Porto Alegre
Porto Alegre
Dedico esse trabalho a minha mãe Loreni Martins Duarte por todo o suporte emocional
e financeiro que me concedeu para que eu pudesse chegar até aqui. Obrigada por ter
me proporcionado os bens mais preciosos que eu poderia ter: vida e educação.
Obrigada por estar sempre junto comigo e me dar muito mais do que preciso e, muitas
vezes, mereço. És meu exemplo de força e bondade. Espero sempre ser o teu orgulho
e honrar todos os teus esforços e luta.
A todos meus colegas do grupo de pesquisa, deixo meu muito obrigada pela
convivência com cada um de vocês e todo aprendizado. Em especial, gostaria de
agradecer a Carina Araujo por todas as nossas conversas e por inspirar pelo exemplo,
na busca por excelência em cada atividade que realiza. Teu empenho no que faz é
admirável. Também agradecer especialmente a Carmen Raya Amazarray, minha
doce e paciente dupla de pesquisa (e astrológica!) pela amizade que construímos
nestes últimos anos. Toda nossa troca acadêmica (e de vida!) foi essencial para deixar
o processo mais leve Amizade construída na ciência para a vida.
A Renata Tôndolo Tavares e a toda família da Ong Viver de Rir, por deixar todo este
processo mais leve ao me permitir, por meio da palhaça Pig, levar sorrisos e carinho
a outras pessoas.
Por fim, mas não menos importante, gostaria de agradecer a todos amigos, familiares,
que estiveram junto comigo nesta trajetória. Quatro anos é tempo suficiente para a
vida dar muitas voltas, pessoas saírem de nossas vidas, outras chegarem, mas, todas
tiveram um papel fundamental em minha trajetória. Muito obrigada pelo apoio,
confiança, risadas e paciência. Obrigada por contribuírem para que eu seja uma
pessoa um pouco melhor a cada dia. Amo vocês! Bruno Alborghetti Carvalho: obrigada
por tanto!
“Não sois máquina! Homens é o que sois!”
Charles Chaplin
composto em 92% por ácidos graxos saturados (AGS), não resulta em benefícios
últimos anos em todo o mundo, fenômeno que pode ser explicado, possivelmente, por
seria um óleo tão ou mais saudável que os demais para consumo, além da divulgação
desenvolveu-se essa tese, com uma introdução (referencial teórico) para apresentar
sua relação com a saúde metabólica e possíveis hipóteses sobre as razões do seu
alto consumo.
consumo alimentar de óleo de coco com outros óleos e gorduras. Um total de 17 ECRs
colesterol HDL-C com o consumo alimentar de óleo de coco em relação a outros óleos
em uma proporção dos estudos, incluindo dieta com restrição calórica e prática de
atividade física, fatores que nos levam a interpretar os dados com cautela por poderem
elevado de AGS para a saúde como piora do perfil lipídico, o incentivo do uso deste
óleo como sendo de primeira escolha para consumo, deve ser desencorajado.
relacionados ao uso dietético do óleo de coco e seus benefícios na saúde, por meio
de uma pesquisa online com duas populações do sul do Brasil: uma composta por
Grande do Sul e outra por pessoas que acessam a página do Hospital de Clínicas de
de coco receberam uma intervenção, que consistia na exposição dos dados de meta-
análise recente sobre os efeitos do óleo de coco. O objetivo foi avaliar a possibilidade
deste óleo na saúde. Obtivemos 3160 respostas válidas. A maior parte da amostra
consumia óleo de coco (59,1%). Destes, 82,5% o consideravam saudável e 65,4% o
utilizavam pelo menos uma vez por mês. Apesar de considerá-lo saudável, 81,2% dos
participantes que utilizavam o óleo, não observaram nenhuma melhora na saúde com
o seu uso. Após serem expostos às conclusões de uma meta-análise mostrando que
outros óleos e gorduras, 73,5% daqueles que consideraram o óleo de coco saudável
não mudaram de opinião sobre os seus benefícios. Conclui-se que o consumo do óleo
não observando melhoras em sua saúde com o consumo de óleo de coco. O fato dos
participantes não terem mudado sua percepção sobre os benefícios deste óleo após
serem expostos a informações científicas nos revela o quanto pode ser difícil mudar
a população das melhores opções quanto a escolha de óleo para consumo alimentar,
bem como de que o óleo de coco não apresenta benefícios definidos (diferentemente
Encorajamos que mais estudos neste formato sejam desenvolvidos a fim de colaborar
Recent data from the literature suggest that dietary intake of coconut oil,
composed of 92% saturated fatty acids (SFA), does not result in cardiometabolic
inflammatory parameters. Despite this, its consumption has increased in recent years
all over the world, a phenomenon that can be explained, possibly, by an increase in
the concept, from health professionals, that this oil would be as healthy or healthier
different nutritional and epidemiological aspects related to coconut oil, its relationship
with cardiometabolic health and possible hypotheses about the reasons for their high
randomized clinical trials (RCTs) carried out in adults, which compared the dietary
consumption of coconut oil with other oils and fats. A total of 17 RCTs were included
in the systematic review and 7 had sufficient data to be included in the meta-analysis.
Data analysis showed that the intake of coconut oil compared to other oils and fats
glycemic profile, blood pressure and subclinical inflammation. Regarding the lipid
profile, no differences were shown in the effect of dietary intake of coconut oil in relation
to other oils and fats on LDL cholesterol and triglycerides levels, as well as the CT/HDL
levels was observed with the dietary consumption of coconut oil in relation to other oils
and fats. Subgroup analyzes for the different cardiometabolic parameters described
showed similar findings. When analyzing the methodological quality of the RCTs
included in the meta-analysis, it is observed that most of them have a small number of
the studies, including a calorie-restricted diet and advice for physical activity, factors
that lead us to interpret the data with caution as they may impact the cardiometabolic
compared to other oils and fats in cardiometabolic parameters and knowing the
associated risks of high consumption of SFA for health as a resultant worsening of the
lipid profile with its intake, encouraging the consumption of this oil as the first choice
should be discouraged.
The aim of article 2 was to evaluate consumption, patterns, motives and beliefs
related to the dietary intake of coconut oil and its health benefits, through an online
survey with two populations in Southern Brazil: one composed of students from
different courses at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and another by people
who access the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre page on Facebook®. Thus, we
consisted of exposing recent meta-analysis data on the effects of coconut oil. The
objective was to evaluate the possibility of changing concepts and beliefs about the
metabolic and cardiovascular effects related to the consumption of coconut oil and
increasing literacy about the effects of this oil on health. We got 3160 valid responses.
Most of the sample consumed coconut oil (59.1%). Of these, 82.5% considered it
healthy and 65.4% used it at least once a month. Despite considering it healthy, 81.2%
of the participants who used the oil did not observe any improvement in health with its
use. After being exposed to the findings of a meta-analysis showing that coconut oil
does not have superior health benefits when compared to other oils and fats, 73.5% of
those who considered coconut oil healthy did not change their opinion about its
benefits. These results lead us to conclude that the intake of coconut oil is motivated
professionals, even with the scientific evidence showing the contrary and, interestingly,
with the participants not observing improvements in their health with this consumption.
The fact that the participants did not change their perception of the benefits of this oil
after being exposed to scientific information reveals how difficult it can be to change
misconceptions about dietary habits after they are widely disseminated and practiced
as a public health problem. Strategies to guide the population on the best options
regarding the choice of oil for alimentary consumption, as well as that coconut oil does
not have defined benefits, unlike other oils for food consumption, should be developed
and disseminated mainly to the target population and risk to cardiometabolic health.
collaborate in the fight against misinformation in the health area, especially in the area
Keywords: Coconut oil; Social media; Survey; Online; Health information; Internet.
Referencial teórico
Capítulo I
Figure 1. Flow chart mapping out the studies examined and included into the meta-
Figure 2. Forest plots of randomized controlled clinical trials investigating the effects
of coconut oil intake on (a) body weight (kg); (b) waist circumference (cm)………….73
Figure 3. Forest plots of randomized controlled clinical trials investigating the effects
of coconut oil intake on (c) LDL-C (mg/dL); (d) HDL-C (mg/dL); (e) TG………………74
Capítulo II
Figure 2. Patterns, reasons, and expectancy regarding the health benefits of coconut
Capítulo I
Capítulo II
Table 3. Multiple logistic regression analysis for possible determinants of coconut oil
TG: triglicerídeos
COX2: ciclo-oxigensase-2
IL-6: interleucina 6
INF-γ: interferão-gama
ácido caprílico (C8:0), 7% ácido cáprico (C10:0), 16% ácido mirístico (C14:0) e 8%
concentração de ácido linoleico (18:2) e não contém ácido linolênico (18:3) [ambos
C4:0 = butírico; C6:0 = ácido capróico; C8:0 = ácido caprílico; C10:0 = ácido cáprico; C12:0 = ácido
láurico; C14:0 = ácido mirístico; C16:0 = ácido palmítico; C18:0 = ácido esteárico; C18:1: = ácido oleico;
As gorduras alimentares são compostas por uma mistura de AGS, AGM e AGP,
vegetal. Gorduras com maior proporção de AGM e AGP geralmente são líquidas em
temperatura ambiente e são denominadas como gorduras (2,3). Por conta disso, “óleo
de coco”, como popularmente é conhecido, não seria o termo correto a ser empregado
por ser uma gordura sólida em temperatura ambiente devido à sua alta quantidade de
AGS, significativamente maior que a maior parte dos outros óleos de consumo
alimentar, sendo considerado, portanto, uma gordura sólida para fins nutricionais (2).
O ácido láurico, AG mais abundante no óleo de coco, pode ser classificado tanto
como um ácido graxo de cadeia média (AGCM), como ácido graxo de cadeia longa
são absorvidos no intestino delgado ligados à albumina e atingem o fígado via sistema
portal, não elevando a trigliceridemia (5). Já, 70 a 75% do ácido láurico é absorvido
com quilomícrons (semelhante à absorção dos AGCL) (6), sendo sua presença nos
peso molecular (512 na média), diferente dos AGCL que têm um peso molecular mais
alto (o peso molecular do óleo de coco é 638). AGs com menores pesos moleculares
que são transportados até o sistema linfático, via corrente sanguínea pelos
para os tecidos periféricos, que podem ser utilizados como fonte energética ou
densidade (VLDL). São considerados uma fonte rápida de energia pois, ao passarem
à albumina, onde são oxidados. Especulou-se que, devido ao seu metabolismo rápido,
total (CT) (3). No entanto, não há estudos experimentais que comprovem estas
teorias. Mesmo que houvesse, esses achados não poderiam ser extrapolados para o
óleo de coco, devido a sua grande concentração de ácido láurico que não tem sua
especialmente com o objetivo fim de exploração comercial da copra dos frutos para
produção de óleo de coco e coco seco desidratado (11). O continente asiático detém
asiáticas, como o Sri Lanka, Minangkabau e Filipinas, têm o coco como parte da
alimentação diária. As Filipinas, Indonésia e Índia são os países que mais produzem
óleo de coco no mundo, extraindo o óleo de coco em duas versões: refinado, clareado
coco virgem, não refinado aumentou expressivamente (6). Estima-se que em 2016
houve um consumo de 640 mil toneladas de óleo de coco nas Filipinas, 449 mil
toneladas na Índia e 468 mil toneladas nos Estados Unidos (13). O Reino Unido é um
dos países da Europa que mais importa óleo de coco do Sri Lanka (cerca de 7% em
2015) (14). Não há registros sobre o consumo do óleo de coco no Brasil, no entanto,
até meados de 2010, o consumo do óleo de coco para preparo de alimentos ou uso
Até meados de 2010, a utilização de óleo de coco na dieta era menos comum
encontros científicos e nas redes sociais é que ocorreu maior interesse por sua
prescrição e utilização como uma opção de óleo saudável. Estes estudos de curto
prazo mostraram uma leve melhora no perfil lipídico e antropométrico com a ingestão
disseminação dos benefícios desse óleo em sites, blogs e perfis de mídias sociais de
profissionais de saúde e prática clínica desses, difundindo o óleo de coco como uma
gordura saudável para ser utilizada para cozinhar, ser adicionado em saladas e outras
alimentar do óleo de coco e que pode ser, possivelmente, aplicado em outros exemplos da construção
da desinformação em saúde. Essas etapas ocorrem após a divulgação de publicações com limitações
científicos, aplicação clínica inadequada e geração em mídia social da desinformação relacionada aos
cuidados de saúde.
das ilhas Pukapuka e Tokelau na Polinésia, antes da introdução de uma dieta mais
padrão alimentar onde a maior fonte de AGS e energia era a gordura do coco,
gordura animal, elas apresentavam como maior fonte proteica o consumo de peixes
LDL-C, um fator de risco bem definido para doenças cardiovasculares, sem melhora
outros óleos não tropicais (25-27). Esses dados levaram diferentes sociedades
o uso da gordura de coco, também para perda de peso, por não haver na literatura,
até então, comprovação científica de que o óleo de coco possua algum mecanismo
avaliaram o benefício do óleo de coco em parâmetros metabólicos (Figura 2). Nas três
diferentes braços, com óleos com propriedades nutricionais distintas. Por exemplo,
intervenção como grupo controle (óleos de chia, cártamo e soja) para comparação
com o óleo de coco. Este grupo controle ignorou que os óleos demonstram respostas
limitaria a capacidade de meta-analisar os dados (25). Por outro lado, um ECR indiano
com óleo de coco versus óleo de girassol no preparo dos alimentos. Não houve
glicada (HbA1c) comparando-se o consumo dos dois óleos (30). Estes dados sugerem
que estudos de maior duração sejam mais adequados para demonstrar não haver
muitas vezes, uma medida inadequada. Como exemplo podemos citar o estudo que
fármaco que aumenta significativamente os níveis de HDL-C, mas que em seu estudo
de AGS pela mesma ingestão de AGP ou AGM está associada a um risco 27 e 13%
de AGS para menos de 10% das calorias e sua substituição por ácidos graxos
insaturados (AGI) (2). Além disso, dados recentes de coortes prospectivas de longo
podendo seus dados serem replicados em humanos (5). O óleo de coco virgem,
de temperatura, parece ter melhores propriedades nutricionais, uma vez que retém
geralmente é obtido por processo seco, a partir do óleo de copra. Este óleo é extraído
da “carne” do coco, a qual é ralada, moída e cozida em água para extrair o óleo, e é
exposto a temperaturas muito elevadas ou à luz durante vários dias, até que a
umidade em excesso seja removida. Essa exposição à luz solar ou altas temperaturas
inflamatório (38). Estudos mostram que o ácido láurico é capaz de ativar vias
inflamatórias por meio da ativação de toll like receptor 4 (TLR4), o que leva a secreção
macrófagos, observou que o ácido láurico induz a ativação do fator nucelar kappa (NF-
de óleo de coco, rico em ácido láurico, com outros óleos, não observou diferença nas
interleucina-6 (IL-6), INF-γ e–IL e não se encontrou diferença entre estes parâmetros
Legenda: Limitações metodológicas relacionadas aos resultados de estudos prévios sobre o efeito do
evidências (42,43).
está sendo construído (50). Embora as mídias sociais tenham um papel fundamental
grupos e/ou opiniões de figuras públicas baseadas em suas próprias crenças, acabam
permite a identificação de áreas onde há uma lacuna entre a tradução das melhores
traduzir a ciência da forma mais clara possível para a população em seus mais
didática por parte das autoridades, a fim de mudar crenças que podem levar a ações
na mudança de conceitos enganosos pode não ser eficaz, pois os indivíduos tendem
(54). Pessoas com menor escolaridade e/ou menor alfabetização em saúde são os
grupos de maior risco neste contexto (55). Um estudo demonstrou que cerca de nove
uma boa saúde (58). Estudos mostram que pessoas com baixo grau de alfabetização
passadas sobre saúde (58-60). Ainda, demonstrou-se que pessoas com baixo grau
base na posição da página na internet nos sites de busca e pela qualidade das
(62,63). Uma revisão sistemática da literatura mostra que, no geral, indivíduos com
níveis educacionais mais baixos apresentam uma pior habilidade (real e auto-
avaliada) para avaliar a qualidade das informações de saúde online e menor confiança
nas informações divulgadas online do que seus pares com nível educacional mais
elevado (49).
informações fornecidas pelo usuário da rede social (65). Uma solução eficaz
sobre saúde nas mídias sociais (65-67). Também é necessária uma regulamentação
amparada nas melhores evidências científicas disponíveis, com uma análise crítica
(blogs, sites, rádio e TV, e em perfis pessoais nas mais diversas redes sociais). Em
antropométricos e perfil lipídico (18,19). Além disso, devido aos AGCM apresentarem
pensou-se que tais benefícios poderiam ser extrapolados para o óleo de coco,
antropométrico seria nulo ou muito discreto, face ao seu potencial de elevar o LDL-C,
como uma gordura para fins dietéticos, como desconstruir este conceito errôneo em
uso dietético deste alimento nos proporcionará identificar a lacuna entre a nutrição
Objetivo Geral
motivações para o seu consumo como alimento em uma população do sul do Brasil.
Objetivos Específicos
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Original Article
Authors: Ana Cláudia Duarte1*, Bernardo Frison Spiazzi1,2*, Carolina Pires Zingano2,
Eduarda Nunes Merello2, Laura Fink Wayerbacher2 Paula Portal Teixeira1, Laura
Fernando Gerchman1,2,3
1 Post-graduate Program in Medical Sciences: Endocrinology, Universidade Federal
Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, 4th floor, room 401, Division of Endocrinology and
leading to an apparently unfavorable lipid profile, body weight and glycemic effect,
and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to analyze the effect of coconut
Methods: We searched Medline, Embase, and LILACS for RCTs conducted prior to
April 2022. We included RCTs that compared effects of coconut oil intake with other
languages, and excluded non-randomized trials and short follow-up studies. Risk of
bias was assessed with the RoB 2 tool and certainty of evidence with GRADE. Where
follow up from 4 weeks to 2 years). The amount of coconut oil consumed varied and is
the amount of SFAs or total daily consumed fat (n=1), a variation of 6 to 54.4 g/day
(n=5), or as part of the total caloric energy intake (15 to 21%) (n=6). Coconut oil intake
did not significantly decrease body weight (MD -0.24 kg, 95% CI -0.83kg to 0.34 kg),
waist circumference (MD -0.64 cm, 95% CI -1.69 cm to 0.41 cm), and % body fat (-
0.10%, 95% CI -0.56 to 0.36), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (MD -1.67
mg/dL, 95% CI -6.93 to 3.59 mg/dL), and triglyceride (TG) levels (MD -0.24 mg/dL,
95% CI -5.52 to 5.04 mg/dL). However, coconut oil intake was associated with a small
increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) (MD 3.28 mg/dL, 95% CI 0.66
to 5.90 mg/dL). Overall risk of bias was high, and certainty of evidence was very-low.
samples and short follow-ups, which undermine the effects of dietary intervention in
metabolic parameters.
profile and body composition compared to other oils/fats. Strategies to advise the
public on the consumption of other oils, not coconut oil, due to proven cardiometabolic
Keywords: coconut oil, saturated fatty acids, lipid profile, anthropometric profile
major public health problem, being responsible for one-third of deaths worldwide (1-4).
Despite the great effort of different scientific organizations to fight against the burden
of major risk factors for CVD, it is estimated that 11 million deaths and 255 million
The impact of different types of dietary fats on health has been studied, and its
cardiovascular diseases and cancer has been debated (6, 9). A recent report from the
clinical trials (RCTs), and meta-analyses estimated that replacing 5% of energy intake
of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) with the same intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids
(PUFAs) or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) was associated with a 25% and
15% lower risk of coronary heart disease, respectively (6). In light of this evidence, the
most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend a reduction in SFAs to less
than 10% of calories and their replacement with unsaturated fats (10). Additionally,
recent data from long-term prospective cohorts and meta-analyses have shown that
these recommendations are associated with weight gain prevention and reduction of
Despite that, coconut oil, which is more than 90% SFA, has been widely recommended
on social media for the management of obesity, diabetes, and lipid disorders,
broadening its consumption all over the world (16-18). In increasing demand, the
estimated consumption of coconut oil in the United States reached 400,000 tons in
2010 (19). Nonetheless, before the recent rise in coconut oil consumption in western
countries, it was only mainly present in some Asian populations’ diets (20-22).
A recent systematic review showed that lauric, myristic, and palmitic fatty acids - the
major components of coconut oil - are responsible for the highest increase in low-
density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, which is a major risk factor for CVD (19).
Unlike other types of oils which were consistently proven to prevent weight gain,
diabetes, CVD, and mortality (23-25), studies that analyzed how coconut oil intake
affects weight, lipid and glycemic levels are mostly based on small, short-term
observational studies and clinical trials (16, 26, 27). In addition, there are meta-
analyses including RCTs that have even demonstrated that coconut oil intake
increased LDL-C in comparison to non-tropical vegetable and animal oils and did not
Due to the popularity of coconut oil as a “healthy” food, its broad dietary consumption
has risen all over the world. This has led to increasing difficulties to translate medical
and nutritional science into adequate recommendations for physicians and health
review and meta-analysis of RCTs investigating the effects of coconut oil intake on
body weight and composition, lipid profile, glycemic status, blood pressure, and
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) 2020
statement (30).
analyzing the effects of coconut oil intake on weight, lipid and glycemic profiles, blood
pressure, and subclinical inflammation in adults from inception to April, 2022, and
screened manually to identify further relevant citations. When an article did not present
the results of interest, we contacted the authors by email requesting the data.
Study inclusion and data extraction were conducted independently (A.C.D., C.R.A.,
and C.A.). Reviewers resolved discrepancies by discussion and, when necessary, with
adjudication by a third party (F.G.). Inter-rater agreement was assessed using the
Kappa statistic and percentage of agreement. Kappa statistic was calculated with
SPSS software (version 18.03; Chicago, USA). Data extracted were reviewed and
double checked by two independent authors (B.F.S. and E.N.M.), who were blinded to
A standard protocol for data extraction was used, including the following variables:
data, age and sex, chronic disease status, as well as exposures of interest before and
after the interventions. Data was extracted to assess the effects of coconut oil on
anthropometric profile (body weight, body mass index, waist circumference and body
composition), lipid profile (LDL-C, HDL-C, total cholesterol [TC], TC/HDL ratio and
[tcHcy], interleukins [IL] 1β, IL-6, IL-8 and interferon-gamma [IFN- γ]) and blood
Since our aim was to evaluate the isolated effect of coconut oil with no influence of
dietary pattern, we considered eligible only RCTs (both parallel group or crossover
randomized trials) which analyzed the effects of coconut oil intake in comparison to
other fats, oils, or placebos on weight, lipid and glycemic profile, blood pressure, and
non-randomized trials or studies with follow-ups shorter than seven days. Studies
including patients with illnesses which affect metabolism, studies on animals or in vitro,
and studies testing coconut products different from oils for intake were also excluded.
Two pairs of authors independently assessed the risk of bias of each included trial
using the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials (RoB 2) (31). RoB 2
plots were generated using the Risk-of-bias VISualization (robvis) tool (32). The overall
Statistical synthesis
standard conversion factors (34, 35). Mean differences were calculated for continuous
expressed results as standard error had the results transformed into standard
deviation. When a study did not express its results in a change from baseline manner,
changes from baseline were calculated by subtracting final values from baseline values
in each group and change from baseline standard deviations were imputed using a
correlation coefficient calculated from the most similar study reported in considerable
possible (that is, when parallel RCTs provided the baseline and final values of each
outcome and when the crossover RCTs provided the order of different interventions
and the measures of the variables of interest before and after each intervention), data
DerSimonian and Laird’s variance estimator, was used, and mean differences with
95% confidence intervals were calculated. A p value ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically
(37). We did not assess publication bias with a statistical test or funnel plot because
such assessment is not recommended for sample sizes of less than 10 studies (38).
We used the statistical software R version 4.0.5 with the meta-version 4.18-1 package
for meta-analysis.
coconut oil used, type of control group, sex, age, body mass index, geographical region
where the study was conducted, studies in overweight/obesity subjects or in those with
dyslipidemia, time of follow-up, and study sample size. When subgroup analysis of any
forementioned factors was not possible due to the low number of studies – thus
analysis was not performed and, therefore, is not mentioned in the results section of
this text.
After screening 1,160 potentially relevant studies, 17 fulfilled the selection criteria, of
assessed by the Kappa coefficient was 0.36 (% agreement: 91.1%) and –0.09 (%
agreement: 84%) for the record screening and fulltext assessment stages,
respectively. Details of the study selection are presented in Figure 1 and Table S1.
The studies comprise 721 patients (age 18–68 years, 52% females) and follow-ups
varied from one week to two years. The studies were performed in Europe (n = 2), Asia
(n = 3), New Zealand (n = 1), the United States of America (n = 7), and Brazil (n = 4).
In four studies, coconut oil was compared predominantly to MUFAs (olive (6) and
canola (1)) (39-42), in 11 studies predominantly to PUFAs (soybean (12), chia (1),
safflower (7), sunflower (1), and corn (1)) (16, 17, 26, 42-49), and in six studies
predominantly to SFAs (lard (1), butter (5), and palm oil (6)) (39, 40, 44, 50, 51),
hydrogenated soybean, and a placebo in one study each (18, 26, 45, 50). The amount
of coconut oil consumed varied and is expressed differently among studies (Table 1):
consumed fat (n=1), a variation of 6 to 54.4 g/day (n=5), or as part of the total caloric
energy intake (15 to 21%) (n=6). Seven studies included healthy individuals (18, 26,
39, 45, 48, 50, 51); two included subjects with hypercholesterolemia (41, 44); four, with
abdominal obesity, overweight, or obesity (16, 42, 43, 49); one, in postmenopausal
women (46); and one, individuals with CVD (17). The key characteristics of all included
We contacted authors from 12 trials, of whom three shared data with us (see
Trials reporting the effects of coconut oil on LDL-C to HDL-C ratio, TG, TC/HDL-C ratio,
glycemic control (fasting glucose and HbA1c levels) and blood glucose regulation
(insulin sensitivity and β-cell function), blood pressure, and subclinical inflammation
parameters were found between coconut oil intake and the different control oils/fats. A
Anthropometric profile
Body weight
Nine studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on body weight (16, 18, 26, 39, 42, 43,
46, 51). These studies included 533 participants (56.5% females, 18 to 68 years).
Six studies [(16, 17, 39, 42, 43, 51) were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, weight
loss was similar for those receiving coconut oil in comparison to those receiving other
The changes in body weight with coconut oil were also not significantly different in
comparison to PUFA-rich oils, SFA-rich oils/fats, and MUFA-rich oils (Figure 2a).
We also performed subgroup analyses considering the type of control group, gender,
year vs. ≥ 1 year), and the presence of co-interventions. These analyses did not explain
the heterogeneity between groups and showed no changes in the direction of the
coconut oil and other oils and fats on body weight (26, 46).
Waist circumference
Seven studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on waist circumference (16, 39, 40,
42, 43, 46, 49). These studies included 347 participants (80.1% females, 23 to 66
Five studies were included in the meta-analysis (16, 39, 42, 43, 49). Overall, the effect
small yet significant reduction in waist circumference is perceived while comparing the
consumption of coconut oil with PUFA-rich oils,) but not with MUFA-rich oils
We also performed subgroup analyses considering the type of control group, gender,
co-interventions. These analyses did not explain the heterogeneity between groups
and showed no changes in the direction of the results (Supplementary Figures S9–
In one crossover study, the consumption of coconut oil decreased waist circumference
Body composition
Six studies analyzed the effect of coconut oil on body fat distribution (16, 17, 39, 40,
46, 49). These studies included 460 participants (35.4% females, 29 to 68 years).
Five studies (16, 17, 39, 42, 49) were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the effect
of coconut oil intake on total body fat did not differ in comparison to other oils or fats
the effect on total body fat was not different (Supplementary Figure S17).
Only one crossover study analyzed the effect of coconut oil on fat mass, including only
postmenopausal women (n = 12, 100% females, 57.8 ± 3.7 years) (46). The
comparator was safflower, and there was no difference in body fat distribution between
Two studies analyzed the effect of coconut oil on lean mass (n = 41, 29% females, 35–
61 years) (46, 49). The comparators were safflower and soybean oils, and, once again,
coconut oil did not cause changes in lean mass in comparison with other oils
Lipid profile
Seventeen studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on LDL-C (16-18, 26, 39-51).
Seven studies (16, 17, 39, 42, 43, 49, 51) were included in the meta-analysis. Overall,
the intake of coconut oil did not change LDL-C in comparison to other oils/fats (Figure
Coconut oil intake did not increase LDL-C as compared to PUFA-rich oils, SFA-rich
year vs. ≥ 1 year), and the presence of co-interventions. These analyses did not explain
the heterogeneity between groups and showed no changes in the direction of the
When analyzing the results of crossover studies, we observed that the intake of
coconut oil increases LDL-C levels in comparison to butter, lard, and other oils (18, 26,
Seventeen studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on HDL-C (16-18, 26, 39-51).
Seven studies (16, 17, 39, 42, 43, 49, 51) were included in the meta-analysis. Overall,
the intake of coconut oil increased HDL-C by 3.28 mg/dL (Figure 3).
We also performed subgroup analyses considering the type of control group, gender,
geographical region, time of follow-up (< year vs. ≥ 1 year), and studies in
overweight/obesity subjects (Figures S26-S32). These analyses did not explain the
relative type of oil in the control group and studies only conducted in women, the
analysis demonstrated that a significant increase in levels of HDL-C with coconut oil
intake in comparison to other oils/fats was only identified in studies that included
While analyzing the crossover studies (17, 25, 39, 40, 43-47, 49), we observed that
the intake of coconut oil increases HDL-C in comparison to butter, lard, and other oils
Seventeen studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on TG levels (16-18, 26, 39-51).
Seven studies (16, 17, 39, 42, 43, 49, 51) were included in the meta-analysis. Overall,
The effect of coconut oil on TG was also not significant in comparison to MUFA-rich
vs. ≥ 1 year), and the presence of co-interventions. These analyses did not explain the
heterogeneity between groups and showed no changes in the direction of the results
Crossover studies (17, 25, 39, 40, 43-47, 49) showed that the intake of coconut oil
Figures S42-S46. RCTs were overall rated either as having a high risk of bias or
presenting some concerns in all analyzed outcomes. Risk of bias arose mainly from
poor reporting of the randomization process and from deviations from intended
The certainty of evidence was rated as very low due to risk of bias and inconsistency
This systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs shows that, compared with the
dietary consumption of other types of oils and fats, the intake of coconut oil is not
composition, LDL-C levels, TG, and TC/HDL-C ratio. Subgroup analyses comparing
coconut oil with different types of oils based on their fatty acid composition have also
confirmed our findings. However, increased levels of HDL-C were observed with the
intake of coconut oil in comparison with that of other oils and fats.
Regarding the outcomes that were not included in metanalyses, only two (17, 43) of
the seven studies included in the systematic review that assessed glycemic control
had the appropriate minimum follow-up time to analyze changes in HbA1c measures,
given that the optimal timeframe to analyze alterations of HbA1c after dietary
interventions is 12 weeks. Individual data from these studies do not suggest an impact
of coconut oil intake on fasting glycemia, HbA1c, and estimates of β-cell function and
insulin sensitivity, in line with findings from other previously published meta-analyses
(29, 52).
Unlike other meta-analyses (28, 29, 52), we included studies that evaluated the effect
of coconut oil on arterial blood pressure and we observed higher levels of systolic and
diastolic blood pressure when coconut oil was compared with a placebo. When
comparing coconut oil with olive oil and butter, only diastolic blood pressure levels
increased (18, 39). Despite scarce data addressing the effect of coconut oil on blood
survey found that the intake of coconut oil is associated with a higher risk of
hypertension (53). Although the mechanisms related to this finding remain unclear,
foods rich in SFAs, such as coconut oil, can induce the development of central
(29, 52), we did not find a reduction in US-CRP with the intake of coconut oil in
comparison to soybean oil, olive oil, and butter. Studies that evaluated the antioxidant
potential effect of coconut oil are mostly performed in vitro, and their data should not
be extrapolated to clinical practice (55). Among the SFAs, lauric acid, which is roughly
50% of coconut oil composition, has the greatest inflammatory potential, resulting in
In line with previously published meta-analyses (28, 29, 52), we observed an increase
in HDL-C levels with coconut oil in comparison with other oils and fats, which was also
confirmed while comparing coconut oil intake with oils rich in MUFAs and PUFAs.
MUFAs and PUFAs (29, 57). However, neither Mendelian randomization analyses
looking at genetic variants related to higher HDL levels (58), nor a meta-analysis of
108 RCTs evaluating the effects of different interventions that increase HDL-C levels
(59) demonstrated that this increment protects against cardiovascular disease. In fact,
dietary fat both increases transport rate and decreases the fractional catabolic rate of
HDL cholesterol esther and apo A-I, intensifying the reverse cholesterol transport, only
as an adaptation to the high load of a high fat diet (60, 61). However, the consumption
of SFA-rich oils, such as coconut oil, may not increase the apolipoprotein E-rich sub-
by which HDL-C exerts its cardio-protective effects (62). Thus, it does not seem
reasonable to advise the intake of coconut oil based on a possible protection against
An increase in plasmatic levels of HDL-C was observed with coconut oil intake
compared with other oils while analyzing different studies (Figure 3b), which could be
explained by the fact that, in most of those studies, participants were exposed to co-
interventions, including diet (16, 42, 43, 49, 51) and physical activity (16, 43) – which
may have a significant impact on HDL-C levels (58, 59). In fact, in one of these studies,
participants significantly lost more weight, and, in two of them, there was a greater
reduction in waist circumference with coconut oil compared to soybean oil. These
results may have been driven by the real impact of coconut oil on HDL-C levels and
In this review, changes in body weight were similar between coconut oil and other oils.
In only one study, the group receiving coconut oil lost more body weight (16). This
the staff who applied the lifestyle interventions. Similarly, among the five studies which
analyzed the impact of coconut oil in comparison to other oils/fats on central obesity,
the two studies which demonstrated that the coconut oil group had a more significant
manner, possibly resulting in the same forementioned systematic error (16, 43).
in changes of body weight and waist circumference between coconut oil and diet
Previous meta-analyses (29, 52) found higher LDL-C levels with the consumption of
coconut oil in comparison with the intake of other oils and fats. These two reviews
included crossover trials, and, in one of them (29), oils used in different arms causing
very distinct responses in LDL-C levels were grouped as a single intervention against
coconut oil (16). We believe that this may explain the differences in findings between
our meta-analysis and previously published ones. In line with our findings, Teng et al.
(2020), in their analysis comparing coconut oil to other oils, did not find differences in
levels of LDL-C, either (28). Similar to what was found previously (29, 52), we also did
and body composition between the consumption of coconut oil and other oils/fats.
LDL-C concentration is one of the main targets for cardiovascular protection. However,
some subtypes of LDL-C, especially the slow dense LDL-Cs, have been associated
with a higher risk of atherogenesis (63). Lipoprotein (a) (Lp[a]), a genetic variant of
LDL, has also gained attention because of its considerable dyslipidemic potential (64).
There is still no clear evidence that reducing Lp(a) levels results in protection for
affect Lp(a) (66). It seems that a healthy lifestyle can promote favorable changes in
subclasses of lipoproteins (67), and that the characteristics of fatty acids could
None of the studies included in this systematic review assessed the subclasses of
effect of three different margarines, one of them containing 80% coconut oil, on plasma
postprandial levels of some hemostatic variables and on fasting Lp(a). Data from only
11 subjects were evaluated, and there was a statistically significant reduction in Lp(a)
in the margarine with coconut oil per se, and the total dietary composition (especially
carbohydrates and total fat) was different between groups, which can influence the
results (66). New RCTs with higher methodological rigor are needed to confirm the
included crossover RCTs when it was possible to determine the order of the
interventions and where the baselines and final averages of each arm were available.
We then obtained the initial and final values of each outcome in each arm of the study
before the participant was allocated to the other arm. This reduces the chance of the
residual effects (carry-over) of the former intervention on the next one (36). We
contacted the authors of crossover studies and received these data from the authors
of one study, which we included in our analysis (51). In addition to that, we included
two new RCTs (42, 49) that had not been included in the most recent meta-analysis
This systematic review has some limitations. Generally, studies presented a small
sample size with a short follow-up, which limits the analysis of the effects of a dietary
with caution. Moreover, there was a limited number of studies analyzing the effect of
the consumption of coconut oil on parameters other than lipid profile and body weight,
such as body composition and glycemic and inflammatory profiles. The included
studies also differ considerably from each other regarding population size and gender
composition, time of follow-up, daily quantity of coconut oil consumed, type of coconut
able to perform subgroup analyses comparing coconut oil with oils/fats with different
fatty acid content in their compositions: SFA-, MUFA-, and PUFA-rich oils/fats. We also
and/or physical activity, which may influence the effects attributed to coconut oil on the
Up until now, the scientific community has lacked studies with a long-term follow-up
and with a significant number of participants that evaluate the effect of coconut oil
Conducting new RCTs examining cardiovascular safety comparing coconut oil with
PUFA- and MUFA-rich oils evaluating traditional markers does not seem to be
justifiable even though coconut oil is part of the diet in South Asian countries (20-22).
detriment of PUFA- and MUFA-rich oils may lead to an excessive intake of SFAs in
The dietary consumption of coconut oil instead of the consumption of PUFA- and
encouraged in societies that are not used to consuming it. Moreover, educational
consuming coconut oil, aware of the potential risks related with this intake. These
List of abbreviations
(lipoprotein [a]), MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acid), PRISMA (Preferred Report Items
for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis), PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acid), RCTs
(randomized clinical trials), RoB (the risk of bias), Robvis (risk-of-bias VISualization),
Not applicable.
Not applicable.
The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the
Competing interests
This study was supported by the Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre Research
and HCPA had no role in the design and conduct of the study; the collection,
approval of the manuscript; or the decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
Authors' contributions
Concept and design: ACD and FG. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: ACD,
ENM, BFS, CRA, CA, VC and FG. Drafting of the manuscript: ACD. Critical revision of
the manuscript for important intellectual content: all authors. Statistical analysis: ACD.
Supervision: VC and FG. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
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162.4 93
20% of daily PUFA (soybean) 52.97 90.1
Lu (1997) Crossover Healthy women 15 15 15 (100) (17.0 (38.9 3
calories A16 oil (10.82) (15.08)
1) 7)
Sufficient to
Individuals with increase in 10%
McKenney 222.3 49.8 149 117.1
Crossover hypercholesterole the amount of PUFA (canola) 11 (all) 5 (45.5) 6
(1995) (25.3) (18.3) (20.3) (49.2)
mia daily calories
from SFA
188 46 123 92.5
Healthy 54.4 g (muffins
Maki (2018) Crossover PUFA (corn) 13 12 13 (52) (178, (38.5, (105, (76.5, 4
individuals or rolls)
215)* 55.5)* 142)* 136)*
Oliveira-de- Parallel PUFA (safflower, 215.8 48.3 149.6 132.7
Obese women 6 g (capsules) 18 57 75 (100) 8
Lira (2018) group chia, and soybean) (24.2) (8.1) (23.7) (41.7)
Reiser 21% of daily SFA (lard)
Crossover Healthy women 19 (all) 0 (0) NA NA NA NA 5
(1985) calories PUFA (safflower)
Schwab 16-26g of 187.9 59.9 110.6 82.4
Crossover Healthy women SFA (palm) 7 8 15 (100) 4
(1994) coconut oil/day (25.5) (10.4) (17.8) (34.5)
Vijayakumar Parallel Individuals with 15% of daily 148.3 40.8 88.2 113.1
PUFA (sunflower) 99 99 13 (6.5) 2 years
(2015) group CVD calories (28.3) (9.5) (22.2) (51.5)
Parallel 184.8 39.5 117 140.9
Vogel (2020) Overweight men 12 ml PUFA (soybean) 15 14 0 (0) 4
group (44.1) (10.1) (36.1) (67.1)
Normal and
20% of daily SFA (palm) 182.1 47.6 118.3 85
Voon (2011) Crossover overweight 15 30 36 (80) 5
calories MUFA (olive) (25.5) (10.8) (22.4) (39)
healthy adults
* Median (IQR). Baseline lipid values are expressed in mg/dL. Abbreviations: RCT, randomized clinical trial; N In, number of participants in the intervention arm; N C, number of
participants in the control arm; TC, total cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TG, triglycerides; wk, week; PUFA,
polyunsaturated fatty acid; SFA, saturated fatty acid; MUFA, monounsaturated fatty acid; A16, transgenic soybean oil; NA, data not avaliable; CVD, cardiovascular disease.
Abbreviations: MD, mean difference; CI, confidence interval; GRADE, Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluations; NS, non-statistically significant;
LDL-C, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-C, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TC, total cholesterol; US-CRP, ultra-sensitive c-reactive protein.
Figure 1. Flow chart mapping out the studies examined and included into the meta-analysis
(n = 0)
(n = 17)
Reports of included studies
(n = 17)
Figure 2. Forest plots of randomized controlled clinical trials investigating the effects
of coconut oil intake on (a) body weight (kg); (b) waist circumference (cm). Individual
trial-specific estimates and their 95% CIs are indicated by the black dots and the horizontal
line, respectively. The center of the diamonds indicates the pooled estimates and the width of
Figure 3. Forest plots of randomized controlled clinical trials investigating the effects
of coconut oil intake on (c) LDL-C (mg/dL); (d) HDL-C (mg/dL); (e) TG. Individual trial-
specific estimates and their 95% CIs are indicated by the black dots and the horizontal line,
respectively. The center of the diamonds indicates the pooled estimates and the width of the
Original Article
a Post-graduate Program in Medical Sciences: Endocrinology, Universidade Federal
States of America
d Department of Psychiatry, Adult Division, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston,
ON, Canada
e Kingston General Hospital, Kingston Health Science Centre, Kingston, ON, Canada
f Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
Rua Ramiro Barcelos 2350, 4th floor, room 401, Division of Endocrinology and
cardiometabolic benefit resulting from coconut oil intake, its consumption has
increased in recent years, which can be attributed to a promotion of its use on social
networks. We evaluated the patterns, reasons and beliefs related to coconut oil
questionnaire that evaluated coconut oil consumption. In the same survey, participants
who consumed coconut oil received an intervention to increase literacy about the
health effects of coconut oil intake. We obtained 3160 valid responses. Among
participants who consumed coconut oil (59.1%), 82.5% considered it healthy and
65.4% used it at least once a month. 81.2% coconut oil consumers did not observe
showing that coconut oil does not show superior health benefits when compared to
other oils and fats, 73.5% of those who considered coconut oil healthy did not change
their opinion. Among individuals who did not consume coconut oil, 47.6% considered
is motivated by the responders’ own beliefs in its supposed health benefits, despite
Keywords: coconut oil; social media; survey; online; health information; internet.
The real impact of information overload on the population's food preferences, lifestyle
and health choices is still unknown [1]. Health misinformation, defined as false
information created with no intent to cause harm [2], is a worldwide problem; its
prevalence has grown with the production of health content in mass media and social
Over the past 10 years, coconut oil has been promoted as a good choice for meals,
being marketed as a healthy oil for cardiovascular health and for weight gain
prevention. The Philippines, Indonesia and India are the main coconut oil producers in
Coconut oil is composed of saturated fatty acids in 92% of its lipid composition [6]. Its
publication of small and short-term studies suggesting that its intake promotes weight
loss and improves the lipid profile and glycemic control [7-9].
Before the transition to a more westernized diet, countries, such as Sri Lanka,
of coconut oil [10-13]. Based on these findings, supposed cardiovascular benefits were
attributed to coconut oil. However, it is noteworthy that these populations had a dietary
pattern in which their major source of saturated fatty acids was coconut fat rather than
animal fats, their major protein source was from fish and their main source of
carbohydrates was from native fruits of the region, defining a dietary pattern also rich
in fibers and poor in animal fats, processed foods and sucrose [13]. Therefore, these
findings are hardly applicable to populations with usual westernized dietary patterns.
When coconut oil is evaluated in light of the best available evidence, its consumption
cannot be recommended. The main guidelines in Brazil [14, 15] and in the United
States [16, 17], as well as recent results of different meta-analyses [18, 19] do not
suggest coconut oil as a preferred fat for human consumption. Intake of coconut oil
increases low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, a very well-defined risk factor for
Social media is essential for the flow of information, knowledge building and the
dissemination of opinions. However, with its insertion into daily life, society became
used to accessing health information on a large scale, but not always from reliable
to publish about health information with or without technical knowledge in the area [25].
built [26].
discrepancy between the public opinion about health recommendations found online
and evidence-based guidelines. In addition, there is a need for the development and
could be used to guide the way we disseminate science and evidence-based nutritional
from a reliable source and based on solid scientific evidence, causing exposure to
actions that may not only be hazardous, but also leading to reductions in adherence to
screening programs and proposed treatments [28]. People with less education and/or
less health literacy are the groups at greatest risk in this context [29]. A systematic
literature review found that individuals with lower educational levels have less ability
and confidence to assess the quality of online health information than their peers with
reasons for coconut oil consumption, as well as beliefs related to its benefits in an
online survey of a population in Southern Brazil, given the scarcity of data on dietary
possibility of increasing literacy on the health effects of coconut oil intake through an
This study follows the Checklist for Reporting Results of Internet E-Surveys
We conducted a before-and-after study in Brazil between May and June 2020, with
Portuguese that contained questions regarding coconut oil consumption using Google
translated version in English of the original questionnaire (not checked for accuracy or
consistency). We analyzed two different samples: (1) university students from graduate
programs (MBA, Master’s and PhD) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in
Porto Alegre, Brazil (University sample); and (2) individuals who accessed the
Facebook page of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, the university’s main teaching
were exposed to the statement “A current study has reviewed scientific articles and
concluded that nutritional consumption of coconut oil does not improve bad cholesterol,
reduce weight or blood sugar (glucose) levels” summarizing the results of a recent
meta-analysis demonstrating that coconut oil does not reduce LDL cholesterol, and
does not reduce weight or blood glucose levels [18]. Subsequently, responders were
asked if they still considered coconut oil intake to be healthy. To proceed to the next
The final questionnaire was distributed to all graduate students registered at the
University through an email list. It was also shared on the official Facebook page of
Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, the University’s main teaching hospital. Those
interested in participating had access to the study webpage by clicking on the study
invitation link. As a result, convenience sampling was used for both University sample
Have you ever used coconut oil?
Why do you use coconut oil? a,b
A current study has reviewed scientific articles and concluded that nutritional
consumption of coconut oil does not improve bad cholesterol, reduce weight or blood
sugar (glucose) levels. Do you still consider coconut oil good for your health? a
Where do you live?
How old are you?
What is your educational level?
Do you want to receive the results of this survey?
Only answered by participants who answered “yes” or “I don’t want to answer” to the question “Have
participants who answered “no” to the question “Have you ever used coconut oil?”.
Ethics Statement
The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital de Clínicas de
Porto Alegre and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. (GPPG-HCPA protocol
the study home page, that by submitting the questionnaire, they would be accepting to
voluntarily participate in the survey. Additionally, the home page informed the time to
complete the survey, the study objective, and the name and contact information of the
each participant to provide a valid email address, to which only the main investigators
of the study had access, and offered to send the results of the survey to participants
Entries from invalid or duplicate emails were excluded from the analysis, as well as
those who reported uses of coconut oil other than as food or supplement. In case of
Statistical Analysis
Data was described as absolute numbers and percentages. Categorical data was
compared by the chi-square test. To test for the effect of possible determinants on the
regression was performed, adjusting for gender, age and education level in different
software version 19.0 (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used for statistical analysis.
Out of 11753 registered graduate students, 3588 answered the questionnaire (30.5%).
We excluded 684 entries due to invalid answers, totaling 2904 entries. Among the 279
participants coming from the hospital’s Facebook page who answered the
questionnaire, 23 entries were excluded due to invalid answers, totaling 256 entries.
Participant flow diagram with reasons for exclusion ins presented in Figure 1. While
58.2% of the students consume coconut oil, 69.9% of the responders from the
Facebook group consume it. Most of the consumers were females in both groups and
Age, n
50–59 years 64 26 24 51
>60 years 26 6 14 4
Education, n
Percentage of each column. The percentage of responders who did not answer varied
according to each question for the University and Facebook groups: age (22.2%) and
(9.0%), respectively, gender (7.1% and 2.3%), and education (0% and 9.8%).
Most participants who consumed coconut oil in the University (82.8%) and Facebook
(81%) samples considered it healthy and more than half of them used it at least once
a month (Figure 2). However, most of them did not perceive any health or aesthetic
benefits (Figure 2). After being exposed to the conclusions of a recent meta-analysis
showing that coconut oil was not superior to other oils and fats regarding
cardiometabolic health, the participants who had deemed it healthy were questioned if
they still had the same opinion. In the University group, 72.7% did not change their
opinion, while in the Facebook group 82.3% followed the same direction. Among
individuals not consuming coconut oil, 47.3% of the University and 50.6% of the
respectively, believed that the oil was not healthy. In the University group, 14.5% of
the participants reported difficulties finding coconut oil where they lived, while 5.2% of
those in the Facebook group reported the same problem. In the University and
Facebook groups, 10.5% and 20.8% did not like the taste of the product, respectively,
and 33% and 11.7% did not use coconut oil for other reasons.
By multiple logistic regression analysis, we analyzed which factors were related to the
consumption of coconut oil in different models adjusted for sex, age and educational
level (Table 3). Women were more likely to consume coconut oil than men in the
University sample (OR 2.7; 95% CI = 2.2 to 3.3; P = <0.001). Additionally, while those
with a higher educational level had a more significant intake of this oil (OR 1.4; 95%
CI = 1.1 to 1.7; P = 0.004), those aged ≥ 40 years had a lower daily consumption of
coconut oil in comparison to other age groups. No differences were observed in the
Table 3. Multiple logistic regression analysis for possible determinants of coconut oil
University Facebook
Sample Sample
(n=2904) (n=256)
OR 95% CI P OR 95% CI P
Age 30-39 years 0.9 0.7 – 1.1 0.21 1.3 0.3 – 5.1 0.70
Age 40-49 years 0.7 0.5 – 0.9 0.03 0.9 0.3 – 3.2 0.89
Age 50-59 years 0.7 0.4 –1.2 0.24 0.9 0.2 – 3.5 0.94
Age ≥ 60 years 1.3 0.5 – 3.4 0.52 1.4 0.3 – 6.2 0.65
Education: high school -------- -------- -------- 1.2 0.2 – 7.1 0.84
Education: graduate degree 1.4 1.1 – 1.7 0.004 0.8 0.1 – 4.6 0.80
Frequency of
coconut oil intake
Age 30-39 years 0.9 0.6 – 1.3 0.67 4.5 0.9 – 22.7 0.07
Age 40-49 years 0.4 0.2 – 0.6 <0.001 1.5 0.4 – 5.9 0.53
Age 50-59 years 0.4 0.2 – 0.7 0.002 1.0 0.2 – 3.8 0.99
> 60 years 0.3 0.1 – 0.8 0.01 0.9 0.2 – 3.9 0.91
Education: high school -------- -------- -------- 0.6 0.1 – 3.8 0.58
Education: graduate degree 1.1 0.8 – 1.6 0.57 0.4 0.1 – 2.9 0.39
Principal Results
When applying an online survey to two different samples, one comprising adults at
the other containing participants who accessed the Facebook page of the University’s
teaching hospital, we found that most of the responders routinely consumed coconut
oil at least once a month (Figure 2). This is the first study analyzing the dietary
consumption of coconut oil in a specific population in Brazil. We did not find the pattern
of this consumption in other parts of the world. The data we find in the literature
currently refer to the general domestic consumption of coconut oil, and its use is not
European Union, United States of America and India (675, 645, 497 and 470 thousand
tons) [5]. Most of these responders considered that coconut oil intake was capable of
improving their health status, even though the majority did not perceive real health
benefits with its consumption. When exposed to recent evidence provided by a meta-
responders did not change their beliefs and confirmed that they would keep consuming
exposed to social media are prone to the consumption of coconut oil. In order to test
this hypothesis, we analyzed if there was any factor related to the consumption of this
oil by multiple logistic regression analysis. We found that adults 40-49 years and males
were less likely to consume coconut oil and that, among consumers, adults 40 years
or older were less likely to have a daily consumption. These findings do not necessarily
confirm our hypothesis, hence more studies are necessary to conclude if populations
more exposed to social media are more susceptible to change their nutritional
behavior. Among individuals who did not consume coconut oil in the University and
Facebook samples, only 10.5% and 29.9% did not consider coconut oil healthy,
respectively, while 47.3% and 50.6% considered the product too expensive for
coconut oil consumers if they were able to afford it. In May 2020, the average price of
coconut oil was estimated to be US$ 832/ton, while the price of soybean oil was
estimated at US$595/ton [5]. These prices probably determine the final prices to the
This study has some limitations. Firstly, the study sample is composed of individuals
profile that does not totally represent the Brazilian population. As in Brazil coconut oil
is usually more expensive than other oils, this population probably the one more
profiles within the Brazilian society, we believe we have minimized this issue .The
results are consistent with others. Nevertheless, we were able to identify that a
educational profile, believed that coconut oil was beneficial for their health, suggesting
that their beliefs about food were so ingrained that exposure to scientific information
Secondly, it is expected that people who identify with a subject are more likely to
respond to a survey, the so-called "volunteer effect" [27]. Although we were not able
to control for that in our online survey, more than one-third of the University’s graduate
students completed the survey. Similar findings from a second sample with a different
least part of this population. Looking from another perspective, even if we assume a
hypothetical scenario of maximum “volunteer effect” in the University sample (in which
all of the nonparticipant graduate students did not consume coconut oil), the number
of consumers would still be an alarming 14.6% of this population, considering that the
main reason for coconut oil intake is its supposed health benefit. In addition, the before-
randomization between groups and the lack of a guarantee that participants changed
our results should be interpreted with caution, serving as hypothesis generators for
questionnaire suggests that this kind of intervention has a limited effect as a strategy
sufficient data within the intervention question to quantify the magnitude of the
consequences of coconut oil intake, which could possibly strengthen the intervention,
providing more complex information would likely reduce adherence to the intervention
and, therefore, reduce the total number of participants who would benefit from it.
profiles with coconut oil intake in healthy adult populations [7, 31]. Based on these
studies and a possible interest of third parties to promote coconut oil consumption, the
dissemination of this concept was routinely propagated in websites, blogs, and health
professionals’ social media pages. This resulted in the addition of coconut oil
to be used for cooking and adding to salads and other food preparations, although
neither its superiority nor its noninferiority compared to other oils were proven
regarding its safety and the reduction of cardiovascular endpoints, prevention of weight
gain, and the development of diabetes [32, 33]. Although social media may have
played an important role in building misconceptions about coconut oil in the public
opinion, an individual’s beliefs about health and food are not only formed by ideas
propagated on social media. Flavor, price, and convenience of access to food also
influence their choices, as well as the general opinion about a certain food in the group
A significant part of our study population did not change its opinion even when exposed
to information that coconut oil neither lowers LDL cholesterol levels, nor it lowers
weight or blood glucose levels, continuing to consider coconut oil as a healthy and
preferential oil. In 2016, a commissioned survey performed by the New York Times
found that 72% of the population considered coconut oil to be good for health and 37%
of nutritionists also considered it a better oil for health [34]. A study of adults aged over
on the effects of the interaction between alcohol and medication, showed that the
exposure to information made them review their concepts about the topic, exerting a
positive change in their level of knowledge on the subject [35]. These findings led us
to question the current scope of the results obtained through scientific research in the
general population, since the information and positions of respected health societies,
which should have great impact on the population’s health decisions, seem to have
less impact than biased or unsupported scientific information spread throughout social
In 2002, Eysenbach coined the term "infodemiology," helping to identify areas where
there is a gap in translation of the best scientific evidence (proposed by experts on the
subject) and what most people practice or believe in [36]. To combat “infodemia,” it is
necessary to translate science as clearly as possible for the population in its most
language by the authorities in order to change beliefs that may lead to negative actions
for health [3, 4, 37]. Even when great effort is applied into doing this, the impact in
changing misleading concepts may not be effective, since individuals tend to interpret
the received information in order to confirm their beliefs and not to challenge them,
have already been tested. Algorithmic and social corrections are examples that expose
user to protect the society against unreliable content [39]. The credibility of the source
of the information provided by the social network user can also be categorized [40]. An
media [40-42].
supported by the best scientific evidence available, with a critical analysis of study
results, should also be regulated [4]. It seems reasonable to think that we need tools
societies before the dissemination of a misleading concept on social media. This would
Another aspect that needs to be assessed is the level of general and health literacy of
understand health information in order to make the best decisions [43]. This is an
important concept, as studies indicate that around 9 out of 10 adults do not have the
necessary skills for the management and prevention of diseases [43]. Populations with
lower levels of health literacy have worse health outcomes [44, 45]. There are few
studies that assessed the degree of health literacy in Latin American populations.
cultural, political and language barriers are factors that affect the level of health literacy
in these countries [46]. In Brazil, Maragno et al, evaluated 302 adult users of a
university health clinic in the state of Santa Catarina, using a health literacy test for
Brazilians, based on the functional health literacy test in adults TOFHLA, and observed
that 54.6% of the sample had adequate health literacy while 26.2% has an inadequate
one [47]. Another cross-sectional study, carried out in the city of Rio de Janeiro,
evaluated 150 outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, using a short version TOFHLA
and found that 73.3% of the participants had adequate literacy in health and 15.3%,
inadequate health literacy [48]. A cross-sectional study with 248 adults in Piracicaba,
state of São Paulo, showed an association between a low level of oral health literacy
with a more frequent use of the dental service due to pain or just for emergency
treatment, presence of dental plaque and "poor" evaluation of the dental care service
[49]. It is necessary to ensure that the best scientific evidence is translated into the
simplest language, and that it is easily understood by the entire population and not just
by segments of society with a higher level of education and access to the best news
sources [44, 45]. Since the University sample was composed of participants with a
higher-than-usual level of education, our results are of great concern since they
suggest that the misconception about the effects of coconut oil on health prevails in
this population.
disseminated on social networks as a healthy food. Despite the high expectancy that
southern Brazil, the participants did not notice health benefits with its consumption. We
were not able to change their concepts with an intervention aimed at increasing literacy
in this topic. These findings suggest how difficult it is to change unhealthy concepts
related to our diet after the population has acquired false or wrong concepts on the
For this reason, misconceptions related to diet and nutrition need to be extensively
social media using reliable sources should be implemented. These are effective [39],
readily available and have already been implemented to combat misinformation related
literacy regarding lifestyle healthy habits in multiple levels of education [50-52] and a
fast call from action from healthcare professional societies [52] may be effective
PROPESQ-UFRGS and CAPES had no role in the design and conduct of the study;
or approval of the manuscript; and decision to submit the manuscript for publication.
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Figure Legends
Valid entries included in the analyses Valid entries included in the analyses
(n = 2904) (n = 256)
University Facebook
1396 145
It is healthy
82,8% 81,0%
855 79
I like the flavor
50,7% 44,1%
68 3
It gives me more energy
4,0% 1,7%
50 8
It is the most used cooking oil
3,0% 4,5%
57 6
It takes longer to spoil
3,4% 3,4%
3 1
It is cheaper than other oils
0,2% 0,6%
30 0
1,8% 0,0%
University Facebook
1125 96
At least once a month *
69,4% 54,5%
279 34
17,2% 19,3%
158 28
1 tablespoon/day *
9,7% 15,9%
46 12
2 tablespoons/day *
2,8% 6,8%
14 6
3 or more tablespoons/day *
0,9% 3,4%
1294 113
No improvements in health or aesthetics *
82,6% 67,7%
135 22
Weight loss
8,6% 13,2%
145 35
Improvements in cholesterol levels *
9,3% 21,0%
73 11
Reduction in waist circumference
4,7% 6,6%
68 12
Improvements in blood sugar levels
4,3% 7,2%
É bem documentado na literatura que esta classe de gorduras deve fazer parte da
com estudos paralelos, ou com estudos cruzados com dados cedidos pelos autores e
níveis de HDL-C, sem alteração nos níveis de LDL-C, TG, na relação LDL/HDL e
motivações dos consumidores para utilização do óleo de coco. Para responder esta
população do sul do Brasil. A maior parte das pessoas que consomem óleo de coco o
utilizam por considerá-lo um óleo bom para a saúde, mesmo não observando
melhoras na sua saúde ou estética com o seu consumo. Ao serem expostos aos
resultados de uma meta-análise, mostrando que o óleo de coco não exerce influência
aquela que chega e é praticada pela população. Profissionais da saúde que são
Por outro lado, sabe-se que a população, de maneira geral, apresenta baixo grau de
Com base no exposto, o óleo de coco não deveria ser incentivado como óleo
Como perspectiva futura, esperamos que este trabalho possa estimular e servir
lacuna entre a informação científica publicada e aquela que chega e é praticada pela
Appendix I - Search strategy and search terms
Full search strategy and search terms in Pubmed
Full search strategy and search terms in Embase
Full search strategy and search terms in LILACS
Supplementary Tables
Table S1. Detailed reasons for the exclusion of studies in the full text assessment of
eligibility stage
Appendix II– Figure 5. Forest plots of randomized controlled clinical trials investigation
the effects of coconut oil intake on US-CRP (mg/dL)
Supplementary figures
Figure S1 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus PUFA and MUFA rich oils
Figure S2 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus olive oil
Figure S3 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus soybean oil
Figure S4 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies carried out in women
Figure S5 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies conducted in Brazil
Figure S6 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus other oils or fat in patients with
Figure S7 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus other oils or fat without a long
term study
Figure S8 - Effect on body weight of coconut oil versus other oils or fat with co-
Figure S9 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus PUFA and MUFA rich
Figure S10 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus olive oil
Figure S11 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus soybean oil
Figure S12 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus other oils when
analyzing studies carried out in women
Figure S13 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus other oils when
analyzing studies conducted in Brazil
Figure S14 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus other oils or fat in
patients with overweight/obesity
Figure S15 - Effect on waist circumference of coconut oil versus other oils or fat with
Figure S16 - Effect on body composition of coconut oil versus other oils/fat
Figure S17 - Effect on body composition of coconut oil versus PUFA and MUFA rich
Figure S18 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus PUFA and MUFA rich oils
Figure S19 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus olive oil
Figure S20 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus soybean oil
Figure S21 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies conducted in women
Figure S22 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies conducted in Brazil
Figure S23 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat in patients
with overweight/obesity
Figure S24 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat without a long
term study
Figure S25 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat with co-
Figure S26 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil in HDL-C levels versus PUFA and
MUFA rich oils
Figure S27 - Effect on LDL-C levels of coconut oil versus olive oil
Figure S28 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus soybean oil
Figure S29 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies carried out in women
Figure S30 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing
studies conducted in Brazil
Figure S31 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat in patients
with overweight/obesity
Figure S32 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat without a
long term study
Figure S33 - Effect on HDL-C levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat with co-
Figure S34 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus PUFA and MUFA rich oils
Figure S35 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus olive oil
Figure S36 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus soybean oil
Figure S37 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing studies
carried out in women
Figure S38 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus other oils when analyzing studies
conducted in Brazil
Figure S39 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat in patients with
Figure S40 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat without a long
term study
Figure S41 - Effect on TG levels of coconut oil versus other oils or fat with co-
Figure S42 - Risk of bias
Table S1. Detailed reasons for the exclusion of studies in the full text assessment of eligibility stage
Table S2. Summary of randomized clinical trials investigation the effect of coconut oil intake on anthropometric profile
Assunção Randomized 12 weeks n = 40 women with 30 ml of coconut oil should 30 ml of soybean oil Body weight (kg): soybean oil
(2009) clinical trial abdominal obesity be added to the three main should be added to the (75 ± 9.1) > coconut oil (72.1 ±
(Brazil) Age = 29.8 ± 6.6 years meals of the day, in the three main meals of the 9.1)*
BMI = 31.1 ± 3.4 kg/m² common preparation of day, in the common BMI (kg/m²): soybean oil (30.7
meals preparation of meals ± 3.3) > coconut oil (30.5 ±
Waist circumference (cm):
coconut oil = soybean oil (97 ±
Cândido Randomized 9 weeks n = 52 women with BMI Vitamin breakfast Vitamin breakfast Body weight (kg): soybean oil
(2021) clinical trial between 26 e 35 kg/m², prepared with 25 ml of prepared with 25 ml of (77.24 ± 2.08) > coconut oil
(Brazil) %G > 30% coconut oil, skimmed milk soybean oil, skimmed (75.99 ± 2.92) > olive oil
Age = 26.81 ± 0.74 powder and some fruit milk powder and some (75.81 ± 1.65)
flavoring, chocolate or fruit flavoring, chocolate Waist circumference (cm):
cappuccino or cappuccino coconut oil (94.17 ± 2.24) >
Chinwong Randomized 8 weeks n = 32 healthy 30 ml/day of coconut oil 30 ml/day of 2% Body weight (kg): coconut oil
(2017) crossover individuals extra virgin carboxymethylcellulose (59.20 ± 12.57) > CMC
trial, open- Age = 21 ± 0.7 years solution (CMC) solution solution (58.73 ± 12.02)
label BMI = 20.8 ± 3.4 kg/m² BMI (kg/m²): coconut oil
(Thailand) (20.88 ± 3.55) > CMC solution
(20.71 ± 3.33)
Harris Randomized 4 weeks n = 12 postmenopausal Ingestion of 30 ml of Ingestion of 30ml of Body Weight (kg): coconut oil
(2017) crossover women coconut oil per day in safflower oil per day in = safflower oil (68.9 ± 11.5)
trial Age = 57.8 ± 3.7 years ready-made preparations ready-made Waist circumference (cm):
(EUA) BMI = 26.4 ± 4.4 kg/m² (smoothies-like beverages preparations safflower oil (87.1 ± 11.9) >
or in the preparation of (smoothies-like coconut oil (85.5 ± 11)
salad dressings). beverages or in the Total fat (%): coconut oil =
preparation of salad safflower oil (37.5 ± 6)
Khaw Randomized 4 weeks n = 94 healthy Coconut oil: 50g of Butter: 50 g of butter Body weight (kg): coconut oil
(2018) clinical trial individuals coconut oil incorporated in incorporated in the usual (74 ± 15.6) > butter (70.9 ±
(UK) Age = 59.9 ± 6.1 years the usual daily diet in daily diet in substitution 11.8) > olive oil (70.4 ± 14.0)
BMI = 25.1 ± 4.2 kg/m² substitution of other fats or of other fats or ingested BMI (kg/m²): coconut oil (25.6
ingested as a supplement. as a supplement. ± 4.6) > olive oil (24.9 ± 4.5) >
butter (24.8 ± 3.6)
Olive oil: 50 g of olive oil Waist circumference (cm):
incorporated in the usual coconut oil (86.6 ± 13.6) >
daily diet in substitution olive oil (86.3 ± 12.1) > butter
of other fats or ingested (84.0 ± 8.6)
as a supplement. Body fat (%): olive oil (30.9 ±
9.5) > coconut oil (29.6 ± 10.3)
> butter (29.6 ± 8.7)
Lu Randomized 3 weeks n = 15 healthy women Coconut oil: 10% of daily A16 oil: 10% of daily Body Weight (kg): coconut oil
(1997) crossover Age = 20.0 ± 2.0 years VCT from coconut oil VCT from oil A16 = A16 oil = soybean oil (63.30
trial BMI = 22.6 ± 2.4 kg/m² (transgenic soybean oil, ± 7.00) (N/S)
Oliveira-de- Randomized 8 weeks n = 75 obese women Coconut oil: 6 ml/day Safflower oil: 6 ml/day Body Weight (kg): soybean oil
Lira (2018) Clinical Trial Age = 34.07 ± 5.4 years supplemented in capsules supplemented in (82.98 ± 8.09) > safflower oil
(Brazil) 30 min before main meals. capsules 30 min before (82.72 ± 7.67) > chia oil (80.6
main meals. ± 6.79) > coconut oil (79.57 ±
Chia oil: 6 ml/day BMI (kg/m²): soybean oil
supplemented in (32.66 ± 2.86) > safflower oil
capsules 30 min before (32.33 ± 2.44) > chia oil (31.26
main meals ± 1.96) > coconut oil (30.76 ±
Soybean oil: 6 ml/day Waist circumference (cm):
supplemented in soybean oil (94.79 ± 2.66) >
chia oil (94.68 ± 4.93) >
Schwab Randomized 4 weeks n = 15 healthy women Refined coconut oil (16 to Refined palm oil, Body Weight (kg): coconut oil
(1994) clinical trial Age = 23.9 ± 4.6 years 26 g/day of coconut oil = bleached and = palm oil (58.9 ± 7.35)
(Finland) BMI = 21.4 ± 1.9 kg/m² 4% of the daily VCT). This deodorized (22 to 33
diet also contained oils g/day of palm oil = 4% of
from other sources: daily VCT). This diet also
rapeseed oil (5 to 8g / day), contained soybean oil (2
olive oil (3 to 4.5g / day) to 5 g/day) as a source
of fat.
Vijayakumar Randomized 2 years n = 198 individuals with 15% of the daily VCT of a 15% of the daily VCT of Body weight (kg): sunflower oil
(2015) clinical trial CVD trademark coconut oil to a trademark sunflower (64.8 ± 9.0) > coconut oil
(India) Age = 59.0 ± 8.7 years be used as cooking oil. oil to be used as cooking (64.23 ± 8.78)
BMI = 24.7 ± 4.7 kg/m² oil. BMI (kg/m²): coconut oil
(24.72 ± 3.07) > sunflower oil
(24.54 ± 3.07)
Body Fat (%): coconut oil
(17.48 ± 2.91) > sunflower oil
(17.39 ± 3.62)
Waist hip ratio: coconut oil
(0.97 ± 0.05) > sunflower oil
(0.96 ± 0.05)
Vogel Randomized 45 days n = 29 men with obesity Addition of 1 tablespoon Addition of 1 tablespoon BMI (kg/m²): coconut oil
(2020) clinical trial I (12ml) of coconut oil (12ml) of soybean oil (32.28 ± 1.83) > soybean oil
(Brazil) Age = between 20–59 to dinner to dinner (31.17 ± 1.65)
years Waist circumference (cm):
coconut oil (107.13 ± 4.38) >
soybean oil (106.17 ± 4.60)
* Significantly different (P<0.05). BMI: body mass index; VCT: total caloric value; CVD: cardiovascular disease.
Table S3. Summary of randomized clinical trials investigation the effect of coconut oil intake on glycemic profile
Assunção Randomized 12 weeks n = 40 women with 30 ml of coconut oil should 30 ml of soybean oil Glucose: coconut oil (82.8 ±
(2009) clinical trial abdominal obesity be added to the three main should be added to the 5.4) > soybean oil (78.5 ±
(Brazil) Age = 29.8 ± 6.6 years meals of the day, in the three main meals of the 9.9)
BMI = 31.1 ± 3.4 kg/m² common preparation of day, in the common Insulin (mIu/DL): coconut oil
meals preparation of meals (9.8 ± 4.1) > soybean oil (7.6
± 2.1)
Cândido Randomized 9 weeks n = 52 women with BMI Vitamin breakfast prepared Vitamin breakfast Glucose: coconut oil (85.69
(2021) clinical trial between 26 e 35 kg/m², with 25 ml of coconut oil, prepared with 25 ml of ± 2.11) > olive oil (84.28 ±
(Brazil) %G > 30% skimmed milk powder and soybean oil, skimmed milk 1.19) > soybean oil (82.65 ±
Age = 26.81 ± 0.74 some fruit flavoring, powder and some fruit 0.01)*
chocolate or cappuccino flavoring, chocolate or Insulin (mIu/DL): soybean oil
cappuccino (9.19 ± 1.12) > coconut oil
(8.03 ± 0.95) > olive oil (7.99
Vitamin breakfast ± 0.76)
prepared with 25 ml of
olive oil, skimmed milk
powder and some fruit
flavoring, chocolate or
Heber Randomized 3 weeks n = 9 healthy men 35% of the calories of the 35% of the calories of the Glucose: hydrogenated
(1992) crossover trial day were derived from LIP day were derived from LIP soybean oil (81.0 ± 6.0) >
(USA) and of these, 50% were and of these, 50% were coconut oil (78.0 ± 2.0) >
from coconut oil, which was from palm oil or palm oil (69.0 ± 7.0)
incorporated into muffins or hydrogenated soybean oil Insulin (mIu/Dl): coconut oil
biscuits. Each muffin or which was incorporated (14.0 ± 2.0) > hydrogenated
cookie provided 13.7 g of into muffins or biscuits. soybean oil (12.0 ± 4.0) >
LIP of the oil test. Each muffin or cookie palm oil (11.0 ± 1.0)
provided 13.7 g of LIP of
the oil test.
Khaw Randomized 4 weeks n = 94 healthy Coconut oil: 50 g of coconut Butter: 50 g of butter Glucose: butter (97.2 ± 10.8)
(2018) clinical trial individuals oil incorporated in the usual incorporated in the usual > olive oil (95.4 ± 10.8) >
(UK) Age = 59.9 ± 6.1 years daily diet in substitution of daily diet in substitution of coconut oil (95.4 ± 9)
BMI = 25.1 ± 4.2 kg/m² other fats or ingested as a other fats or ingested as a
supplement. supplement.
Oliveira-de- Randomized 8 weeks n = 75 obese women Coconut oil: 6 ml/day Safflower oil: 6 ml/day A1c (%): chia oil (4.95 ±
Lira (2018) Clinical Trial Age = 34.07 ± 5.4 years supplemented in capsules supplemented in capsules 0.24) > safflower oil (4.91 ±
(Brazil) 30 min before main meals. 30 min before main meals. 0.30) > soybean oil (4.89 ±
0.29) > coconut oil (4.58 ±
Chia oil: 6 ml/day 0.21)*
supplemented in capsules
30 min before main meals.
Vijayakuma Randomized 2 years n = 198 individuals with 15% of the daily VCT of a 15% of the daily VCT of a A1c (%): sunflower oil (6.77
r clinical trial CVD trademark coconut oil to be trademark sunflower oil to ± 1.28) > coconut oil (6.54 ±
(2015) (India) Age = 59.0 ± 8.7 years used as cooking oil. be used as cooking oil. 1.32)
BMI = 24.7 ± 4.7 kg/m²
Vogel Randomized 45 days n = 29 men with obesity Addition of 1 tablespoon Addition of 1 tablespoon Glucose: soybean oil (85.43
(2020) clinical trial I (12ml) of coconut oil to (12ml) of soybean oil ± 5.93) > coconut oil (78.73
(Brazil) dinner to dinner ± 10.97)
* Significantly different (P<0.05). BMI: body mass index; LIP: lipids; CVD: cardiovascular disease; VCT: total caloric value
Table S4. Summary of randomized clinical trials investigation the effect of coconut oil intake on arterial blood pressure
Chinwong Randomized 8 weeks n = 32 healthy individuals 30 ml/day of extra 30 ml/day of 2% SBP: CMC solution (117.63
(2017) crossover trial, Age = 21 ± 0.7 years virgin coconut oil carboxymethylcellulose ± 13.49) > coconut oil
open-label BMI = 20.8 ± 3.4 kg/m² solution (CMC) solution (114.84 ± 11.29)
Khaw Randomized 4 weeks n = 94 healthy individuals Coconut oil: 50 g of Butter: 50 g of butter SBP: coconut oil [0.18 ±
(2018) clinical trial Age = 59.9 ± 6.1 years coconut oil incorporated in the usual 11.46] > butter [-3.79 ±
(UK) BMI = 25.1 ± 4.2 kg/m² incorporated in the daily diet in substitution 11.11] > olive oil [- 3.67 ±
usual daily diet in of other fats or ingested 8.23]
substitution of other as a supplement. DBP: coconut oil [-2.02 ±
fats or ingested as a 5.71] > butter [-1.33 ± 6.24]
supplement. Olive oil: 50 g of olive oil > olive oil [-0.45 ± 8.48]
incorporated in the usual
daily diet in substitution
of other fats or ingested
as a supplement.
* Significantly different (P<0.05). BMI: body mass index; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DPB: diastolic blood pressure
Table S5. Summary of randomized clinical trials investigation the effect of coconut oil intake on the inflammatory profile
Table 6. Summary of randomized clinical trials investigation the effect of coconut oil on changes in the lipid profile
Author and Study Follow- Sample Intervention Comparator Last measurements of lipids ( )
Year design up or changes in lipids [ ] (mg/dL,
(Country) except where specified)
Assunção Randomized 12 weeks n = 40 women with 30 ml of coconut oil should 30 ml of soybean oil TC: soybean oil (209.3 ± 28.5) >
(2009) clinical trial abdominal obesity be added to the three main should be added to coconut oil (198.1 ± 39.0) *
(Brazil) Age = 29.8 ± 6.6 years meals of the day, in the the three main meals LDL-C: soybean oil (134.1 ± 28.7)
BMI = 31.1 ± 3.4 kg/m² common preparation of of the day, in the > coconut oil (116.5 ± 36.8) *
meals common preparation HDL-C: coconut oil (48.7 ± 2.4) >
of meals soybean oil (45.0 ± 5.6)
TG: coconut oil (179.7 ± 93.7) >
soybean oil (148.2 ± 64.8)
LDL-C:HDL-C ratio: soybean oil
(3.1 ± 0.8) > coconut oil (2.41 ± 0.8)
Cândido Randomized 9 weeks n = 52 women with BMI Vitamin breakfast Vitamin breakfast TC: coconut oil (173.50 ± 5.55) >
(2021) clinical trial between 26 e 35 kg/m², prepared with 25 ml of prepared with 25 ml olive oil (165.16 ± 6.22) > soybean
(Brazil) %G > 30% coconut oil, skimmed milk of soybean oil, oil (151.59 ± 5.81)
Age = 26.81 ± 0.74 powder and some fruit skimmed milk LDL-C: coconut oil (106.69 ± 4.79)
flavoring, chocolate or powder and some > olive oil (95.89 ± 4.64) > soybean
cappuccino fruit flavoring, oil (85.82 ± 4.64)
chocolate or HDL-C: olive oil (48.26 ± 2.27) >
cappuccino coconut oil (46.37 ± 2.54) >
soybean oil (42.27 ± 3.28)
Vitamin breakfast TG: olive oil (99.18 ± 8.56)
prepared with 25 ml >coconut oil (87 ± 7.20) > soybean
of olive oil, skimmed oil (80.41 ± 8.35)
milk powder and VLDL: olive oil (19.83 ± 1.71) >
some fruit flavoring, coconut oil (17.40 ± 1.44) >
chocolate or soybean oil (16.08 ± 1.67)
Chinwong Randomized 8 weeks n = 32 healthy 30 ml/day of coconut oil 30 ml/day of 2% TC: coconut oil (187.7 ± 34.5) >
(2017) crossover individuals extra virgin carboxymethylcellulo CMC solution (183.7 ± 33.7)
trial, open- Age = 21 ± 0.7 years se (CMC) solution LDL-C: coconut oil (110.5 ± 30.5) >
label BMI = 20.8 ± 3.4 kg/m² CMC solution (110.2 ± 32.0)
(Thailand) HDL-C: coconut oil (64.2 ± 9.9) >
CMC solution (59.0 ± 10.2)*
Cox Randomized 6 weeks n = 28 individuals Three diets, each one Butter diet: SFA from TC: butter (263.0 ± 33.0) > coconut
(1995) crossover TC: 5.5– 7.9 mmol/L followed for a 6-week butter supplies ~20% oil (249.0 ± 29.0) > safflower oil
trial TG: <3 mmol/L period. Total fat supplied of total energy. (233.0 ± 29.0) *
(New Age: 29 – 67 years 36% of energy and Safflower diet: 10% LDL-C: butter (175.0 ± 30.0) >
Zealand) BMI = 25.1 ± 4.2 kg/m² carbohydrate 47% of of energy from coconut oil (163.0 ± 29.0) >
energy. safflower oil; SFA safflower oil (151.0 ± 28.0) *
Coconut diet: SFA from and PUFA each 10% HDL-C: coconut oil (57.0 ± 15.0) >
coconut oil supplied 20% of total energy. butter (56.0 ± 14.0) > safflower oil
of energy. (54.0 ± 13.0)
TG: butter (177.0 ± 115.0) >
coconut oil (159.0 ± 89.0) >
safflower oil (151.0 ± 89.0)
Ganji Randomized 7 days n = 10 healthy Coconut oil was Soybean oil was Coconut and soybean oil:
(1996) crossover individuals incorporated in the incorporated in the TC: coconut oil (204.9 ± 32.5) >
trial Age = 31.0 ± 5.0 years preparation of a loaf, with preparation of a loaf soybean oil (191.0 ± 24.0) *
(EUA) BMI = 22.3 ± 1.7 kg/m² 42 g of coconut oil, making with 42 g of soybean LDL-C: coconut oil (126.8 ± 30.2) >
up 20% of the VCT. oil, making up 20% of soybean oil (111.8 ± 23.2)
Participants should the VCT. Participants
consume 1/3 of this bread should consume 1/3 HDL-C: coconut oil (53.3 ± 0.3) >
in each of the three main of this bread in each soybean oil (52.2 ± 8.5) *
meals. of the three main TG: coconut oil (158.5 ± 53.1) >
meals. soybean oil (131.1 ± 39.0) *
Coconut oil plus psyllium VLDL: coconut oil (25.1 ± 13.1) >
fiber was incorporated in soybean oil (25.1 ± 10.0)
the preparation of a loaf, LDL-C/HDL-C ratio: coconut oil
with 42 g of coconut oil, (2.40 ± 0.90) > soybean oil (2.20 ±
making up 20% of the 0.70)
VCT. Participants should
consume 1/3 of this bread Coconut and soybean oil +
in each of the three main psyllium fiber:
meals + 20 g of psyllium TC: coconut oil (192.6 ± 28.2) >
fiber per day divided into soybean oil (177.1 ± 32.1) *
three equal doses. LDL-C: coconut oil (112.5 ± 28.2) >
soybean oil (100.5 ± 28.2) *
Soybean oil was HDL-C: coconut oil (53.2 ± 9.7) >
incorporated in the soybean oil (53.7 ± 8.9)
preparation of a loaf with TG: coconut oil (141.7 ± 47.9) >
42 g of soybean oil, soybean oil (134.6 ± 54.0)
making up 20% of the
Harris Randomized 4 weeks n = 12 postmenopausal Ingestion of 30 ml of Ingestion of 30ml of TC: coconut oil (237.8 ± 24.1) >
(2017) crossover women coconut oil per day in safflower oil per day safflower oil (219.3 ± 22.8)*
trial Age = 57.8 ± 3.7 years ready-made preparations in ready-made LDL-C: coconut oil (137.5 ± 27.2) >
(EUA) BMI = 26.4 ± 4.4 kg/m² (smoothies-like beverages preparations safflower oil (126.8 ± 25.7)*
Heber Randomized 3 weeks n = 9 healthy men 35% of the calories of the 35% of the calories of TC: coconut oil (195.0 ± 21.0) >
(1992) crossover day were derived from LIP the day were derived palm oil (173.0 ± 21.0) >
trial and of these, 50% were from LIP and of hydrogenated soybean oil (168.0 ±
(USA) from coconut oil, which these, 50% were 15.0)*
was incorporated into from palm oil or LDL-C: coconut oil (129.0 ± 24.0) >
muffins or biscuits. Each hydrogenated palm oil (115.0 ± 21.0) >
muffin or cookie provided soybean oil which hydrogenated soybean oil (111.0 ±
13.7g of LIP for the oil test. was incorporated into 18.0)*
muffins or biscuits. HDL-C: coconut oil (42.1 ± 12.0) >
Each muffin or cookie palm oil (41.0 ± 15.0) >
provided 13.7g of LIP hydrogenated soybean oil (39.0 ±
for the oil test. 9.0)
Khaw Randomized 4 weeks n = 94 healthy Coconut oil: 50 g of Butter: 50 g of butter TC: coconut oil (239.7 ± 34.8) >
(2018) clinical trial individuals coconut oil incorporated in incorporated in the butter = olive oil (232.0 ± 38.7)*
(UK) Age = 59.9 ± 6.1 years the usual daily diet in usual daily diet in LDL-C: butter (146.9 ± 35) > olive
BMI = 25.1 ± 4.2 kg/m² substitution of other fats or substitution of other oil (139.2 ± 39.0)> coconut oil
ingested as a supplement. fats or ingested as a (131.5 ± 35.0)*
supplement. HDL-C: coconut oil (88.9 ± 27.0) >
olive oil = butter (77.3 ± 23.2)*
Olive oil: 50 g of olive TG: coconut oil (97.4 ± 70.8) >
oil incorporated in the olive oil (97.4 ± 53.1) > butter (88.6
usual daily diet in ± 44.3)
substitution of other CT/HDL-C ratio: olive oil (3.3 ± 1.2)
fats or ingested as a > butter (3.3 ± 0.9) > coconut oil
supplement. (2.9 ± 0.9)*
Lu Randomized 3 weeks n = 15 healthy women Coconut oil: 10% of daily A16 oil: 10% of daily TC: A16 oil [-19.7 ± 20.9] >
(1997) crossover Age = 20.0 ± 2.0 years VCT from coconut oil VCT from oil A16 soybean oil
trial BMI = 22.6 ± 2.4 kg/m² (transgenic soybean [-13.5 ± 20.1] > coconut oil [-9.2 ±
(EUA) oil, composed of a 14.7]
McKenney Randomized 6 weeks n = 11 individuals with Coconut oil was added as Canola oil has been TC: coconut oil (233.3 ± 19.0) >
(1995) crossover TC altered the main ingredient in oat added as the main canola oil (213.1 ± 23.4)*
trial Age = 58.0 ± 8 years biscuits with raisins. ingredient in oat LDL-C: coconut oil (155.4 ± 19.5) >
(EUA) biscuits with raisins. canola oil (138.1 ± 17.0)*
HDL-C: coconut oil (53.9 ± 15.9) >
canola oil (51.7 ± 15.5)*
Maki Randomized 4 weeks n = 25 individuals Consumption of four Consumption of four TC: coconut oil [7.1, IC95%: -1.1;
(2018) crossover Age = 45.2 ± 2.3 years products made with products made with 13.1] > corn oil [-0.5, IC95%: -5.7;
trial BMI = 27.7 ± 0.8 coconut oil per day, which corn oil per day, 9.7]*
(EUA) could be three types of which could be three LDL-C: coconut oil [4.6, IC95%: -
muffins and three types of types of muffins and 2,5; 17.5] > corn oil [-2.7, IC95%: -
rolls. Each product was three types of rolls. 8.9; 11.5]
made with one tablespoon Each product was HDL: coconut oil [6.5, IC95%: 2.7;
of coconut oil (13.6 g), made with one 17.8] > corn oil [5.4, IC95%: 1.4;
consisting on consumption tablespoon of corn oil 10.3]*
of 54.4 g of oil per day. (13.6 g), consisting TC:HDL-C: corn oil [-4.3 IC95%: -
on consumption of 11.7; 1.8] > coconut oil [-3.3, IC
54.4 g of oil per day. 95%: -15; 2.8]*
TG: coconut oil [6, IC 95%: -3.0;
13.2] > corn oil [-2.1, IC 95%: -9.7;
Oliveira-de- Randomized 8 weeks n = 75 obese women Coconut oil: 6 ml/day Safflower oil: 6 TC: coconut oil (198.0 ± 17.6) >
Lira (2018) Clinical Trial Age = 34.07 ± 5.4 years supplemented in capsules ml/day soybean oil (195.7 ± 26.2) > chia
(Brazil) 30 min before main meals. supplemented in oil (187.1 ± 17.0) > safflower oil
capsules 30 min (182.9 ± 19.1)*
before main meals. LDL-C: safflower oil (130.6 ± 24.3)
> coconut oil (128.3 ± 17.7) >
Chia oil: 6 ml/day soybean oil (127.5 ± 23.2) > chia
supplemented in oil (123.6 ± 18.2)*
capsules 30 min HDL-C: coconut oil (55.6 ± 6.4) >
before main meals soybean oil (49.9 ± 7.1) > chia oil
(49.0 ± 5.9) > safflower oil (47.1 ±
Soybean oil: 6 ml/day 10.0)*
supplemented in TG: soybean oil (107.5 ± 39.2) >
capsules 30 min coconut oil (98.3 ± 29.1) >
before main meals. safflower oil (93.9 ± 36.5) > chia oil
(88.0 ± 24.4)*
VLDL: soybean oil (20.0 ± 8.0) >
chia oil (18.0 ± 5.1) > coconut oil
(17.8 ± 3.2) > safflower oil (15.7 ±
Reiser Randomized 5 weeks n = 19 normolipidemic 35% of total energy from Habitual diet at TC: coconut oil (168.0 ± 3.0) > lard
(1985) crossover male medical students fat, baseline and during (155.0 ± 3.0) > safflower oil (141.0
trial (12 completed all three being 60% fat from washout periods ± 3.1)*
(USA) diets) coconut oil, LDL-C: coconut oil (110.0 ± 4.1) >
lard, or safflower oil lard (98.0 ± 4.5) > safflower oil
(90.0 ± 4.7)*
HDL-C: coconut oil (46.0 ± 1.1) >
lard = safflower oil (40.0 ± 1.2) *
TG: lard (88.0 ± 3.5) > coconut oil
(78 ± 3.6) > safflower oil (72.0 ±
Schwab Randomized 4 weeks n = 15 healthy women Refined coconut oil (16 to Refined palm oil TC: palm oil (189.9 ± 28.5) >
(1994) crossover Age = 23.9 ± 4.6 years 26 g/day of coconut oil = bleached and coconut oil (187.5 ± 24.1)
clinical trial BMI = 21.4 ± 1.9 kg/m² 4% of the daily VCT). This deodorized (22 to 33 LDL-C: palm oil (113.3 ± 19.5) >
(Finland) diet still contained oils from g/day of palm oil = coconut oil (110.2 ± 18.0)
other sources: rapeseed 4% of daily VCT). HDL-C: palm oil (58.8 ± 12.0) >
oil (5 to 8g/day), olive oil (3 This diet still coconut oil (57.6 ± 10.5)
to 4.5g/day) and sunflower contained soybean TG: coconut oil (77.1 ± 30.9) >
oil (2 to 3.5g/day). oil (2 to 5 g/day) as a palm oil (77.1 ± 27.4)
source of fat.
Vijayakumar Randomized 2 years n = 198 individuals with 15% of the daily VCT of a 15% of the daily VCT TC: sunflower oil (151.6 ± 44.5) >
(2015) clinical CVD trademark coconut oil to of a trademark coconut oil (149.3 ± 28.6)
trial Age = 59.0 ± 8.7 years be used as cooking oil. sunflower oil to be LDL-C: coconut oil (91.0 ± 21.9) >
(India) BMI = 24.7 ± 4.7 kg/m² used as cooking oil. sunflower oil (89.6 ± 29.0)
HDL-C: sunflower oil (44.4 ± 16.3)
> coconut oil (43.2 ± 10.8)
TG: sunflower oil (112.2 ± 45.1) >
coconut oil (109.3 ± 47.1)
VLDL: sunflower oil (22.5 ± 9.7) >
coconut oil (21.8 ± 9.4)
Vogel Randomized 45 days n = 29 mens with Addition of 1 tablespoon Addition of 1 TC: soybean oil (177.07 ± 39.44) >
(2020) clinical trial obesity I (12 ml) of coconut oil tablespoon (12 ml) of coconut oil (171.47 ± 49.44)
(Brazil) Age = between 20–59 to dinner soybean oil to dinner LDL-C: soybean oil (116.29 ±
years 26.55) > coconut oil (101 ± 37.17)
HDL-C: coconut oil (43.07 ± 14.86)
>soybean oil (35.93 ± 7.77)
TG: coconut oil (138.87 ± 78.28) >
soybean oil (119.50 ± 74.13)
Voon Randomized 5 weeks n = 45 normal and Meals with 30% energy Meals with 30% TC: coconut oil (191.4 ± 26.7) >
(2011) crossover overweight healthy from fat, two-thirds of energy from fat, two- palm oil (186.0 ± 28.6) > olive oil
trial adults which was from coconut oil thirds of which was (179.8 ± 27.5)*
(Malaysia) Age: 30.1 ± 8.3 years (20% total energy) from palm oil or extra LDL-C: coconut oil (127.6 ± 29) >
BMI = 23.1 ± 3.7 kg/m² virgin olive oil (20% palm oil (123.7 ± 27.5) > olive oil
total energy) (118.3 ± 24.7)*
HDL-C: coconut oil (53.0 ± 11.6) >
palm oil (50.6 ± 10.0) > olive oil
(49.5 ± 8.9)*
TG: coconut oil (79.7 ± 34.5)> palm
oil (75.3 ± 27.5) > olive oil (74.4 ±
TC:HDL-C ratio: palm oil (3.69 ±
0.90) > coconut oil (3.65 ± 0.95) >
olive oil (3.63 ± 0.93)
* Significantly different (P<0.05). BMI: body mass index; TC: total cholesterol; LDL-C: low density lipoprotein; HDL-C: high density
lipoprotein; TG: triglycerides, SFA: saturated fatty acid; VCT: total caloric value; LIP: lipids; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acid; PUFA:
polyunsaturated fatty acid; CVD: cardiovascular disease
Table S7. Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) – Coconut oil compared to
other oils, fat or placebo health outcomes
515 very seriouse not serious not serious none ⨁◯◯◯ 304 211 - The MD 3.28
(7 RCTs) seriousd Very low mean mg/dL
hDL-c higher
was 0 (0.66
mg/dL higher to
5.9 higher)
515 very not serious not serious seriousg none ⨁◯◯◯ 304 211 - The MD 0.24
(7 RCTs) seriousf Very low mean mg/dL
triglycerid lower
es were 0 (5.52 lower
mg/dL to 5.04
Body weight
486 very seriousi not serious not serious none ⨁◯◯◯ 290 196 - The MD 0.24 kg
(6 RCTs) serioush Very low mean lower
body (0.83 lower
weight to 0.34
was 0 kg higher)
Waist circumference
287 very seriousk not serious not serious none ⨁◯◯◯ 190 97 - The MD 0.64
(4 RCTs) seriousj Very low mean cm lower
waist (1.69 lower
131 very not serious not serious not serious none ⨁◯◯◯ 83 48 - The MD 0.04
(2 RCTs) seriousp Very low mean mg/dl
total lower
USC-RP (0.91 lower
was 0 to 0.82
mg/dL higher)
Appendix II
Additional results
LDL-C to HDL-C ratio and TC: HDL-C ratio
Three studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on LDL-C to HDL-C ratio (n=65, 92%
female, 18 to 36 years) [1-3]. The consumption of coconut oil reduced the LDL-C/HDL-
C ratio in comparison to soybean and transgenic soybean oils [1,2]. Seven studies [4-
10] analyzed the effects of coconut oil on TC: HDL-C ratio. These studies included 291
participants (70% females, 34 to 68 years).
Three studies [4,5,10] were included in the meta-analysis regarding TC:HDL-C ratio (-
0.12; CI 95% -0.43 to 0.20; figure 1). We performed a subgroup analysis excluding a
study that used a SAFs rich oil/fat as a comparator and the results did not change (vs
butter; -0.06; CI 95% -0.46 to 0.34; figure 2) [5].
Glycemic profile
Fasting blood glucose
Seven studies analyzed the effects of coconut oil on fasting glucose levels [2, 5, 6, 10-
13]. These studies included 297 participants (69.3% females, 23 to 66 years). Four
studies [2,5,10,13] were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the effect of coconut
oil intake on fasting glucose levels in comparison to other oils/fats did not differ (0.82
mg/dL; 95% CI -1.18 to 2.82 mg/dL; figure 3). We performed a subgroup analysis
excluding a study that used a SAFs rich oil/fat as a comparator and the results did not
change (vs butter 1.14 mg/dL; 95% CI -1.01 to 3.29 mg/dL; figure 4) [1]. The intake of
coconut oil did not fasting plasma glucose did not differ in comparison to PUFAs (0.37
mg/dL; 95% CI -3.37 to 4.12 mg/dL) and MUFAs (1.91 mg/dL; 95% CI -1.48 to 5.30
A crossover study (n=9) [11] demonstrated that consumption of coconut oil increases
blood glucose levels more than palm oil, but less than hydrogenated soybean oil.
Two studies analyzed this outcome (n=273, 32% female, 29 to 68 years) [4,14]. An 8-
week study found significantly lower values of A1c when comparing coconut oil to
PUFAs [4]. A 2-year follow-up study compared the consumption of coconut oil with
PUFAs and found no difference between groups [14]. Results are shown in table S2.
Effects of coconut oil on insulin levels, β-cell function and indices of insulin sensitivity
A study observed that coconut oil increased β-cell function and insulin sensitivity in
comparison to the consumption of soybean oil (n=40, 100% female, 29.8 ± 6.6 years,
follow-up: 12 weeks) [2]. Results are shown in table S2.
One study analyzed the insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR), comparing coconut oil
with soy oil, but found no difference between groups (n=29, 100% man, 35.27 ± 11.12
coconut oil group and 39.28 ± 9.06 soybean oil group, follow-up: 45 days) [10].
Blood pressure
Blood Pressure Systolic
Two studies [5, 15] analyzed this outcome (n=126, 63% female, 20 to 66 years, follow-
up of 4 to 8 weeks). When comparing the effect of coconut oil intake with placebo,
higher levels of systolic blood pressure are observed [15]. However, when the effect
of the intake of coconut oil is compared with olive oil or butter, lower levels of systolic
blood pressure are observed [5]. We were not able to meta-analyze these data, since
one study was a crossover trial and there was not enough data. Results are shown in
table S3.
Inflammatory profile
Four studies (follow-up 4 weeks to 2 years, n=377, 40% females, 22 to 68 years)
analyzed the effects of coconut oil on US-CRP [2,5,6,14].
Two studies [2,5] were included in the meta-analysis. Overall, the effect of coconut oil
intake on US-CRP in comparison to other oils/fats did not differ (-0.04 mg/dL; 95% CI
-0.91 to 0.82 mg/dL; figure 5). A crossover study observed lower levels of US-CRP
with the intake of coconut oil when compared to olive and palm oils [6].
One RCT study (follow-up 12 weeks, n=40, 100% female, 23.9 ± 4.6 years) analyzed
the effects of coconut oil in fibrinogen. Coconut oil increased fibrinogen when
compared to consumption of soybean oil [2].
A crossover study (follow-up 5 weeks, n=45, 80% female, 30.1 ± 8.3 years) observed
that coconut oil consumption increased tcHcy, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and IFN- γ when
compared to the use of palm and extra virgin olive oil [6]. Results are shown in table
Supplemental figures
Figure S15 - Forest plot of randomized controlled clinical trials investigating the
effect in waist circumference (cm) of coconut oil versus other oils/fats in studies
including co-intervention
Supplemental Figure 16. Forest plot of the randomized controlled clinical trials
investigating the effects in % body fat of coconut oil intake in comparison to
other oils/fat
Figure S42: RoB 2.0 risk of bias in RCTs assessing the effects of coconut oil in
Figure S43: RoB 2.0 risk of bias in RCTs assessing the effects of coconut oil in
Figure S44: RoB 2.0 risk of bias in RCTs assessing the effects of coconut oil in
Figure S45: RoB 2.0 risk of bias in RCTs assessing the effects of coconut oil in
blood pressure
Figure S46: RoB 2.0 risk of bias in RCTs assessing the effects of coconut oil in
Section and Item
Checklist item where item is
Topic #
Title 1 Identify the report as a systematic review. Pg. 1
Abstract 2 See the PRISMA 2020 for Abstracts checklist. Pg. 2, 3
Rationale 3 Describe the rationale for the review in the context of existing knowledge. Pg. 4, 5
Objectives 4 Provide an explicit statement of the objective(s) or question(s) the review addresses. Pg. 5
Eligibility criteria 5 Specify the inclusion and exclusion criteria for the review and how studies were grouped for the syntheses. Pg. 7, 8
Information 6 Specify all databases, registers, websites, organisations, reference lists and other sources searched or consulted to identify studies. Specify Pg. 6
sources the date when each source was last searched or consulted.
Search strategy 7 Present the full search strategies for all databases, registers and websites, including any filters and limits used. Pg. 6
Selection process 8 Specify the methods used to decide whether a study met the inclusion criteria of the review, including how many reviewers screened each Pg. 6
record and each report retrieved, whether they worked independently, and if applicable, details of automation tools used in the process.
Data collection 9 Specify the methods used to collect data from reports, including how many reviewers collected data from each report, whether they worked Pg. 6
process independently, any processes for obtaining or confirming data from study investigators, and if applicable, details of automation tools used in
the process.
Data items 10a List and define all outcomes for which data were sought. Specify whether all results that were compatible with each outcome domain in each Pg. 6, 7
study were sought (e.g. for all measures, time points, analyses), and if not, the methods used to decide which results to collect.
10b List and define all other variables for which data were sought (e.g. participant and intervention characteristics, funding sources). Describe any Pg. 6, 7
assumptions made about any missing or unclear information.
Study risk of bias 11 Specify the methods used to assess risk of bias in the included studies, including details of the tool(s) used, how many reviewers assessed Pg. 7
assessment each study and whether they worked independently, and if applicable, details of automation tools used in the process.
Effect measures 12 Specify for each outcome the effect measure(s) (e.g. risk ratio, mean difference) used in the synthesis or presentation of results. Pg. 8
Synthesis 13a Describe the processes used to decide which studies were eligible for each synthesis (e.g. tabulating the study intervention characteristics and Pg. 7
methods comparing against the planned groups for each synthesis (item #5)).
13b Describe any methods required to prepare the data for presentation or synthesis, such as handling of missing summary statistics, or data Pg. 8
Section and Item
Checklist item where item is
Topic #
13c Describe any methods used to tabulate or visually display results of individual studies and syntheses. Pg. 8
13d Describe any methods used to synthesize results and provide a rationale for the choice(s). If meta-analysis was performed, describe the Pg. 8
model(s), method(s) to identify the presence and extent of statistical heterogeneity, and software package(s) used.
13e Describe any methods used to explore possible causes of heterogeneity among study results (e.g. subgroup analysis, meta-regression). Pg. 9
13f Describe any sensitivity analyses conducted to assess robustness of the synthesized results. Pg. 9
Reporting bias 14 Describe any methods used to assess risk of bias due to missing results in a synthesis (arising from reporting biases). Pg. 7
Certainty 15 Describe any methods used to assess certainty (or confidence) in the body of evidence for an outcome. Pg. 7, 8
Study selection 16a Describe the results of the search and selection process, from the number of records identified in the search to the number of studies included Pg. 9 and fig.
in the review, ideally using a flow diagram. 1
16b Cite studies that might appear to meet the inclusion criteria, but which were excluded, and explain why they were excluded. Figure 1 and
Table S1
Study 17 Cite each included study and present its characteristics. Pg. 9, 10 and
characteristics table 1
Risk of bias in 18 Present assessments of risk of bias for each included study. Pg. 15 and
studies supplementary
Results of 19 For all outcomes, present, for each study: (a) summary statistics for each group (where appropriate) and (b) an effect estimate and its Figures 2 and
individual studies precision (e.g. confidence/credible interval), ideally using structured tables or plots. 3
Results of 20a For each synthesis, briefly summarise the characteristics and risk of bias among contributing studies. Pg. 10-15
20b Present results of all statistical syntheses conducted. If meta-analysis was done, present for each the summary estimate and its precision (e.g. Figures 2 and
confidence/credible interval) and measures of statistical heterogeneity. If comparing groups, describe the direction of the effect. 3
20c Present results of all investigations of possible causes of heterogeneity among study results. Pg. 9
20d Present results of all sensitivity analyses conducted to assess the robustness of the synthesized results. Pg. 9-15
Reporting biases 21 Present assessments of risk of bias due to missing results (arising from reporting biases) for each synthesis assessed. Pg. 15 and
Figures S42-
Certainty of 22 Present assessments of certainty (or confidence) in the body of evidence for each outcome assessed. Pg. 15 and
evidence Table S7
Section and Item
Checklist item where item is
Topic #
Discussion 23a Provide a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence. Pg. 15, 16
23b Discuss any limitations of the evidence included in the review. Pg. 15-21
23c Discuss any limitations of the review processes used. Pg. 20, 21
23d Discuss implications of the results for practice, policy, and future research. Pg. 21
Registration and 24a Provide registration information for the review, including register name and registration number, or state that the review was not registered. Pg. 3
24b Indicate where the review protocol can be accessed, or state that a protocol was not prepared. Pg. 3
24c Describe and explain any amendments to information provided at registration or in the protocol. NA
Support 25 Describe sources of financial or non-financial support for the review, and the role of the funders or sponsors in the review. Pg. 23
Competing 26 Declare any competing interests of review authors. Pg. 23
Availability of 27 Report which of the following are publicly available and where they can be found: template data collection forms; data extracted from included NA
data, code and studies; data used for all analyses; analytic code; any other materials used in the review.
other materials
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[2] Assunção ML, Ferreira HS, dos Santos AF, Cabral CR, Jr., Florêncio TM. Effects
of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women
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[3] Ganji V, Kies CV. Psyllium husk fiber supplementation to the diets rich in soybean
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[4] Oliveira-de-Lira L, Santos EMC, de Souza RF, Matos RJB, Silva MCD, Oliveira
LDS, et al. Supplementation-Dependent Effects of Vegetable Oils with Varying Fatty
Acid Compositions on Anthropometric and Biochemical Parameters in Obese Women.
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[5] Khaw KT, Sharp SJ, Finikarides L, Afzal I, Lentjes M, Luben R, et al. Randomised
trial of coconut oil, olive oil or butter on blood lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors
in healthy men and women. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e020167.
[6] Voon PT, Ng TK, Lee VK, Nesaretnam K. Diets high in palmitic acid (16:0), lauric
and myristic acids (12:0 + 14:0), or oleic acid (18:1) do not alter postprandial or fasting
plasma homocysteine and inflammatory markers in healthy Malaysian adults. Am J
Clin Nutr. 2011;94(6):1451-7. https://doi.org/10.3945/ajcn.111.020107.
[7] McKenney JM, Proctor JD, Wright Jr JT, Kolinski RJ, Elswick Jr RK, Coaker JS.
The effect of supplemental dietary fat on plasma cholesterol levels in lovastatin-treated
hypercholesterolemic patients. Pharmacotherapy. 1995; 15(5 I):565-72.
[8] Harris M, Hutchins A, Fryda L. The impact of virgin coconut oil and high-oleic
safflower oil on body composition, lipids, and inflammatory markers in postmenopausal
women. Journal of Medicinal Food. 2017;20(4):345-51.
[9] Maki KC, Hasse W, Dicklin MR, Bell M, Buggia MA, Cassens ME, et al. Corn Oil
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[11] Heber D, Ashley JM, Solares ME, Wang HJ. The effects of a palm-oil enriched
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[12] Cox C, Mann J, Sutherland W, Chi. Effects of coconut oil, butter, and safflower oil
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[13] Cândido TLN, da Silva LE, Cândido FG, Valente FJ, da Silva JS, Lopes DRG, et
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diet on intestinal microbiota and permeability in overweight women. Food Res Int.
2021;139:109951. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109951.
[14] Vijayakumar M, Vasudevan DM, Sundaram KR, Krishnan S, Vaidyanathan K,
Nandakumar S, et al. A randomized study of coconut oil versus sunflower oil on
cardiovascular risk factors in patients with stable coronary heart disease. Indian Heart
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[15] Chinwong S, Chinwong D, Mangklabruks. Daily consumption of virgin coconut oil
increases high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in healthy volunteers: a
randomized crossover trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.
2017;2017:7251562. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/7251562.
Survey Web/Email This is a web survey. Although the method of distribution to the
administration University sample was via email, the email contained a link which led to
a Google Forms website. All responses were captured automatically
through Google Forms.
Context The mailing list (University sample) is composed of emails of students
of all level graduate programs.
The Facebook page of Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (Facebook
sample) is the official Facebook page of the hospital, which posts
updates about the hospital’s actions in public health matters,
innovations in research made by the hospital, calls for actions of the
community, and health promotion campaigns.
Mandatory/voluntary It was a voluntary survey.
Incentives We offered to provide the survey results to those who requested it by
checking an item on the questionnaire.
Time/Date Responses were collected between May and June 2020.
Randomization of items or The items on the questionnaire were not randomized to follow a logical
questionnaires sequential order.
Adaptive questioning Participants who answered “yes” to the question “Have you ever used
coconut oil” answered all the 10 questions, while participants who
answered “no” to the same question answered only 7 questions.
Number of Items There was one questionnaire item per page, comprising a total of 11
items (10 questions and email item).
Number of screens The full survey was distributed in 12 pages (home page, 10 questions,
(pages) email page).
Completeness check In each question, the participants had the option of clicking on the “back”
button to change their answers. Respondents were unable to change
their responses once the full questionnaire was submitted.
Review step In each question, respondents had the option of clicking on the “back”
button to change their answers. Respondents were unable to change
their responses once the full questionnaire was submitted.
Response rates Unique site visitor Not applicable. Respondents were invited through an external link.
Unique respondents were determined using the provided valid email
address, as described in the item “Registration” below.
View rate (Ratio of unique Not applicable. Google forms does not provide the number of site or
survey visitors/unique site survey visitors.
Participation rate (Ratio of For University sample, we determined the participation rate by dividing
unique visitors who the number of entries (3582) by the number of emails registered in the
agreed to mailing list (11753) resulting in a participation rate of 30.5%.
participate/unique first Not applicable for Facebook sample as Google forms does not provide
survey page visitors) the number of survey visitors nor stores information of incomplete
Completion rate (Ratio of Not applicable; Google Forms only stores complete surveys, after the
users who finished the respondent submitted it through the “send” button.
survey/users who agreed
to participate)
Preventing multiple Cookies used Not used.
entries from the IP check Not used.
same individual Log file analysis Not used.
Registration The questionnaire requested a valid email address which was stored
together with the survey results to avoid multiple entries. In the case of
duplicate entries, the first entry was kept and the last was excluded from
the analysis.
Analysis Handling of incomplete Not applicable; Google Forms only stores complete surveys, after the
questionnaires respondent submitted it through the “send” button.
Questionnaires submitted No respondents were removed from the survey for completing the items
with an atypical too quickly.
Statistical correction Not used.
We constructed an online questionnaire using Google Forms to evaluate coconut oil consumption
and the public opinion on its effects on metabolic and cardiovascular health. The initial
questionnaire consisted of 13 objective questions. First, we submitted the questionnaire to major
experts in the field of metabolism and mental health as well as clinical dieticians developing
research projects in the field. After changes of the constructs composing the questionnaire, a
second round of submission was conducted to graduate students in order to provide feedback
changes for the final training version of the questionnaire, resulting in a new version with 12
Pilot Test
We tested the training questionnaire using an official Facebook page for the study, targeting adults
(age ≥18 years). The training questionnaire consisted of 12 questions, originally formulated in
Portuguese. An English version was translated, as, initially, the idea was to apply the same
questionnaire in a country on each continent. The Portuguese version was shared in Brazil and
an English version was shared in the United States and India (where coconut oil intake is
considered significant) [5]. In all, 51 people answered the questionnaire, 26 in Brazil, 19 in India
and 5 in the United States. The purpose of the pilot test was to assess understanding of the
questions and answer items and to examine questions with invalid or unsatisfactory answers.
From the analysis of the answers obtained with this pilot and the refinement of the questions and
answers, the official version of the questionnaire was elaborated.
Questionnaire Refinement
Based on the pilot test, we performed new modifications in the wording and response items of the
questionnaire in order to make it more comprehensive. The wording of questions with lower
response rates was revised. The final questionnaire consisted of 10 sequential objective questions
distributed in 12 pages (one question per page, home and email pages), with multiple-choice
answers where the participant could mark more than one answer. In each question, the
participants had the option of clicking on the “back” button to change their answers. Individuals
not using coconut oil were redirected to questions on sample characteristics and the reason why
they did not use it, answering only 7 questions. Questions were marked as forced responses
whenever possible, to facilitate statistical analysis. For forced-response questions, the option "I
prefer not to answer" was included to ensure participants the right not to answer. Since the Google
Forms tool only stores information after the participant finishes the questionnaire, we only had
access to entries in which the participant formally clicked the "send" button. All questions and
responses were examined by the research team to ensure readability and face validity prior to
survey administration.
2. Why do you use coconut oil (check as many alternatives as you want)?
( ) I like the flavor
( ) It’s the oil most commonly used for cooking
( ) It’s cheaper than other oils
( ) It takes longer to spoil
( ) It gives me more energy
( ) It’s healthy
( ) I don’t want to answer
3. What amount of coconut oil do you intake? Choose the alternative that
comes closest.
( ) Less than a tablespoon/day
( ) 1 tablespoon/day
( ) 2 tablespoons/day
( ) 3 tablespoons/day
( ) 1-3×/week
( ) Once every 15 days
( ) 1×/month
( ) I don’t want to answer
4. Which benefits did you observe by using coconut oil (check as many
alternatives as you want)?
( ) I did not observe any improvements in my health or aesthetic
( ) Weight loss
( ) Reduced waist circumference
( ) Improvement of cholesterol levels
( ) Improvement of glycemic levels
( ) I don’t want to answer
2. Why don’t you use coconut oil (check as many alternatives as you
( ) I don’t like the flavor
( ) I don’t think it is a healthy oil
( ) It’s expensive
( ) It’s hard to find where I live
( ) I don’t want to answer
( ) Other: ____
6. You are:
( ) Female
( ) Male
( ) I don’t want to declare
10. Do you want to receive the results of this survey? If you accept, we will forward
the results to the email you inform us.
( ) Yes, I would like to receive the results of this survey
( ) I'm not interested in receiving the results of this survey