the countries worst affected by Covid-19.
Sinovac, a Beijing-based biopharmaceutical company, is behind CoronaVac, an inactivated
vaccine. It works by using killed viral particles to expose the body's immune system to the virus
without risking a serious disease response.
Several countries, including Indonesia, Turkey and Singapore, have placed orders for the vaccine.
Last week researchers at the Butantan Institute, which has been conducting the trials in Brazil,
announced that the vaccine had a 78% efficacy against "mild-to-severe" Covid-19 cases.
But on Tuesday they revealed that calculations for this figure did not include data from a group of
"very mild infections" among those who received the vaccine that did not require clinical
With the inclusion of this data, the efficacy rate is now 50.4%, said researchers.
But Butantan stressed that the vaccine is 78% effective in preventing mild cases that needed
treatment and 100% effective in staving off moderate to serious cases.
The Sinovac trials have yielded different results across different countries.
Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25% effective, while Indonesia,
which rolled out its mass vaccination programme on Wednesday, said it was 65.3% effective. Both
were interim results from late-stage trials.
(Adapted from
Questão 04 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – According to the text, the effectiveness of the Sinovac vaccine
(A) Is the same in all countries that adopted this vaccine
(B) Is not very reliable
(C) Is the best among all the other vaccines
(D) Is variable according to the research
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a
eficácia da vacina da Sinovac é a mesma em todos os países que adotaram a mesma, mas sim,
que a eficácia varia de acordo com a pesquisa. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The
Sinovac trials have yielded different results across different countries. Last month Turkish
researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25% effective, while Indonesia, which rolled out its
mass vaccination programme on Wednesday…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a eficácia da
vacina da Sinovac não é muito confiável, mas sim, que a eficácia varia de acordo com a pesquisa.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The Sinovac trials have yielded different results across
different countries. Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25%
effective, while Indonesia, which rolled out its mass vaccination programme on Wednesday…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a eficácia da
vacina da Sinovac é a melhor entre todas as outras vacinas, mas sim, que a eficácia varia de
acordo com a pesquisa. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The Sinovac trials have yielded
different results across different countries. Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac
vaccine was 91.25% effective, while Indonesia, which rolled out its mass vaccination programme
on Wednesday…”.
A alternativa D está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que a eficácia da vacina
da Sinovac varia de acordo com a pesquisa, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “The Sinovac trials have yielded different results across different
countries. Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25% effective, while
Indonesia, which rolled out its mass vaccination programme on Wednesday…”.
Questão 06 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – Choose the best alternative according to the comic strip
(A) The man’s snores did not bother the woman
(B) The woman prefers to continue listening to snoring than having more work in the morning
(C) The man does not consider sleeping in separate beds, an option
(D) The woman was so irritated by snoring that she prefers to sleep in separate beds
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com a tirinha, não é correto afirmar que
os roncos do homem não incomodam a mulher, mas sim, que incomoda. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Your snoring kept me awake half the night”.
A alternativa B está correta. De acordo com a tirinha, é correto afirmar que a mulher prefere
continuar escutando aos roncos do que ter mais trabalho pela manhã, assim como esta opção
indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “No, I can’t stand the thought of having to make
up two beds every day”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com a tirinha, não é correto afirmar que o homem não
considera dormir em camas separadas, uma opção, mas sim, que ele considera. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “Maybe it’s to get separate beds”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com a tirinha, não é correto afirmar que a mulher
estava tão irritada com os roncos que ela prefere dormir em camas separadas, mas sim, que ela
prefere dormir na mesma cama. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Maybe it’s to get
separate beds”.
Questão 10 (EEAR/INÉDITA) – The underlined expression “the sweetest thing”, in the text,
means that the action
(A) Was sensitive and selfless
(B) Was actually sweet
(C) Was rude and selfish
(D) Was indifferent
Comentários: A alternativa A está correta. A expressão “a coisa mais doce” significa que a ação
foi sensível e altruísta, assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“…When you hold me / And kiss me slowly / It’s the sweetest thing…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A expressão “a coisa mais doce” não significa que a ação foi
realmente doce, mas sim, que foi sensível e altruísta. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“…When you hold me / And kiss me slowly / It’s the sweetest thing…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A expressão “a coisa mais doce” não significa que a ação foi rude
e egoísta, mas sim, que foi sensível e altruísta. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…When
you hold me / And kiss me slowly / It’s the sweetest thing…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A expressão “a coisa mais doce” não significa que a ação foi
indiferente, mas sim, que foi sensível e altruísta. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“…When you hold me / And kiss me slowly / It’s the sweetest thing…”.
Based on the text below, answer questions 01 and 02.
Why some people like wearing masks
Some people welcome face coverings for reasons ranging from the convenient and expedient
to the more complex and psychological. But is this a helpful coping mechanism?
Sheltering in place hasn’t been too hard for Jay Lee; watching a film at home and ordering a
takeaway has always been his idea of a good night. Lee, a 32-year-old small business owner in
Leicester, identifies as an introvert. And although 2020 had its hardships – in the spring, he was
made redundant from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the widespread adoption
of face masks.
Lee has always dreaded run-ins with old friends and acquaintances around town, finding these
spontaneous interactions “extremely awkward”. He used to time his shopping trips to minimise
the possibility of bumping into someone he knew, waiting until almost closing time before
heading out. “Since I've been wearing the mask, my awkward interactions with friends and family
have significantly reduced,” he says. Now, he goes to the shops whenever he wants, without
worrying about whom he might see. He hopes that, even after the pandemic ends, it will still be
socially acceptable to wear a mask.
Wearing a mask is, for most of us, an annoying but worthwhile sacrifice: it’s one of the most
effective ways to slow the spread of Covid-19. Still, most of us look forward to the day when we
can bare our faces in public again. Face-coverings fog our glasses and clog our pores; they make
it harder to smile at strangers and recognise friends.
Yet some are secretly relishing the new mask-wearing mandates, for reasons ranging from the
convenient and expedient to the more complex and psychological. Some welcome the way face
coverings reduce or change interactions that might otherwise spark social anxiety.
‘Anonymity carries power’
At the lighter end of the scale, some people have found that masking offers a welcome relief from
the pressures to uphold strict standards of grooming and appearance. They have ditched their old
makeup and shaving routines and are saving money, time and stress. Others have discovered that
hiding their mouths affords them unexpected freedoms. Some restaurant servers and retail
workers say they no longer feel obliged to fake-smile at customers, potentially lifting the burden
of emotional labour.
(Adapted from
Questão 02 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – In the excerpt “And although 2020 had its hardships – in the
spring, he was made redundant from his job at a large bank – one perk for him has been the
widespread adoption of face masks.”, the word in bold means
(A) Advice
(B) Hardship
(C) Happiness
(D) Loss
(E) Advantage
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “perk” significa benefício e não pode ser
comparada com a palavra “advice”, que significa conselho.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “perk” significa benefício e não pode ser comparada
com a palavra “hardship”, que significa sofrimento.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “perk” significa benefício e não pode ser comparada
com a palavra “happiness”, que significa felicidade.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “perk” significa benefício e não pode ser comparada
com a palavra “loss”, que significa perda.
A alternativa E está correta. A palavra “perk” significa benefício e pode ser comparada com a
palavra “advantage”, que significa vantagem.
to the Maldives, as well as companies like Amazon, Microsoft and PwC, have committed to rolling
out policies over the next decade that will set them on a path to eliminate their carbon footprints.
The understanding that these problems require holistic solutions has only grown amid the
pandemic and its fallout. President Joe Biden has referred to four urgent crises—the pandemic,
the economic crisis, racial injustice and climate change—and promised a push to tackle them all
together. The European Union’s program to propel the bloc out of the COVID-19 crisis targets
climate change, while incorporating equity concerns. As stock markets soared last year,
institutions with trillions of dollars in assets demanded that their investments deliver not only a
good return for their wallets but also a good return for society.
(Adapted from
Questão 03 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Read the statements about the text and decide whether they
are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F). Mark the correct option
I. The turn of the millennium brought high expectations for the development of the world
II. Covid-19 plays an important role in explaining the interconnection between global problems
III. Despite having played a watershed role, the Covid-19 pandemic mainly affected developing
IV. The intensely discriminatory past has no reflection today
V. Our current actions will affect the future of world society
(A) I – (T) / II – (F) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(B) I – (T) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (F)
(C) I – (T) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(D) I – (F) / II – (T) / III – (F) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
(E) I – (F) / II – (T) / III – (T) / IV – (F) / V – (T)
Comentários: A afirmativa I é verdadeira (T – true). É correto afirmar que a virada do milênio
trouxe grandes expectativas para o desenvolvimento do mundo, assim como esta opção indica.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Two decades ago, people around the world rang in the
new millennium with a growing sense of optimism”.
A afirmativa II é verdadeira (T – true). É correto afirmar que a Covid-19 desempenha um papel
importante na explicação da interconexão entre problemas globais, assim como esta opção
indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a complex
web of interlocking problems that have morphed into full-blown crises”.
A afirmativa III é falsa (F – false). Não é correto afirmar que apesar de ter desempenhado um
papel decisivo, a pandemia Covid-19 afetou principalmente os países em desenvolvimento, mas
sim, que afetou a todos os países do mundo. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The
coronavirus laid bare the dangers of endemic poverty not only in the developing world but also in
rich countries like the U.S., where millions lack health care and are one paycheck away from
living on the street”.
Questão 04 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – In the excerpt “Woven through it all, the earth’s climate is
increasingly unstable, posing an existential threat to human society as we know it”, the word in
bold means
(A) Unwoven
(B) Separate
(C) In contrast
(D) Sewn
(E) Although
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “woven” significa tecido/constituído e
não pode ser comparada com a palavra “unwoven”, que significa desfeito.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “woven” significa tecido/constituído e não pode ser
comparada com a palavra “separate”, que significa separado.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “woven” significa tecido/constituído e não pode ser
comparada com a palavra “in contrast”, que significa em contrapartida.
A alternativa D está correta. A palavra “woven” significa tecido/constituído e pode ser
comparada com a palavra “sewn”, que significa costurado/constituído.
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “woven” significa tecido/constituído e não pode ser
comparada com a palavra “although”, que significa apesar.
Questão 05 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – According to the text, the current problems in the world
(A) Are actually a conspiracy theory that opposes the high expectations of the turn of the
(B) Must be resolved for the whole society, after their total exposure during the pandemic
(C) Did not worsen during the Covid-19 pandemic
(D) Have a relatively new interconnection
(E) Are not so serious, considering the high development of society
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os
problemas atuais do mundo são, na verdade, uma teoria da conspiração que se opõe às altas
expectativas da virada do milênio, mas sim, que são reais e não correspondem às boas expectativas
da virada do milênio. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Two decades ago, people around the
world rang in the new millennium with a growing sense of optimism …The following 20 years took
some of the air out of the assumption of steady progress, but when future historians assess the 21st
century, the year 2020 is likely to serve as the point at which the optimism bubble burst”.
A alternativa B está correta. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que os problemas atuais do
mundo devem ser resolvido para toda a sociedade, após sua exposição total durante a pandemia,
assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The COVID-19 pandemic has
exposed a complex web of interlocking problems that have morphed into full-blown crises … As stock
markets soared last year, institutions with trillions of dollars in assets demanded that their
investments deliver not only a good return for their wallets but also a good return for society”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os problemas
atuais do mundo não pioraram durante a pandemia Covid-19, mas sim, que pioraram e se tornaram
mais visíveis. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a
complex web of interlocking problems that have morphed into full-blown crises”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os problemas
atuais do mundo tem uma interconexão relativamente nova, mas sim, que não é nova. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “The recognition that these challenges are fundamentally linked isn’t new.
Activists and academics have for many years pointed to the cascading effects of various social ills”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que os problemas atuais
do mundo não são tão graves, considerando o alto desenvolvimento da sociedade, mas sim, que são
graves. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Around the world, racial and ethnic minorities have
demanded justice after centuries of structural discrimination”.
Questão 06 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
I remember the last time I had _______ choose between optimism and fear, between hope and
the urge to run away. It was right after 9/11. I had babies—one so tiny she was still curled up like
a fern, _______ other toddling around gumming everything she could get her little starfish hands
on. And as their brand-new lungs took _______ the smoke that blew over to Brooklyn _______
the burning towers, I wanted to pack them up and flee to some safer place.
(Adapted from
(A) To / the / in / from
(B) The / the / on / into
(C) To / the / on / from
(D) To / the / in / into
(E) The / to / on / from
Comentários: A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “to”, pois a frase nos infere que ele
deveria escolher entre o medo e o otimismo. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Lembro-
me da última vez que tive de escolher entre otimismo e medo”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “the”, pois a frase se refere especificamente às
segunda filha, ou seja, artigo definido. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “a outra
engatinhando e engolindo tudo o que podia em suas mãos de estrela do mar”.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “in”, pois a frase se refere aos pulmões inspirando a
fumaça. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “E enquanto seus pulmões novos absorviam a
A quarta lacuna deve ser preenchida com “from”, pois a frase se refere À fumaça que chegava
ao Brooklyn das torres em chamas. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...chamas para o
Brooklyn, eu queria embalá-los e fugir para um lugar mais seguro”.
Questão 07 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Which is the correct way to complete the paragraph below?
For the European Union, the rapid rollout of Covid-19 vaccines __________ critical to save lives
and prevent health services from ____________ stretched beyond their limits, not to mention
minimising the massive economic damage from lockdowns. Unfortunately, however, though
vaccinations are under way, a rapid near-term increase in infections is likely as the British variant
of the virus __________ across the continent.
(Adapted from
Questão 09 (EFOMM/INÉDITA) – Choose the correct option to complete the paragraph below.
The U.S. has tragically surpassed 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, and case numbers and
hospitalizations are likewise spiking to record levels around the world. __________ vaccines now
rolling out, there is reason to hope that there is an end in sight. __________ , by most estimates,
widespread vaccinations will not be in place until the middle of the year at the earliest.
__________ , we have some ways to go yet with social distancing, mask wearing and other
pandemic mitigation behaviors.
(Adapted from
(A) And / however / and
(B) With / however / so
(C) So / however / even if
(D) With / in agreement / and
(E) With / in contrast / so
Comentários: A primeira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “with” (com), pois a frase se refere ao
momento atual das vacinas circulando. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Com as vacinas
sendo lançadas, há motivos para esperar que haja um fim à vista”.
A segunda lacuna deve ser preenchida com “however” (contudo), pois a frase, de certa forma,
se opõe à frase anterior. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Com as vacinas sendo
lançadas, há motivos para esperar que haja um fim à vista. No entanto, pela maioria das
estimativas, as vacinações generalizadas não estarão em vigor até meados do ano, no mínimo”.
A terceira lacuna deve ser preenchida com “so” (então/portanto), pois a frase nos infere uma
conclusão. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Portanto, ainda temos alguns caminhos a
percorrer com o distanciamento social, uso de máscaras e outros comportamentos de mitigação
de pandemia”.
Directions: Answer questions 01 to 10 according to TEXT I
Facebook building a version of Instagram for children under 13
Social media giant says it’s exploring introducing a parent-controlled experience that allows
kids to ‘safely’ use the photo sharing platform
Facebook is considering launching a version of its popular photo social media platform, Instagram,
for children under the age of 13.
BuzzFeed News first reported Facebook announced in an internal company post that the company
would begin building a version of Instagram for people under the age of 13 years to allow them
to “safely” use Instagram for the first time. Currently the company does not allow people who are
under this age to create an account on the platform.
A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was exploring a parent-controlled
version of Instagram, similar to the Messenger Kids app that is for kids between six and 12.
“Increasingly kids are asking their parents if they can join apps that help them keep up with their
friends. Right now there aren’t many options for parents, so we’re working on building additional
products … that are suitable for kids, managed by parents,” the spokesperson said.
“We’re exploring bringing a parent-controlled experience to Instagram to help kids keep up with
their friends, discover new hobbies and interests, and more.”
In a blog post earlier this week, which did not mention the proposed new Instagram service, the
company noted that although people were asked to enter their age when signing up for
Instagram, there was nothing to prevent people from lying about it at registration.
Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in combination with the
registration age to determine people’s ages on the platform.
The company also announced plans to roll out new safety features, including preventing adults
from messaging people under the age of 18 who do not follow them, safety notices for teens
when messaged by an adult sending a large amount of friend requests or messages to people
under 18, and make it more difficult for adults to find and follow teens using the search function
in Instagram.
Teens will also be encouraged to put their profiles on private at the point of registration.
A study of Australian teens’ internet usage published by the Australian eSafety commissioner in
February found 57% of Australian teenagers use Instagram, while 30% reported being contacted
by a stranger, and 20% reported being sent inappropriate unwanted content on the social media
sites they used.
(Adapted from
Questão 01 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that can replace the word “allows” in the title
without changing its meaning
(A) Grants
(B) Prevents
(C) Prohibits
(D) Disapproves
Comentários: A alternativa A está correta. A palavra “allows” significa permite e pode ser
substituída pela palavra “grants”, que significa concede/permite.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A palavra “allows” significa permite e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “prevents”, que significa previne.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “allows” significa permite e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “prohibits”, que significa proíbe.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “allows” significa permite e não pode ser substituída
pela palavra “disapproves”, que significa desaprova.
Questão 03 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option with the suitable question to answer the
underlined fragment below “Facebook is considering launching a version of its popular photo
social media platform, Instagram, for children under the age of 13”
(A) What were the latest Facebook launches?
(B) What will be the changes in the current Facebook photo social media platform?
(C) How was the launch of the new Facebook photo social media platform?
(D) What is the next possible Facebook launch?
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase “O Facebook está considerando lançar uma
versão de sua popular plataforma de mídia social de fotos...” não responde à pergunta “Quais
foram os últimos lançamentos do Facebook?”, mas sim, à pergunta “Qual é o próximo
lançamento possível do Facebook?”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase “O Facebook está considerando lançar uma versão de sua
popular plataforma de mídia social de fotos...” não responde à pergunta “Quais serão as
mudanças na atual plataforma de mídia social de fotos do Facebook?”, mas sim, à pergunta
“Qual é o próximo lançamento possível do Facebook?”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A frase “O Facebook está considerando lançar uma versão de sua
popular plataforma de mídia social de fotos...” não responde à pergunta “Como foi o
lançamento da nova plataforma de mídia social de fotos do Facebook?”, mas sim, à pergunta
“Qual é o próximo lançamento possível do Facebook?”.
A alternativa D está correta. A frase “O Facebook está considerando lançar uma versão de sua
popular plataforma de mídia social de fotos...” responde à pergunta “Qual é o próximo
lançamento possível do Facebook?”, assim como esta opção indica.
Questão 04 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Mark the option that can replace the underlined word keeping
the same meaning “A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was exploring
a parent-controlled version of Instagram…”
(A) Neglecting
(B) Analyzing
(C) Overlooking
(D) Finding.
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “exploring” significa explorando e não
pode ser substituída pela palavra “neglecting”, que significa negligenciando.
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “exploring” significa explorando e pode ser substituída
pela palavra “analyzing”, que significa analisando.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “exploring” significa explorando e não pode ser
substituída pela palavra “overlooking”, que significa negligenciando.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “exploring” significa explorando e não pode ser
substituída pela palavra “finding”, que significa encontrando.
Questão 05 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – What can be said about the new version of Instagram?
(A) The platform will be for children between 6 and 12 years old
(B) It will be for children under 13 years of age to use the platform without the help of adults
(C) It’s a platform that, in some aspects, resembles another one that already exists
(D) Nothing is known at all about the new Facebook platform
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. Sobre a nova versão do Instagram, não é correto
afirmar que a plataforma será para crianças entre 6 e 12 anos, mas sim, que o Messenger Kids é
para essa faixa etária. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...similar to the Messenger Kids
app that is for kids between six and 12”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. Sobre a nova versão do Instagram, não é correto afirmar que
caberá a menores de 13 anos utilizar a plataforma sem a ajuda de adultos, mas sim, que será
uma plataforma para menores de 13 anos e controlada pelos pais/parentes. Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho “A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was
exploring a parent-controlled version of Instagram…”.
A alternativa C está correta. Sobre a nova versão do Instagram, é correto afirmar que é uma
plataforma que, em alguns aspectos, se assemelha a outra já existente, assim como esta opção
indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian
the company was exploring a parent-controlled version of Instagram, similar to the Messenger
Kids app that is for kids between six and 12”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. Sobre a nova versão do Instagram, não é correto afirmar que
nada se sabe sobre a nova plataforma do Facebook, mas sim, que, provavelmente, será uma
plataforma controlada por pais que é uma nova versão do Instagram. Isso pode ser confirmado
com o trecho “A spokesperson for Facebook told the Guardian the company was exploring a
parent-controlled version of Instagram…” .
Questão 08 (EPCAR/INÉDITA) – Considering the use of verb tenses, mark the alternative that
completes the sentence below correctly Facebook
(A) fights false ages in the system using technology
(B) is fighting false ages in the system using technology
(C) will fight false ages in the system using technology
(D) has been fighting false ages in the system using technology.
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A frase dada não pede um verbo no simple present
(fights – luta), mas sim, um verbo no simple future (will fight – vai lutar/combater). Isso pode ser
confirmado com o trecho que indica que isso é algo que o Facebook almeja combater, ou seja,
no futuro; “Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in combination
with the registration age to determine people’s ages on the platform”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A frase dada não pede um verbo no presente continuous (is
fighting – está lutando), mas sim, um verbo no simple future (will fight – vai lutar/combater).
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho que indica que isso é algo que o Facebook almeja
combater, ou seja, no futuro; “Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning
in combination with the registration age to determine people’s ages on the platform”.
A alternativa C está correta. A frase dada pede um verbo no simple future (will fight – vai
lutar/combater), assim como esta opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho que
indica que isso é algo que o Facebook almeja combater, ou seja, no futuro; “Facebook said it
would overcome that by using machine learning in combination with the registration age to
determine people’s ages on the platform”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A frase dada não pede um verbo no presente perfect continuous
(has been fighting – tem lutado), mas sim, um verbo no simple future (will fight – vai
lutar/combater). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho que indica que isso é algo que o
Facebook almeja combater, ou seja, no futuro; “Facebook said it would overcome that by using
machine learning in combination with the registration age to determine people’s ages on the
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o oitavo parágrafo, não é correto afirmar que as
novas medidas de segurança visam proteger as usuárias mulheres, mas sim, que as medidas
citadas visam proteger menores de idade. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “…safety
notices for teens when messaged by an adult sending a large amount of friend requests or
messages to people under 18…”..
A alternativa B está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a pandemia não
afetou a vida de nenhuma criança, pois elas não entendem o que está acontecendo, mas sim,
que afetou. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to learn not to
touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a pandemia, de
certa forma, impactou positivamente a vida dos bebês, mas sim, que impactou negativamente.
Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Doctors’ children have had to learn not to touch
Mummy when she gets in from work, until she’s had a shower to wash off any last possible trace
of danger”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a rotina das
crianças não mudou nesta pandemia, mas sim, que mudou. Isso pode ser confirmado com o
trecho “Doctors’ children have had to learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work…”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que as
características da pandemia não impactaram áreas como vendas, mas sim, que impactaram. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Thanks to popular toddler demand, you can now buy masks
for dolls”.
Questão 02 (ESCOLA NAVAL/INÉDITA) – What’s the meaning of the word “toddler” in paragraph
(A) Population
(B) Children
(C) Babies
(D) Adults
(E) Teens
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A palavra “toddler” não significa população, mas
sim, “children” (crianças).
A alternativa B está correta. A palavra “toddler” significa crianças, assim como esta opção indica.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A palavra “toddler” não significa bebês, mas sim, “children”
A alternativa D está incorreta. A palavra “toddler” não significa adultos, mas sim, “children”
A alternativa E está incorreta. A palavra “toddler” não significa adolescentes, mas sim,
“children” (crianças).
Questão 04 (ESCOLA NAVAL/INÉDITA) – According to the text, which option completes the
sentence below, correctly?
The pandemic __________ an entire generation.
(A) Affects
(B) Affected
(C) Was affecting
(D) Had affected
(E) Is affecting
Comentários: A alternativa A está incorreta. A melhor forma de completar a frase, de acordo
com o texto, não é com o verbo “to affect” (afetar) no simple present (affects – afeta), mas sim,
no present continuous (is affecting – está afetando). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“...there are babies now learning to walk and talk who have never known anything but life under
the shadow of Covid…”.
A alternativa B está incorreta. A melhor forma de completar a frase, de acordo com o texto, não
é com o verbo “to affect” (afetar) no simple past (affected – afetou), mas sim, no present
continuous (is affecting – está afetando). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...there are
babies now learning to walk and talk who have never known anything but life under the shadow
of Covid…”.
A alternativa C está incorreta. A melhor forma de completar a frase, de acordo com o texto, não
é com o verbo “to affect” (afetar) no past continuous (was affecting – estava afetando), mas sim,
no present continuous (is affecting – está afetando). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho
“...there are babies now learning to walk and talk who have never known anything but life under
the shadow of Covid…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. A melhor forma de completar a frase, de acordo com o texto, não
é com o verbo “to affect” (afetar) no past perfect (had affected – afetou), mas sim, no present
continuous (is affecting – está afetando). Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...there are
babies now learning to walk and talk who have never known anything but life under the shadow
of Covid…”.
A alternativa E está correta. A melhor forma de completar a frase, de acordo com o texto, é com
o verbo “to affect” (afetar) no present continuous (is affecting – está afetando), assim como esta
opção indica. Isso pode ser confirmado com o trecho “...there are babies now learning to walk
and talk who have never known anything but life under the shadow of Covid…”.
A alternativa D está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que a relação com
as crianças na rua mudou com a pandemia, mas sim, que mudou. Isso pode ser confirmado com
o trecho “But now passersby daren’t get close, and other shoppers are hidden behind masks”.
A alternativa E está incorreta. De acordo com o texto, não é correto afirmar que o impacto da
pandemia nas crianças só pode ser de curto prazo, mas sim, que pode ser a longo prazo. Isso
pode ser confirmado com o trecho “Will Covid babies grow up solitary creatures, used to
entertaining themselves, or warier of the strangers they so rarely meet and interact with?”.
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões 01, 02 e 03.
Bill Gates: ‘Carbon neutrality in a decade is a fairytale. Why peddle fantasies?’
Bill Gates appears via video conference – Microsoft Teams, not Zoom, obviously – from his office
in Seattle, a large space with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Lake Washington. It’s a gloomy
day outside and Gates is, somewhat eccentrically, positioned a long way from the camera, behind
a large, kidney-shaped desk; his communications manager sits off to one side. “As a way to start,”
says Gates’ aide, “would it be helpful for Bill to make a couple of comments about why he wrote
his new book?”
Unlike the Elon Musks or Larry Ellisons of this world, however, Gates is perceived to be sensible,
uxorious, modest, vowing not to ruin his children with boundless inheritance or to waste energy
trying to send things to Mars. Gates’ new book, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, grew out of two
things: his interest in the sciences and what struck him as an irresistible challenge – the fiendishly
difficult problem of how to further global development while reducing emissions.
There’s another, greater obstacle to reaching zero emissions, which is the political challenge – part
of which involves climate activists limiting their exposure to accusations of hypocrisy. Gates loves
private jets; he calls them his “guilty pleasure”.
The depressing part of the book is its account of the challenge ahead, which Gates presents as
extremely urgent – He points to a headline figure: 51bn. This is the amount of greenhouses gas,
in tons, emitted globally each year, which we have to get down to net zero by 2050. The first step
towards this is understanding what we’re dealing with.
Adapted from
Questão 03 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “… positioned a long way from the camera,
behind a large, kidney-shaped desk … (paragraph 1), the expression kidney-shaped refers to
(A) the size of the desk.
(B) the outline of the desk.
(C) the weight of the desk.
(D) the height of the desk.
(E) the color of the desk.
Comentários: Na frase “… posicionado longe da câmera, atrás de uma grande mesa em forma de
rim… (parágrafo 1), a expressão kidney-shaped refere-se a
(A) o tamanho da mesa.
(B) o contorno, o formato da mesa.
(C) o peso da mesa.
(D) a altura da mesa.
(E) a cor da mesa.
Questão 04 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – Choose the statement in which the verb to boil has been used in
a figurative way just like in paragraph 1.
(A) Could you boil some water up for me?
(B) I've boiled some potatoes for lunch.
(C) I can hardly boil an egg.
(D) He was boiling with rage.
(E) Liquid nitrogen boils at a very low temperature.
Comentários: No texto, o verbo to boil, ferver, foi usado em sentido figurado, veja: The first time
Kelle Hampton glimpsed a doll with Down’s syndrome, anger boiled up inside her. = A primeira
vez que Kelle Hampton viu uma boneca com síndrome de Down, a raiva “ferveu” dentro dela.
Vamos buscar nas alternativas aquela em que o verbo também foi usado em sentido figurado,
isto é, não literal.
(A) Você poderia ferver um pouco de água para mim?
(B) Fervi algumas batatas para o almoço.
(C) Mal consigo cozinhar um ovo.
(D) Ele estava fervendo de raiva.
(E) O nitrogênio líquido ferve a uma temperatura muito baixa.
Questão 05 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In “Its exaggerated features bore little resemblance to the sweet
facial characteristics that she loved about her daughter …” (paragraph 1), its refers to
(A) Kelle Hampton
(B) her daughter
(C) Down’s syndrome
(D) anger
(E) a doll
Comentários: No trecho trazido pela questão, o possessive adjective its se refere à boneca, veja:
“The first time Kelle Hampton glimpsed a doll with Down’s syndrome, anger boiled up inside her.
Its exaggerated features bore little resemblance to the sweet facial characteristics that she loved
about her daughter Nella… = A primeira vez que Kelle Hampton viu uma boneca com síndrome
de Down, a raiva ferveu dentro dela. Seus traços exagerados (Traços exagerados de quem? Da
boneca) tinham pouca semelhança com as doces características faciais que ela amava em sua
filha Nella...
Questão 06 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – Choose the alternative that has the same meaning as the word
spotlight in the sentence “More than a century later the spotlight is again on the Valencian town
of Onil…” (paragraph 3).
(A) polemic
(B) anger
(C) attention
(D) mistake
(E) force
Comentários: A palavra spotlight significa holofote. No trecho trazido pela questão, tem o
sentido de destaque, ênfase, atenção (como se jogássemos um holofote sobre algo ou alguém,
chamando a atenção para aquilo). “More than a century later the spotlight is again on the
Valencian town of Onil…” = “Mais de um século depois, os holofotes estão novamente na cidade
valenciana de Onil…” (a atenção está toda voltada para lá).
(A) polêmica
(B) raiva
(C) atenção
(D) erro
(E) força
Questão 07 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – About the underlined words her, she and herself, it is correct to
say that
(A) they are adjectives.
(B) they are verbs.
(C) they are pronouns.
(D) they are nouns.
(E) they are adverbs.
Comentários: Her, she e herself são pronomes no texto, respectivamente: object pronoun,
subject pronoun e reflexive pronoun. Não são adjetivos, verbos, substantivos (nouns) ou
presentation, the microphone on his computer was switched off. This meant that none of the
students attending his online class heard what professor Wang was talking about. His university
switched his classes online to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. His lecture started well but
then it froze. The video came back but the mic was off and professor Wang did not notice. One
of his students says it might have been because the professor was using an iPad and not a
Students tried many times to contact professor Wang during the lesson but could not get
through to him. They waved their arms and even tried calling him on his personal phone. A video
of the moment he understood his mic was off has gone viral on the Internet. It has received
more than 653,000 views. After realizing what happened, professor Wang appeared shocked and
stressed. He said he was upset at the thought of wasting two hours of his students' time. He has
offered to redo the lecture at a different time so his students do not miss that class. One of his
students posted on social media about the professor's mishap. She wrote: “I took a class under
him before and he teaches well. I feel bad for him.”
Adapted from
Questão 09 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In the sentence “...One of his students posted on social media
about the professor's mishap....” (paragraph 2), the prefix mis means
(A) wrongly
(B) against
(C) without
(D) self
(E) beyond
Comentários: Na frase trazida pela questão, o prefixo mis, em mishap, indica um erro, que algo
não aconteceu como deveria, assim como acontece em mistake (erro) e misunderstood (mal-
entendido). Mishap significa um acidente, um contratempo, um infortúnio.
(A) erroneamente
(B) contra
(C) sem
(D) próprio
(E) além
Questão 10 (EsPCEx/INÉDITA) – In “His lecture started well but then it froze.” (paragraph 1), the
word then
(A) introduces a conclusion.
(B) indicates a sequence of facts.
(C) makes a comparison.
(D) indicates a place.
(E) reinforces irony.
Comentários: Em “A palestra dele começou bem, mas depois congelou”. (parágrafo 1), a palavra
(A) apresenta uma conclusão – then pode significar então, mas não neste caso.
(B) indica uma sequência de fatos.
(C) faz uma comparação – quem faz comparação é than com a.
(D) indica um lugar.
(E) reforça a ironia.
Concluímos mais uma aula, outro passo até a sua aprovação!
Desta vez, com adjetivos e advérbios. E estamos caminhando para maior vocabulário e
mais aprendizado de fato.
Nota-se o progresso em seus estudos e, provavelmente, uma maior tranquilidade para
enfrentar os exercícios que surgem. E você vai se acostumando a equilibrar seus estudos de forma
sistematizada, estudando cada vez mais e com mais dedicação.
Outro detalhe importante para seu sucesso nos estudos é continuar fazendo listas de
palavras e verbos, participar das aulas complementares, fazer simulados e pedir ajuda quando
Isso te ajudará nas questões futuras e torna você, como eu disse antes, um candidato mais
bem preparado e confiante para realizar uma excelente prova.
É importante lembrar também do nosso Fórum de dúvidas, exclusivo do Estratégia
Militares. Será minha forma de responder, no prazo máximo de 48 horas, o que mais você precise
saber para que os conteúdos fiquem ainda mais claros em seus estudos, certo?
BARRETO, Tania Pedroza; GARRIDO, Maria Line; SILVA, João Antenor de C., Inglês Instrumental.
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Paulo: Ed. Saraiva, 2002.
CORREIA, Clese Mary P. Reading Specific Purposes. Salvador/ Ba: UFBA, 1999.
COSTEIRA, Adriana Araújo de M. Reading Comprehension Skills. João Pessoa/PB: ETFP, 1998.
CRYSTAL David. Cambridge University Press 1997. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language.
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FREEMAN. Diane Larsen. MURCIA. Marianne Celce. The Grammar Book, 1999.
DYE, Joan., FRANFORT, Nancy. Spectrum II, III A Communicative Course in English. USA, Prentice
Hall, 1994.
FAVERO, Maria de Lourdes Albuquerque (org.). Dicionário de educadores no Brasil: da colônia
aos dias atuais. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, MEC, INEP, 1999.
FRANKPORT, Nancy & Dye Hoab. Spectrum II, III Prentice Hall Regents Englewood Cliffs, New
Jersy, 1994.
GADELHA, Isabel Maria B. Inglês Instrumental: Leitura, Conscientização e Prática. Teresina:
EDUFFI, 2000.
GUANDALINI, Eiter Otávio. Técnicas de Leitura em Inglês: ESP – English For Specific Purposes:
estagio 1. São Paulo: Texto novo, 2002.
GRELLET, Françoise. Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge University Press, 1995
HOLAENDER, Arnon & Sanders Sidney. A complete English Course. São Paulo. Ed. Moderna,
HUTCHINSON, Tom & WATERS, Alan. English for Specific Purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1996
KRASHEN. Stephen D. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning, Prentice-Hall
International, 1988.
LAENG, Mauro. Dicionário de pedagogia. Lisboa: Dom Quixote, 1973.
LEFFA, Vilson J. Metodologia do ensino de línguas. In: BOHN, H.; VANDRESEN, P. (org.). Tópicos
de linguística aplicada: o ensino de línguas estrangeiras. Florianópolis: Editora da UFSC, 1988. p.
LIBERATO, Wilson. Compact English Book Inglês Ensino Médio. São Paulo: FTD, Vol. Único, 1998
Mc ARTHUR. The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press 1992
Fromkin. Victoria. An Introduction to Language
MARQUES, Amadeu. Inglês Série Brasil. ed. Atica. São Paulo: 2004. Vol. Único.
MURPHY, Raymond: Essencial Grammar in Use Oxford. New York Ed. Oxford University, 1997.
OLIVEIRA, Luciano Amaral. English For Tourism Students. Inglês para Estudantes de Turismo: São
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OLIVEIRA, Sara Rejane de F. Estratégias de leitura para Inglês Instrumental. Brasília: UNB, 1994.
QUINTANA, et alli. First Certificate. Master Class Oxford. New York, 2004: Ed. Oxford University.
PAULINO, Berenice F. et all. Leitura em textos em Inglês – Uma Abordagem Instrumental. Belo
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PEREIRA, Edilberto Coelho. Inglês Instrumental. Teresina: ETFPI, 1998.
RODGES, Theodore. Jack C. Richards. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge
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RODMAN Robert. Harcourt Brace 1993. English as a Global Language
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How to cope with parent guilt, during the pandemic and beyond
As a mother, I’m vulnerable to the influence of our cultural messaging, and I have fallen prey to the
“We can never give enough, do enough or be enough” narrative. As a psychologist, though, I know
how risky this constant thread of guilt is for our well-being. Guilt can be helpful as an uncomfortable
emotion that motivates us to make amends and change hurtful behaviors, but in the case of parent
guilt, much of the time we are only hurting ourselves.
Enter a global pandemic that has shattered our already precarious parenting lives and provided ample
evidence of our systems’ failures. Employers are expecting our remote-learning children to behave
during our work day, and women are leaving jobs in record numbers for their suddenly homebound
children, because they “just can’t do it all anymore.” Ilyse DiMarco, a clinical psychologist and the
author of the upcoming book “Mom Brain,” sums up the problem: “The issue with guilt right now is
there is potential guilt with anything you do.”
Stress levels have risen, with parents outpacing nonparents in surveys, creating fertile ground for
mental health problems. “We’re feeling like we’re not measuring up in some area or maybe we’re not
making the right choices,” DiMarco says. “Not surprisingly, if we feel like we’re failing, we feel
depressed; if we’re worried about not making the right decision, we feel anxious.”
Daily life in a pandemic has given us a host of new reasons to feel guilty. In addition to the impossibility
of simultaneously working, parenting and, in some cases, teaching our children, we face daily
decisions around health and safety.
Do we allow play dates? What if all of my child’s friends are playing basketball and I say no? What if
we choose inperson school and our child gets covid-19, or we choose remote school and our child
becomes depressed?
Working moms are not okay. No good choices and no good answers, but guaranteed guilt, with a
sprinkling of judgment caused by social pressures.
“Guilt is a useful emotion when it tells us we’ve done something wrong,” says clinical psychologist Jill
Stoddard, author of “Be Mighty.” “What’s happening now is we feel like we’ve done something wrong
even when we’re doing the very best we can.”
So, what can we do about the guilt hanging heavy around our collective necks? Experts suggest a
combination of mindfulness, meaningful self-care and shifting our perspective.
Do not ignore the guilt; acknowledging it means you can do something about it. Even if our pandemic-
related guilt may be misplaced, Stoddard says we can still use the feeling for its positive function and
make amends. She has told her children, “I really wish I could spend more time with you guys, and it’s
been so hard on all of us. Things will be different someday. I’m sorry I can’t be there for you more.”
She adds: “You’re not saying, ‘I screwed up.’ You’re saying, ‘It hurts my heart I can’t do this the way I
wish I could right now.’ ”
Remember you are not alone. Feelings of failure are a universal experience of parents during the
coronavirus pandemic. Seeking social support is critical for mental health in times of stress. It can be
as simple as texting a friend to share “Mom fails” from your day. Even this brief connection offers
support and solidarity, and it can decrease our sense of self-blame and inadequacy when we hear
others’ similar feelings and experiences.
Practice self-kindness. Talk to yourself as you would to your friend: “You are doing your very best in
this moment.” This practice helps shift thinking patterns from self-criticism to self-compassion, which
is known to increase positive emotions and decrease negative ones, including guilt.
Real self-care
Prioritize the daily demands on your time and energy. DiMarco advises doing this by asking, “What’s
most important here, on a day-to-day or hour-to-hour basis?” Focus on what is highest on the priority
list, and allow yourself to let go of the other potential tasks instead of feeling guilty for, inevitably,
not getting everything done.
Prioritize yourself. “An important piece, and counterintuitive piece, to manage guilt about not being
there for everybody else, is to also be there for yourself, and make sure you’re on the list somewhere,”
DiMarco says. Plan ahead to ensure time for you in the daily routine, even if it’s just 15 to 30 minutes.
This may require an agreement with your partner and/or kids about when you will not be available
the next day. Be realistic about the amount of time you need and how you will spend it (e.g., 15
minutes on a meditation app). Then, stay committed to making it happen.
Remember the basics. We make sure our kids are fed, but are we sleeping, drinking enough water,
and eating well enough to meet our own basic needs? These stress management essentials
strengthen us, which will help us ward off the guilt.
Shift focus
Adjust expectations. “If you expect yourself to stay calm and never lose it, you’re setting yourself up
for failure,” says child and adolescent psychologist Emily W. King. “Own it that you’re more
emotionally fragile right now, notice it and walk outside for 10 minutes, or whatever you need, instead
of getting in a negative feedback loop, and then you’re emotionally exhausted.”
Consider your successes. Flip the script so you’re not focusing only on the negative. What do you feel
proud of? What can your children do now they couldn’t do a year ago? Redefine success for you and
your children dur ing a global pandemic. “Success is not about grades but about independence or
chores,” says King. For parents, success can be getting through each day with everyone sheltered, fed
and in bed safely.
Invent new narratives. Instead of looking at yourself as being never enough, how about
acknowledging that you have been — and continue to be — enough to endure a global pandemic
while parenting? What recent generation of parents has accomplished this? In fact, we are not just
enough, we are so much greater. Remind yourself of this when parent guilt attempts to tread that
familiar path, both now and after the pandemic.
(Adapted from
prejudiciais, mas no caso da culpa dos pais, na maior parte do tempo, estamos apenas nos
Entre em uma pandemia global que destruiu nossa já precária vida de pais e forneceu ampla
evidência das falhas de nossos sistemas. Os empregadores estão esperando que nossos filhos com
aprendizagem remota se comportem durante o nosso dia de trabalho, e as mulheres estão
deixando o emprego em números recordes para seus filhos repentinamente presos em casa,
porque "simplesmente não podem mais fazer tudo". Ilyse DiMarco, psicóloga clínica e autora do
próximo livro “Mom Brain”, resume o problema: “O problema com a culpa agora é que há culpa
potencial em qualquer coisa que você faça”.
Os níveis de estresse aumentaram, com os pais ultrapassando os não pais nas pesquisas, criando
um terreno fértil para problemas de saúde mental. “Sentimos que não estamos medindo em
alguma área ou talvez não estejamos fazendo as escolhas certas”, diz DiMarco. “Não é de
surpreender que, se sentimos que estamos fracassando, nos sentimos deprimidos; se estamos
preocupados em não tomar a decisão certa, ficamos ansiosos.”
A vida diária em uma pandemia nos deu uma série de novos motivos para nos sentirmos culpados.
Além da impossibilidade de trabalhar simultaneamente, cuidar dos filhos e, em alguns casos,
ensinar nossos filhos, enfrentamos diariamente decisões em torno da saúde e segurança.
Nós permitimos datas de jogo? E se todos os amigos do meu filho estiverem jogando basquete e
eu disser não? E se escolhermos a escola presencial e nosso filho obtiver 19 anos ou escolher uma
escola remota e nosso filho ficar deprimido?
Mães que trabalham não estão bem. Sem boas escolhas e sem boas respostas, mas culpa
garantida, com uma pitada de julgamento causado por pressões sociais.
“A culpa é uma emoção útil quando nos diz que fizemos algo errado”, diz a psicóloga clínica Jill
Stoddard, autora de “Be Mighty”. “O que está acontecendo agora é que sentimos que fizemos algo
errado, mesmo quando estamos fazendo o melhor que podemos.”
Então, o que podemos fazer sobre a culpa pesando em torno de nossos pescoços coletivos? Os
especialistas sugerem uma combinação de atenção plena, autocuidado significativo e mudança
de perspectiva.
Atenção plena
Não ignore a culpa; reconhecê-lo significa que você pode fazer algo a respeito. Mesmo que nossa
culpa relacionada à pandemia possa ser deslocada, Stoddard diz que ainda podemos usar o
sentimento para sua função positiva e fazer as pazes. Ela disse a seus filhos: “Eu realmente gostaria
de passar mais tempo com vocês, e tem sido tão difícil para todos nós. As coisas serão diferentes
algum dia. Lamento não poder estar mais ao seu lado.” Ela acrescenta: “Você não está dizendo,
‘Eu estraguei tudo’. Você está dizendo: ‘Dói meu coração, não posso fazer isso do jeito que gostaria
de poder agora.’”
Lembre-se de que você não está sozinho. Sentimentos de fracasso são uma experiência universal
dos pais durante a pandemia do coronavírus. Buscar apoio social é fundamental para a saúde
mental em tempos de estresse. Pode ser tão simples quanto enviar uma mensagem de texto para
um amigo para compartilhar "Mamãe falha" do seu dia. Mesmo esta breve conexão oferece apoio
vermelha da gastronomia anunciou que estava dando sua primeira estrela a um restaurante
totalmente vegano na França.
A concessão da estrela ao ONA, um restaurante perto de Bordeaux, é mais uma evidência de que
um país conhecido por clássicos como coq au vin, blanquette de veau e boeuf bourguignon se
abriu para uma culinária sem animais. Um número crescente de chefs está cortando carne de seus
menus, às vezes inteiramente.
“É um novo movimento na França, onde as dietas ainda são muito baseadas em carne”, disse Claire
Vallée, a chef da ONA, que abriu há cinco anos em Arès, uma pequena cidade da costa atlântica a
cerca de 40 quilômetros a oeste de Bordeaux.
“Cada um tem seu lugar”, disse Vallée. “Queremos mostrar que você pode comer de forma
O próprio nome do restaurante fala com a paisagem culinária em mudança da França: significa
origine non-animale.
Os estabelecimentos veganos já receberam estrelas Michelin nos Estados Unidos, Espanha e
Alemanha. Mas esta é a primeira vez na França.
A ONA rejeita todos os produtos de origem animal, disse Vallée, até mesmo em suas decorações
e móveis. Não usa, por exemplo, lã ou couro.
No outono passado, seu menu de sete pratos apresentava pratos com combinações intrigantes de
abeto, cogumelo boletus e saquê, ou algas marinhas, capim-limão e galanga, um parente do
gengibre. O restaurante está fechado atualmente por causa da pandemia do coronavírus.
O Guia Michelin, em um comunicado esta semana, disse que Vallée deu à cozinha vegana suas
"cartas de nobreza".
Gwendal Poullenec, chefe internacional dos Guias Michelin, observou que o afastamento da carne
não foi totalmente novo.
Alain Passard, o proprietário e chef do L'Arpège em Paris, retirou a carne de seu menu há duas
décadas, e Alain Ducasse, talvez a maior estrela da culinária da França, também decidiu reduzir
drasticamente a quantidade de carne usada em seu restaurante parisiense emblemático.
Mas premiar um restaurante que não é apenas sem carne, mas declaradamente vegano, tem o
potencial de agitar ainda mais as coisas, disse Poullenec.
“O público em geral pode não associar o veganismo puro com uma experiência gastronômica”,
disse ele. Uma estrela Michelin pode “liberar” chefs que ainda relutam em explorar a culinária
baseada em vegetais, disse ele.
voltar a trabalhar em público, apenas para nos isolarmos ostensivamente de cabeça baixa - algo
que estamos já está fazendo em casa.
Mas colocar seus fones de ouvido com cancelamento de ruído para trabalhar duro em sua mesa
é, na verdade, diferente de fazer o mesmo rodeado por outras pessoas zumbindo por cima do
seu ombro. Há muitas maneiras pelas quais as cafeterias acionam nossa criatividade de uma
maneira que os escritórios e residências não fazem. A pesquisa mostra que os estímulos nesses
locais os tornam ambientes eficazes para trabalhar; a combinação de ruído, multidões casuais e
variedade visual pode nos dar a quantidade certa de distração para nos ajudar a ser mais nítidos
e criativos. (Então, não, não é apenas aquele expresso duplo.)
Um ótimo local de barulho e multidões
Alguns de nós colocam os fones de ouvido assim que nos sentamos para trabalhar em um
ambiente público. Mas os cientistas sabem há anos que o ruído de fundo pode beneficiar nosso
pensamento criativo.
Um estudo de 2012 publicado no Journal of Consumer Research mostrou que um nível baixo a
moderado de ruído ambiente em um lugar como uma cafeteria pode realmente aumentar sua
produção criativa. A ideia é que se você estiver ligeiramente distraído da tarefa em mãos por
estímulos ambientais, isso aumenta sua capacidade de pensamento abstrato, o que pode levar a
uma geração de ideias mais criativas.
But Butantan stressed that the vaccine is 78% effective in preventing mild cases that needed
treatment and 100% effective in staving off moderate to serious cases.
The Sinovac trials have yielded different results across different countries.
Last month Turkish researchers said the Sinovac vaccine was 91.25% effective, while Indonesia,
which rolled out its mass vaccination programme on Wednesday, said it was 65.3% effective. Both
were interim results from late-stage trials.
(Adapted from
quase até a hora de fechar antes de sair. “Desde que estou usando a máscara, minhas interações
estranhas com amigos e familiares diminuíram significativamente”, diz ele. Agora, ele vai às lojas
quando quer, sem se preocupar com quem vai encontrar. Ele espera que, mesmo após o fim da
pandemia, ainda seja socialmente aceitável usar uma máscara.
Usar uma máscara é, para a maioria de nós, um sacrifício chato, mas vale a pena: é uma das
maneiras mais eficazes de retardar a disseminação de Covid-19. Ainda assim, a maioria de nós
espera o dia em que possamos mostrar nossos rostos em público novamente. As coberturas
faciais embaçam nossos óculos e obstruem nossos poros; eles tornam mais difícil sorrir para
estranhos e reconhecer amigos.
No entanto, alguns estão secretamente saboreando as novas regras de uso de máscaras, por
razões que vão desde as convenientes e convenientes até as mais complexas e psicológicas.
Alguns acolhem bem a maneira como as coberturas faciais reduzem ou mudam as interações que,
de outra forma, poderiam desencadear a ansiedade social.
‘Anonimato traz poder’
Na extremidade mais leve da escala, algumas pessoas descobriram que o mascaramento oferece
um alívio bem-vindo das pressões para manter padrões estritos de aparência e aparência. Eles
abandonaram suas velhas rotinas de maquiagem e barbear e estão economizando dinheiro,
tempo e estresse. Outros descobriram que esconder a boca lhes proporciona liberdades
inesperadas. Alguns atendentes de restaurantes e varejistas dizem que não se sentem mais
obrigados a sorrir falsamente para os clientes, o que pode aliviar o fardo do trabalho emocional.
The World's Biggest Problems Are Interconnected. Here's How We Can Solve Them This
Two decades ago, people around the world rang in the new millennium with a growing sense of
optimism. The threat posed by the Cold War was fading slowly in the rearview mirror. Leading
thinkers like Francis Fukuyama touted the benefits of globalization, saying it would bring
democracy and prosperity to the developing world. The nascent Internet economy promised to
bring us closer together.
The following 20 years took some of the air out of the assumption of steady progress, but when
future historians assess the 21st century, the year 2020 is likely to serve as the point at which the
optimism bubble burst. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a complex web of interlocking
problems that have morphed into full-blown crises. The coronavirus laid bare the dangers of
endemic poverty not only in the developing world but also in rich countries like the U.S., where
millions lack health care and are one paycheck away from living on the street. Around the world,
racial and ethnic minorities have demanded justice after centuries of structural discrimination.
Woven through it all, the earth’s climate is increasingly unstable, posing an existential threat to
human society as we know it. In the next decade, societies will be forced to either confront this
snarl of challenges, or be overwhelmed by them. Our response will define the future for decades
to come.
The recognition that these challenges are fundamentally linked isn’t new. Activists and academics
have for many years pointed to the cascading effects of various social ills. Whether it’s the way
racism contributes to poor health outcomes or gender discrimination harms economic growth,
the examples are seemingly endless. But this understanding has made its way into the
conversation about solutions too.
Notably, for the past five years, the U.N. has touted 17 interrelated sustainable development
goals, objectives for building a more viable world, and called for a push to achieve them by 2030.
The goals, which cover environmental, social and economic progress, are nonbinding but have
become key benchmarks for commitments at a national and corporate level. Countries from China
to the Maldives, as well as companies like Amazon, Microsoft and PwC, have committed to rolling
out policies over the next decade that will set them on a path to eliminate their carbon footprints.
The understanding that these problems require holistic solutions has only grown amid the
pandemic and its fallout. President Joe Biden has referred to four urgent crises—the pandemic,
the economic crisis, racial injustice and climate change—and promised a push to tackle them all
together. The European Union’s program to propel the bloc out of the COVID-19 crisis targets
climate change, while incorporating equity concerns. As stock markets soared last year,
institutions with trillions of dollars in assets demanded that their investments deliver not only a
good return for their wallets but also a good return for society.
(Adapted from
Os maiores problemas do mundo estão interligados. Veja como podemos resolvê-los nesta
Duas décadas atrás, as pessoas em todo o mundo chegavam ao novo milênio com um crescente
senso de otimismo. A ameaça representada pela Guerra Fria estava desaparecendo lentamente
no espelho retrovisor. Pensadores importantes como Francis Fukuyama elogiaram os benefícios
da globalização, dizendo que ela traria democracia e prosperidade ao mundo em
desenvolvimento. A economia nascente da Internet prometia nos aproximar.
Os 20 anos seguintes tiraram um pouco do ar da suposição de progresso constante, mas quando
os futuros historiadores avaliarem o século 21, o ano de 2020 provavelmente servirá como o
ponto em que a bolha de otimismo estourou. A pandemia COVID-19 expôs uma complexa teia de
problemas interligados que se transformaram em crises completas. O coronavírus revelou os
perigos da pobreza endêmica não apenas no mundo em desenvolvimento, mas também em
países ricos como os EUA, onde milhões não têm assistência médica e estão a um salário de viver
nas ruas. Em todo o mundo, as minorias raciais e étnicas exigem justiça após séculos de
discriminação estrutural. Tecido por tudo isso, o clima da Terra está cada vez mais instável,
representando uma ameaça existencial para a sociedade humana como a conhecemos. Na
próxima década, as sociedades serão forçadas a enfrentar esse emaranhado de desafios ou ser
oprimidas por eles. Nossa resposta definirá o futuro nas próximas décadas.
O reconhecimento de que esses desafios estão fundamentalmente ligados não é novo. Por muitos
anos, ativistas e acadêmicos apontaram os efeitos em cascata de vários males sociais. Quer seja
a forma como o racismo contribui para resultados ruins de saúde ou a discriminação de gênero
I remember the last time I had _______ choose between optimism and fear, between hope and
the urge to run away. It was right after 9/11. I had babies—one so tiny she was still curled up like
a fern, _______ other toddling around gumming everything she could get her little starfish hands
on. And as their brand-new lungs took _______ the smoke that blew over to Brooklyn _______
the burning towers, I wanted to pack them up and flee to some safer place.
(Adapted from
Lembro-me da última vez em que _______ escolhi entre otimismo e medo, entre esperança e
vontade de fugir. Foi logo depois do 11 de setembro. Eu tive bebês - um tão pequeno que ela
ainda estava enrolado como uma samambaia, _______ o outro engatinhando em torno de goma
de tudo que ela podia colocar suas pequenas mãos de estrela do mar. E enquanto seus pulmões
novos levavam _______ a fumaça que soprava para o Brooklyn _______ as torres em chamas, eu
queria embalá-los e fugir para um lugar mais seguro.
For the European Union, the rapid rollout of Covid-19 vaccines __________ critical to save lives
and prevent health services from ____________ stretched beyond their limits, not to mention
minimising the massive economic damage from lockdowns. Unfortunately, however, though
vaccinations are under way, a rapid near-term increase in infections is likely as the British variant
of the virus __________ across the continent.
(Adapted from
Para a União Europeia, a rápida distribuição das vacinas Covid-19 __________ crítica para salvar
vidas e evitar que os serviços de saúde ____________ se estendeu além de seus limites, sem
mencionar a minimização dos enormes danos econômicos dos bloqueios. Infelizmente, no
entanto, embora as vacinações estejam em andamento, um rápido aumento de infecções em
curto prazo é provável, visto que a variante britânica do vírus __________ em todo o continente.
The U.S. has tragically surpassed 400,000 COVID-19 deaths, and case numbers and hospitalizations
are likewise spiking to record levels around the world. __________ vaccines now rolling out, there is
reason to hope that there is an end in sight. __________ , by most estimates, widespread vaccinations
will not be in place until the middle of the year at the earliest. __________ , we have some ways to
go yet with social distancing, mask wearing and other pandemic mitigation behaviors.
(Adapted from
In a blog post earlier this week, which did not mention the proposed new Instagram service, the
company noted that although people were asked to enter their age when signing up for
Instagram, there was nothing to prevent people from lying about it at registration.
Facebook said it would overcome that by using machine learning in combination with the
registration age to determine people’s ages on the platform.
The company also announced plans to roll out new safety features, including preventing adults
from messaging people under the age of 18 who do not follow them, safety notices for teens
when messaged by an adult sending a large amount of friend requests or messages to people
under 18, and make it more difficult for adults to find and follow teens using the search function
in Instagram.
Teens will also be encouraged to put their profiles on private at the point of registration.
A study of Australian teens’ internet usage published by the Australian eSafety commissioner in
February found 57% of Australian teenagers use Instagram, while 30% reported being contacted
by a stranger, and 20% reported being sent inappropriate unwanted content on the social media
sites they used.
(Adapted from
O Facebook disse que iria superar isso usando o aprendizado de máquina em combinação com a
idade do registro para determinar a idade das pessoas na plataforma.
A empresa também anunciou planos para lançar novos recursos de segurança, incluindo a
prevenção de adultos de enviar mensagens para pessoas menores de 18 anos que não os seguem,
avisos de segurança para adolescentes quando mensagens de um adulto enviam uma grande
quantidade de pedidos de amizade ou mensagens para pessoas com menos de 18, e torna mais
difícil para os adultos encontrar e seguir adolescentes usando a função de pesquisa do Instagram.
Os adolescentes também serão incentivados a colocar seus perfis em privado no momento do
Um estudo sobre o uso da Internet por adolescentes australianos publicado pelo comissário de
eSafety australiano em fevereiro revelou que 57% dos adolescentes australianos usam o
Instagram, enquanto 30% relataram ter sido contatados por um estranho e 20% relataram ter
recebido conteúdo impróprio e indesejado nos sites de mídia social que eles usado.
COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Are Spreading Rapidly—and They're a Public Health Risk All
Their Own
Public health crises have spawned conspiracy theories as far back as when the Black Death
ravaged Europe in the 1300s, as people desperately try to make sense of the chaotic forces
disrupting their lives. While modern science offers a better understanding of how diseases infect
people and how to contain them, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are spreading rapidly via social
media, unreliable news outlets and from our own political leaders, including U.S. President Donald
Trump. The result: many Americans now believe pandemic -related conspiracy theories—and,
alarmingly, those same people are less likely to take steps to prevent the virus from spreading.
In a University of Pennsylvania Annenberg Public Policy Center study published Monday in Social
Science &
Medicine, researchers surveyed a group of 840 U.S. adults—first in late March, and then again in
mid-July—to determine how Americans’ beliefs and actions regarding the pandemic changed over
time. Overall, they found that COVID-19 conspiracy theories are not only commonplace, they’re
gaining traction. Back in March, 28% of people believed a debunked rumor that the Chinese
government created the coronavirus as a bioweapon; that number rose to 37% by July. About
24% believed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exaggerated the virus’
danger to hurt Trump politically despi te a lack of evidence; by July, that figure rose to 32%. And
in March, about 15% of respondents said they believed that the pharmaceutical industry created
the virus to boost drug and vaccine sales—another unfounded theory—compared to 17% in July.
(Adapted from
Covid babies don't have to be the unlucky generation. But they must be helped
A year into this pandemic, there are babies now learning to walk and talk who have never known
anything but life under the shadow of Covid, and preschoolers who can barely remember a world
before it. Doctors’ children have had to learn not to touch Mummy when she gets in from work,
until she’s had a shower to wash off any last possible trace of danger.
Thanks to popular toddler demand, you can now buy masks for dolls.
It’s perfectly normal for kids to reflect what’s happening around them by playing quarantine with
stuffed animals, but normal too for adults to wonder uncomfortably whether all this leaves a
lasting mark. How much will it matter in years to come that, as the minister for loneliness Diana
Barran recently put it, there are toddlers being raised by shielding parents who have never had a
playdate? Will Covid babies grow up solitary creatures, used to entertaining themselves, or warier
of the strangers they so rarely meet and interact with? Taking a tiny bundle out in public used to
mean an endless succession of random older women cooing over the pram, or strangers pulling
faces to entertain a bored baby in a checkout queue.
But now passersby daren’t get close, and other shoppers are hidden behind masks.
This week MPs were presented with some early findings from a project led by the First 1001 Days
Movement, an alliance of early-years charities and professionals, tracking the lives of under-twos
growing up through a pandemic. A survey of children’s service providers it commissioned found
98% thought the babies and toddlers they worked with had been affected by higher parental
stress and anxiety, while 92% had seen fearful families effectively cutting themselves off from the
outside world, skipping routine appointments or not wanting to leave the house. Nine in 10 had
observed children being played with less, or being less active. Heartbreakingly, more than a
quarter said lockdown left the children they worked with more exposed to domestic conflict,
abuse or neglect.
(Adapted from
Bebês cobiçosos não precisam ser a geração azarada. Mas eles devem ser ajudados
Um ano após o início da pandemia, há bebês aprendendo a andar e a falar que nunca conheceram
nada além da vida sob a sombra de Covid, e crianças em idade pré-escolar que mal conseguem se
lembrar de um mundo antes dela. Os filhos dos médicos tiveram que aprender a não tocar na
mamãe quando ela chega do trabalho, até que ela tome um banho para lavar qualquer último
vestígio de perigo.
Graças à demanda popular de crianças, agora você pode comprar máscaras para bonecas.
É perfeitamente normal que as crianças reflitam o que está acontecendo ao seu redor brincando
de quarentena com bichos de pelúcia, mas também é normal que os adultos se perguntem
desconfortavelmente se tudo isso deixa uma marca duradoura. Quanto importará nos próximos
anos que, como disse recentemente a ministra da solidão Diana Barran, existam crianças sendo
criadas por pais protetores que nunca tiveram um encontro para brincar? Os bebês Covid
crescerão como criaturas solitárias, acostumadas a se divertir ou mais cautelosas com os
estranhos que raramente encontram e com quem interagem? Tirar um pequeno pacote em
público costumava significar uma sucessão interminável de mulheres mais velhas aleatórias
arrulhando no carrinho ou estranhos fazendo caretas para entreter um bebê entediado na fila do
Mas agora os transeuntes não se atrevem a chegar perto, e outros compradores estão escondidos
atrás de máscaras.
Esta semana, os parlamentares foram apresentados a algumas descobertas iniciais de um projeto
liderado pelo Movimento dos Primeiros 1001 Dias, uma aliança de instituições de caridade e
profissionais para os primeiros anos, acompanhando a vida de menores de dois anos crescendo
durante uma pandemia. Uma pesquisa com prestadores de serviços infantis que encomendou
descobriu que 98% achavam que os bebês e crianças com quem trabalhavam haviam sido
afetados por maior estresse e ansiedade dos pais, enquanto 92% viram famílias temerosas se
isolarem efetivamente do mundo exterior, pulando compromissos de rotina ou não querendo sair
de casa. Nove em cada 10 observaram crianças brincando com menos ou sendo menos ativas. De
forma dolorosa, mais de um quarto disse que o confinamento deixou as crianças com quem
trabalharam mais expostas a conflitos domésticos, abusos ou negligência.
Bill Gates: ‘A neutralidade do carbono em uma década é um conto de fadas. Por que vender
Bill Gates aparece por meio de videoconferência - Microsoft Teams, não Zoom, obviamente - de seu
escritório em Seattle, um grande espaço com janelas do chão ao teto com vista para o Lago
Washington. É um dia sombrio lá fora e Gates está, um tanto excentricamente, posicionado bem longe
da câmera, atrás de uma grande mesa em formato de rim; seu gerente de comunicações fica de lado.
“Para começar”, diz o assessor de Gates, “seria útil que Bill fizesse alguns comentários sobre por que
escreveu seu novo livro?”
Ao contrário dos Elon Musks ou Larry Ellisons deste mundo, no entanto, Gates é visto como sensato,
uxório, modesto, jurando não arruinar seus filhos com herança ilimitada ou desperdiçar energia
tentando enviar coisas a Marte. O novo livro de Gates, How To Avoid A Climate Disaster, surgiu de
duas coisas: seu interesse pelas ciências e o que o considerou um desafio irresistível - o problema
terrivelmente difícil de como promover o desenvolvimento global e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir as
Há outro obstáculo maior para chegar a emissões zero, que é o desafio político - parte do qual envolve
ativistas climáticos que limitam sua exposição a acusações de hipocrisia. Gates adora jatos particulares;
ele os chama de “prazer culpado”.
A parte deprimente do livro é seu relato do desafio à frente, que Gates apresenta como extremamente
urgente - ele aponta para um número manchete: 51 bilhões. Esta é a quantidade de gases de efeito
estufa, em toneladas, emitida globalmente a cada ano, que temos que reduzir para zero líquido até
2050. O primeiro passo para isso é entender com o que estamos lidando.
Como uma cidade espanhola foi pioneira em bonecos com síndrome de Down
A primeira vez que Kelle Hampton viu uma boneca com síndrome de Down, a raiva ferveu dentro
dela. Seus traços exagerados tinham pouca semelhança com as doces características faciais que
ela amava em sua filha Nella, que nasceu com o distúrbio genético.
A experiência colocou o blogueiro e o autor norte-americano firmemente contra essas bonecas.
Mas, para sua surpresa, anos depois ela se viu apaixonada por outra boneca. Desta vez, ele foi
cuidadosamente elaborado para capturar sutilmente as características que tornavam Nella única.
“Esta era simplesmente uma linda boneca com a qual qualquer criança gostaria de brincar”, disse
A boneca veio de uma pequena cidade no leste da Espanha que foi colocada no mapa depois que
oleiros empreendedores começaram a transformar a argila das montanhas próximas em bonecas
infantis, dando origem ao que foi descrito como a primeira fábrica de bonecas do país. Mais de
um século depois, os holofotes estão novamente na cidade valenciana de Onil - desta vez por sua
combinação singular de inclusão e fabricação artesanal de bonecos.
A cidade, que abriga cerca de 7.500 pessoas e 38 fabricantes de brinquedos, ganhou as manchetes
em toda a Espanha no ano passado depois que uma coleção local de quatro bonecos com
síndrome de Down ganhou o cobiçado prêmio de "brinquedo do ano" do país.
Os bonecos - dois meninos e duas meninas de várias cores de pele - foram desenrolados pelo
fabricante de brinquedos Miniland. “Estávamos apreensivos no início”, disse Victoria Orruño,
diretora de marketing da empresa. “Mas a reação nos surpreendeu. Foi muito positivo.”